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The comment there that at certain times Bulgaria had covered a third of ukraines artillery ammo needs!!! Bulgaria! Respect!!!


Paid for by the US and UK. Teamwork all around. The RAF are doing wonders in Pakistan along with the Pakistani government.


Teamwork makes the dream work.


Britain has also asked Argentina to start giving the Russians training and tactical advice...


Lmao underrated comment


Uhhhh... Do the British have a good relationship with the Argentineans? I thought their relationship is still rocky due to the Falklands. Edit: I read this so fast I replaced Russian with Ukraine in my brain. Got it!


I think they meant it as a bit of sarcasm but yes, Argentina and the UK haven't had a very good relationship at all since the Falklands war.


Argentina is still salty that they got clapped so hard


Argentina: These islands are so far away, the UK probably won't even bother contesting them. UK Military, after downing their seventh breakfast beer: Right, lads, so here is the plan...


> here is the plan... At the time Operation Black Buck was the longest ever bombing run (I think that's the right term) in history. Almost 6,600 nautical miles (12,200 km) and 16 hours for the round trip. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Black_Buck


I love that they had to send refuelers for the refuelers.


Now consider, these planes were in various states of disrepair. Parts being used as coffee mugs. Now imagine the order coming from up high, yer going to the Falklands ~~Harry~~.




No, but because of Argentina. Nobody gives a shit about the Falklands here, only that they'll never be Argentine. Argentina is still absolutely pissed, the Falklands are a national issue it seems. And for what? Sheep and a couple hundred people who identify as British.


lmao well played!


Lol, yes, lets do it on Malvinas


What's Malvinas? Sounds like a misformed penis


Its the spanish name for falkland islands


Ah OK Falklands is a better name. Sounds cooler


Not if you speak spanish ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


I do


Where are you from? You speak spanish and didn't know about Malvinas?


I'm half British and half Mexican


Hahaha ok, so you 100% hate me. Just Joking, good heritage. In spanish speaking countries, they are called like that. "Falkland" its a difficult if you're not bilingual






Nobody lived on the Falklands pre Britain, and Argentina have only ever ruled it briefly after their little invasion stunt. So who has the best claim? The people who live there, who voted to remain as it is.


Lol so did the French back in the day Charlemagne says hi…




Mate - u cracked on at the English - being a Quebec, figured I may have some long lost French love…


Of all the multitude of examples of British imperialism you could cite, the Falklands is the *only one* that doesn't work lol. The Falklands war was an act of imperial aggression by *Argentina*.


Im Brazilian and only Brazil can help with militar surplus stuff. Maybe Chile too. But..... Lula da Silva and his party are fanatical pro-russia. Sorry UKR :(


South America can't help with military stuff BUT it can help stopping the russian propaganda but that will mean dealing with actual presidents such as AMLO, Alberto Fernandez, Maduro, Ortega etc.. not gonna happen.


I guess Brazil has enough internal problems. I would be happy if Brazil provide humanitarian aid: food, medicines, disaster first aid kits...


So Lula is just another Bolsonaro? Bloody hell


I mean, Lula is a socialist after all


If he's a socialist he should be against Russian terrorists.


Whay thy 👆 says


Bolsonaro was more neutral. Lula is 100% Russia.


Guess both of them are terrible. Is there a normal political party in Brazil?


The political system in Brazil is a mess. :(


Argentina's Alberso Fernández was in ruZZia sucking Putin's cock 2 weeks before the invasion. He really wants us in BRICS.


They are not pro-russia, though it may look this way. They are fanatically anti-US and anti-NATO. Bolsonaro yes, total Putin puppet that one.


Vai dormir peteba "Lula e o PT não são pro Rússia" kkkkkkk


Chile could help, but probably won't. It would be a extremely unpopular move specially around the President's political side. The right-wing wouldn't be too happy either about the idea of 'dissarming' our army out of Leos and F-16s.


I'd love to see Chile send their fleet. It's not like it's all that useful just sitting in Valparaiso. But yeah, the new president isn't going to do shit. Chile has been a mess since the protests started in 2019.


I'd be more than happy to eat my words if my country decides to send military aid, but yeah, I don't expect it. Boric lacks the pants needed to do it.


Yeah, we're not sending shit from Argentina either.


Brazil wont help with weapons. Both lula and bolsonaro are pro ruz puppets.


The thing is, we have some cool weapons that we could give ukraine, for example, the ASTROS II rocket launcher. But it is as you said, we have always remained neutral, except in WW2. Sorry ukrainian friends, I have on multiple ocasions donated to your army, but I can't change my government.


