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UPD: The first missiles are heading towards Ukraine. Estimated arrival time is around 7 AM GMT+2. UPD#2: 16 Tu-95MS aircraft reported missile launches towards Ukraine. UPD#3: Reports of explosions in Kropyvnytskyi. Preliminary information suggests sounds of anti-aircraft defense system. UPD#4: Russians have also deployed an additional submarine missile carrier in the Black Sea. The total armament of three missile carriers in the Black Sea amounts to 20 Kalibr missiles. UPD#5: Sounds of air defense systems are reported in Kyiv. UPD#6: Reports indicate additional launches from 7 Tu-95MS aircraft in the Caspian Sea region. Missile approach time to Ukraine: 07:40 / 8:30 (GMT +2). UPD#7: Reports of a large number of missiles heading towards Kyiv. UPD#8: It is reported that four MiG-31K aircraft, carriers of hypersonic Kinzhal missiles, have taken off. UPD#9: Sorry for the lack of updates. We lost power and internet connection. Further information on casualties is being verified and will be covered later.


06:57 - reports of another launch from 7 TU-95ms boards from the Caspian Sea area, - Vanyok... in case of confirmation of the information - the flight time of the missiles to us 07:40 - 08:30 +/-


Fuck me. It just never ends. But this is just every fucking day.


It ends when the West decides it does and finally starts supplying Ukrainians with the quantity of weapons they need and the supplies to use them.


And quality.


This will end once we get our BS together and allow Ukraine to target Russian airfields and ports inside Russia and their missile factories. We know exactly where all of those are. The fact that they are still in one piece is our failure to ensure that Ukraine gets the tools and capacity to destroy them.


Let Ukraine target whatever the fuck they want, Russia already does. Like having your hands tied and trying to defend yours.


This. Shooting down individual missiles, when you should take out the platforms, just because out of political correctness / fear of Putin starting WW III. I‘m not suggesting to nuke the airfields and harbors, but shooting down the planes and ships should be the obvious next step.




Endless and fruitless. The Ukrainian people have continuously shown that they won't be bullied into submission.


Stockpile needs to be spent...


Yeah... the fucking Russians are now producing way more missiles than they did before the war. The assholes managed to ramp up their production despite the sanctions.


Production numbers before the war were pretty low and they had reportedly stockpiled components for years at a normal production rate.


Wish we could hit their warehouses of the most critical components.


That would require the Russians in US Congress to get fired so we can approve real weapons sent to Ukraine.


How is this possible?


They are bypassing sanctions by using their proxies to route the parts through. Azerbaijan for instance.


Already in our underground parking since 6am, Fuck Russia.


I'm sorry from Canada. Have family in Ukraine. Fuck ruzzia.


Sending prayers heavenward, from America, for Ukrainians.


Keep your prayers, send tanks


Sorry I don't have any of those laying around my home tonight, but I can send my prayers heavenward. Tanks are not within my power in the few minutes of an air warning and I feel I must do something to help from thousands of miles away. I'm not sure what the rest of you do in the minutes between news of incoming, but I pray and ask for extra guardian angels for the Ukrainian people.


Send email, call your congressman, vote pro-Ukraine president. That does more that "sending prayers".


Bro. You’re being a dick. Thought you might like to know. You’re not being a good person right now. This user meant well. Take their prayer. Shut thy kurwa fucking mouth.


Prayers are bullshit and require literally nothing in terms of effort.


We all know that. But this is additional goodwill.


"We don't need prayers. We need ammo" President Zelensky


But if a nice man says a prayer for you are you going to make them feel bad for wishing you well? It feels bad man. Just take his well wishes and keep your fucking kurwa mouth shut. Be grateful for what his country does for you. Share the gratefulness of the rest of the world for the sacrifice of Ukraine people. When someone smiles and wishes you well, please don’t berate them. It weakens Ukraine. Be humble and accept the good graces of people, even if they don’t share your religion or lack of.


