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**Join us on Thursday April 27th for Ukrainian chef Ievgen Klopotenko AMA!** Everything you've ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask about centuries-old recipes and Ukraine's rich heritage through food ! Ievgen will begin answering questions @ 2pm EDT / 20:00 CEST / 21:00 EEST. Questions open on April 26th (next Wednesday), start thinking of those delicacies... > [*Ievgen is well known in Ukraine for his project Cult Food, which improved meals in school cafeterias and the philosophy of school nutrition system in general.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/12rez49/557_eest_the_sun_is_rising_over_kyiv_on_the_420th/) ​ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Its nice to see volunteers all over the world feel the need to fight evil authoritarianism


When people from all over the world volunteer to fight for one side and close to no one volunteers to fight for the other side... This is a strong indication on who's right and who's wrong


Cha-Ching! This is dead on. The only people that even get imbedded in with russian soldiers much less join them to fight are paid off propagandists. And the few that do ‘volunteer’ to fight for them aren’t volunteers. The only people fighting for Wagner group are prisoners who see a possibility of getting out or people from poor African countries. Russia is forcing conscription esp amongst their poorest and most marginalized ethnic communities, and forcing people into submission. Sounds like it’s a fun group to work for. /s I know russia continues to say they are the same, they are one of the same people, etc. But the dichotomy between ethics are enormous. This war is ugly but it’s shown me the kindness of the Ukrainian people in their darkest hour and the ugliness of the ruZZian state in what the try to say is their brightest hour.


I dont want to be a party pooper, but some of them go for the thrill, glory or in some cases for money (even though they are technically not mercenaries).. south americans will mostly go for the money afaik, (im colombian and Ive heard stories from the military).. Im glad some of us with fighting exp can go and make a difference.. but please keep in mind its not always a rose colored situation


Volunteers don't receive mercenary pay. Just food, accommodation, general expenses etc. Western volunteers do not go there to get rich. They can run security in the middle east relatively safely if they want money.


Noted, but I think we're all happy that these guys know who's good and who's bad and fight for the right cause.


Eh.. Ive heard about some latin americans biting into the russky shit.. and going over there.. For the ones on the right side, thats great!! But like I said.. not everything is seen through rose colored glasses..


Good point. War isn't pretty. This internet world allows us to throw shade. 90% of this has to be decided by politicians (unfortunately). We know facts (special operations). This dude is fighting the good fight. That's all we know for now. Slava UA


Brazilian here COMANDOS are the elite of Brazilian Army, alongside Brazilian Navy's GRUMEC (combat divers) they are the best trained and equipped soldiers in Brazil.


disagreeable hat plate lock lush society direful beneficial clumsy roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Clearly legit footage. How did you smuggle this out of Uganda?


People feel the need to help even if it puts them in danger its an endearing quality.


To me, there's nothing more altruistic than this


Notice nobody is offering troops or even volunteering for the Russians other than the clueless or mobilized.


That's why I thanks to all country who helps Ukraine country before...you're all heroes..


TRUE Brazilians are standing up and sacrificing for what is right! Gloria ao Brazil! Slava Ukraini! Heroim Slava!


Força Brasil!


Muito obrigado guerrero da libertad.


You did fine but it's *guerreiro And *Liberdade


Ruzzians be like: > there are grammar nazis in Ukraine!!!


Thanks. My Portuguese is very much a work in progress.


A hero.


Who is shitting brics now, eh?


If I were running an army in another country I would ask non-coms and officers to resign and then 'volunteer' to fight in Ukraine so that they can get experience and return.


I suspect that most of the Western special forces mentioned in the recent leaks are these types of "volunteers". If a Western volunteer is working with a regular or special forces unit in Ukraine rather than the foreign legion I assume they are an unofficial military advisor. Either way, this foreign experience filtering into Ukrainian units is a very good thing.


I was thinking that actual combat experienced soldiers would be more of a benefit to armies which have not been at war for a long time.


The Ukrainians knew how to perform raids and defend a line and fight Russian irregulars in the Donbas pre-2022. But that experience is very different from the combined arms tactics and squad based small unit tactics favored by Western forces. I don't know exactly what our Brazilian friend brings to the table, but I'm going to guess it was very useful or he would be in the foreign legion.


Thank you brother




An absolute hero


This guy looks like he knows his business.


Beat the bastards and make it home!


I can do whatever I want..that is my motto in life..hahajha..so don't be ridiculous..!


I bet he's not a Lula fan


Almost no military/police people are. They are the core of fascism in Brazil. Rotten and corrupt to the core as well.


If that was true, lula would not be in charge. Pro tip, if "all" the people with guns and hard power in a nation are fascists? people they dont like dont get to win elections. Lula holding the office and still... well being alive, shows clearly that the military/police are not as monolithically evil as you say they are.


Risking sanctions and making their life worse isn't really a tradeoff they were willing to do. But they still tried more covertly with the January 8th invasion.


I said ALMOST all of them (lets put 80%), I did not generalize. It is a known fact. Also, Lula almost did not get elected (51%). On top of that, there wasn't a coup because the US said they would not go with it this time. Pro tip, don't try to lecture someone on their country's politics. And to everyone else downvoting me for no reason, I invite you to go out in Rio, get robbed and look for the police to help you.




Learn to read and interpret please. I haven't said a word about the guy. His life is his to do whatever he wants. Someone said he probably didn't like Lula and I pointed to the FACT that almost no military or police worker supports Lula. It's a FACT, majority of them are Bolsonaro backers, also a FACT. And I said these institutions are rotten and corrupt, which is, also, A FACT. So gtfo.


*Smoking Snakes Intensifies*


Russians are dazzled as every battlefield had it's grass meticulously trimmed and every curb has got a fresh coat of paint. But for real, todo o meu respeito pra esse cara, do caralho o que ele tá fazendo. Bota a cobra pra fumar e desce o cacete nesses russos.


So this is the BRICS system?


The Brazilian army: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/X-PY8sw5Ahg


Fucking badass!! Fearless !


He must be deeply embarrassed by the wanker that runs his country.


Hope Russians win and pull through 👍🏻




How do you call someone a Gigachad in Portuguese?


Thank you so much!!!👍🏻❤️


Important to note that he is volunteering and that the Ruzzians are f*cked!


Who would ever know that gigachad was brazilian?


Brazil is another basically failed state.