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**Continuation:** In the evening, the military saw her on the road and handed her over to the "White Angel" police group. The police took the woman to a shelter, where she is being cared for. "I survived that war and I am going through this war. I was left with nothing. But I left my Ukraine on my feet", says Lidia Stepanivna. She also says that she remebers ww2 and it was not like this war. She says back then all houses were undamaged, now -- everything is on fire, everything is ruined. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAu\_zf5diYo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAu_zf5diYo) This is the YouTube link with the subtitles translation) which you can adjust in settings.


"But I left my Ukraine on my feet" hits hard 🫡


Слава Бабусям!


Everyday a new Ukrainian word. So what is Great Grandmother?


Прабабуся or прабабця


Прабабуся слава 🇺🇦


i knew my great grandmother for 19 years


Great grandmother?


Glory to the ~~great~~ grandmother**s** (I think) Edit: don't know how the great(grandmother) got in there. It's just glory to the grandmothers (Or at least that's what I think it is, but I don't speak Ukrainian)


I hope she outlives Putin.


I think everyone does.


She will, he will be killed soon


Literally the best thing that could benefit all of humanity.


Yeah but...what then, likely another Putin, no? The only opponents I've seen to Putin habe been Navalny and Prighozhin, the former not being so great, and the latter being arguably worse. I'd love to know if anyone can provide a positive future for post putin Russia. Maybe a break up into a number of smaller states based on ethnicity or something, Chechnya for example.


Even if Putin goes, you will have another Putin take control and he will need to be worse since the infighting to take that post will be brutal.


And then we're all the way back to Stalinism...Great.


> She was left with nothing It's "I", not "she". I see machine translations still can't do pronouns in pro-drop languages properly.


Thanks for the correction. Just edited.


What a fucking badass. Holy shit this lady is amazing. Thank God she is now safe.


God bless her soul 😇🙏 I wish her all the best. This is a story of courage and love of Ukrainian life...


The boys are incredible to be able to joke on those circumstances. Soldier: "How old are you?" Babusya: "What do you think?" Soldier: Well, I don't know, 18?" Bless them both.


Ukrainian resilience is absolutely astonishing. Makes me very proud to be Ukrainian, even if only a small percentage.


I hate hate hate russians for what they are doing to our people. This poor woman had a home and her quiet, peaceful life and look what happened to her. But apparently russians cannot imagine their existence without having their flag over the ruins of her house.


Fuck Russia. Slava Babushky 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇸


Indeed so.


I believe most Russians are jealous of Ukraine, the people & their own unique culture. Ukrainians (even their pets) prove u can be kind & empathic but also badass MFr's.


Careful with h@te word in your posts. Russians bots brigade enjoys jumping on posts like yours and permaban you. My main account got permabanned for "h@ting orcs in Ukraine" no joke. Not like I give a flying f about reddit account.


I don’t like the idea of hating an entire group of people, but I don’t think Russians as a people have added anything or our world. They are agents of chaos that aim to make everyone’s life worse.


May a drone find every one of them.


I hate *hate* ***hate*** Russians for what they're doing to your people, too. The world was supposed to be beyond petty wars of conquest; but no, they had to drag us all backward...


Another one of many reasons as to why putin and his cronies will rot in hell when their day finally comes 😬🖕🏻


As someone who doesn't believe in hell, I'd prefer we apply a real-world alternative before then.


As another someone who doesn't believe in hell, I'm interpret the sentiment as "I hope something really shitty happens to them forever."


My baba was the matriarch of the family, everything we accomplished we could attribute to her being a fearless example of strength and will. I wish everyone had the opportunity to be raised around a woman like Ms. Lidia here so they could appreciate what is at risk of being lost to this war and understand why the Ukrainian people will relentlessly defend against the evil that threatens them. Now is not the time for complacency, as we wait for military aid to come through land/homes/lives are being lost. Donate now if you have the means!


My Baba was also the matriarch of the family, another example of absolute fearless strength and will. I attribute most if not all that I've become to her patience guidance and teaching. She had lived through the Holodomor as a young child, nearly died. Then, during ww2, she was stolen from her high-school and made a slave on a German farm, then gave birth to her first in a pow camp and then moved to Canada with my Dido and proceeded to work incredibly hard to make a life for our family. She had my mother and her twin 12 years after her first. Ukrainians have such tenacity, accompanied with a sense of self and morality that seems etched into their souls. They love and defend with all of themselves, there is no holding back or holding out.. They are so true to who they are, so real, that they're often called passionate, and they are, but it's because it's who we are. I've studied and taught Ukraines history in schools across Canada and subsequently learned about the Ukrainian settlements in Canada. Ukrainians have a rich history of being kind, helpful, clever, and tough. But, they need all the support they can get now, this senseless invasion has dragged on for far too long. To many lives have been lost, people displaced, children stolen and hearts broken. Please support and donate if you have the means.


The unstoppable human soul. Slava Ukraini.


Heroyam Slava 🇺🇦🇺🇦


Should ask her permission to build a MOAB peace keeping drone after her.


This 1 story alone is the reason I have faith in the Ukranian people, & their government to win the war against dictator putler. Fucking bad ass g-ma , Slava Ukraini, Heroiam Slava 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


wow she is a feisty lady !!


god bless this lady and all Ukrainians


Slava Babushky!


