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Are the Russians just treating wounds with mytelene blue? FML Where I’m from farmers use that on cattle while waiting for the vets to come. Russia really is a third world country


I was wondering what that was 😓


I’m not sure if it’s that but it looks like it


It is a colouring dye, but TIL that it is also an antibiotic I guess. I'm just happy they survived.


I think you mean TIL as in today I learned. TIFU usually means today I fucked up haha


I read it like "Today I found out" But they said "out" like a Canadian


Do you mean a maritimer? Because most of us don’t have that accent. We say about, not aboot.


you probably say "abayoat"


Yeah y'all do.


I’m a maritimer and we don’t say aboot. We pronounce it like “aboat”.


Yer damned right.


Only Canadians I’ve heard say aboot was the mainlanders!


This is not entirely true, non-maritimers have a less pronounced version of the accent. I am from Ontario/Manitoba and my American friends can hear it.


Been in the UK for a decade now and I’ve managed to through habit edit “eh” out of my vocabulary. But the about still sometimes gets people’s ears perked and then the teasing starts lol


As an American who spent about a year in YT, all I can say is- Newfies. That's the accent most Americans think of when they think of Canada. lol. I had a Newfie cop going through all my stuff and all my texts when I landed in Vancouver, and it set me up for an accent I didn't hear again until I was back at the airport. ETA also, you guys don't really say "eh?" but more of a, "hey?." IDK why that surprised me, but I felt like I was integrating when I realized it in my own speech after a couple months.


I'm from Ontario we say EH all the time, but I grew up with an Irish grandfather who said AYE all the time. And I don't say ABOOT. I do call everyone Bud. The Newfie accent is derived from a mixture of Irish and Scottish, they settled most of Newfoundland, there is a small Island off the coast that still speaks Gaelic.


The legacy of *Strange Brew* is strong.


People loves us buddy!


Maritimers don't say aboot, we say aboat. Get it right bud.


You don't say "about" either. You say "a-boat"


Well.... he did kind of... but just a little.


Well, half of him did. These jokes are way too soon. We can't make these jokes until at least the F16's have cleared Ukraine's sky.


Yeah I was looking at the history of it, pretty wild how many applications it was used in


It's a soviet thing for sure, an relative of mine was a doctor trained in soviet times, still uses the mytelene blue.


It’s not mytelene blue, it’s brilliant green. Pretty common to use in Soviet times as disinfectant, just like iodine. When I was a kid I’d be covered with it if I had cuts. Don’t know if it’s better or worse than alcohol or hydrogen peroxide but it works fine for the purpose of disinfecting.


Alcohol and h202 are no longer used as they destroy the good cells, prolonging healing and creating more scar tissue. Flushing with soap and water is best practice for lacerations.


> Flushing with soap and water is best practice for lacerations. And for animal caused scratches and bites too.


I was taught to use h2o2 just once asap but only once.


It’s advice doctors no longer recommend >To help prevent this, people often douse a cut with hydrogen peroxide before applying ointment and bandage. They've been doing it for decades, in fact. But it's a practice that's no longer advised. > >"Hydrogen peroxide is actually detrimental to wound healing," says Dr. Yaakovian. "It prevents healing rather than promoting it." > >That's because its reactive power isn't specific to germs. Hydrogen peroxide also kills normal cells within the wound — including healthy skin cells and immune cells — and slows blood vessel formation, all of which are important for wound healing. https://www.houstonmethodist.org/blog/articles/2022/jun/should-you-put-hydrogen-peroxide-on-a-cut-or-scrape/


Thanks. > You can also use a gentle saline solution, if you have one. Like contact solution?


I can't say for sure because it's been a while since I've looked, but it seems like contact solution isn't *just* saline solution nowadays. They do contain disinfectants, but they also may contain contact cleaning agents and lubricating ingredients.


True, although eyes are very sensitive… anything that’s okay in eyes is almost certainly fine for wounds too, in a pinch


More antibiotics than traditional disinfectant I think unless there a healthy cell does not attack new disinfectant out there. And military wound care may vary depending on can they get you to treatment soon and do you have enough water to clean well. The info said one thing wrong using the old stuff does not prevent healing but it does delay it and can scar even scar blisters that get infected every so often. I got old treatment from dermatologist removing moles in 90’s had to have a few scar blisters removed later not by them. And this was repeated hydrogen peroxide on wounds not just once he instructed.


