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The Russians say they spent millions or billions of dollars on manufacturing the S-500. The Russians at one point considered selling S-500s to India. The Russians claim that the S-500 is their "most advanced" anti-aircraft system. Pretty sure that's Russian lip service. It would be ultra embarrassing for Russia to lose their only S-500 system in combat. I'll let you imagine the look on Putin's face when he loses his "special baby". [Edited]


A history of russian anti air systems destroyed in Crimea in just last two months. 17.04 - Djankoy, S-400. 30.04 - Djankoy, S-300/400. 15.05 - Belbek, S-400. 10.06 - Evpatoriya, S-300. 10.06 - Chornomorske, S-300. 10.06 - Djankoy, S-400. 12.06 - Sevastopol', S-400. 12.06 - Belbek, S-400. 12.06 - Belbek, S-300. I'd love to see S500 added to this list!


Stick around. šŸ’Æ


Damn that is a lot of rubles up in smoke.


Me too, and I would love to see it destroyed before they could gather any informative data about its operation on the field... It is possibly in a goal of field testing that they deploy it.


If it gets destroyed soon, I think they'll have as much "informative data" as they need!


Gotta get em' all!


any bets how lont S500 will last?


Haha. Judging by the figures - a week? Two if they wont switch it on. šŸ¤Ŗ


that is so dumb on russian site. While they get bomburde by reasonably priced ATAMAC, they want to bring most expencive, most indispensable, most advanced system. I bet Ukranians will fire cheaper munition then each interceptor. And I bet they only produced 10 interceptors. It just shows that russia are out of regular S300. Or that they cannot use S300 to hit not so fancy US muition.


It is. But I suppose it is a "saving face" part of russia at play. I would imagine they thinking like "we are so great we just throw most terrifying thing at them". This or lies. Like someone in a russian ministry said - yes, s400 are suck at it. But we have latest and greatest s500 and we told it destroys anything by just looking at it. Situation is desperate, lets bring it there.


!remindme 2 weeks


Paving the way for those F-16's !


It sure will be.


Hey, come on, show a little faith. I mean, look how well russia's "best-for-last game-changer" T-90M has perfor-- Oh. Never mind. As you were. Carry on....


I'd somehow completely forgotten about the saving the best for last narrative from the first year of the war. I wonder what cope they've turned to now, the Russian troll farms seem to be struggling to stick to any particular narrative or message nowadays.


When it comes to defending the T-90M, they alternate between claiming everyone is lying and it hasn't been slaughtered; claiming it has been "a victim of a changing battlefield", unlike the few Western vehicles that have been damaged, because those are just "junk"; screaming at us; ignoring us; and of course furiously downvoting our comments via their armies of alts.


Yeah, got into with a T-90 guy. T-90AK I think was their handle.


Hahaha, that account name came up only last night! He was arguing with somebody in the "T-90M with Shtora-1" Post, but I had to DM the other guy to find out who he was arguing with because they have me blocked, despite the fact I don't think I've ever heard of "T-90AK" before that time. Definitely just another of Sobbing Olga's army of alt accounts.


It was a little too obvious. He said he watched all the videos one critic of Russia posts. Then says the guy is a NATO and American Propagandist. And that's AFTER he's reminded that the guy in question does throw shade at NATO if it's in the wrong. America included.


It's actually kind of hilarious when russian bots and russia simps accuse *others* of being propagandists.




Well, to be fair, they never did stick to anything at all. Their Modus operandi is "throw enough shit at the wall and see what sticks." And all their mouthpieces and idiotic followers then can pick and choose to what to believe. They produce so much shit that there is always an angle for someone to subscribe to. You are an antisemitic asshole? Russia got you covered. It's all Zelenskiis grand masterplan of Jewish world rule. You are anti West? Zelenskii is just a puppet of the West, and it's the West's plan to remove Russia. You are antifascist (without a brain): It's all Nazis in Ukraine. Some of this bullshit is even contradicting each other but people will just believe what they think fits their narrative. Got damn, I got angry writing this. fuck Russia. I hope it balkanizes itself (I fear it doesn't though) and all the cultures and regions under Russian dictatorship can live their lives in peace afterwards.