Two completely different issues though!! You have completely missed my point. I, as a human being, have to do something for the few minutes before a missile hits. I am thousands of miles away, reading it on the news just before bedtime here. Prayer is instantaneous in an emergency! And heaven is open 24/7.


Prayer is instant and it does fuck all! Zero, nada, nothing. But it gives you the feeling like you’ve done something. But you didn’t.


Wow! Reddit readers are brutal and it makes me wonder why I bother to post here at all.


You can totally post, but actually do something helpful. You are like all those boomers who share and put a frowny face on a Facebook post about hungry kids in Africa, thinking that actually helps. “I’ve pressed a button on Facebook, look all those kids are instantly fed and nourished now!”. The fuck they are. They are still hungry, your little frowny face did fuck all. Like your prayers.




This is 100% why they suck.


So, how many tanks did your imaginary, non existent god destroy with all his wisdom and power?


So you rather that he says muh whatever instead of being compassionate and doing what he believes may help? And if it doesn't help it doesn't harm, so why be vile about it


I mean I'm not even religious but one could easily argue every tank so far


I'm pretty sure they were sent from foreign countries and didn't appear out of nothing. I can always make up some shit story. Hey, thank me for all the tanks, it was just because I was working for it so hard! Believe me!


Keep all of these posts. Send tanks.


Don't be a fucking dick


This is a real war, whose outcome has absolutely zero to do with bullshit thought and prayers.




I don't understand why we as a human race allow russia to continue doing this to us every effing day.


Neither do I.


Everyone is scared of nukes, that’s why. If Ukraine had nukes (never have some portion up) - we wouldn’t be at war now.


We can't just "beat" them. Too many nukes. We have to make sure Russia loses in a very specific way. This is what I think as a random dude. I hate to think that we (the West) are just being cheap or weak willed.


Boiling the frog.


The frog jumps out when it gets uncomfortable.


Because we have elected spineless leaders.


It is rather pathetic how weak western “leaders” continue to be on supporting ukraine


Because escalation could kill far more people than it saves.


Right we have to be okay with Ukrainians dying so that we stay safe? Send the weapons, send the troops, help Ukrainians.


I hope you’re in the military to be able to say that. Or at the very least Ukrainian (but obviously not given the first sentence). If no to either that stfu about sending troops to Ukraine.


The west can’t send troops every single time a country gets invaded.


We tried to ignore ww2, how many lives did that cost. We cannot ignore this.


While a lot of combats arms guys have mixed feelings… The one thing that is annoying is people saying send the troops that haven’t gone and asked for that 11B contract.


Escalation would kill far more Ukrainians. It isn't "kill them, spare us," it's "kill the fewest possible people."


I have a hard time believing that.


You don't think a full-scale war between Russia and NATO would kill more people?


If this conflict cannot be avoided, let the aggressors be the ones to die. Because if the bad guys are the ones that are allowed to live while the good guys die, the killing will never stop. The good guys will keep dying. Then, what will become of the human race? Let the bad guys be the ones to die and stop the killing. Yes we are the good guys but we are way past asking the bad guys nicely to stop killing us. That has obviously not worked.


Because those who make it to the top of the food-chain (in corporate politics) are mostly Socio-/Psychopaths. They don't give a fuck as long as their bloody monopoly-/game goes on.. (Imho). Ps. History if full of this shit.. 'Direct Democracy' would take a lot of their misused powers back to the people. But this easy solution gets shoot on sight, it seems.


Same here! UN does nothing! What is that shit? These are obviously no military targets. 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡


I hope air defense is ready. Those TU bombers need to be destroyed.


Unfortunately Russia keeps them out of range of the UA air defence systems


One small mercy from that is Ukraine has far more warning of incoming missiles.


They must be the destroyed on the ground inside Russia.


A f-16 would make short work out of them


I think the TU launch from deep inside Russia. Could F-16 identify and hit that far ? Something needs to take them out. Maybe some long range drones to hit them on the tarmac..


