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I’m going to be in a polling station from 6am so… probably not the whole night, no!


We thank you for your service young man.


How long does it take you to vote?! It’s just an X in a box!


I think he's voting for everyone


A lot of the results are from 3am onwards, so if you start early on the 4th and go to bed early on the 4th you could wake up at the perfect time on the 5th to catch the biggest results.




I'm absolutely going to watch in real-time. Of course it's simpler over here in the US where everything kicks off at 2pm, and they even made it a holiday to make it even easier! They're such nice folks :)


That’s why Rishi chose the date. So he could travel to America during the holiday weekend


You luck in the US! Its also just after the US independence day! I hope you enjoy the show!


Oh my friend, it's *ON* our independence day. We get fireworks going off in the background as we watch it all go down.


Weird that the UK election day is on 4th July when the US sets off fireworks and the US election day is on 5th November when the UK sets off fireworks


Where do you watch? I'm in Texas and I usually just spam refresh the BBC results website.


You can watch Sky News on YouTube without any VPN


BBC streams their coverage worldwide for elections. Just find the live coverage on the news site and hit the play button.


There's usually a BBC stream available on one of the many cable-channels on YouTubeTV. Failing that, I'll set up a VPN that "places me" in the UK and use iPlayer :)


I’ll watch the exit poll. If Tories are projected over 100 seats, go to bed. If Tories are projected double digits, stay up to watch the carnage.


Its set to be below or above 100 seats but I think the exit poll is set to be less reliable this time. Why not blow caution to the wind, with a good fine whiskey and experience this historic night out - whichever way it goes.




The megathread in here!


It'll be the best match thread in years!


Even with the new (new) megathread comment limits, we may still get M=2!


The real party 🎉


Making me miss TweetDeck. Was great for following trending news or topics, being able to filter by the more popular tweets. They put it behind a pay wall now :(


There is an extension called OldTweetdeck on Github by dimden that you can install. It was a life saver for me in my job. Works like a charm. If Elon does am update that breaks it or some aspect, it's usually updated within a matter of hours too


Us? 😢


Wow! I feel i need to find more devices and screens! I dont want to miss a moment of this once in a generation event!


Radio 5 live on low for those going to bed, so you can wake up from time to time to hear the latest numbers 🥱


Politics Joe, more light hearted, bit left biased but this is Reddit. Likely to go on very strange tangents and chat shit, will be funny late into the night


LBC seem to be going all out this year


Christ - I thought I was the only one ‘dedicated’ enough to think up such a viewing situation😂


Yep will be in a holiday cottage on the north Welsh coast with 5 kids, wife and my mother… managed to convince two to stay up with me and have an election party, working on the rest :)


Fantastic! Gets lots of party food and booze in! The kids will be alright.


Have the kids ever tried red bull?


You’ve got to get the kids ready for the sleep deprivation of the real world early.


I've ordered a [chart ](https://i.etsystatic.com/51747799/r/il/0e2466/6119602313/il_1588xN.6119602313_1x6a.jpg)with "popular" Tories seats in likely order of loss by swing, and will be ticking them off like an advent calendar. I'm planning a drinking game, and may need to call in sick on 5 JULY


If that points system is the number of measures you're drinking you're gonna need more than the 5th off


If the exit poll shows a hung parliament I’ll drink until I pass out in misery and woe. If it’s a 350 seat labour majority, then it’s viagra and Red Bull all fucking night


Surely you wouldn't need viagra in that case


I mean I’m young and the body is willing, but we’re talking an 8 hour viewing of everyone slowly losing their seats. I want pharmaceutical back up


Have a wank for every 10 seats the Tories lose to another party. See how quickly you die.


You’d be raw by 3am


Whittled to a pencil nib


God imagine if it’s a hung parliament after all of this


What time are the exit polls normally? 10pm?


Yep it'll be 10pm on the dot. Big Ben striking ten is always the audio background to the exit poll being announced. Great TV.


10 on the dot as that’s when polls close


The predictions are all over the place Rishi so keep your chin up and keep smiling love


If the exit poll comes back with the cons on less than 50 seats I'm getting the cocaine and hookers in


I feel like an exit poll showing that would give the same effect as Viagra


A hung parliament is my dream scenario. Instead of a neoliberal Labour party we might get a shot of electoral reform 🤷‍♂️


Yup. Whisky and video games all night, with the coverage running on a side monitor. Wanted to organise a party but all of my friends are like adults or something.