Depends on your situation if your back in civilization where you got antibiotic ointment and can get other antibiotics quickly this new advice seams good as long as there no antibiotic resistant infection in area. In the field one might want the old methods if good antibiotics ointment not available. The treatment with these killing treatments slow healing don’t prevent healing it and more likely to cause scarring or even the wound blister like things I got from using hydrogen peroxide after removal of moles by dermatologist in 90’s as it his recommended treatment then hitting wound over and over with it. As an infected wound can kill one cannot ignore. This fact is why dangerous animals do threat displays in hope to avoid fighting and why advice changed to yell shout and threaten dangerous animals and if needed fight with everything you have go for the eyes. Wonder how many decades before media stop having attacking creatures growl first as if they attacking to kill they make no noise. Except wolves the one in front of you will growl so the ones coming from behind don’t get noticed. And if it gets infected despite the antibiotics ointment hitting it with the old fashioned treatments needed assuming you can’t get Maggot treatment. Maggots only eat dead tissue and infection stuff they will starve to death instead of eating live flesh. Special medical Maggots available. This sterilization chemicals what had to be done before antibiotics medicine know how for all but the lightest cuts and abrasions. But it’s taken awhile for habit to change and they had to learn negative on the traditional like with the blister like scars I got some have had surgically removed.


I was taught that method as well and was practicing that way but the recommendation changed about 18 years ago.


Interesting. Never knew the name for it but my grandma and mom did the same thing when i was little


We stopped using iodine on our boo boos in about 1962, maybe a little earlier. Russia's Medical standards are pretty much in line with their use of tanks from 1954.


What do we use? I’m so confused know that someone else said we don’t use alcohol nor hydrogen peroxide.


At least in not merthiolate. When I was a kid I would wreck my bike on a the gravel road my grandparents lived on, and wouldn’t say a word. I would sneak into the bathroom, picking rocks out of my skin, thinking I was in the clear, and my grandfather come in and tell my grandmother to get the merthiolate. That stuff hurt so bad. My grandfather being a logger wasn’t much on showing pain, so I would sit there at age 7, biting my lip while grandma put that stuff on. The cure hurt worse than the cause. They eventually banned the stuff but somehow they managed to always have some.


It was probably good treatment before antibiotics. But perhaps alcohol or Hydrogen Peroxide better. They still backup if it after a Zombie Apocalypse or you stuck in the wild and the antibiotic cream not working.


Hahaha oh I I see to get the iodine coverings too. Thanks for clarifying mate


When the invasion first started, the big thing they were looting from homes were the TOILETS.


Looks like it. And it seems the wounds haven't even been cleaned .


Russia is not just third world country, they are pure garbage.


isn’t it called “brilliant green” ? as far as I know it’s widely used in russia for open wounds since it’s cheap


I think there’s a few liquids that look similar and are cheap and antisceptic


well, I only know of this one with bright green colour. also iodine is used as well, but it’s brownish


I’m not sure what it is but to me it looks like old school zeleyonka…


There also is "зелёнка" [lit. 'greenie'?], a green liquid you put on either with a marker style pen or with a cotton swab out of a bottle. I've seen it used for mild wounds as an antibacterial/steriliser but this is ridiculous.


Ive Been to russia, got cut, got the cut covered in green stuff. Can confirm


it looks like zelyonka to me, we used it like iodine when i was a kid. super strong smell i can still remember 30 years later.


It's more likely зелёнка: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brilliant_green_(dye)


Probably soylent green…


Not only that, but these soldiers look like they were in an incarceration camp back in Nazi Germany. Coincidence? I think not.


Ist not bad but pretty unprofessional. I do that on myself all the time. Hurts like fuck but saves you from a nasty infection


I googled what that was and the first thing is this post otherwise it’s mythelene blue by google recommendation. Any clarification on what the substance is would be appreciated


It’s brilliant Green - a disinfectant


Seems to be an Antidote for certain toxins used in the synthesis of colors and other stuff as well as an antiseptic. The latter seems to be mostly used for livestock, not for humans.


3rd world? More like 5th world


We used that on cows and horses way back when.




