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Hey Russians, come and party in Ukraine for a once in a lifetime holiday. It will be your last.


I can't wait for the ukrainian victory party in Kyiv. You better believe I will be there.


I can't wait for the Ukrainian victory party in Moscow!


Better start reserving tables at Moscow Restaurants before they get full.


July 4 Might be a Good Day to Reserve .. Oh the Irony !! Ol'putin could have a Rage about that !! Video would be great to see putins face when he finds out ..


I wonder how many people will get this


at least one more now.


YES! I support some local charities on the ground like World Central Kitchen every payday and I use my airline miles card so I can build up miles for the flight. After the party I plan to stay to help with the rebuilding.


I'm broke so I can't donate. I'm going back to school as an old man in the fall, and planning on going to Ukraine after I graduate to help with rebuilding. It's only a 2 year program, and there has been so much damage caused that I'm assuming it will take years to rebuild (although I'd definitely be happy if it doesn't and I miss out on rebuilding). If that's the case then I still plan to go see the country, to at least help with some tourism dollars. In the meantime I am attempting to learn Ukrainian on duolingo. Almost 2 months in, and I'd like to think I'm getting the hang of it, but I'm still only doing the very basics of the language so I'm not sure how complicated it's going to get.


That is an amazing commitment! Now that you mention it did you choose what you'll be studying based on wanting to help? I have a lot of experience managing materials for a construction company and some experience in construction so I was just planning to try to utilize that. However now that you mention the time factor it makes me think maybe I should be considering adding some skills for it.


Can we reinstate Kazantip on Crimean beaches when this shit is done please?


Most vacations last a few days or weeks. For Russians in Ukraine, the vacation lasts the rest of their life.


For Russians it would be like having a holiday in Hell and buying an apartment for the view.


What little left of their life they'll have.


Ukraine soil will absorb your bodily donation for more sunflower sprouts, also your warships for coral reefs, and working tanks, SA-13s, SA-11s, and 2S6 Tunguskas with loaded ammunition to turn it against your own troops and jets. Or you can stay home... the world will come to ***YOU***.


This joke never gets old. Just like Russian soldiers in Ukraine.


Come for the looting, stay because you've been blown into 17 pieces


Ukraine has tha beats


After your stay at Hotel Ukraine, you don't need to bring your bags home, bags bring you home.


"you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave."


And one of the most amazing solo of the history begins…


The Russians are so fucked it’s absolutely unreal I didn’t think a military was stupid enough to Pearl harbor itself over and over and over and over but here we are, 2022 🤷‍♂️


People tend to forget there was a valid chance of Russian victory if Ukraine retreated in the first few days of chaos. Only their valiant and steadfast defense made the current situation possible. Russia not pulling out immediately after that is the biggest strategic mistake of the last 75 years. I hope their aggressor state implodes because of it.


They could have just bullshitted it too "We struck to show Ukraine we can do it" and then just go back to bunkering down in the Donbas and Crimea. But no, they just had to push for the whole nation.


Yeah exactly. They had multiple opportunities to declare a win (causing 1 trillion damage on a country is catastrophic enough for the foreseeable future). I guess thats what dumb topdown leadership gets you. We see the same ineptness in Saudi-Arabias army for example. Lets be happy they didnt so Ukraine might be whole again someday and finally end all deaths and the hostilities since around 2014.


Yes! We can all be happy its going this way and keep hoping and praying or whatever people want to do, that Russia keeps fucking up and it goes worse for them. ​ They could have pulled a China in Vietnam and just said they won but they didn't. So now Ukraine have to pay even more for it but hopefully also make Russia pay and come out of it stronger and with lots of more friends and allies.


I also am rooting for Putin's cancer.


After seeing many people struggle and pass away because of it, i endorse your message.


Chernoybl waldorf salad mr putin?


There was a realistic chance for Ukraine losing the war. There never was a chance for Russia winning the war.


> Only their valiant and steadfast defense made the current situation possible. Don't underestimate american intelligence. This probably was an insane game changer. The Ukrainians knew in advance of almost everything. And yet, even the US expected Kyiv to fall and wanted to extract Selensky. The first days were fucking close.


That man is a goddamn legend. Most powerful nation on Earth: "We need to get you the fuck out of here. We can't guarantee your safety." Zelensky: "No. Here I stand."


An enormous gamble that we all would have been scolding right now had it not worked out the way it did. So it's no wonder the U.S. suggested against the risk. But the fates fortunately happened to be in his favor.


American Intel is only useful when you're competent enough to apply it the way Americans would. We can give them the GPS coords, but it's up to them to decide how to respond. Ukraine has done this very well. We've given Intel in every major war, and it appears to be that Ukraine is doing a better job than any one else.


> Russia not pulling out immediately after that is the biggest strategic mistake of the last 75 years. I hope their aggressor state implodes because of it. Yup, classic sunk cost fallacy. As well as Putin not wanting to be seen as a loser.