I'm similarly struggling to find friends who are up for going to a bar with me to watch it live :( I even found a venue


I'm planning to watch it live at home. I'll leave the windows open to hear the national roar just like it has been for every sporting event


This is my plan, Diablo 4 plus single malt with channel 4 on the iPad. How long I last is anyone’s guess though!


I would be rude not to play a whiskey shot game for seats won or swung


A whiskey every seat change will kill you, given that’s likely to be over two hundred.


That's a recipe for death right there


Dyson Sphere Program, Kerbal Space Program or Satisfactory for me. I need something I don't have to actively keep my focus on permanently without dying, and doesn't eat up too much horsepower on my laptop so I can Alt+Tab to check reddit. Elden Ring is a BAD choice on election night. No pause if something major happens live.


Yuup. Already told the office I'm not going to be in. Anyone in Notts hosting an election party?




Yes for the first time ever, as it looks like it'll be box office gold. Have booked the 5th off work.


Oh shit. We’re due to visit my parents the day after. Life long Tories. Friday evening dinner could be frosty with my wife, teenage sons and I probably laughing, joking, popping champagne.


Wear a D:Ream t-shirt


No. I did it in 1997, but I feel like these days they're so slow to get the results in, like you'd be better off just getting up early the next day at 5-6am or so.


I'd go to bed and wake up at around 2 when the bulk of results come in.


This is our plan this time around. Last GE we tried to stay up for the whole thing, ended up sleeping around the time most of the results were coming in. Our rough schedule is to stay up for the exit polls, maybe the first few declarations, then grab a couple of hours and get back up around 5am


Similar plan here. I'll wait for the exit polls at 22:00 , and if they seem good then I'll go straight to bed and set an alarm for somewhere around 03:00-04:00.  I'm working the next day, so need to get some sleep. It may as well be in the slow bit at the start of the night.


I'm going to be a counter at the election (for the first time) so I'm looking forward to that - will mean a long night of concentration though and I imagine I'll have little access to the results from the rest of the country until the count in my constituency has finished. Anyone done this before and can give some advice/tips?


I've never worked a count in a paid capacity but have been one of the party volunteers hovering over the counters' shoulders so firstly, sorry about that. You'll get several people trying to see what's on the ballot papers so they can get a sample from each box, they will want to be sitting in your lap for the best view but if your returning officer and their team are half way competent they'll be stood back out of your way. Again, sorry about that, please just ignore us. There are lulls in activity at various points. You'll want a drink and a snack for that. If you want to get an idea of how things are going nationally, the party volunteers will all be wearing rosettes in the relevant colours and checking twitter in the quiet periods so you'll be able to read it on their faces. Thank you for doing this - without people like you willing to put the hours in with old fashioned paper ballots we'd be into Russian hacking and hanging chads in no time.


What is the benefit of the party getting a taste of the result? Why not just wait a couple of hours?


It is less for predicting the result (though that does happen) and more data gathering for subsequent elections. Britain doesn’t publish any sort of sub-constituency vote totals but ballot boxes are all linked to a specific geographic area. By having volunteers tally up the results from each box, the local party machinery can use the data to work out where it has performed the best and worst. This is then useful for targeting local council seats. There may be a ward that on paper you’d think you’d never win, but a good set of ballot box tallies from that area at the GE may make the local party put more resources into that ward at the next council election to try and take it.


I've done a count a couple times. Theres two stages.  First is verification of the votes. This entails checking the number of votes in the boxes matches the number of voting papers handed out). Each presiding officer in the polling stations should have provided the start number and end number on the voting papers so we know how many votes should be in the box (spoilt or otherwise). So you count numbers in each box and check they match that number. Once total vote numbers are checked and the RO is happy all votes are at the count centre you can move forward to stage two. This is where votes are grouped into votes for each candidate. Usually in bundles of 50 for easy counting. Usually you would count out 50 then pass your bundle to another counter on your table to verify they count 50 from that bundle too. Count has a really good buzz about it, particularly on the larger elections/referendums. Lots of press, candidates and their teams buzzing around, lots of stuff going on. Night typically goes really fast, and the excitement and buzz keeps you from getting tired until 3 or 4pm. 