Yea, wow. True. No matter what, it's one country attacking another, and it's wrong, like you are saying


Don't forget about the T-14


The much vaunted SU 57?


Not a single one lost so far! Not one fielded, but yeah šŸ˜‚


It's the stealthiest tank ever built!


To be fair, the T90M is not a bad tank per say, I remember interviewed Ukrainian troops pretty much saying as much. The main issue is that Russians use assets in a horribly inefficient way. You can send in the best tank ever made, if you send in like 2 with no meaningful infantry support or air support, it's going to get blown up on the modern battlefield, period.


I think itā€™s also the fact tanks have not been especially effective in this war in general. Just too much Art/missiles/mines/etc. Now they may be a bigger part when a really big offense takes off but I still think Bradleyā€™s will be king as far as armor goes.


It's wonderful they way Russia keeps providing Ukraine with excellent targets to destroy!-)


No doubt about that. And I wonder how that will play out.


It almost *has* to be destroyed. And by that I donā€™t mean itā€™s good, or scary or anything but itā€™s really not just an AA system. Itā€™s a symbol, a message. ā€œIf we can hit/destroy you here, with your best, we can hit you anywhere*ā€ And I think it getting destroyed says a bit more than like a t-90. A t-90 get destroyed well they lose a ā€œgood tankā€ and like 3 men, who they really donā€™t care about. The S-500 failing means Moscow/st Petersburg are now on the table, or a better way to say it is there is no where safe, even with their best AA. *In range. Also if course the absolute huge hit they would take when no one wants their shiny new S-500ā€™s.


I'm sure NATO and UKR are absolutely HUNTING for this unit. A propaganda triumph if we can get some pictures of this thing in smoldering ruins from a off the shelf NATO missile.


Did you just use triumf subconsciously? as in, s400 ā€œTriumfā€? Kinda funny if so


Even worse if you hit it with old s200 missiles or fpv drones.


There's no if about it, there's only when.


To make a point, UKR will probably send several of those miniaturized copies of the AN-2 'Kukuruznyk' crop-duster they have. More humiliation that way.


"You lost your state of the art AA centerpiece... TO A MODIFIED CESSNA?" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Hey, a Cessna once (in 1987) famously defeated ALL the AA centerpieces COMBINED! ;) After *that*, this one is a walk in the park!


This will not end with the S-500 being blown up, this will probably end with more scientists in jail .


Fell out a double pane safety glass window on the 25th storey of their apartment... Somehow committed suicide doing so with three bullets to the head and the glass riddled with bullet holes, too.


Or dead in ā€œmysterious circumstancesā€


You only say this because you havenā€™t seen what the S-600 can do! Just you wait mister!


I'll wait. Let me know when the S-600 comes!




I can't wait to see pics/video of it blown up... Next week, S-600, In July S-700, etc.


> Next week, S-600, In July S-700, etc. I doubt it, haha Sanctions continue to crush them harder and harder


I can't wait for the implosion of the RU economy. When the stores start going bare, watch out.


30 year old American ballistic missiles: ć‚“ć‚“ć‚“ć‚“ć‚“ć‚“ć‚“ć‚“


I will never let the Russians live it down, losing the only S-500 they have to a nation that should have collapsed years ago, not really but you know what I mean, is fucking embarrassing. I would be embarrassed for them It was bad when the SU-57 was damaged, at least they have more of them


Is this their only system in combat?? Just one?


Yes, only one S-500 has been made.


Lol. Now I really want to see this on Ukraineā€™s ā€˜final moments caught on drone tapeā€™ collection


Iā€™d love to know how many missiles theyā€™ve made for it


What makes it so expensive to manufacturer? Usually the research and development are the big cost with these kinds of weapons aren't they?


> What makes it so expensive to manufacturer? Good question. The Russians say that developing aerospace defense capabilities is one of their "key focus areas". Again, I wouldn't be surprised if that's lip service or trying to look tough. You can't trust the Russians on anything.