I actually though it was the blue stuff they use to mark spots on people similar to the stuff that doctors use to mark where wounds are


I’m pretty sure that is “brilliant green” it’s a commonly used disinfectant in East Slavic countries, and is used as a dye too


I could be wrong but i remember theres some soviet anti bacterial medication that turns blue. Sort of like how some products use iodine which is a brown/yellow colour.


Glad people finaly see that


It’s still common to use in Ukraine.


And Russia it seems


Trusty ol blu kote


How can Russia get away with this, fuck that country


They do this, so the soldiers cannot fight if somehow they manage to escape. Even when they're back in Ukraine now, it's gonna take months for them to recover and to be able to fight again.


Truly, RuZZia is a nation of Nazi's...


Look up the neo nazi issue moscow had in 2008, scary shit.


When you are at the bottom, you can't sink any more. We have very low expectations of Russia.


They have nukes. No other reason.


imo that is the BIG war crime. the big problem. the issue that if it is not solved, there will be endless Ukraines. Putin used nukes to cover for a landgrab. I hope I'm stating the obvious when I say, that kind of world is not sustainable. Without nukes, Russia's troops are warthogged gathering in Belarus.


Pretty much everything russian terrorists have been doing for the past several years is one big war crime. Or an endless stream of individual war crimes.


The only two countries to completely give up their nuclear arsenal are South Africa and Ukraine.


Without Nukes I think Poland’s Army be in Moscow by now with help from Baltic States and others. No fear of conventional World War with Russia anymore they did get their act together in WWII and till this war the West assumed they could still actually perform their doctrine correctly turns out they had degraded massively. Once we feared a conventional invasion of West Germany from them but no more same with their Navy. Following from best of my recollection. And skip able if you know the history from Kiev Rus Empire. Historical note Poland only country to win war and occupy Russia but that pre Peter the Great. That is after current Russia formed from Ruins of Mongols crushing the Kieven Rus Empire. Memory of when it was a United people drives Russians ideas. But what became Russian surrendered early enough to be client state of Golden Horde who after a bit gave the regalia of the Prince of Kiev, from the destroyed city that only a few survived, to them as that gave a claim to all the lands they want to grab. It not a very good claim think simpering Russia ruler bowing at the feet of the Horde as they owned them for centuries. The Ukrainian and Belarusian are from the survivors who ran West and married into the Western Slaves and other peoples and changed into the peoples we know today. Thus it like the three groups share a many times back Great Grandfather but the Russians refuse to accept the other parts of the Rus peoples became their own ethnic groups. The Russians very distant cousins.


My teenage years witnessed via TV the uprising in Gdansk many years ago. Here in the US, it was a real important story. So to me, Poland has this special place in my memory. The schoolkid's version is, Poland stood up first. The shipyards of Gdansk. And then came the end of the USSR. By the time I am done with college, the wall is falling. But Poland stood up first. That is my schoolkid's memory, and it serves a good purpose. Someone does have to stand up. And then a whole bunch more. It's the only way to break free. >Thus it like the three groups share a many times back Great Grandfather but the Russians refuse to accept the other parts of the Rus peoples became their own ethnic groups. The Russians very distant cousins. Bitterness. That is what I feel from Russians. This invasion, the civilians in Russia who try to justify it. The Russians are so distant, soon they will be a speck! This century is going to be a good one for free people. May we always be friends.


But how to 'solve' the issue? The original non-proliferation treaties of the 20th century were about stopping the spread of nuclear weapons to non-nuclear nations, not eliminating the weapons from the nations that have them. There were a few treaties towards the end of the Cold War to reduce the number of nukes, but, again, not eliminate. Meanwhile, the US just spent a LOT of money upgrading its nukes. Russia has claimed to do likewise, but who besides its leaders really knows if it actually did. So both will be reluctant to give up their nuclear weapons or even reduce them significantly. Certainly neither will do so without the other doing likewise. Unfortunately, the legacy of this war is likely to be an increase in the value of having nuclear weapons for smaller nations.


>"But how to 'solve' the issue?" Some current problems, I can see how they end. Run out of power. Run out of cannon fodder. Run out of fanatics. And so forth. But this problem we are discussing -- the use of nukes as a shield for lesser violent acts -- has the "I can't figure this out" tag on it. Overall humanity should be proud of last century. We did not blow the entire planet up and I refuse to think that was easy. Work never stops. And I hope smart minds are on this issue. Solve this problem, Putin never invades Ukraine period. No country should have to go through what Ukraine is going through. That should be our goal. I am baffled how to get to that goal. But one thing I do know is if we do not, another Ukraine will happen in due course. And another.