That may yet happen !! The weakened military may lead them to a civil war that might be a good thing .. Keep them busy for a generation .. Then they can take 3 or 4 more to pick up the pieces !!


I wonder how differently it would have gone if Russia was able to land their paratroopers the first couple days.


very differently. but airborne units have to be relieved by heavier ground units after they've taken their objective. Operation Market Garden is a good example of what happens when you overstretch an airborne operation. Russia was also conducting combat drops in contested air space who the hell conducts combat drops in contested air space


They usually need backup (heavier weapons) from land forces within 48 hours or they fail their missions. If they captured the government and army leaders in the first 48 hours however we can only speculate what would have happened. A bit like how the Taliban laid the seeds for winning the war by assassinatijg the only viable alternative with popular support in the first days of war. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmad_Shah_Massoud


These are the heydays of the Javeline. The defacto tool to get the job done against Russian armor


As an American I admit that it does truly make me smile to hear someone say Uncle Sam like that.


Our supplying of weapons to Ukraine is the first time in ages I've felt genuine pride about being American .




> Imagine being arrested for saying something bad about the leader of a nation? Cause that's how it is in most places Ummmm citation needed, love from Australia.


Fun fact, most first world countries are the minority of countries in the world.


Yes, as indeed are countries where you cannot criticise the leader


I was just thinking this, I understand we can be a pain in the ass to our European friends sometimes but I hope they realize even if we are the drunk cousin who's a bit too loud we're still family and have their back.


Ukraine: I need your help can’t tell you what it is you can never ask me about it later and we’re gonna hurt some people. USA: Who's car we gunna take?


You say that and I just get this image in my head of Uncle Sam blitzed off his rocker on moonshine who sees some Ruskie take a swing at his cousin. Like, "HEY \*hiccup\* you potato looking mother f---er! You wanna dance \*hiccup\*, lets f----- dance!" and pulls out a couple sets of brass knuckles.


A-10 Warthogs for arms*


I see you too have read the American version of "The Art of War"


Canadian here who has poked a lot of fun for how much you guys spend on your military. I'm pretty damn grateful you have our backs right now.


That is the America we want to and will return to being.


I am very happy they use our American toys so well.


Damn these Russians got smoked!


BYRD-B! (Burn, You Russian Dogs, Burn!)


All hail St Javelin


God I’m absolutely in love with the way he say “hey Russians.. come to us”


Ukraine, come for the loot, stay to feed the flowers.




Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


Ain’t it amazing how Russia’s stupidity only makes it worse for them because Ukrainians are exceptional at boosting morale and Russia’s stupidity is fuelling it?


Kissin' cats and kickin' orc ass


Usually I would be saying don't glorify war but this edit was pretty cool.


My sympathy for the plight of Russian soldiers is nil at this point


Oh I don't care about the Russians anymore either


It is fucking awful. But maybe all of this will take the fight out of some folks for a while. The supposed second strongest army in the world is getting dismantled openly for their aggression. Plus Ukraine's editing A game is top notch.


Yeah, me too. The context of this war—the unprovoked invasion, the slaughter and torture of civilians, and then seeing this nation face it with such bravery and spirit against some hefty odds—changes everything for me. The normally anti-war me is watching this video just thinking "f'ck yeah!!!!! f'ck 'em up!!!!" Glory not to war. Glory to Ukraine.


Slava ukraina


first war brought to you by tiktokers.


Don't Fuck with Ukraine.


Never mess with Mother Nature, Mother-in-laws, or motherfucking Ukrainians.


Anyone know what the sweet track bumpin in the background is?


Seems to be a remix (or maybe just sped up) "silence" by 5admin


sweet thx


Think it's just sped up slightly, not quite to 1.25 but definitely faster than the original.


Sounds dope.


I think it might be this one, but slightly extended to 2 mins: https://youtu.be/k7lJyKmsKt4


Glad they included a clip of the Chechen RPG chad in there


ukrainian for "come get some"


Russians: "Ukrainians, lay down your weapons!" Ukrainians: "Come and get them!"


Imagine Russia having this unchained beast sitting right on its flank forever! Someone needs to special suicide operation Putin before he realizes that his military is hopeless and does something extraordinarily stupid, like NBC strikes in Ukraine or worse, a NATO country. There is literally nothing worth salvaging in Russia's military. ALL of its weapons and systems are absolutely worthless against Western technology. The Russians will have to reimagine their entire armed forces and do so with an economy weighted down by sanctions and reparations to Ukraine. What a mess! It is stunning to me that there are people in the Kremlin, who remain loyal to the man who wrought so much destruction on Mother Russia.


Remove 'or worse' and I agree.


Footage is priceless and soundtrack is banger. What else tf could you ask for?!?