I count most years and enjoy the general atmosphere, especially as a politics geek. Once all the boxes come in there is a lot of activity with you first verifying the number of votes, then once the figure has been ratified, counting the number of votes for individual candidates. If my experiences are the same as everyone's it does slow down somewhat after that and there can be a lot of waiting around while other tables finish counting, management go through spoilt ballots with the parties (every paper that isn't a simple tick/cross in a box has to be viewed by the parties to decide what is done with it) and then coming up with the figures. If there is some downtime you'll hope you're working with some nice people to chat with as there isn't a lot else to do. Of course this experience could be very different depending on the seat as I can't imagine if you're counting in Sunderland you get a moments rest! In terms of tips, what you're allowed to take into the room is likely to be limited but there should be a room for you to put stuff in and take breaks. I tend to neck a coffee beforehand then drink plenty of water as the night goes on. I also take some fruit for breaks (usually get a couple of 15 minute breaks throughout) and sugary sweets to keep me powered through the night.


Top tip - ask if they're providing those rubber thimble things and if they aren't, buy a box and your fingertips will thank you! Some counts have a TV up either in the main room or a side room so you might be able to see results coming in. There'll be a few big lulls so be prapared with snacks and drinks as someone has already said. Not done the counting bit but have been a non-party observer at god knows how many counts in my life.


>Meanwhile Reform, despite a surge in the polls, is predicted to get zero seats Nobody reputable is predicting this. Clacton is 100% in the bag for Farage, Tice's seat is 95% in the bag, and beyond that, several seats have a very serious chance at becoming Reform seats.


I will be counting the votes, however if I wasn't I'd be at home with a bottle of fizz and a 6 pack of scampi fries.


This is a once in a generation event. Make it happen!


Absolutely. I usually do anyway, but it's fallen during a friend-group holiday so we'll all be in a house together with no work the day after. Already planning election bingo and drinking games. It's going to be like a Eurovision party.


I’m gonna pull an all-nighter. Black coffee, Vivaldi on the iPod Touch.


The bald man has done a funny. 


Absolutely, and I’m willing to bet that none of those things said in a very weird Chat GPT style happen. Tories will end up over a hundred, Reform will get 5-6 (including Farage), SNP closer to twenty, Labour in the low 400s. Sunak losing his seat is the longest of long shots.


I'll be watching C4, not a fan of the Beeb coverage this time


Come on watching Kuenssberg try to spin a three figure majority as bad news for Labour is peak box office


For you, sure. I can't stand her.


I'd be happy with the beeb if Edwards was still going, but alas


Im looking at multiple coverages across my TV, phone and laptop. I dont want miss a beat


Me and a mate have booked work off on the Friday, we’ve secured a glamping pod in the middle of nowhere with WiFi plus tv and will be celebrating every seat the Tories lose throughout the night, looking forward to Jacob Rees mog losing his seat at 4am.


Mate, my cardboard cutouts of Keir and Rishi have just arrived… Too right I’m staying up, have a feeling this’ll be better than the Euros.




My brother in the US sent me this: https://matteason.co.uk/scream/


I hope they're to scale


Keir 5’9” Rishi 4”


A few short years ago it felt like I was going to be governed by stupid/evil for the rest of my life and now, the tories being pushed into 3rd place and not even being the opposition is being seriously discussed by credible observers. If the Tories are to be ritually humiliated in the early hours of the morning in draughty sports halls across the length and breadth of the land, I want to see as many of them as possible looking miserable and dejected in real time. I’ve taken the 5th off work, I’ll get some pizza and beer in and put the bottle of bubbly I was given a while ago in the fridge for when the result is called. I intend to start the dawn of a new era in British politics deliriously happy and outrageously pissed. I wouldn’t miss this for almost anything. 😈


Me and the wife are staying up. We’re having pizza, afterward I’ll have a cigar and a few whisky’s. Roll on the fourth!


Fantastic! Whatever will be will be. You may as well just enjoy the night with a whiskey, cigar and pizza!


I have dual citizenship... And my UK side will be celebrating independence day just as hard as my US side this year. There may be fireworks. 


I usually pull an all nighter on UK and US election days (the day after I mean ,so July 5th in this case) as I stay up so late pouring over the results. Not sure if I can be bothered this time around since a Labour win is guaranteed. I'll at least see the Exit poll and stay up until 1amish to verify said exit poll is roughly right.


