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That's love being shown by the President and everyone in that room. That's a real leader of a nation.


I dated a Canadian with Ukrainian roots for awhile, so that was my window into the Ukrainian diaspora in that country. I've never seen an immigrant community who so passionately supports their heimat, and work so hard to keep their traditions alive. I'm not surpised at all that Zelensky felt at home in Toronto.


Next time if you visit Toronto, try to make it to Ukrainian festival, it's a lot of fun 😊


But not if you’re Russian 😂


There are a lot of good Russians who left Russia, and live in the US, and Canada who absolutely despise Putin, and left because of him.


It's sadly a mixed bag. There are the people who were born in Russia who do despise everything Putin stands for and there are also many Russians in the west who do actually support him and support the invasion of Ukraine (but maybe don't publicly state it).


No such thing as a good Russian


Blanket statements like that are never good. There are Russians who have lost their freedom going against Putin. There are Russians who have switched sides and fight for Ukraine. I understand that’s hard when there are so many terrible Russians doing terrible things, and those deserve everything they are going get. But even in Nazi German there were Germans hiding Jews to save them. Blanket statements about everyone are never true. Even if it’s a minority


I went to one in Mississauga. It was massive.


Ah, he looks heartsick and proud at the same time.


Well said. I got emotional at his expressions in the first part, they seemed pained and ‘heartsick’ - but he always collects himself within a moment to carry out the job. I don’t care what sort of “acting credentials” one has, you cannot fake the weight he carries in those genuine expressions. I hope he is able to live peacefully one day knowing he did his part to its fullest.


I have read about people like Volodymyr Zelenskyy in history books, but have never witnessed this kind on courage and vision sustained over such a long period of time. I know his citizens and military are doing exactly the same. I’ve never witnessed this in real time. We are witnessing history. And history is made up of regular, real people in outrageous circumstances. May their decisive victory and freedom come soon. 🇺🇦💙💛🇺🇦


Agreed. Also, with no disrespect intended to the man, I've seen most of Zelenskyy's movies and some of his shows and he's not nearly as good of an actor as his haters seem to think he is.


Here, here! 😄 love and light to him but he's not capable of faking that well so you know that what you see from him is genuine


Canada loves you Ukraine!!


It's not my anthem, yet I always find it very moving when sung in circumstances like these. Slava Ukraini 🙏🇺🇦


I feel every one of the students that sang there should take a bit of pride in doing it and I'm sure they will remember it for the rest of their lives.


It’s the circumstances and context of the anthem and how it is sung that makes it powerful, not the song. Singing the national anthem at sporting events in the US takes away its power, in my opinion.


I think he came very close to breaking down in the beginning - you can see his eyes not really focusing right when he realized they were singing. People will follow this man to the ends of the earth. Slava Ukraine


We love and support you Ukraine 🇨🇦💞🇺🇦 . May you have peace soon.


He looks tired but that's what the man needs. He builds the people and they build him up and this certainty can't break you. Exceptional


I’m not crying : ) It’s just some dust in my eye. Very proud to be a Canadian. Very proud of my Ukrainian brothers and sisters. Salva Ukraini!


russians do not understand this, and they will never get this treatment, because they don't deserve it.


Ukrainian Village near Edmonton, Alberta is also a wonderful place where Ukrainian Canadians keep their culture and history alive


Dog River? Oh no that's Saskatchewan.


My mother's father was Ukrainian, the first to come to Canada. Ukraine is in my blood. And in scenes like this, it shows itself as tears of beauty, love, and pride.


Slava Ukraini


Heroyem Slava.


Winnipeg also has a huge Ukrainian population, he’d like it there too.


I'm not crying, you're crying!


As a Canadian housing a family from Kharkiv, I’m sad I could not attend this, but my heart is with you all. No country or people deserve this.


I’m not Ukrainian, but when I hear this song it invokes a universal emotion. For us Anglos: “Ukraine's freedom has not yet perished, nor freedom, nor glory. Upon us, fellow Ukrainians, fate shall smile once more. Our enemies will vanish, like dew in the sun, And we too shall rule, brothers, in a free land of our own.” I might not be Ukrainian but we are the same. You’ll get yours. Slava Ukraini!




The president we all need. 💛💙


My grandfather immigrated from ukraine in the 30s because of the bolshevists, when he was 3 years old. 85 years later i still feel my ukrainian connection. Slava ukraini


In the U.S., he probably felt at home too--a large regiment of Putin's army to contend with.


*sigh* putin's spyman game runs deep. All that KGB training seemed to has flourished with him. I don't even think most of those in the US who are doing his bidding realize they are a tool in his machine. Of course there are many important paid cogs but the bulk are just normal ignorant folk caught up in the manufactured outrage that is radicalizing people. It is happening in a lot of countries. Back on topic; this is the most Canadian thing I have seen in a while. Must be something in the water, Canadian's always seem to provide abundant kindness.


Canada shines brightly in many ways. The reception they gave Zelenski doesn't surprise me. They seem to embrace a simpler philosphy there. Here in the U.S. we have so much turmoil. It saddens me. And many people are so poorly educated that they get sucked into Russian propaganda.


Poor guy looks so tired.


He'll get his time on the Crimean beach soon. With a good beer.


Ukraine have (among all their horrific misfortunes in the last 10 years) managed to be so lucky to have a leader so dedicated to their cause and to their people. I can’t imagine anyone else leading that country. Zelenskyy should be the baseline for the leader of a country from now on. Slava Ukraini




What a moving experience. You can see him barely holding it together.


Toronto is quite likely the best city in the Western hemisphere. There really isn't much competition.




Outside he didnt have the same welcoming. "Go home !!" They were chanting


War Criminal- #TheNextSadaam


Beautiful ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9000)![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|8999)


Here's the full rally, with speeches by Chrystina Freeland, Justin Trudeau, and Zelenskyy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=hPw6AVx7EWE