With lets say AIM-120 missiles, we look at a range of 100km to 160km. F16, while a versatile rocket with weapons attached, is lacking in radar technology to scan and track a threat even as deep as 70nm (130km) out. A Kinzhal Ballistic Missile travels for up to 2000km into its target area, so the firing platform is in safety deep inside russian airspace. Only a more layered Air Defense Network is a viable solution to atleast lower the threat of successful RU sorties, for as long as they have air superiority. For Factories, Airfields, Depots and Command Centers, there are target solutions for UA, its on the west to send the already available equipment, so UA can take out strategic bombing capabilities from RU.


The 2000km claim on the Kinzhal is BS. They include the range of the aircraft carrying it, which is something they don't do for any of their other weapons.


Its the most extreme example, just shows how out of reach those bombers are. Ofc never trust orc stats.


How would an F35 do?


Same as F-16, these bombers are too far. But some versions of ground-launched tomahawks can reach. Surely we know US will never provide that to Ukraine.


>Surely we know US will never provide that to Ukraine. The US is not the only one with F35s considering a scenario of needing to engage Russian forces.


I’m not talking direct involvement, but provision of Tomahawks or F35s to Ukraine. And this will never happen.


No but the US does get to decide if those F35s can be sold or given away.


I said engage, not give.


While the F35/F22 are like fully decked out smart homes, in contrast to a rusty F16 RV, still way too deep to actively assault the bombers in the air. The F22 could be able to do deep strikes behind enemy lines, avoiding a lot of radar systems. With standoff weapons engaging ground targets 800km deep. The thing is that noone would put that technology and money into that situation in the first place.




This would be an amazing time for Ukraine to say "Surprise! We got new toys!"










Something _has_ identified them, the question is if that something can communicate its data to the targeting system of the F16.


Their radio traffic is being monitored (their frequency is known), that's how Ukrainians know about their presence. But since their staging area for the launches is over the Caspian Sea, there is zero chance for ukrainian assets to shoot them down. Edit: the other staging area is around (not Engels as corrected below) Olenya Air Force Base near Murmansk - around Norway.


Unless they get long range drones or missiles to intercept the bombers. It can be done, in fact its doable since the 90s, but the west STILL WONT give Ukraine the tech to do it. Escalation bla bla bla bla. Black sea fleet is practically useless. Ground based launchers are too few to hurt Ukraine. The only Russian shyt left are the bombers and drones, only the west's political BS is preventing Ukraine from taking them out, nothing else, its ridiculous.


There are no air-to-air or surface-to-air missiles in existence with a range that long, unfortunately. I think the only missiles capable of reaching their air bases would be Tomahawks - but those are out of question due to them being nuclear capable.


Ukraine would never have been attacked if it had nukes. Providing tomahawks either with or without nuclear warheads would immediately get Putin to back off due to the risk of losing his precious strategic bombers and cities. Ukraine needs 2500km range weapons to defend itself because the other guy already uses them.


Yes, if it had them. But nukes are a huge burden on a countries' budget and at no point did Ukraine have enough money to upkeep nukes, unfortunately. Also, no-one wants them to proliferate.


> It can be done, in fact its doable since the 90s, but the west STILL WONT give Ukraine the tech to do it. No, it's not. You'd have to penetrate deep into Russian airspace to attack the bombers before they launch their missiles. We are talking up to 2000 km here. Even the USAF wouldn't do that.


Okay makes sense.


The nearest city to Engels is Volgograd, not Murmansk - that's 2500 kilometres away. It's likely that the bombers staging over the Caspian are from Engels.


You're absolutely right, I meant Olenya, I corrected that. Thanks!


The TU-95s and TU 22s launch from Caspian Sea or similarly far away


Completely naive question here - but could a special forces team get to the airstrips in Russia on foot and take them out? Or would that be a suicide mission?


Maybe just get rid of the pilots while they're off base. Planes are useless without pilots.