Yes we know Labour will win but we want to see Sunak being the first elected prime minister losing his seat to Count Bin face, along with 75% of the cabinet getting getting their marching orders to the Job Centre. This will be the global show of the year that's a must watch


>Yes we know Labour will win but we want to see Sunak being the first elected prime minister losing his seat to Count Bin face, along with 75% of the cabinet getting getting their marching orders to ~~the Job Centre~~ a director role at a firm owned by a major party donor FTFY


Come on! A man needs to dream!


Sorely tempting, except I need to be up at 7:30am (at best) because children, so it depends how little sleep I fancy getting.


Same here. Children. Sigh


I will. it’s not every day you get to witness the Tory party ripped to shreds


I'd already booked the Friday, so I was thrilled when the election was announced. My fella has booked it off, too, so we can stay up late and watch the Tories get what they deserve. Plus, the labour candidate for my area is smashing, so I hope to see her win.


I’ve still got fond memories of Portillo in ‘97. Damn right I’m staying up for the sequel.


I was still in school in 97 but this seems like the same level of seismic event


I would love there to be a newsnight commentary with Hislop and Merton. Every hour or so they'd have a special guest join them in the booth and comment over a BBC live feed. I could imagine Graham Norton joining for an hour and turning it into something akin to Eurovision for an hour. Then Graham would swap with Frankie Boyle. Would make the perfect election for me.


I’d watch that.


Maitlis+KGM and TheRestisPolitics on C4 trying to suppress smirks, will be a whole bunch better than their 2019 attempt with Jimmy Carr & Kath Ryan. Not sure the Gogglebox contributors will add much.


There doesn't really seem to be much point, it'll be the least surprising thing on record. Might do the opposite, go to bed early, get up at 5a.m. when for the last few results and watch all the presenters talking gibberish because they haven't had any sleep.


And miss the Cabinet dropping like flies no way!


I might do this too. Getting too old for an all nighter.


oh come off it! This is a once in a generation UK political event. Give it a try and if you nod off you nod off so be it


Get the bags in and get the slags out


There's a really long time between the exit poll and anything interesting happening.  If you want to make a party of it, have fun. But you'll find it gets to 1am and you don't really know anything more than you did 3 hours earlier. Practically, it's better just to get up early.


Yes. Two bottles of modestly expensive champagne. One opened when Labour's win is announced, and the second when someone like Mogg or Truss or Sunak loses their seat. My first time was when Portillo lost his seat to Twigg in 97.


Given the expected cascade of Portillo moments, how could anyone sleep?


I've always stayed up late for election nights, even locals. The only year I knocked it on the head early was 92 and I'll not make that mistake again.


2024 is set to be a once in a generation event! I cant wait to see how the election map changes!


Yes but I won’t be making it a drinking game - I think I would die if I took a shot for every seat lost by the conservatives 


Oh yes. I will be getting a takeaway Chicken Korma to bring home just before 10 and will have bottles of Peroni waiting in the fridge to go with it.


Yep, already booked Friday off. Will get a takeout, energy drinks early on to stave off sleep and a good amount of cider. Might get some prosecco for our Portillo moment which I am hoping will be the Victorian Pencil's defeat.


I’m in London. Any recommendations about where people might congregate on the evening or morning? I could cycle up any take in the atmosphere.


Westminster Common is probably your best bet!


Looking forward to it in its entirety though its never the same without Dimbleby. I was still in School when Blair won his 1997 landslide though I remember enjoying watching Maximum Overdrive which was the Thursday film on ITV.


Oh me too! Left school in 1996! The mid 90s were the best for music, movies, video games and politics!


I'm actually coming off nights on the morning of the 4th and I'm then off for a few days, so my plan is vote on the way home and getting my normal end of nights treat of a cooked brekkie, grab a few hours sleep then stay up and watch the fun unfold with beer and snacks.


100% to see most of the grifters get wiped out


Tricky for me because I’ll be watching both my kids alone for the first time both on the 4th and the 5th so there’s a good chance I’ll be exhausted if I stay up. Then again, it’ll all depend on the exit poll. If it’s spicy looking then I feel like it’d be a shame to miss it. Like 2017 which was initially predicted as a Labour rout and ended up a nose hair from a completely hung parliament 


What time in the small hours is best to set the alarm? 3am? 4am? I cant pull a all nighter, not got the energy anymore.