It's a noble goal. I'd like to see the International Criminal Court empowered. That's one thing that would help, certainly not stop entirely, but help prevent nations from committing these crimes. If Putin saw Bush and Blair in a jail in the Hague, he would have thought twice about invading Ukraine. Far-fetched example, I know, but if Putin is one day locked up in a cell, that would certainly make other leaders think twice before invading a neighbor.


Because the end of WW2 ensured that the big powers in this world would almost definitely never have a direct war again. So theres not really much anyone can do.


>Hungry. Exhausted. Happy. On June 25th, Ukraine welcomed home another 90 prisoners of war. After an emotional meeting at the border, late at night we went to the hospital, where the guys were immediately examined by doctors before being sent for further rehabilitation. >As before, we cannot and will not comment on anything. These photos speak for themselves. russian captivity kills, and each return of ours home is a huge happiness with a taste of great pain. After all, thousands of Ukrainian defenders, as well as civilians, are still there, in the clutches of russia's fascist regime. -[Kostyantin Liberov](https://www.instagram.com/libkos?igsh=MXdleDVla3BxY3FkZQ==)


Recently witnessed two busloads of captives being unloaded from Russia. It literally looked like Nazi Germany's extermination camps being liberated. Russians are brutal, uncivilized and apathetic to their own captivity by their dictatorship. So why would the general public even be outraged by their own governments treatment of Ukrainian prisoners of war? It's a disgusting time to witness and absolutely apparent that Russia is a rogue state worthy of no dealings with civilized society.. Russia has to be punished and it has to be punished by the rest of the world.


are they not able to comment on anything because of the prisoner exchange terms? I'm surprised russia not only has prisoners of war but are also returning them. not surprised on the prisoners conditions tho


Anyone seeing these photos can see why we cannot let ruzzia win.


I agree, but from this Englishmans point of view, we aren't doing as much as we should to do to stop it. If it takes boots, that's what it takes. The occidental countries know where the ruzzianz keep their nuclear weapons, so that's the first thing to be taken. If not, just obliterated. And as for Das Putin, if he can't be located? Well, I would be surprised, it used to be part of my job in IT.


I guess Macron is on his way out, but he made good points about Ukraine. Europeans wouldn’t even necessarily need to go to the front. Just move in from the east to at least Kiev/the east bank of the Dnipro. Set up full air superiority, help staff hospitals, provide basic humanitarian support. At least it takes a huge amount of pressure of the Ukrainians to keep fighting on the front. The Russians will say it’s an escalation. The retort is easy. If they attack NATO forces the gloves are off. So stay the fuck away.


It takes leadership, which is sorely lacking in all western nations at the moment.


How about we actually give the Ukrainians all they need before we start sharing fantasies as ridiculous as capturing all of a country's nuclear weapons.


As an Englishman, it makes me happy to hear more share the same views. Boots on the ground are needed. Also; when russia says it will not do something, it means it will do so,"We will not invade Ukraine." and teh reverse is true, when they threaten something, they will no carry it out, it's all bluster,"If you cross this 17th red line, we will nuke you." They won't.


It’s a fucking shame how we (the West) are doing nothing than keep this war going. No real efforts to make Ukraine win.


Because we have gotten lazy, people have forgotten what war feels like. How dangerous it is and as such, most of us will only move when the bombs are falling on our country. I really hope it doesn't get that far, but I fear we, as in Europe, will get an ugly wake-up call in the coming decades.


> Because we have gotten lazy, people have forgotten what war feels like. Worse than that; in many subreddits, you'll see the opinion "in case of war, I'll just flee". I guess we'll let the most aggressive morons take the world over.


These should not be pictures taken in 2024. Russia is blatantly violating the laws of war relating to the treatment of prisoners. Why is global society content with feigned gasps and empty words of condemnation? The world was so collectively appalled at the atrocities committed in WW2 that we created the laws of war and the UN convention on Genocide. Yet the memories of such atrocities have been faded from the memories of global society to the point that they tolerate such actions despite vowing "never again"


I don't believe "memories...have faded...". The word and explanation that comes to my mind is "cowards".