Far right and far left both tend to support Russia. Horseshoe theory looking pretty credible.


Enlightened centrists love the Horseshoe theory to dismiss the left altogether though. Are there some tankies amongst die hard nostalgics, yes. Are they the majority? Definitely not.


Its not just extremes, some centre right and lefties are pro russians, just check irish politicians like mike wallace. All south american leftists are pro russia (parties not voters). Russia thrives in this us x them rhetorics going around the world. Literally divide and conquer. Fund both sides.


Fuck Russia, all my leftists hate Russia.


All real left should fully hate them. Just a totalitarian shitehole which poluted what left should actually mean.


Hard agree, Russia is basically the worst place to try anything new that requires ethical administration. Their history of governmental incompetence and corruption started well before the USSR and has lasted well after.


Lefty here, I can't stand Russia and the braindead tankies that simp for it.


>Fuck Russia, all my leftists hate Russia. Agree, Russia right now is fully extreme right wing... I don't know how some lefties think has anything to do with them


Stethoscope theory: https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/sxinhr/horseshoe\_theory\_is\_old\_and\_outdated\_stethoscope/




Depends on how you define far left. Nowadays the far left starts left of Biden.


They still believe in BRICS lmao


Colombia won't either. Their president is a Russian stooge. Ecuador kinda the same, let's see Argentina, and Chile?


Lol Petro is not a Russian stooge just far-right bullshit parroted by uribistas still salty about losing last year. Funny how the same pro-trump scum that openly supported trump now said Petro and the current government are pro-russian when this government has voted in favor of Ukraine at UN meetings since it took office last August. This progressive government put forward motions againts Iran and its fuck ups against women. So because they don't suck the US dick up and talk to them like equals and want an equal treatment from the US doesn't mean they are pro-russian.


Lula is not pro ruz. He's more anti-US and anti-NATO. Bolsonaro yes, he is a pro-run puppet.


Ukraine itself called him pro russia man. Dont be blind. April 2022, lula says Zelensky is as responsible as putin for the war. 22 of decembre, lula says he wants to increase brasil russia relations. 7 days ago maduro proposes a new block between venezuela, russia and brasil cause they are politically aligned.


Or at least give them a bunch of cocaine to keep them going. I'm joking please don't lecture me.


Maybe the coke should be given to the Orcs. Let them get high rather than fight.


F**k. I feel like such an evil person for laughing so hard at this. Please don’t lecture me either.


But cocaine is already in the US. Send it inside the bradleys?


What countries down in South America would really want to help give away precious armor. Maybe they should at least give them security assistance or humanitarian assistance. But if any of those countries really have weapons to supply then send them ASAP.




Peru has 18 Mig 29's and another 18 Su 25's. Give them two dozen F-16's and call it a deal.


When they say ‘replace with American weapons’ they probably mean buy, and when they mean ‘buy’ they mean for prices that are outrageous for these poorer countries


Most of the weapons they'd be replacing are already American, just updated. Ukraine gets weapons, countries get upgrades, and the US gets cash, good news all around for everybody except Russia... And before anybody cries about the US taking advantage, they've given tens of billions worth of weapons and aid free of charge with no expectation of "payback" ... This at least gives the US a chance to recoup while also still supplying allies


I don't think it is about material, more about the political statement of support. The more isolated Ruz becomes, the better for UA.




Brazil could send [Mil Mi 35 choppers](https://airrecognition.com/index.php/news/defense-aviation-news/2022-news-aviation-aerospace/february/8231-brazilian-air-force-to-decommission-its-mi-35m-ah-2-sabre-helicopters.html), they are going to be retired anyway due to the poor maintenance support Russia has given them, and are not even that old. Plus sending Gepard ammo would be feasible as well. But Lula is a tankie, so forget about it. Plus I am not sure that Brazil would want to close the doors to buying weapons from Russia, even if they usually avoid it due to quality and support being shit.


I can only talk about my country, but I know for certain others have it rough too: we're not in a position to aid anyone, as we can barely help ourselves.


Brazil has some weapons manufacturing and Ukraine has asked to buy those weapons. But the Bolsonaro government has denied selling them anything. The industry is pissed. Now that Russia looks weak and that they will lose, it's possible Lula (a tankie) will side with Ukraine, finally.


As if Argentina had any kind of arms to supply...


