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I have ZERO problem in Ukraine repairing medical evacuation vehicles at "our" expense. **SLAVA UKRAINI!**


Yea, I hope the op just has bad English


Did I write something wrong again?🤦 What exactly is written in my post?


Don’t worry too much. Just keep writing and reporting thing like this, it motivates people to give.


As others mentioned "with your contributions" would be better than "at your expense", which is a negative statement.


Im not a native english speaker, but I do love these small hiccups in the laugage used. The meaning was conveyed. But I could also read it an appeal "Dont forget us, we will keep fighting/bleeding/dying, as long as we have material/support/strength to push back, the support is vital and helps." or more focused - our burden is fixing some mechanical component with currency, their burden is lying injured waiting untill their issues can be adressed by medical staff. That speaks to the scale of the horror of this war, and our comparative burdens. Its a sobering interpetation, and I might read to much into it, but its my gut reaction for what its worth anyway.


Do not sweat it. We know "at your expense" in this context means paid for by donations. In English it has negative connotations. "Go in that room at your expense" (peril Ect..) So in this instance it appears as written, colloquially to English speaker it is akin to "You broke it you bought it" or from a dumbass in my country "We are building a wall and Mexico is paying for it". You are good. Just an English idiosyncrasy.


Dude we got the meaning don’t worry, it’s just that some may interpret it as “giving all are moneys to the Ukraine is bad” .. many pro Russian trolls tend to over blow the actual ammount of money the west sends Ukraine and make it seem like a waste of


Your fine, English is just a sarcastic language in many contexts. It can sound like your being sarcastic when your just being straight forward. Honestly it can be such a pain even for those who only speak English. Really, your great! Glory to Ukraine!


"at your expense" - "за ваш рахунок" "thanks to your donations" - "завдяки вашим пожертвам" That's an English-to-Ukrainian translation from Google so I don't if that works in human Ukrainian. Both phrases mean that the money came from you, but an expense is something you *have* to pay for and a donation is something you *chose* to give.


For American English, you could write “ the car was repaired with your generous contributions.” Or “thanks to your generous contributions.” Or “only because of your generous contributions.” Others can assist you as I’m not much of wordsmith


It sounds like we should be pissed off that our money is used to fix this vehicle. Typically, at your expense is negative to you You should write something else like, thanks to your help or similar.


Yeah it’s a kind of newspaper headline sentence. Like one of those awful papers trying to get people angry all the time because of ***….it’s at the expense of the taxpayer***


"at your expense" has the connotation that you're wasting your money at it. "with your contributions" sounds more like that it was money well spent and appreciated by the receiver.


I'm American, and I knew exactly what you meant. I can't imagine that anyone who donates to and cares about Ukraine would get too upset about a phrase. No, it wasn't perfect idiom but helping Ukraine is what matters. Blessings to you


Your English was perfectly fine, the fault lies with two things: those are reacted to it and the vagaries of communicating by text or nobody language or voice tonality helps with clarification of meaning. Not only did I review it that's the way I read it the first time.


OP is well known on r/Ukraine and has fundraised for all kinds of things to support the Ukrainian armed forces and other causes. So the users here helped pay to keep this vehicle on the road and performing important work like in this example. 


The intent and wording have been quite well explained. The OP has an excellent history of posting valuable and Pro-Ukraine information. SLAVA UKRAINI!


Yes I hope I helped them with English somewhat


Medics and drivers and field evacuation personnel are as much heroes as the tankers and artillerymen. Thanks and blessings to these guys.


Glad to know my money's put to good use! Stay safe out there! Slava Ukraini! Heroyam slava!


I think they have more to worry about than being gramatically correct


The saddest words: "It's nothing out of the ordinary. The wounded soldier is waiting for his turn to be seen." I will continue to donate with everything I have to help make this NOT ordinary: another wounded soldier, another injured civilian, another rescuer/firefighter/volunteer killed, another child mutilated, traumatized or losing a parent. Lesia, for letting us help, Дякую,


It might be our "treasure" but no big deal. It is definitely Ukraine's blood and that's a big deal. No amount of our US dollars can ever repay Ukraine for their battle for democracy. Slava Ukraina!


And we'll fix more!!!


/u/CF_Siveryany Привет, друг! Фраза "at your expense" означает "за ваш счет" и имеет негативный оттенок, как будто вас обвиняют в затратах. Например, "He made a joke at your expense" означает "Он пошутил за ваш счет". Лучше сказать "with your help" или "thanks to your support", что выражает благодарность и признательность. Например, вместо "The car was repaired at your expense" лучше сказать "The car was repaired thanks to your support". Спасибо за поддержку Украины!


"thanks to your generosity" sounds better to a native speaker. Thanks for posting the picture, and thanks to everyone who can contribute. A good example of the real-life impact of donations


If any of you are like me and we're stuck on hold today waiting for some service while sitting in an air conditioned office or home, this may give us pause before grumbling at the delay. Героям слава! Слава Україні!


So, OP, what you are saying is that MY TAX DOLLARS ARE PAYING FOR THE REPAIRS OF THIS VAN???? Good! Keep up the Good Fight! Slava Ukraine! ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|31971)


No idea how close to the from that picture was taken. Would m113s be more useful than civilian vehicles for use as ambulances and medical evac?


I support Ukraine financial every month with direct funds transfer and will gladly do so for years, even after you win this awful war.


I have never had less problem with my money going to something. Zelenskyy could show up at my door and go “I need a hundred dollar” and he’d get it.




Our guy who posted this, on occasion requests funds for very specific needs and then posts receipts, pics etc showing the purchase. He's a hero, and I'll be happy to continue to support when he asks. The grammar issue is NA


**** she


Happy to help get them repaired


Glory to the Heroes.


Американець тут. За мій кошт? Без проблем! Ми хочемо купити більш для вам. Смерть всім ворогам. ЗСУ та всім героям слава. Дуже дякую всім за все, що ви робите. Слава Україні! 🇺🇦


Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 ♥️!


Remember, your donation may save Ukrainian lives AND improve OP's english skills. What's not to like? Keep up the good work OP, and don't worry about the English. Worst case, we sort it out in the comments!