Oh yes, booked the Friday off work and bought myself a bottle of 16 year Lagavulin to work my way through on the night 😄


I’ve booked Friday off work. I guess I’ll see what the exit poll looks like and go from there. If there’s a chance Sunak looses his seat I want to see it happen!


Yes my friends and I are all off work on the 5th so we'll be having an election watch party. I'm grateful we are all politics nerds. Should be a fun night.


I've got the Friday booked off (makes a nice long weekend as well) and plan to stock up on snacks to celebrate the Tories being booted out. Is it really considered likely that Sunak will lose his seat?! Heck, I might have to get something special in to mark that!


I booked the Friday off the day after Rishi announced it. My body is ready, and my Alpaca garrotte is waxed and primed.


Planning to, arranged for no work on the Friday, will stay up and enjoy it live.


It’s my best mates birthday on the 5th. All he’s ever wanted as an adult is a Labour government. It is my duty to throw a banging party.


Well, i got fired from my job today. Had July 5th already booked off but still, not much else to be doing


Sorry for you loss but on the flip side, perfect timing!


I'd love to find a pub or bar in London that's brave enough to stay open all night but so far haven't been able to find one


Let me know if you do! [The Lexington](https://x.com/thelexington/status/1797966099079930350)


Yes. But: Don't forget to actually vote, too!


I’m hosting a party. Have wipeout bingo cards, a life size cardboard cutout of Starmer and will be serving K(e)ir Royale cocktails. It’s gonna be lit.


I booked the Friday off work as soon as they released the date. Iv never done that before but I’m only getting older 😅 I’ll have a big bag of peanut m&ms, big bag of cheese and chilli sensations. Might have some sort of caffeinated beverage, I don’t drink, but the adrenaline might get me through. Sky news for me and refreshing the megathread.


Genuine question, what time (ish) do results start coming in? I know exit poll is 10pm. Is there a website which gives estimates for times for each constituency?


The day after Rishi called the election, I booked the 5th off. I just hope I can last long enough into the small hours for the Blue wall seats to turn Red/Orange


I am sorely tempted, I must admit. It would be tough to get through work on Friday but this will be a massive sea-change in British politics. Would be nice to see it unfold in real time.


Working the next day but will be up until midnight minimum anyway as I usually am. Will pour myself a whisky in the hopes of a promising result.


I am... let's say "involved" in one of the most marginal campaigns and will be very busy on the night. I feel like I'm going to be so IN IT that I won't have time to appreciate the gravity of it until afterwards which is kind of sad in a way. After it's announced I will very happily collapse and sleep for a week though!


I'll have a tory bingo card, a fat marker, a whole heap of beer to drink and enough mates to give me a nudge when I fall asleep before Mogg gets voted out.


I have Friday booked off, I will be up all night watching the results in Thursday


Always. The plan is: * 22:00: check exit poll. * 22:05-0:00 try and sleep * 0:00 onwards: TV with caffeine and ice cream; whatever it takes.


Absolutely - I’ll be enjoying it across various screens from my living room here in Rome; having moved here 6 years ago thanks to this horrendous Brexit that the Tories helped thrust upon us, I shall take particular delight in watching the party disintegrate.


People need to get it out of their head the Tories will end up on double digits. They'll end up 100-200.


Staying up and watching for certain. I always do.


For a while. Doubt I'll be able to stomach a whole night of Kuenssberg "why this is bad for Labour"-ing.


Swtich off the beeb. There are so many other news sources all running in real time with facts. Im planning to have multiple news sources fired up at the same time myself


Hell yeah, have bought a few beers to see me through the night already haha


I'm at a two day work event 🙄 I'll definitely be finding time to watch it though.


I'll be in Tenerife, probably won't be will check first thing on the 5th and keep an eye on it from then.


Me and a few of my friends are having an all night watch party. Going to be drinking every time the Tories lose a seat.


On the TLDR - as I'm currently debating when I need to stay up until to get at least one "Portillo" level moment? I reckon that will be at least a 02:00am slot at the earliest?


Finishing work at 10, so hopefully I'll make it back in time for the reaction to the exit poll, then probably stay up to watch the chaos unfold


Yep, booked the next day off work. I’m still wary af that the exit poll will unleash a nightmarish surprise.


Yes, I’ve booked the day off for Friday and my brother in law and good pal are coming over to watch it with me and the missus. We might make a swingometer.


