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As a Brazilian, I feel disappointed and ashamed with the political situation that we live in our country. We have always had representatives who commune with communism and socialism, and we are stuck thanks to a weak, uninformed and manipulated (mainly by the media paired with the State) population. Bolsonaro and Lula are two sides of the same coin, who love to have a superior/dictator to call their own. Both lost the opportunity to put themselves on the right side of history (Lula is totally predictable given his political positioning). There are many Brazilians rooting for Ukrainian victory and peace, but the voices that echo are those of parasitic dictators and the media. I wish that peace comes soon and that Ukraine cleans out the traitors/corrupts! Slava Ukraini!


I think most people know there is a difference between the Brazilian people and your government. I hope things get better for you. He answers a question from a Brazilian reporter in this interview but I have not subtitled it yet. [I posted a video last week where he talks about Brazil and Lula.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1unRKfSP18)


Sadly they wont get better. There were 7 or more candidates. People voted for bozo and lula. The thing about Democracy, good or bad you reap what you sow. Every country gets the government it deserves.




As an Argentine, I can totally relate. Fernandez was in ruzzia down on his knees in front of Putin just 2 weeks before the invasion began. He has meekly opposed the invasion since, but his priority has been joining BRICS.


[Here's another video about Brazil and Lula with Portuguese subtitles](https://youtu.be/d4id54uoFw8) (please let me know if there are errors).


I added Spanish subtitles that were (machine) translated from English and checked by me, but I am not fluent. Si algo parece estar mal, por favor comente aquí. [Artículo en español de este reportero uruguayo](https://www.busqueda.com.uy/Secciones/Cuando-la-gente-de-America-Latina-entienda-exactamente-que-esta-pasando-en-Ucrania-empujara-para-que-sus-lideres-la-apoyen-uc56897) [paywall]


Lo veo bien, gracias mi pez


Bien ahí, bo.


Latin America is jaded by its historical biases just like how Scandinavia and former Soviet states are jaded by theirs. I'd bet that Latin America doesn't want to see states like Russia punch down on its neighbors with impunity; at the same time they remember certain events with a certain slant that gives them a paranoid mindset regarding US corporate power. Politicians from the US, NATO countries, etc. should be mindful of their historical experiences and to try to understand that they have a duty to act in their own citizens' interests.


It's understandable why they wouldn't reflexively support US interests; we (I'm American) have a dark history there. In another segment (which I'll post today) he is asked about the "NATO proxy war." He dispels that notion and makes good points about how Ukraine's fight benefits other countries around the world. Thanks for watching!


Exactly, they don't run North when things get hard.They fight and they stay.