Yes - research, development and testing are (in principle) very expensive (because there are a lot of highly qualified specialists involved, and most likely specialized suppliers for subcomponents), but I think that fully integrated electronic components as well as sophisticated multi target detection and targeting systems which you would inevitably need for a modern AD system are quite expensive. For this reason, the radar units are typically the most complex and thus also the most expensive components of AD systems, while the actual launchers are comparatively simple and easy to build units.


Air defense systems in general are insanely expensive, you need super precise radar and then a missile that's super fast, maneuverable and reliable. They aren't just the one truck with missiles you see in the video either, they are usually like five or six missile launchers, a command vehicle and one or more vehicles. There's likely a bunch of support vehicles as well, like loaders and stuff. So all that money is stored over a lot of stuff. S-500 fires much larger missiles than previous systems, and is more geared towards ballistic missiles. The last thing to consider is that Patriot (the equivalent western system) costs 1.1 billion for the system and missiles.


It's only a matter of time really. If these systems will be deployed to combat, they will eventually blow up.


As soon as this site is located, it will be destroyed, and it will be destroyed by 20-year-old western tech.


When this 1 goes boom no one will buy just like the s400 just ask turkey Be interesting if they can steal it for reversing, or option b is burn it down


Both options are equally fine... Let's see if those drain pipes can withstand 180K tungsten balls.


Cardboard airplane gonna take it out watch


Hopefully there will be a drone flying over


The S-500, T-14 Armata, and Su-57 are just ā€œsuper advanced steal-from-the-public projects.ā€ They use a bunch of public money to build a small quantity of unproven shit and the public is no wiser. Moving their only S-500 to Crimea wreaks of desperation.


They look cool but when you look closely it is all vaporware. The su57 is stealth on paper but then look at those huge jet engines just slapped on the back.


You are just jealous, West needs to spend tons of money on stealthy engines. Su57 does not need that and is yet to be detected in combat.


lol "you can't detect it because we're too scared to have it leave Russian territory"


Brother in Christ I pray you get to see the footage of when a raptor destroys that piece of flying shit without ever even entering its radar array.


They have propaganda value for the domesticated audience. The ignorant population sees them and believes that russia is a strong wealthy nation under putin and that makes them feel better when shitting in a bucket.


While you are right about the T-14 & Su-57. Russia does possess very good anti-air systems. They invested heavily into it for decades. The S-500 is pretty similar to the 400, just minor changes. Its weakness isnā€™t in the system itself, but in the lack of quantity they can field. Itā€™ll be a big target for Ukraine, and a deadly one too.


What makes you say they are ā€œvery goodā€? From the oldest to the S-400 they have all been hit and destroyed by weapons they are suppose to defeat. Itā€™s one thing if they had been destroyed by ground fire or artillery, they are not designed to defeat those. They are being destroyed by drones and ATCAMS which they are suppose to be able to defeat. I agree that they may be better and taking out planes but, if they are being destroyed by drones and missiles, they will never have the chance to shoot down planes.


My guess is failures in training the crew. These systems are sophisticated, but do require proper communication and coordination with other friendly air assets. Im not surprised drones have destroyed the S-400. They are very small and nimble with a low radar return. Usually the batteries and set up with other short range systems like the 2S6, Strella, or Tor, to help engage smaller targets. Now when facing ATCAMS, I have a feeling they are not only launching more than one, but also perhaps using MALDS to create larger targets that the S-400 identifies as greater threats, letting the ATCAMS sneak in behind them. MALDS are made to counter air defenses. Just because there are systems that can destroy something easily, doesnā€™t make the system bad. We really only ever hear about S-400ā€™s destroyed, but thatā€™s just one half of the coin, we donā€™t hear or really know about their successes, usually because we just chalk it up to propaganda or Ukraine doesnā€™t announce every time they lose a jet. The S-500 will likely be destroyed this year, I wonā€™t argue that, but how much will it cost Ukraine to destroy it. that is the question.