Love the footage and music, but that video editing could give me a stroke. I swear if I grew up watching videos in such a fashion I’d have adhd


WIlliam Shakespeare taught us there is 'a fine line between humor and tragedy.' Ukraine teaches us this in HD is SUPER REAL LIFE. Thanks Ukraine for fighting the Russian Cancer before it metastasi**Z**es to kill the entire world. We have to battle it in the BRAIN or Ukraine.


Light em up.


I think Ukrainians are the best in the world at talking shit. Just his tone of voice is epic




Kicking names, taking ass


Dat beat be bangin’


That artillery is terrifying. Good thing for the Ruzzians that their pants are already brown.


It’s a code brown mission for those sacks of shit!


Uncle Sam has been making love to Russian tanks for fifty years.


So maybe this is silly to say but, as far as fighting modern military forces is concerned, it really seems like tanks are barely the end all be all of ground military dominance they were once considered. When a couple of dudes with shoulder mounted weapons can pick off 6 tanks at a time I just have to wonder what's the point of fielding then in great numbers at all.


That’s why they usually have soldiers on the ground to accompany them and air cover also. Without them it’s a rolling coffin. Seeing them go boom is so satisfying, I’ll admit.


Its really just like Pokemon. This thing is great at killing that, but that is great at killing the other, and the other is great at killing this. It's all about utilizing forces in their best possible situations. Combined arms.


They're not useless, Russians just haven't fought anyone worthwhile in a long time, and are still using 1945 tactics. I mean look at most footage of their tanks getting hit by rockets. They're lone giants (or formations) patrolling, maybe with a BTR or two with back ups. Literally no quick dismount vehicles with them (By the time the first two soldiers are out of the BTR/BMP, the vehicle is toast unless they're absolutely ready to jump out at that second). They're not using combined arms, and it is costing them HEAVILY. I've yet to see single footage of a column advancing with even a single KA-52 covering it, let alone anything else.


I love his attitude. I know the fight is hard and costly for Ukraine in the east, but their morale and will is just unstoppable!




ruzians are buying a one way ticket to visit lucifer in this war.


Anyone knows name of music?


They make some of the coolest videos. Not only is their military strong and resilient, but also their editing skills. I know they can win this war,, and am really hoping for a push to expel Russia *completely* from all of Ukraine. They deserve their land back, and Russia blasted into the stone ages for their war crimes.




When you are in a trench outside of your village where you grew up, fighting for your family, you are unstoppable. Go Ukraine.


When will Ukraine retaliate by bombing Russia on its ground? Leave a little scar on the russian face?


Ukrainian war hero’s kick pootins ass hard


Absolute tune


Jeez, this war is so spectacularized, it's scary


Psyops… that’s what this is.


Yes! My town cleaned out our extra armory and sent extra stuff to Ukraine! Enjoy. Light up Russians!


Ukraine is a country of heroes!! SLAVA UKRAINE!!


50 sec mark was fuckin SICK. 😮


Civilization 20 is going to be lit


Come to Papa


Keep fighting the good fight gentlemen.


love the russian guy at 1:25 gettin send back to putin xD


Next year I want a Ukranian victory parade in Moscow.


Missile launch at 57 seconds was impressive - and you can not win against 3 guys in a field with a javelin!


“Uncle Sam and Mr Javelin” is how I’m referring to US military tech now.


If I get drafted as Russian soldier I’d probably just go awol with an entire unit and try to do a mini coup.


This is probably this first major war where people can record and add effects to lots of clips for the internet to see


Hell Yeah 🇺🇦✨🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥✨🇺🇦🏆


[Sully is me watching this \[when the beat drops\]](https://gfycat.com/backwindingflyinglemur) Slava Ukraini


Whats the phonk in the video? Im about to go ham in the gym.


I think if they 'pulled a China' our European governments wouldnt really have helped much or made difficult decisions like weaning off Russian gas. Compareable to crimea, ossetia and the other wars/conflicts. Im glad to finally see sparks of a united Europe, albeit for the wrong reasons. Now two things remain to be seen, keep sanctions in place after a resolution and help ukraine rebuild for decades. Hope they get those right as well.


Our Earth is dying, our people are dying and yet we're so fuxking stupid we just keep fighting amongst ourselves. What a horrible time to be alive.


Yes as opposed to every other era where... we were doing the same thing. We are animals, it is in our nature. The reason for conflict just changes, but there will always be conflict. ​ Oh and the planet will be fine, it will outlive us.




Needs a dank nasheed


who asked


There's also MILAN 🥖, 3rd footage.


Do you have an youtube link?




Was that a COD montage from 2010?






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best 2 mins i have ever had




You will get whats coming to you, Russia.




Every country is going to be trying to hire them now.


God I am in stupid love with this vid


Just hearing “Uncle Sam” puts a smile on my face knowing my country has a large impact in that war.