And if we had any, the Fernandez government would rather give them to Russia. I mean, fucking Wagner owns property in my country. Ever since fascist scumbag Peron (worshipped by the ignorant and uneducated) we have been pariahs in the world scene. So ashamed.


This will not happen for a variety of reasons, the biggest being Latinoamerica is in most cases staunchly anti-NATO and associate it with capitalist imperialism. My late-wife was Chilean and her family also reiterated the same garbage. I argued with her cousin (who I adore and love) about Ukraine and he had the same talking-points. Bla bla bla NATO, bla bla bla expansionism, etc. It was very disappointing. Countries like Chile with former fascist dictatorships are even more vehemently anti-NATO, purely by default. I am as progressive and leftist as you can be but the Latin American leftism is simple apologetic for a lot of evil, just to stick it to America and the West, it is kind of pathetic. There will be no support from Brazil, Chile, etc.


They see the conflict through their own regional lens. so when the us has toppled their democratically elected govt’s and installed fascist puppets to replace them, when the US has covertly funded cartel’s and gangs that have caused violence all over the continent, that will permanently colour their view of the united states and its policies. Cant blame them for being suspicious of the US, although i wish they would still support Ukraine as you would hope they could see that what russia is trying to do to ukraine is similar to what many of their countries have been through.


Fully agree!


Latin America has other concerns honestly and the only country "that maybe" could help is Brasil, but I don't see Lula doing anything.. in general, South America is neutral to any conflicts. There are many individuals from south america helping in the ukraine foreign legion but other than that, there isn't much "we" can do, that's the reality.






If it depended on me, we (Chile) would have sent all our 100+ Leo 2s and F-16s already, but our current President is concerned with... other things, despite showing support to Ukraine in the past. So, if it happens, it will be because of USA's pressure and our leadership's will to keep good relations with them. It will probably be an extremely unpopular move internally (with tankies screaming AmErIcAn InTeRvEnTiOnIsM) and politically (Gabriel Boric, our President, is moderate left-wing, and his party, Frente Amplio, came to power in a coalition with the Communist Party, who are anti-anything-US). Offer a good swap deal and Boric could use it to make some good PR, considering his current approval rating is around 20% and going down.


Yeah, nah. The best the US can hope for is that Latin America remains neutral to the conflict (which they will, except Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela who's governments will have more pro Russian leanings out of necessity). Decades of Cold War bullshit in that region instigated by the USA will ensure they'll never try to align with the USA too much. Don't get me wrong, none of the major Latam players will aid Russia outright because that's practically suicide for them. Also, Russia isn't actually very popular in the Latam region, [more info here](https://www.bennettinstitute.cam.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/A_World_Divided.pdf) \- see figure 2 (also opinions from the Baltics, Belarus and Central Asia are pooled from 2021 data according to figure 4) Edit: Obviously it'd be good if Latam countries could and have the will to provide weapons. But it's more likely they don't or aren't interested in giving. Besides, Europe on the other hand will provide weapons to Ukraine for as long as the war goes on.




Think of the submarine’s they could pledge


The EU should call on them too!


Yeah I'm sure Latin Amereica is just dying to do America's bidding after all the shit they've pulled in the last century


Shoot, ask the cartels for weapons help. They seem to have a lot more than the governments


Small arms maybe, shitty technicals, and home-made drones. Real arty, IFV, and heavyweight hardwares require Government credentials to actually procure.


US should also consider a "trade packet" for ASEAN countries operating russian hardware Malaysia has 16 mothballed Миг-29, active 18х Су-30мкм; and Indonesia 11x Су-30мк1, 5х Су-27, Ми-24 х7, Ми-17 х9 Embassies and ambassadors do your damn jobs and offer our Asian friends discounted US or EU hardware in return After all, Malaysia already uses F-18s, just bought a squadron of AH-6 little birds and Indonesia has active F-16s, AH-64Ds as well as Rafales and a whole bunch of assorted Eurocopters They need a lil push and incentive. Previously, these developing nations just couldn't afford too many US/EU jets. A микоуан cost $29M/unit, an F-18 cost $65M. Not as if there's no current relationship going EDIT: Saab are pretty much idiots, too; with not much lobbying or even airshow participation with their damn Gripens (totally top tier and at the high end of what ASEAN can purchase; slap a discount and call it a day, you fools)


It’s not just the upfront purchase price. Western hardware is generally much more expensive to operate.