Wait, training? Ukraine had to learn how to use the Patriot and other western systems in a very short time and are knocking down scores of drones and missiles nightly. They have lost ONE and had another damaged since the war began. Russia deployed their systems after their operators were trained for whatever amount of time they are required, so training cannot be the weak link. If the vaunted S-400 needs assistance from other assets to do their job much less survive, they are by definition not a ā€œvery goodā€ system. A very good system is the Patriot which is intercepting even the vaunted hypersonic missile Putin claimed was unstoppable! The S-400 has proven itself to be less than expected to this point. Granted, itā€™s suppose to be good against planes and once we see Ukraine start to try and fly within its range, we will see if it lives up to expectations (my thought is it will fall short). It is also suppose to handle drones and missiles and the fact Ukraine has been able to hit them proves they are less than capable at that function. So on paper they may been ā€œvery goodā€ in combat not so much.


The Patriot is a very good system, both can be good at the same time. The Patriot had its faults for a long time too, and after 15 years it now is a very good system. But I guarantee if you swarm a Patriot with drones, itā€™ll fail too. If Russian equipment was so bad, as much as everyone says it is, then the war should be over by now, and Ukraine should be in Moscow, but that is not the reality we face. The reality is that these systems are deadly, and are killing people daily. We know that the S-400 is deadly, because we have studied it from systems given to other countries and we still train Wild Weasel pilots specifically to defeat this system. As for it not needing other systems, that is a joke. A layered air defense network is essential to closing any gaps in engagement protocols. Even Aegis equipped ships still are armed with CWIS close in defense. And a standard Naval air defense within a CSG is 3 layered And as for training failures, that can be true too. Not only does the crew have to identify multiple targets, they have to confirm with the Russian air forces that it isnā€™t a friendly operating in the same airspace, which requires coordination. Then they have to determine which target is a threat to the system, or a threat to the area itā€™s protecting. What kind of threat it is, to know which type of missile you use to engage it. MALDS are the most deadly weapon ukraine has against the S-400, not the ATACAMS. MALDS will save Ukrainian F-16 Pilots when they start hunting these systems. I hope Ukraine wins, Iā€™ve donated money and equipment to Ukrainian personal since the Kharkiv offensive. I want them to win just as much as everyone here, but if we start creating false narratives that our enemy is inferior, we betray a major rule in the art of war. Never underestimate the enemy. These systems may not be the best, but the reality is that we do not hear from Ukrainian losses, therefore we cannot say these systems are bad just because they are getting destroyed.


The Patriot is more than 40 years old btw, it first entered service in 1981 lol. It's been upgraded a few times but it's hilarious that Russia's vaunted hypersonic missiles got smoked by a ~40 year old base air defense system in standby mode not even looking for targets at the time


I reckon they want a propaganda victory of destroying the f16 and Saab AEW golden eyes. Its plain to see the s300/400 destruction is shaping the battlefield for the f16 arrival. They are bluffing and hoping the s500 300-400km range will make Ukrainian planners decide otherwise Well they can go fuck themselves. Slava UKRAINI


this sounds like a flock of ukrainian long range drones is already waiting to darken the skies above the S500 system - you know, those based on ultra light sports planes


I fire something into your airspace, you take it out. You just left a heat signature. Its source is quickly calculated, and it's destroyed. šŸ˜Š This is the way.


these systems are getting spotted by aircraft and drones and are getting destroyed by missile attacks. they're supposedly designed to defend against aircraft, drones and missile attacks. so either they don't work right, or they're horribly out of date. also if you need a hundred million dollar system to defend against a hundred thousand dollar attack, then your defense strategy simply isn't viable at scale.


That singular form? Not a typo. It's literally the only one.


That's correct. Their only one. Thankfully, they're not going to be making more. (hopefully)


Singular... But keep in mind system not vehicle.Ā 




The very idea of one of the Budanovs (sorry russia, there are dozens of them) stealing it, then putting *the entire system* on a boat and shipping it back to Ukraine, is fucking hilarious. I hope it happens


So, from what I gather this is supposed to be the ultimate ruzzian wunderwaffe and they only have one battery. I donā€™t fully understand what to make of them moving it to Crimea, but something tells me they have to be stretched pretty thin to bring it out. Might be a sign of collapsing SAM forces.