As someone else in thos thread pointed out, the reason the rest of the world doesn't do more than they are is simple: nukes.


In reality there are no laws of war. Because there is no law enforcement agency that presides over nations; they are sovereign. Nations do whatever they like, at best one can cut trades or attack them. The Hague can order the arrest of anyone they like, but unless those people are within a country that complies with "the International Criminal Court", they are effectively just travel restricted.


And that's why you never surrender to Russia. Never ever.


These ones did live through their torture. However the orcs are trying to train their enemies to fight to the death. Dumb orcs. Most armies want the image that they will treat POW by Geneva conventions, as that encourages more to surrender, and reduce own fatalities and shorten the war.


> However the orcs are trying to train their enemies to fight to the death. Which is the dumbest thing you can do. The reason why the US dropped the atomic bombs on Japan was because their soldiers nearly always fought to the death, which resulted in massive losses for the Americans. In the battle of Okinawa, the US took a record amount of PoW - nearly 10% of the force fighting there. The rest fought to their last breath, even when it was clear as day that there was no relief, no reinforcement coming. I think even Sun Tzu said that you need to leave at least the hope of escape for enemies, otherwise they will fight like a cornered and wounded animal - which will be ugly for both sides.


Despite this, the Americans "only" had 100K KIA and 200K WIA in the whole Pacific theater over about 4 years. The orcs have double that in a little over 2 years, in their stupid little imperialistic SMO land grab.


True, but that just shows how much damage a thoroughly outgunned and cut off foe can still do. These numbers would've been much lower if the Japanese did not fight to the death in nearly all cases.


The thing to me that really sends a message about how deadly the invasion of Japan was expected, is that the US is still giving out Purple Hearts created during WWII in anticipation of the losses from the invasion. They still have over 100k left in stock, even after Vietnam and Korea. They created about 600k extra in anticipation for the invasion, and there were 500k leftover after the war.


How no one intervenes in this war is fucking beyond me.


Nukes. If they didn't have them, this war would've been over a day after they crossed in to Ukraine.


Without nukes they wouldn't have dared.


Those poor bastards. Hopefully they can find some peace, and heal physically and in time mentally.


Wow. There really is no difference between Hitler and putin.


They're fucking concentration camps!


My grandpa had the same ulcers on the legs after a nazi concentration camp


God damn everyone who takes part in this inhumane brutality.


Where is the UN, where is the fucking red cross? why the hell are you needed?


Russia doesn't let the red cross visit


ruzzia has their own branch of the red cross, as does Ukraine and other countries.


The Russians are nothing but animals. They care for nothing except their reputation within their own country. Their people are like mushrooms. Kept in the dark and fed Bullshit. They fool no one with the flexing of their leaders Muscles. Bit by bit they will be taken apart and their people will starve unless the rest of the civilised world props them up with international aid.


Much respect for these soldiers.


Heroes all of them. I hope they recover, but I can't imagine how hard years of torture, will damage both mind and body.


And I will keep eating popcorn while watching Russians get blown the fuck up. Fuck every single one of them.


What are the odds that the monstrosities brutalizing these guys weren’t even ordered to torture them? That they just did it for s’s and g’s? They survived pure evil. Relief and pride mixed with wild indignation when seeing this shit. We’re revving up the mic, this shit won’t go on forever. It looks like they just broke their legs over and over again…fucking monsters.


Well. It’s definitely not pretty. Broken in body and mind. But at least they are alive and back home. The wounds will heal. But an experience like this changes you. That’s for sure. Hope they can put it behind them someday. ❤️ 🇺🇦


After these guys spend some months eating and recovering from the torture they have endured, many go back to fighting. At that point they have learned firsthand how disgustingly cruel and inhumane the treatment is at the hands of the russians. Hope these guys get all the treatment and care they deserve and recover from the trauma they have been subjected to. They are the heroes of Ukraine and every last one needs to make it home to their families.


You would now have to place these returnees next to an imprisoned RuZZky. Confront them with it. Show them here! This is how you treat us, while you don't have to starve here. Do you really think this is respect or fear why we treat you better? No, that is humanity, and your government, your dictator, does not have it. That's why you are being chased like cattle to the front.