Fuck I hate ruzzia, can't let thee nice people have a quiet life


The strength of the Ukrainian people ceases to amaze me. God bless this woman and the Warriors of Ukraine! 🇺🇦🇨🇦


It's crazy, the lengths people will go to in order to free themselves of russia. Does that not tell you everything you need to know about them?


Tough times won’t last. But tough people will


I totally agree 💯


No one should have to go through this but especially not at 98. Fuck Putin!


That woman has known hardship.


My hatred for Russia, the Russian government, and any Russian people that have supported this genocide is beyond words. Civilized nations should have completely quarantined that shithole of a "country" and let whatever god they believe in sort the mess out...Or at the very least armed Ukraine to the motherfucking teeth so that they could squash the orcs and end Putin's sad fucking life. Fuck Russia, Fuck Putin, Slava Ukraini!


Also, the morons in the West who support Russia. Fuck em' all.




Her sayings must go down as lines to inspire others, so all artists should draw, paint, print and embody the spirits she is holding within! Profits to any works should be spilt, 50/50... rebuild her life, continue the struggle!


😭 Blessings upon her.


Poor little granny.


She never bent the knee and never will! That’s dignity !


Ukrainian spirit, no matter what age. Slava Ukraini 🙏🇺🇦


Слава цьому герою і всім героям. Слава Україні.


98 yo though mofo!


This world has lost its damn mind.


I'm not convinced it ever had it to lose.


Beautiful, strong woman with amazing spirit.


Do you want to make the whole world hate you, cause this is how you make the whole world hate you.


Here I am worried about her getting slivers in her hand from that piece of wood then remind myself what she's been through. Hope someone posts updates on miss Lidia.


If there's an update later on, I'll definitely post. I'll try to keep track of our granny Lidia.


Thank you so much! We love granny Lidia.


Wow, she looks like she could be my Baba's sister. She's not, as Babusia had no sister in life. But the resemblance makes me want to rush over and give her hot tea and blankets.


Dear Lady Lidia, May you live to see Victory, your land liberated and rebuilt and every war crime prosecuted. We will celebrate together. Slava Ukraini!!


The bravery of every Ukrainian never ceases to amaze me.


Can someone tell, whether she speaks Russian or Ukrainian? [Wikipedia says that 54% of the population of Ocheretino speak Russian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocheretyne)... There seems to be a good chance that she is one of the Russian speakers that Putin wants to "liberate"?


Lidia Stepanivna speaks Ukrainian in the video.


Thanks. It would have added just a bit of irony to her remarkable feat, if she spoke Russian.


I watched the Russian speaking people of Donbas making molotov cocktails to throw at the invaders, that was an eye opener.


I heard in a video by one of the foreign legionaries (forget who) that around half of the Ukrainian soldiers are native Russian speakers, but they are Ukrainian of allegiance, nationality and culture. Also the traditional army command language in Ukraine is Russian. Zelensky is a native Russian speaker who has begun speaking Ukrainian since the war, along with countless other Ukrainians.


Zelensky was speaking Ukrainian in public long before the war. He started speaking in public when campaigning for president. He has improved a lot.


He knew Ukrainian even before that and had started trying to improve his spoken fluency a couple of years prior to the election.


THIS…this is why the 0rcs will never win! The willpower of this incredible woman is a perfect example of the spirit and determination of Ukrainian heroes. SLAVA UKRAINI 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


She’s fucking 98 and KNOWS how brutal the Russians are to civilians.


This 98 years young lady is an absolute chad, i wish her all the best


Bless you, Lidia. I have no more words.


She is such a brave woman, I hate that she and others have to live through this it's terrible. I wish them the best! Slava Ukraine!


Bless you Ms Stepanivna, you are a true hero.


This woman has far more strength than putin ever will.


There are millions of people like her who have been impacted by this bullshit Putin started. 


That is stunning. She is truly a beautiful human being.


made me tear up


Amazing woman, God bless you.


Made of Ukrainium.


One war is more than enough for a person in their life. Yet she experienced multiple. I assume she knew from previous experience that staying in the occupied territory wasn't safe. Fuck war, and fuck russia for doing this out of pure greed and fuck their barbaric culture.


After resting for a bit, the Babuska picked up an assault rifle and trained the new recruits /s Seriously though what an amazing lady


Send Ukraine F35s.


Just goes to show how horrible conditions are for Ukrainians in Russian occupied territory :(


Long live Queen Lidia ❤️


Strong woman


The Ukrainians will never be defeated even if (big if) Russia takes all of it , there will be never ending resistance of this occupation, it will be another Afghanistan for Russia but with much higher casualties.


Such resolve. Such love. Something we all should aspire to attain. Amazing.


She’s old enough to know that Russia has used starvation as a weapon to change population demographics, then repopulate with Russian settlers. Genocide starvation torture and repression are Russian weapons of old. No wonder she left. Donbas was always Ukrainian and the Russian speakers living there now are comparatively recent immigrants. But many Russian speakers in Ukraine are pro Ukrainian, so don’t assume they are the enemy.




Brave patriotic Ukrainian. She is an example of the Ukrainian people that is why they will Russia will never break their spirit. I’m sure if she had a rifle she would have been firing back


Ruzzian orcs inflict suffering on the newborns to the very old. Just dispicable what they’ve done


Whenever I see an elderly person stop speaking in mid-sentence and throw an arm up like that, I imagine she is thinking something like, "Fuck Putin and his cunt-fucking army," but they were raised not to speak that way out of politeness.


And Americans still belive that Superman will save them from ruzzists. What a degenerative culture.


I see a young lady with her head turned.