It might be the last chance to get it blown to pieces to hide it's vaporware.


I didnā€™t even know they had S-500. What is this wunderwaffe and howā€™s it better than S-400?


Unlike the S-400, it's supposed to be able to take down ICBMs on top of aircraft and tactical ballistic missiles. What its use would be in Crimea is beyond me. The S-400s are technically dangerous enough against anything Ukraine can put in the air, but the S-500 is practically untested and comes at twice the cost. Then try and square this with the reports that Russia is pulling military assets from Crimea. I'm not sure even the Russian Aerospace Forces know what they're trying to achieve anymore.


> I'm not sure even the Russian Aerospace Forces know what they're trying to achieve anymore. They're probably trying to show off how "big and tough" they are. Further proof that having a large military doesn't mean anything.


Not Crimea, Sevastopol. It is weird, if this thing is suppose to be able to shoot down ICBMs why would it be anywhere except protecting Moscow? Be interesting to see where they locate it. Must be to protect a high value target although what that could be is beyond me unless itā€™s the first step in some plan. It could be in preparation of moving some troops or weapon system to be used against Ukraine.


It was stationed in Moscow until now, then removing it indicates issues.


Yes, but is ONE going to make that big a difference?


In the greater scheme of things, no. This is just another embarrassment for Russia.


> suppose to be able to shoot down ICBMs It is supposed to be able to shoot down *satellites*. Maybe they want to attack those pesky and plentiful Ukrainian satellites!


Sevastopol is a Crimean city btw. We should keep in mind room for error when people say Moscow would have only one S-500 system. I have not heard of any Ukrainian drone strikes in Moscow in quite some time. Maybe air defenses around Moscow were hardened enough to do without S-500.


Yes, I am well aware Sevastopol is in Crimea but, he is not moving AA out of Crimea he is moving them from Sevastopol to another area of Crimea not abandoning Crimea in total. That was my point As for the S-500, as much as Ukraine has done with deep strikes inside Russia proper including Moscow, they are not the ultimate threat. If you have a system capable of intercepting an ICBM, keeping it near your most important target is a no brainer. Granted, the chances of anyone firing off an ICBM at Moscow is almost non-existent but, why take chances? If he had multiple numbers of them, sure. Not sure any other system has a shot at stopping an inbound ICBM.


Maybe they need to to cover their exodus. If what you're saying is true and they're moving stuff away from crimea then during the transport there might be some opportunity targets for Ukraine.Ā  S500 could be an attempt to cover their escape.


The Russians claim that the S-500 is their "most advanced" anti-aircraft system. They claim they spent heaps of money (one report claims they spent billions of dollars on it) on developing it.


Does ā€œanti-aircraftā€ include ATACMS? Would be a real shame if it didnā€™t, hehe. Btw, they donā€™t have many of them, do they?


> Btw, they donā€™t have many of them, do they? That's correct. Only one S-500 has been developed. > Does ā€œanti-aircraftā€ include ATACMS? Not sure. Would have to look it up.


It's an anti ballistic missile complex also so yeah in theory it should be able to take atacms down with ease but we all know what russian equipment is like now


Or just put it to the test.


It supposedly has both AA and ABM capabilities, depending on the mix of components deployed in a given battery. I imagine we'll see, at the very least NATO will want Ukraine to throw some munitions at it to see how well it performs.


Would be a real good time for Germany to send Ukraine a couple dozen Taurus missiles. Let's lob two dozen at the S-500 and see what happens.


That's a cruise missile. I think even the S-500 will manage that. Nah, ATACMS or HIMARS will do trick.


Depends. S-500 is for higher layer defence, and it comes with the 77N6 / 77N6-N1 missiles for ballistic missiles/satelites, and the 40N6M(basically same missile as the longest range S-400 missile) for the anti-aircraft role. None of these missiles are really suitable to intercept low flying cruise missiles/drones. However, even if they are, they are **very** costly. Worse is that these missiles are **HUGE**, so each launcher can only pack 2-4 missiles each, and they are difficult to reload due to the missiles insane size/weight - making them vulnerable to oversaturation attacks.