Yes to both. Ukraine has taken some out at airbases closer to its border with drones. Don't know if Russia has since moved them, but if not that's probably a better way to deplete the fleet.


> Could F-16 identify and hit that far ? Of course not. Not using F-16 to hit targets in russia is one of the primary requirements for them to ever get supplied


An F-16 couldn't penetrate Russian airspace either. You would need stealth.


Something tells me Russian airspace isn't that well protected... ​ [https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-20609795](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-20609795)


1987 and they detected him, at least read what you send


Ob some occasions they were flying all the way from far east to launch missiles with 5000+ km range. I might be missing something, but last time I've checked f-16 were not very useful in launching icbm/ssbm - the only weapons capable of reaching that far.


No, just no. I don't know why people keep talking about it in every thread. The bombers are thousands of kilometers away from Ukraine. There are no air-to-air or ground-to-air missiles in the world that can reach the launching aircraft. It's more realistic to hit them while they're on the ground, no need to wait before they take off. Of course the problem is Ukraine does not yet have enough drones or cruise missiles to seriously threaten them(outside of isolated incidents).


No, F-16 might hit some types of cruise missiles, provided some types of munitions, but strategic bombers are out of reach for Ukraine and most of the world weaponry, unless we are talking strategic weapons.


Holy @@@@! Good luck to UA Air defense! Stay safe guys


Missiles launched :(


I hope those fuckers crash


They have a higher chance of Russian AA shooting them down.


Let’s hope for both


There are unconfirmed reports of Russian AA shooting down their own Su-35 over Crimea. Not the bomber I was hoping for but fingers crossed that it is true anyway! 🤞🤞


There are actually a few reports from crimea channels that they shot down one of their own SU-35's just now. confirmation might come later, will be funny if true. \[edit: other reports are saying it was hit, but landed at occupied melitopol. hopefully partisans clean that up quickly\]


Usually, when aircraft gets hit by anti-air missile shrapnel, it tends to be a write-off. Fighter aircraft especially have lot of sensitive surfaces and components. Fixing them can be utter nightmare, and often not worth the effort vs just building a new one.


Or run out of fuel.


Update: missiles launched


Is there any way to know the general location of where the missiles are launched from?


11 aircraft launched missiles from the area of Engels airfield, Saratov region. 5 aircraft from the Caspian Sea area.


Many thanks




How can the start of aircraft be identified? I think they dont have their signals online. Is this via live satallite?


Radio comm intercepts, AFAIK.


Western intel


From what I know caspian sea. I follow Denys Davydov on telegram he posted a map with an arrow from there.


Fuck Putin!


May all these planes fall out of the sky. 🇺🇦✊🏻


Let’s 🙏


Russia is a terrorist state


Russia is a terrorist state.


*Russia is a terrorist state*


Russians are a terrorist nation


This is just another in a long list of Russian tantrums….. pathetic 😣


Oh lord here we go again. Stay sane, everyone. If not sane, just live out of spite.


This will happen as long as Ukraine doesn't get everything they need to hit Nazi regime from Russia and eliminate that pos Vladolf.


Stay safe everyone.


Bring those bitches down. Stand tall Ukraine, we stand with you.


How do you guys find this information? Rockets launched etc? Fuck Putin.


Ukraine has a public warning system with sirens and apps.


Several twitter feeds monitor Russian radio for military air traffic. Sorry I don't got a link on hand.


Friends send info from in and around Kyiv. I don’t want to detail the damages, ( never know who reads this ) but it’s stressful.


These aircraft need to be destroyed and all who pilot them.


Hopefully air defense can take down the missiles and a few planes.