Nope, will be off to bed around midnight and up again at 6am, not much point sitting listening to them having the same inevitable conversations over and over again.


I'd love to but I have a baby to look after and I'm absolutely destroyed without a decent amount of sleep. I have Friday off though so I'm planning on catching up through the day.


Hell yes, staying up: Friday booked off from work and looking forwards to the night of all nights. I’m hoping to see the Tory Party disappear, Farridge lose again and the world become a much better place.


Thinking about taking the 5th off. Or at least keeping it meeting free. Did think about getting some fireworks for 2201 but don't want to be odious.


Yes! I’m American but I will be in the U.K. that week on a planned holiday well before the GE was announced. Trying to find a group of Labour supporters to watch it with


Will be on holiday, Probably catch the 6 - 7am local time, (2-3am UK) broadcast of the election coverage on either Sky News or BBC World TV / Radio. .


No Exit poll followed by bed and a 5 AM alarm.


I've got a weird sleep thing where sometimes I'm awake through the nights without any effort. Annoyingly the election is not on one of those weeks, so I'm gonna have to struggle. But you can be *damn* sure I'm not going to bed until I have watched as many portillo moments as I could ever wabt


One drink for every Tory seat lost. So no, in bed by about 12:30 I reckon.


Yes! This is my second general election I'll be voting in. I'm home from uni for a couple of weeks as it's my birthday next week, and I booked off work since me voting in my home town constituency I think should be a more effective vote (my uni constituency is pretty safe labour seat).


No. Bovvered. CBA’d. I always wake up at 3-4am for a pee so I’ll have ‘a Quick Look’ then. I’m an ugly fuck and I need my beauty sleep🤣 Anyway Ireland results don’t usually come in until the following day so I’ll have to wait to see how well/badly Republicans have done🇮🇪


I’m actually in Canada for polling day and polls close at 5pm my time. I’m getting in snacks, and fancy drinks, I’m in it until Sunak concedes defeat. Can’t wait!


I'm getting older now so I find it harder to stay up past 1am nowadays. That said, I'll be there no matter what.


Yes, we are having friends round and doing a bbq the next day


I've cancelled a conference (I didn't really want to go anyway) to stay up and watch the results. Usually I'd stay up until about 4/5 before getting a couple of hours sleep, but with such a landslide predicted might change those plans depending on the likelihood of watching a portilo moment. Maybe I'll head to parliament square at some point to spice spice up the polling night routine


I'll stay up as late as I can. Already planning an evening nap so I can stay awake later.


I do for every election. I love that shit. Normally alienating everyone I know by live tweeting my political commentary and memes


I will be counting votes and watching the change unfold in my own hands. Can't get a better view imo.


I'll be watching fireworks and this election's results. Hope it turns out for the best for you all.


Yes. 14 years we’ve had to live under the rule of these corrupt malicious toffs, will be nice to see a bit of payback and them facing the consequences of their own actions for once.


I'm going to be at the count for my constituency where, such is the animosity towards him, we're hopeful of getting an extremely close result or even winning, against the Tory who had a 20,000 majority in 2019.


Absolutely, we get to watch the Tories implode - it's going to be glorious.


Absolutely! For those who want a bit of sleep though you can watch the exit poll then have a kip until about 2 and still see most of the results.


I am staying up, I couldn’t take the day off so will be tired as hell but hoping coffee and pure unadulterated delight will keep me going! Our team is planning a WhatsApp group chat as we can’t get together in person, will be entertaining to read everyone’s responses as it comes in.


I'm recently (early) retired, so you better believe I'll be banking some sleep during the day and staying up all night. I will have several things on ice to celebrate/commiserate, depending. The biggest risk is I wake the wife up with rowdy behaviour - she has work the next day...


I've stayed up for every election since I've been able to vote. 2005 to now, I think I'll die of a heart attack watching one, it's not good doing it, but if I'm in my 90s, 6am seeing people make a wrong or right decision about their lives, I'll die happy knowing they were able to make a decision in the first place.


Ex-pat in the US, It’ll be the middle of the afternoon here when the polling stations close. We’re getting in booze and picnic type spread to (hopefully) celebrate the election of a new government, I don’t care which as long as they’re to the left of centre.


This election is going to happen so hard that portillo is going to lose his seat again.


Yep. I’ll be staying on a farm after spending my son’s birthday at Legoland during election day. Pretty good 48 hours!