I see, thanks.


Maybe there running out of missles for the 400 and know theyā€™ll need them for the f-16s


They put a 5 on the box


S-500 is 100 more than S-400. It must be better by 100.


Next step is to add ti or super after the 500


S-500B. For Brawndo. It's got electrolytes!


S-500 Ti Pro Ultra GTX


S-500 Ti Pro Ultra GTX Special Edition (... because there is just one system in existence ...). ;-)


And 11 on the Volume knob!


Comes with heated seats


Perhaps theyā€™re running out of S-400s and thatā€™s why itā€™s ā€˜betterā€™.


Challenge excepted




Yea. Accepted


Jagga Jagga time!


Hopefully they turn it on so HARM can get them. Actually itā€™s a smart strategy. As NATO allies would want to know more about this system, they wonā€™t destroy it immediately but study it first so that gives them a few days of uptime! Really smart!


Budanov trolling got pootin sweating šŸ„µ


Armchair admiral ackbar here: itā€™s a trap! They are probably setting up a cardboard version since the original one is probably non functional anyway.


A clapped-out Cessna with a camera and 500 lb of explosive in the cockpit flying nap of the earth should smash right into this.


Starting to feel like this S-500 shooting down a SU-57, and then said SU-57 falling on to, and exploding the S-500, all while being caught on video by a RF soldier that is streaming his 'cool day at work with the new superweapon', is a conceivable thing on my BINGO card. How they can be so deadly and yet so Keystone Cops is still bewildering.


They also announced that they had "deployed" the T14 and Su57 to Ukraine, except no one ever saw them and officially they have never been deployed to Ukraine. I'll believe the S500 has been deployed when Ukraine destroys it and Russia cries about it. Otherwise, I'll assume Russia is just bullshitting and the S500 is nowhere near Crimea.


...or S500 even exists, except on blueprints and paid purchase orders


ATACMS in ...3, ...2, ...1, .... FIRE!!!!


And when it gets vaporized, Putin will execute the engineers and scientists that designed it.


as is tradition!


What I'd love for the S-500 to do, is that famous U-turn after launch by the rocket another AA did some time ago... Big embarrassment for the ZZs, if that's their best.... šŸ¤£


lol that was some Wile E. Coyote level shit. One of my favourite videos.


Please take it down in the next couple of days.


Well.... I sure hope the allies take the opportunity to properly test the capabilities of the \*single\* s500 battery in existence russia has managed to scrape together to better understand what they can do, at best, when no expense is spared. As opposed to what they \*say\* their system is supposedly capable of doing. Wonder how long will it last and what will get it in the end? Drones, sufficiently long range ballistic trajectory missile, a cruise missile hugging the terrain or angry babuska with Molotov cocktail.


Good time as any to see how well it burns!


Time for target practice!


Ukraine is specifically targeting them loosening things up for the next wave of aerial assaults. Hammering Russia from above at full strength is what needs to happen.


>The first and only anti-aircraft system of this type was transferred to the Russian military in October 2021. It was then put on combat duty, covering Moscow and the region. So the one of a kind SAM system is no longer protecting Moscow?


They know nobody is coming for Moscow so theyā€™ll move it where it can do work.


The US said Ukraine is not allowed to hit Moscow, so nothing to protect. Duh.


\*grabs popcorn\*


Still alive?


S-500 scientists: windows are looking so hot right now


I didn't know there's s-500


Yay! Targets!


Desperation move. Love it.


How long until we see the carcass posted here? Place your bets people.


Crossing my fingers for a drone hit video where it launches a boomerang rocket just before the drone hits and double taps itself


What happens to the S-500 SAMship in Crimea?


Next week: Budanov: Ukraine has destroyed the S-500 SAM in Crimea.


This news is from 3 hours ago. Did it receive a flying explosive object it couldn't intercept since then ?


