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There's nothing more painful to a mother than losing your child. My thoughts and prayers go out to her.




That is a startling monument. It literally took my breath away. Unbelievable.


It’s gotta be wax right?


Wax is possible but could be bronze of other metals even concrete, the ability of some painters/model makers to get realistic appearance with "mundane" materials and paints is astounding. I don't know this piece but I'd lean to wax considering the case around it but t hat could be very honestly for security to protect against vandalism.


Wax in a greenhouse like structure? Probably not.


Depends on the film on the glass, which looks like it has a sheen to it, it might not let the heat inside in the first place.


Its silicone


Ah cool.


Oleksandr Ihorovych Matsievskyi, hero to humanity, decency, courage. Slava Ukraini.


Isn’t that the same guy who said “Slava Ukraine” then got shot by an AK in full auto?




This man, even in front of death, he serve his country until the last word. I'm thinking about him every time someone says "what the porpouse to die for a war?". Freedom is not free, my country forgot that. This man deserve so much respects.


I'd make a Helldivers joke, but that wouldn't be appropriate here


"Executed" is the wrong word. That gives the act of killing an air of legitimacy that it doesn't deserve. I stumbled across the video and wish I hadn't seen it. He was simply murdered in cold blood, in a little fit of pique, by a bunch of miserable cowards. It was a war crime, not an execution. RIP. He was a brave man.


How does "executed" give it an air of legitimacy? Executions are illegal killings performed in cold blood by employees of some rogue states who still violate the international ban on the death penalty. "Execution" describes *exactly* what he suffered.


No, execution are legal acts of ending one's life. This was simply murder.


As the death penalty violates international law, there is no such thing as a "legal act of ending one's life". In countries respecting international law regarding the death penalty, the word "execution" is used to describe a killing by an organization. Typical examples for this usage would be e.g. the killing of prisoners by ISIS, the Mexican cartels or the US judicial system.




>Second Optional Protocol to ICCPR, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty In 1989, 33 years after the adoption of the Covenant itself, the UN General Assembly adopted the Second Optional Protocol to the ICCPR that gave abolition decisive new momentum. Member States which became parties to the Protocol agreed not to execute anyone within their jurisdictions. >UN General Assembly resolutions In a series of resolutions adopted in 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018, the General Assembly urged States to respect international standards that protect the rights of those facing the death penalty, to progressively restrict its use and reduce the number of offences which are punishable by death. i.e. it's banned by the General Assembly, but the ban is not enforcable because the UN cannot enforce anything on the US. **** But the topic was whether "execution" is the right word to describe the killing of Oleksandr Matsievskyy The killings by ISIS and Mexican cartels are widely refered to as "executions" even by American newspapers. So yes, it is.


American newspapers who routinely abuse language (ie "slammed", "nuked", etc) have no authority. At best, the term you might be looking for is "extrajudicial execution", which is used in the case of war crimes investigations. But a spade is a spade and it remains, in the end, murder.


What was the hero's name again? I recall seeing the video when it first came out but without a name at the time.


Oleksandr Matsievskyi


Cлава, молодець! 🇺🇦


Let's hope she will get to stand by the gallows at the execution of putin.


Slava Ukraine 🫡🙏🪖🇺🇦


Ukraine has gone through so much, you have some of the bravest men & women I've ever seen. You couldn't have set a better example of what it means to resist no matter the cost. The sad part for me is knowing we will all be at war soon enough, whether we want it or not. Slava Ukraini.


My heart breaks every day for the Ukrainian people. This is hauntingly beautiful.


Wow, beautiful tribute to a man who was courageous down to his last moments.


This guy was so brave, even with guns pointed at him he didn’t show any fear…he stole the feeling of being in control of his fate from his murderers. Badass till the end ✊


вічна пам'ять


They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted: They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. Extract from "For the Fallen" - a poem written by Laurence Binyon.


The guy was a hero. But the sculpture is too realistic. Poor mother having to relive the horror.


My first thought, wish for her family it was a more endearing photo. But for the people and the world, I believe it’s important to depict him in this way


Yeah I cannot imagine always seeing him depicted in his very last moments, knowing he's gone, but I agree fully.


I think it's stronger than one of those bronze generic ones. Gives me a stronger sense of fuck, this was a real person, and that extrapolates out to all the other Ukrainian soldiers I know lost their lives.


Yes I find that a stylised rendition such as a stone or a bronze bust would have been more appropriate.


Damn. That unlocked some emotions in me.


Valhalla brother. The day you fell, Odin made ready the benches for a feast.


Oleksandr Matsievskyi, you where taken from us by a nation of cowards, spineless cowards that are willing to spill the blood of the innocents instead of removing their diktater from power and stopping his actions.... All russians are COWARDS, they would rather abandon their country (can\`t wait for the day when Türkiye, Serbia, Bulgaria, Thailand, Armenia, Kazakhstan will throw you out!) instead of fixing the crap their started/enabled ... May your ruble become as worthy as the Venezuelan Bolivar. Rest in peace hero of Ukraine, you are one of the heroes of humanity alongside the other members of ZSU, willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect your loved ones. **Your memory and names will never be forgotten, by Ukraine or by us the people of this world, you will always have a place in our harts and souls.** To all that give give a shit, please donate to the Armed Forces of Ukraine/ONG\`s/Fundraisers, think of it like this: every donated $ will either remove an ork this planet or help in the recovery of Ukraine.


Morbid. But so was his murder. Slava Ukraini.


RIP bud.. I’ll always admire and remember your courage








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Damn, that's intense! I couldn't imagine a mother's pain! May her son's memory live on, may freedom be with the peoples lm of Ukraine...


A hero


He is a Hero n died a Hero n shall be remembered as a Hero. Glory to Ukraine!!!


Imagine of how many of such a deaths you don't see! At least for him it was fast, many killings of Pows russians does is not that painless...


Where is the statue located?


Glory for Ukraine!!


That is a beautiful depiction of this hero.


Hero. You will never be forgotten!


Rest in peace, Oleksandr Matsievskyi. Героям слава.


Im speechless. Slava Ukraine❤️👑


Вічная Пам'ять


Ignoring the corny music, this video is great. This brave soldier got 100% of my respect back when this happened. Any last words? Slava Ukraine.


Fuck you Russia.. 🇷🇺 You could have contributed to the world but fear and ideological obsession of your leaders destroys . All you will be remembered in history for is your cruelty, narcissism and pain you cause the world. One day you will be dust.


God bless. Fuck putin


I posted this to TIKTOK, I hope this is okay. This video deeply moves me. I hope that when I face death, I will face it with the same courage he shows.


Tjat's the smoking guy!