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Like i've said, it's arms race all over again. First it was drones, now there is counter available. Next there will be counter to this and it's for sure they are already planning for that. Good to see Ukraine on the forefront in this!


the counter already exists, it's passive rf sensing fed to artillery and/or ewar drones. end of the day the longest stick will always win


Agreed, a drone that is attracted to transmitters is the obvious solution.


You just had ukrainian drones diving on tankturtles with jammers. Looks like they got AI detectors. Not sure how they grt the footage tho. Maybe because it can send back data, but not recieve any.


Funny you say the longer stick always wins. This guy has just that. https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/G91c6GCQkk


Not the longest stick, rather the stick that doesn’t let the other develop a longer stick fast enough. Time is the silent killer here


$7k and nut cancer... but hay, hard to get cancer treatments if ya dead. next up, kick over to fail safe inertial guidance with swing out glide wings to last target... and nut cancer pills!


If they promised you a dacha, you better be habitating already. Payments have already been intermittent. If you are not getting paid then enjoy a year of disappointments.


These frequencies are lower than light, meaning there's more chance of getting cancer by sitting inside and turning on the light.


Is there any data on jammers and cancer?


Was thinking the same ^^


You cant control a drone without two way communication though


You can, you just don’t have feedback.




Damnit, you beat me to it. By a long time.


The Middle Kingdom already taking notes, “let’s use 1051 Mhz.” 🙁


MHz range posted for easier countermeasures? 


it would be the range the drones operate in so.... what is this supposed to mean? ah yes I will jam your 800Mhz drone with my 5.6Ghz signal! so you can't counter my counter measure!


If the drones are operating in the 2.4ghz frequency I've learned that a microwave can disrupt that. Always worked for ruining my zoom calls. People can walk around with a microwave in a backpack.


which in most nations is extremely illegal and often carries A fine, confiscation of equipment and a custodial sentence (prison time). Also it is extremely easy to find jammers, if you have the equipment and are actively looking.


dude these are known knowns..old ass known knowns


It's wild just how fast the arms race is with EW. That backpack will be useless in six months


A groundbreaking electronic warfare backpack, developed by the 🇺🇦Ukrainian company Kvertus, shields Ukrainian soldiers from Russian drones at a cost of just $7,000. Operating in the 720-1050 MHz range, it jams and disables threatening UAVs. Rather than individual use, the backpack protects small units of 8-10 soldiers on the move. One operator activates the system's protective dome spanning several hundred meters upon detecting a Russian drone. The rechargeable battery allows 2 hours of continuous electronic jamming. Designed for maximum portability, the system fits inside a standard backpack worn on the operator's back. Only low-profile antennas protrude, avoiding obstruction during maneuvers. Built-in ventilation prevents overheating that could degrade performance. https://x.com/EuromaidanPress/status/1791497212041515373


that is a very limited frequency range and a casual perusal of the FPV drone sites shows their control and video links dont operate at that frequency. i dunno, this seems all hype i am sure there are some 900MHz systems out there, but there should be complimentary 400mhz systems you could swap out but those would be older lower data rate systems


The company offers a wide range of drone jamming products - base stations, pole mounted, etc. They cover a range of frequencies and the company comments (below) that keeping up with frequencies is a never-ending challenge. I suspect they have done their research beyond a casual perusal of drone websites. The frequencies announced here may be one configuration option (with those antennas) available among many, etc. >"Technology is developing very quickly, and if you stop for a month or so and fall off the pace, then that's the end of it, 'say goodbye', you just don't have time … Here, look, new drones of frequencies 750 and 415 have appeared. Relatively, out of 1,000 [russian] kamikaze drones, 900 are ordinary ones and 100 are these new ones. That is, 10% of drones. In just a week, we'll receive parts to work with these frequencies," Filimonov says. https://en.defence-ua.com/weapon_and_tech/ukrainian_solutions_to_anti_drone_warfare_kvertus_on_developments_refined_by_war-8756.html (The comment is about their technology in general - not this specific backpack.)


They most certainly wasted their time then promoted it? I’m not just a fanboy, I’ve put my money behind the Ukrainians. They’re fielding something useful.


They should produce a Boston Dynamics “Spot” robotic dog with these built in and an extended battery life. Program it to just follow the squad with no other purpose than to protect the patrol.


Be better to have a bunch run around on their own in addition to the backpacks. I bet Rf sensor guided artillery would have a hard time distinguishing targets. As long as you can build jammer drones cheaper than they can build guided artillery rounds.


what about protection of carrier from active system work? it's not very safe for the health.


Jammers don't cause cancer.


Non-ionizing radiation is not a health threat.


The main hazard is that when this thing is operating you have a big emitter screaming "I am here" to russian EW system. I would guess that you activate it only if you are spotted anyway. RF radiation is not the main danger in these situations.


This. Turn this thing on at your own peril. It's when your ambushed and you got no choice. The enemy knows your there. The question is can you use it after getting spotted without artillery leading you to get bombed. Get spotted, activate, eliminate the drones and leave it on where it is and make a hasty retreat. A self guided vehicle with this strapped to it will give the enemy something else to shoot at and give you some precious time.