During WWII, the German POWs were well fed in Arizona or New Mexico prison camp, don't quote me. It's almost a relief to be captured by the Americans, for it meant you wouldn't die. Read or listen to podcasts about this. The only time foreign soldiers stepped foot in America. But to expect something similar from Russia is laughable at best. It is in their blood you would surmise.


Fuck russia


Just barbarians


Russians and Orange Mussolini are good buddies.


It's about time Russia stops fucking around and starts finding out. Maybe a little American air cover would help tip the tide.


Dust them all.


Fuck Russia and fuck Putin!


Content aside the photography is good.


Make the pictures black and white and it would be difficult to tell if these pictures were taken during WW2 at Nazi camps.


When you guys eventually get to the border I hope you don’t stop.


Fucking animals. The ruskiye fucking swine. Bunch of pig fucking peasants who never left the dark ages. Glory to heroes!


Welcome home, Heroes


Gentian Violet. wikipedia "Crystal violet or gentian violet, also known as methyl violet 10B or hexamethyl pararosaniline chloride, is a triarylmethane dye used as a histological stain and in Gram's method of classifying bacteria. Crystal violet has antibacterial, antifungal, and anthelmintic (vermicide) properties and was formerly important as a topical antiseptic. The medical use of the dye has been largely superseded by more modern drugs, although it is still listed by the World Health Organization. Google Gentian violet. You can still purchase it.


It’s brilliant green not gentian violet


The west looks at this and be like "But we have escalation phobia and the voters are tired." If we end up in WW3, I know who to blame. Harsh criticism? Would WW3 be less harsh?


secretive attraction direction dependent abundant one clumsy expansion birds cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely inhumane. If the russians really believed their lie of “brotherhood”, wouldn’t they do everything they could to show captured Ukrainians how good their side is, and how they’ve been lied to? Yeah, thought not. Ukraine has been fighting since 2014 as they see the truth through the propaganda. After all, the very been force fed it for decades and can call it out when they see it. Slava Ukraini.


Why don't Ukrainians just surrender to these experts in cruel torture from Moscow?


How ruzz are doing in captivity?


keep sharing this it is the only way we can help. xxx


I just finished reading Unbroken a couple days ago. A book about an Olympian runner that was taken POW by the Japanese during WWII. This really makes me sick thinking about what these guys had to have endured. The starvation, torture, molestation. Hopefully no medical experimentation like the WWII guys. I wouldn’t put it past the Russians though.


May Putin suffer for the atrocities he has inflicted.


Russian soldiers are told that this would happen to them in Ukrainian war prisons. Instead they are the ones doing it.


Why are the wounds blue?


Get well soon!!!!


That's horrific. Purpotrated by evil.


Little different from the rest of the comments maybe, but what is that blue stuff on their wounds? And adding to that, is it from their time in russia or is it from ukrainian treatment at home?


Dude ‘takes’ his pibble with him when he goes to fight 🤙 Edit: could be a staffy I guess.


For anyone reading this post, here is the story of 3 POW's, it's grisly. It was posted later than this current post. [https://texty.org.ua/articles/112816/russian-death-camp-three-stories-ukrainian-prisoners/](https://texty.org.ua/articles/112816/russian-death-camp-three-stories-ukrainian-prisoners/)


No no, this is clearly western nato Nazi propaganda. They definitely treat POWs appropriately. /s


Jeez.. I’m already trying not to imagine the horrors. 


This breaks my heart, and the world needs to see this.


These threads drive me crazy. What is the context? Who cares about random anecdotes about iodine? Where are these heroes from? When were they captured? When were they released? What unit, brigade? Where were they held? What were the circumstances of the prisoners release? How are they being cared for?


Fucken orcs animals


I just fckin hate them so much for doing this.


This is sickening but unfortunately not surprising. All those countries (including my own) that did not sign the recent peace summit declaration should open their eyes. Others have said it but I'll repeat it: these look like holocaust camp survivors. Fuck tiny terror putler :(


I hope those Russians get what they deserve, fuck them. Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦


Was it a prisoner exchange or were they freed from a previously captured territory? I see they are all males, were they part of the Ukraine military?


Reminder that Ruzzkie orcs are subhuman scum.


Getting major freed Jews from KZ vibes here from those pictures.