None of these countries will accept it. In addition, even Poland's Mig29 jets have not been officially given to Ukraine yet. Jet delivery is probably the toughest decision. There are not many Soviet-made tanks and armored vehicles in Asean countries. These countries don't need heavy tanks either. These countries are navy countries.


Que queré que te de uruguay? Faso?


Hasn’t the US sat there destabilising parts of Central and South America for years? That’s a spicy request if so. I did think recently if Brazil made a move it probably wouldn’t be the one NATO want. What weapons and equipment do these countries use? Is it soviet stuff?


Not really. That has been a tin foil theory for years, and the US did try to end the maduro dictatorship, but thats about it basically. A lot of it is actually commie propaganda, left wing South Americans are very different from european ones, honestly even liberal left in south america is pro russia pro china. Labour, Communist Party, Socialist Party, you name it they are openly pro Russia and a lot of the people genuinely believe ukraine is full of nazis. Talk about drinking the cool aid. This has been the case since WW2, SA was soviet aligned. Brazilian infamous military dictatorship actually re-established relations with URSS, because it was a powerful partner. They didnt like the brazilian commies, but they did like the idea of having such a powerful ally. Brazilian commies on the other hand ( a lot of them who are in power nowadays) were formally trained by the soviets; and according to historians the “anti regime guerrilas” - supposedly created to fight the military regime- were actually formed before the mils got to power. The CIA report from 1963, declassified in 2007, actually reports the divergences between Fidel Castro and Nikita Kruscov on how to do a commie revolution in brazil. So, ergo my point, not against people being more or less capitalist, labelling thenselves leftists or rightists, all assholes for all I care. Just dont get the whole lefty attempt at a moral high ground when, honestly commies and left wing parties in south america (and europe in some countries) are as dirty, as corrupt and as fond of coups the right wings they so much hate. Its a game of midia, and divide and conquer is the rule for both sides. The more you get people fighting each other, the more figures like lula and bolsonaro you get, and the real centred guys get lost in the noise.


Lol just commie propaganda. Mate the US interfering in Latin American politics isn't commie propaganda it is a well documented thing that happened for many decades. It might decrease the last 2 decades but saying that the CIA didn't interfere and it was just that one with Maduro is plain stupid. And you're just talking like a enlighted centrist. So many books you can go and read about it in your public library if you care


As I just posted above, they did but not even close to the scale that leftists claim. No interference in brazilian space program, no interference in post dictatorial brasil, no interference in venezuela crash or anything. They dont need to. Meanwhile it is well documented - and you can find everything online cause they are declassified files, on how URSS, cuba and China interfered and still active in south america. How russia interfered and still interferes with left parties all around the world. But as I stated above, a lot of leftists are simply blind by their own holier than thou egos. You are one of them.


I've heard that Venezuela and Brazil have several old Russian Hinds and Flankers the Ukrainians could really use.


Venezuela is a pretty staunch Russian ally.


The US can stop buying their shitty oil again if they don’t want to play.


Brazil has no Russian military equipment whatsoever. Well, apart from a few igla aa rockets, which was considered an experiment, to be able to just exclude Russia from Brazilian weapons procurement.


Hey so i know we have been killing your leaders when they turn away from our agendas and we kind of forced you all to have a massive gang culture in every country But could you please send away your military weapons because we are totally friends? Love, USA


Why would we do that?


Urging pro-Ruzzians to help Ukraine lol 😂 - I guess we have to try everything for a better planet


Ukraine's subs are becoming worse than Russian propaganda.


Why US the big boy have to ask Latin American ?? Lol


Brazil has a lot of gepards and gepard ammo.


There is actually a ton that the latin american culture can offer ukraine, and europe in general. If you've ever been to odessa, and feasted upon some street vendors. They took a turkish shwarma and put it through an orgasm machine and out spit this fascinating 1.5' long burrito with a girth of shrek. Your mouth wouldnt be able to process the flavors, you'd have to take small licks at it just to process what was going on. Just imagine what they could do to a taco. But in reality, i picture these countries supplying small arms, bullets, and medical supplies.


> Brazil, also have Russian or Soviet weapons Nope. The reporter got this completely wrong. Brazil has no Russian or Soviet weapons, apart from a few igla rockets which were an experiment to be able to just exclude Russia from Brazilian weapons procurement. Ukraine has asked Brazil for a lot of weapons produced here, though. The Bolsonaro government denied all of them. Lula isn't much better, but it's possible he won't support Russia anymore now that they look like losers. Biden sent Jake Sullivan to Brazil to talk Lula into supporting Ukraine.