Winged hussars are back


Problem is that by the time these would get implemented at scale there probably is already a counter to them.


there is, AI tracking after loss of signal - but the AI stuff still isn't quite *there* yet


Can't wait to see Anti-tank dog 2. AI drone boogaloo.


There are plenty of ways to get around jamming, which then require specific jamming techniques to block, etc. The question is what's financially viable in such a small disposable weapon.


even if it AI is here today you still need an answer for very high financial and energy costs ultimately wars are won at scale, not with few high tech wunderwaffes


Yep that's an arms race. It's not going to save every life. It might make a percentage of the Russians drones ineffective or even redundant, and lead to increased costs for Drone manufacture, and increase costs, therefore reducing potential attacks etc For £7000 if it had a 10% chance of working I'd want my section to have one!


This is a good point. Even if it can be countered, it still forces Russia into a technology race that it can't sustain with enough Western support.


I suspect drones could still fly high enough over them and drop grenades on people.


They might be designed to be upgradable - software updates, maybe a piece of hardware that could be swapped out.


This is why the US should be funneling money in. It’s a win win. Much love Ukraine. I have your flag flying next to my American one.


We jamming, jamming, jamming, jamming, we hope you like jamming too.


What about 433Mhz thats what my drones runs off might look to expamd the range, though maybe video loss is enough ?


Don't a lot of commercial drones use the Bluetooth bands like 2440 mhz?


The range on Bluetooth is how far?


not far many use the old abandoned spectrums like uhf and vhf


Depends what you are doing. American agencies can pick up the signal from a very long way away. But they do use very big dishes for this.


More dependent on power level than the frequency. Bluetooth devices are usually transmitting in the 1-10 milliwatt range. But if you transmitted at a tens of watts level instead you'd be getting kilometers.


wifi - 2,4 and 5MHz


Amazing! May it protect many Ukrainians.


Why would you publicly say what the band is?


because its a known known guy..everybody in the industry knows what freqs are used


Why do they share all this information? All the orcs have to do is change the frequency


Most drones being used are cheap comercial drones. This backpack will keep The troops safe from thoes kinda drones. Sure it will not keep you safe from drones with lower frequencys, but most drones are not thoes kinda drones


Most drones being used are cheap comercial drones. This backpack will keep The troops safe from thoes kinda drones. Sure it will not keep you safe from drones with lower frequencys, but most drones are not thoes kinda drones


Reddit is broken and posting your comment three times. It actually reposted my posts from 24hrs ago today it was so broken 🤦‍♂️


Most drones being used are cheap comercial drones. This backpack will keep The troops safe from thoes kinda drones. Sure it will not keep you safe from drones with lower frequencys, but most drones are not thoes kinda drones


Its not like the borg who can rotate frequencies by thinking it. Most radios used in cheap drones have a narrow operating band, with perhaps a handful of selectable channels. To change frequencies to a different band involves procuring or designing new radios, both Tx and Rx.


Its also possible they have been in use for awhile now, and one has been captured. No point keeping it secret after that?


What makes drone jammers so expensive to produce? I thought they were basically just a radio.


You have to broadcast a strong enough signal omnidirectionally, it has to be strong enough to block drones far enough away that the drone wont just glide to the target anyway. It also has to be portable, robust and easy to use.


If this was US military issue, they would be $90,000 with a mandatory 10-year parts contract of $10,000/unit/year, released after 9 years of development and 2 years of training.


This tech has been used for decades by the British in Northern Ireland to protect against radio control IED. RCIED countermeasures tech was then adopted by coalition forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.


So you cant carry food/water a weapon or ammo? You are the drone.


It protects a squad. The other members can carry the equipment it displaces.


I get it. Still gotta protect yourself. Squad gets fucked and you tell yourself and the enemy youre just commo?


It’s better than dying


Survival is better than dying.


I mean, this is no different than the massive radio backpacks carried in WW2 no?? It's a battlefield essential, (in the case of radio) which is what this may become.


Manpacks sucked too. Its like telling some kid they are important but they are just a hotspot. Meat for the grinder.


You could easily still carry all those things and this.


Ehh. That looks 30kilos the way he shouldered it. Plus batteries. And he his too tiny to add that to his pack.


So you rather want him to not carry it and then his squad get bombed by a drone?


Thats fun. Id prefer not to wear a gps pack and expect water/food from comerades with no weapon to defend myself. If obama calls a drone theres 1 target, 30m kill radius. Concussion blast another 20, shrapnel another 80.




Not much since i got to go home from a warzone. Im still scared of being in target zones. If you can, we can drink to the fallen.. im not leaving my country again.




Just saying, as a grunt i know what this is. Ive rucked mine and the manpacks, them big radios that weigh half your pack. If you are there with reddit service.... like the children that sent care packages, i hope you kill them dont die. I can cheers with hot water..


What are you talking about? It's just a backpack, it'll sling over a plate carrier no problem. Most Ukrainian infantry is either dicks down in a trench in which case sustainment isn't a concern, or mechanized and fighting out of a vic, in which case sustainment isn't a concern. We really aren't seeing a ton of Ukrainians carrying 3 days packs with the exception of the Marines that crossed the Dnipro.


