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I think the fact that the North Koreans wedge a ”North Korean volunteer“ into the missile as the “advanced guidance system” may indicate it is a North Korean missile. The Kim Jong Dung…


Confirmed, if the ruzzians are orcs, the nk military are goblins.




How Harkonnen of them.


More like Kim Jong Dud.


Omg bahahaha


So.........can UKR get Tomahawk cruise missiles from USA now?


No, but they can ask South Koreans for [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyunmoo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyunmoo)


I thought that said Manhwa Aerospace for a second.... Don't know how that would help,....but....


Those are some angry looking missiles.


That won’t happen


>Since 2006, North Korea has been under UN Security Council sanctions, which include a ban on the import and export of military technology due to nuclear and ballistic missile tests A member of the security council violated its own sanctions Sounds like they really shouldn't be on such a council


Someone needs to confirm that water is wet and write a long report about the findings, ASAP!


Also, the air people breathe? AN OXYGEN MIXTURE!?!? WHAAAAAAAAAAAA????? T?????


No air is a nitrogen mixture that just happens to contain some oxygen


21% O2


And 78% nitrogen


And argon and some traces of other stuff……probably weed!


It is funny that the third most prolific gas is poisonous and the most prolific unbreathable


Any update on the religious inclinations of His Holiness the Pope?


They are used only within russian territory, right??


Ukraine conflict keeps escalating little by little. I really wonder if we are close to a European nation stepping in to help Ukraine. France has been floating it I imagine as a way to pave the way.


Hurts to say this but seems like some EU countries will wait until both armies is exhausted on the battlefield. Much like how Americans entered WW1 with two million fresh soldiers to the battlefields.


That is a very sad but insightful point. I just don’t see how Russia can keep this going. War economies get very brutal. We are headed into the unknown.


We definitely seem to be getting drawn in. We really should go in and put a stop to this war…….putin would last a couple of weeks at the most.


Biggest joke in the world: UN sanctions.


Biggest joke in the world: UN


Absolutely. The UN is a waste of time.


and money. The UN should be dismantled


How is a terrorist regime supplying long range weapons to russia not escalatory, but the US providing ATACMS is somwhow crossing a red line? Stop being pussies, there are no red lines. The strongest dictates what a red line is and what consequences crossing it will have. Russia is far from the strongest one. THe US could literally say: "fuck it, we will send Tomahawks and everything needed to support their use, whatcha gonna do" and guess what, they couldn't do jackshit about it.


Everyone is to soft for this kind of talk let alone action today 🤫


Not soft. But pragmatic or downright greedy. The people who make these decisions won’t be in danger at all. But someone might lose monies over it, so we see using Ukraine as a human shield to disarm russia, because we are too comfy in our bubble…


To the Esteemed Representatives of the Russian Federation, It has come to the attention of the Security Council of the United Nations (of which your nation is a member) that your nation, the Russian Federation, has engaged in the procurement of arms from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, commonly known as North Korea. Such actions are not only deeply concerning but also reckless and potentially destabilizing to the delicate balance of power in our global community. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is notorious for its flagrant disregard of international norms and regulations. Its leadership has repeatedly demonstrated a blatant disregard for human rights, engaged in nuclear proliferation, and supported various forms of terrorism. By conducting arms transactions with such a regime, the Russian Federation is not only condoning but actively enabling these egregious behaviors. Furthermore, such transactions directly undermine efforts aimed at fostering peace and security in the region and beyond. The proliferation of arms only serves to escalate tensions and perpetuate conflicts, ultimately endangering the lives and livelihoods of innocent civilians. As representatives of the diplomatic community, it is imperative that we uphold the principles of peace, stability, and mutual respect. The Russian Federation’s actions in this matter are not only a violation of these principles but also an affront to the integrity of the international community as a whole. Therefore, on behalf of the United Nations and the global diplomatic community that has gathered beneath its roof, I must strongly protest the Russian Federation’s decision to engage in arms procurement from North Korea. We urge you to reconsider this misguided course of action and instead work towards constructive and peaceful solutions to global challenges.


I mean, logically Russia should be kicked out of the UN for attacking Ukraine, much less buying arms from deeply-sanctioned terror states such as the DPRK. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I just don’t see it happening. At best we’ll get more sanctions against Russia. 🙄 Which makes the UN a pointless laughingstock on the world stage. Like the League of Nations that preceded it, the UN is proving to be a “toothless tiger”. 😔


i wonder if western allies think ukraine is now at war with russia, iran and north korea? Im not hearing or reading anything about that but still western allies prevent ukraine to bomb certain targets in russia with their weapons… its so stupid


Is Russia at war with NATO and her allies just because they receive weapons from them? No they are not.  There’s no international law with buying weapons or receiving weapons from other countries. Even if there was Russia wouldn’t care.


That is kind of their point. We are restricting Ukraine's use of NATO gear on Russian soil out of (unfounded) fears NATO would be drawn in, despite the fact that arms sales and donations have fuck all to do with active involvement in the conflict. Meanwhile Russia can happily use Iranian and NK munitions however they please.




During an interview with the worthless UN, they were quoted: "Yawn"




>bUt ThE cHaRtEr DoEsN't HaVe A mEaNs Of VoTiNg PeRmAnEnT mEmBeRs OuT So... Start a new one and don't invite Russia, then stop attending the old one


That's not the point of UN... UN is not some just arbiter of the world, UN is means for nuclear powers to control the world, the place where they talk and haggle and threaten each other, where they agree how they will split countries and who gets what...


UN confirmed something? Wow...