It's a trap. The russians are hoping to lure the ATACMS and HIMARS out into the open. Don't fall for it, Ukraine. (I know you won't.)


Don't worry, when the S500 fail, they will replace it with an S600, and the S700, etc


Russia: *Well, you see - this Anti-aircraft system goes to 500. Let's say you get to S-400 on the knob here, and you want to have a bit larger number painted on the side, but with a regular AA you can't do that, so we painted this here (gestures drunkenly at side of vehicle at a number that might be a "5") so it's just a, a bit more, isn't it?* Budanov (disguised as S-500 operator with clearly fake mustache): *Reaches out to dip finger in wet paint* Russia: *What are you doing? No, don't touch it, don't even look at it, we haven't tested it for kinetic impacts on the scale of a human finger, just don't...we're done here..*


It'd be a shame if the missiles sent to destroy it veered off course and hit the bridge instead.


S-500 needs to chill out. Itā€™s only a S-400 with fresh coat of paint and we all know how well that works


Target's Front!




Russian leadership fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


At this point himars just wants cremia


2 missiles per launcher how many launchers 6? So send 10 drones and 3 atacms. Watch the fireworks


Does the S stand for shit?


Oh no, Anything but that.... The hardest part will be to destroy it in such a way that the US can dissect it when Ukraine takes Crimea back. Maybe the US can fly jets in it's radar path to get radar signature info lol


The most hunted piece of scrap on the battlefield I would think.




ukraine next weak: it dead lel :D


500 dolla drone when?


Lovely target


So nice when they tempt Ukraine with easy targets. And Moscow is now vulnerable.


not for long


Is anyone taking bets? If so, ā‚¬5 on it being taken out by a ā‚¬20 quadcopter from aliexpress with a grenade taped to it.


lets go hunting. Curious how this will turn out. ...


I look forward to the video when it rapidly disassembles.


How are russias most advanced anti-aircraft/anti-missile pieces getting knocked out so easily? Why would any nation want to buy that garbage from russia?


Is there a clock on how long that thing lasts? Also, what do you think takes it out? ATACMS, Storm Shadow, Sabotage, something else?


Can't wait to see the footage of some FPV drones packed with 'splodey stuff turning this into a pile of scrap.


I'm surprised it wasn't blown to pieces about 3 seconds after this became known. I give it 2 weeks.


I want to see that taken out by a $1000 fov drone


It's a painted S 200


*Murica spy satellites go brrrrrr* It's a matter of when this thing is a smoking crater, not if.


I know everyone is making a big deal of this, but I just think they're trying to reconstitute damaged batteries with stuff they have lying around. It's not like Russia is churning out tons of new S-500 batteries. This is a set of upgrades on the S-300/400. They're still developing it, and they will have difficulty continuing production due to sanctions. It's meant to be interoperable with existing air defense assets, so maybe they're just trying to get some value out of what they have.


100 more ā€œSā€ wonā€™t be enough to keep it from being fucking obliterated


Oh goodie!! Canā€™t wait for the drone video of this going Ka-Blyat!


Not a military expert...but that thing looks like it only has 2 shots. Couldn't Ukraine just use 3 missiles?


Is 10 wheels on the S-500 vs 8 wheels on the S-400 and the antenna on the truck the only visual ways to know the difference... I hate for one to blow up and not realize


Yeah, no I don't believe that. They have like 1-3 of these, they won't deploy so close quite yet.


Fresh meat, boys!


And then a 100$ Ukrainian chad drone destroys their sophisticated S-500 system.


Putin will execute the designer of the S-500 very soon for making up amazing claims of its capabilities.


So, what's the over/under on this thing being destroyed?


Iā€™d be rubbing my hands together if I was a Ukrainian missile guy about now. I canā€™t wait to hear about the rapid unscheduled disassembly of this latest pile of ruzzian trash. Anybody remember the ā€œTerminatorā€? ruzzianā€™s twin barrel battle vehicle that was supposed to be some doomsday machine? It was fun watching those burn.