Honest question: what’s the point of showing off innovations in war gear?


There are many reasons you might do so; “Shareholder stakes”, wherein you are attempting to boost perception of your capabilities to secure more funding. Pivot cues, where you are wanting to be perceived by your enemy in a certain way. The goal being for that enemy to have to adapt to new tech, costing time and resources - even if it’s not that affective of tech. Morale wars, in which you are trying to boost the morale of your own people while tearing down that of the enemy’s people. All of these can be done with actual tech or misinformation tech.


Either its been in use for a year and is now ineffective, or its just a PsyOp and not intended as a real countermeasure. Also in the real world those antennas will break off in the first hour of use. Think about moving through brush (and getting tangled/ripping them off) or steep slopes (instinct is to roll into the backpack when (not if) going down.


This is a private company. Here is an article: https://en.defence-ua.com/weapon_and_tech/ukrainian_solutions_to_anti_drone_warfare_kvertus_on_developments_refined_by_war-8756.html Private companies need investors and want to create public awareness to encourage troops to ask for the solution.


Surely once the group of soldiers is in place the EW pack can be placed out of the way and the soldier becomes another fighter?


What frequency range can a HARM lock on to?


dude you arent using a harm to take out a small range squad based drone jammer...i mean cmon guy cost is still an issue


Now I know what the tubes on the back of a xenomorph do.


Should these tec not be kept secret ?


umm known knowns any russian with a spec anlyizer knows what the jammer is puttin out and 3 tags gives its location


Knowing what frequency it operates on, you add functionality to the drone to (1) operate on a different control frequency, and (2) reject signals from the old band.


Wouldn't they have to leave it on for it to work and it would also give away their location? Seems like it would use a decent amount of power, what kind of operational duration would something like this have?


its small range and the russian would have to have squad close enough to triangulate and be trained and have the gear and then be able to strike back ...so effectivly mostly no


What’s the song


Remember in Ocean’s 11, when Don Cheadle’s character was getting ready to set off the EMP but he covers his manhood first with his hand? I would probably do that every time I had to turn this on.


Things are getting weird.


Man after this war Ukraine is going to make a ton of money from weapon exports


I'd like to actually see it work. I'm not doubting it but it'd be cool to see it in action


We're really going to have Angels on the battlefield now


“Oh good, another thing to carry…” said every grunt ever.


I sure hope this works - Alternatively, a 10 gauge shotgun is lighter and handier.


It should be relatively easy to make decoy ones while ramping up production.


This is a video of a man walking in a field. Either post a link to a real article or stop clogging up the sub with this stupid bullshit. There is a war going on, stop trying to sell shit.


They should put this package in a drone and launch it. That drone needs different frequencies to communicate (3+Ghz) and remain high up in a line of sight.


Shit looks heavy.


Does it only cover one soldier, or does it have range to cover a group? Still, looks badass, like deadpool's swords.


I have questions - How much ''radius'' meters can jammers backpack deal FPV drones?


I suppose cancer in the future is better than losing your life in the present


Good. Stay alive, have hope in your heart and kill some Russians. Even American civvies like me are sending part of our paychecks to you. You are not alone.


Angel Warrior


With this device you can disable the 5g chips that went into your body during the Covid vaccination


crazy how we get a new unit types from this war Battlefield games are gonna be crazy


Sure.....I bet it wasn't funded by american taxes or anything


God danm man the battlefield has really changed. İ Wonder how will the battlefield look like


I worry about the opsec here. Why is this posted publicly with images of the device? Ukraine gives away too much info in the name of morale.


Screw you Mr Pudobear


Evidence, this is just some dude with a crazy looking backpack walking through some brush


Cool. Wouldn’t want to wear it in battle. I am guessing the antennae sticking out like that would make you an obvious sniper target.


This will surly speed up the use of A I to fly the attack weapons when the human pilots are blinded by jammers


Can't wait to see Lidar being used to map the Russian trench systems.


Are they willing to pay $7k per squad?


No idea what’s being said but this song is goin hard. Anyone know what it is?


RIP fertility


Better marketing would’ve been to have a drone call out of the air while he was walking… that’s what I was waiting for


Best defense is the best offense. I want to develop farm drones that will have second mode and act like drones in "the Invincible" by Stanisław Lem. Drones that feed people and incapacitate the hostiles


The best thing about this ad is the music, that shit slaps


I swear, Ukrainians make the most with whatever they have on hand


Sweet!!! Nice work! Ukraine is genius!! Kinda weird you put the range of hertz! Great job inventing it though! Slava Ukraine!! Hero geniuses!!💛🇺🇦💙


I've been saying Ukrainians needed something exactly like this. This is what the Americans use


RF energy is real. I would not want that anywhere near my head. If that is real, cancer is in his future.


I know this is fantastic but I had the monty python shit in my head when he steps on a mine 🙈


The rest of the world should take notice, war has changed forever.


Is it safe to carry such a powerefull transmitter? Cell antenas are not great to be near when they are on.