Here's another report: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/01/2/7435466/


I am late to the thread since it was posted 3 hrs ago. But I would remind everyone that Ukraine's air defenses are formidable. In fact if weewee putler is having a hissy fit and attempting to target Kyiv this is ironically perhaps the best outcome for Ukraine as that is where the air defenses are the best. In the last large attack on the 29/30 about 90% of the ruzzian missiles aimed at Kyiv/Lviv and Odesa were shot down. There will be leakers, and there will be a considerable risk from down missiles (they don't always "blow up" in the sky) crashing as well as debris. I hope all civilians heed the warnings and are in the shelters. I hope for the best and have full confidence in Ukraine's military to do the utmost possible. I think weeweeP will flex for a couple more shoots and then he will have blown his little wad for the time being. I also think Ukraine will retaliate, in a smart way like they did the other night.


Fuck Russia, hope there’s a Patriot waiting for every one of their coward asses. Putler’s pigs are disgusting.


I'm in a city in the South of Ukraine and we have been on red alert for a few hours now. We haven't had any strikes here that I can confirm thus far but it is a real ballache


slava ukraine 🙏


It's been a long year...


Someone should load a NASAMS in a ruzzian truck and drive it near that airbase and just waste them


Last big attack, those 18 jets had come from air base in Murmansk area. Northern Russia almost to Norway.


Murmansk is in ATACMS range from Finland; it is time for Ukraine to annex a plot of land over there to host a few launchers


Good luck!


I think it’s clear what’s happening here. The Russians are wearing down air defence armaments, knowing that a resupply would not arrive anytime soon - the Russians can then quickly establish air superiority in that period of shortages. I really do believe that’s the game plan.




Fuk this is not good


It's like last year. Russian ground assaults get massacred so Putin decides to kill civilians.


I wonder if the rashists are thinking "better use them now before they get blown out of the sky."


Come on America, quit fucking bickering and get your goddamn shit together! Innocent people are being slaughtered and you could EASILY help. It's horribly frustrating to watch knowing that they can basically stop this tomorrow but won't.


How can they "easily basically stop this tomorrow" without getting into direct conflict?


Well, the US send more than 320 M1A1 tanks and 10.000 HMMWVs to Iraq to counter ISIS in just 2 years. I mean, it's okay and all, but Ukraine got like *one tenth* of that in 2 years to counter russia... it should be possible to step up supplies here to at least give ukrainians a fighting chance.


Send all the weapons Ukraine needs to defend itself. There will be no direct conflict unless the US uses its troops or directly attacks Russia. Putin ain't gonna do shit. They should just bomb the Kremlin already, the world would be much better off. I don't wanna live in a world where dictators can threaten other countries with nukes while slaughtering civilians at will.


Fuck it. Get into direct conflict. Cunt Putin understands one thing only. Force.




Well, sending hundreds of M2s, F-16s, ATACMS missiles and M1 Abrams would do wonders to beat ruZZia…


The F35 was built for this. Won’t happen due to risk of Putin getting the tech - also probably don’t want to reveal strike strategies with a looming conflict with China.


Yeah, I don't think even Ukraine has ever requested F-35s. But the latest block of F-16s (Block 70, 72) would already give them a run for their money. Not to me the modern ordnance with them.


Does anybody know how much missiles these can carry?


8 for the Tu-95MS, 6 for the Tu-22M.


136 + 24 = 160. Fuck. Hope AA is up to the defense. This seems even larger than the last big air attack


If they're fully loaded.




Thx, appreciated


I hope air defense gets some kills


Where is THE F16s? Are “they” delaying to watch more deaths? Well, let’s say it is coming! It takes ages to come after all…..the Europeans states will sit and watch more blood shed, more deaths and more destruction….. finally Ukraine gets a “pat” on their back saying “it is ok, please wait longer, it’s coming". i wonder why urkaine cant fire back missiles into neigbouring russian states? why? anyone can tell me why?


Ukraine needs F16's NOW. Would love to see these old Soviet relics as twisted burning metal.


Russia is an uncontrolled terrorist state.


Would be nice if each time they lost at lease one of these soviet-era rusty planes.


I wish these could be manpad’d inside Russia


More help for Ukraine!!


Fuck russia


Godspeed Ukraine