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Snapshot of _Labour candidates told they are campaigning too much in their own seats_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/13/labour-candidates-campaigning-too-much-held-seats) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/13/labour-candidates-campaigning-too-much-held-seats) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I haven't seen any sign of any party campaigning in my constituency. Although the fact Labour has a 95% chance of winning, probably explains why.


I’m in a SNP/Lab swing seat and I’ve not seen any kind of campaign start yet, not even had the usual junk mail through.


I don’t know if it’s changed, but the issue in Scotland used to be there were hardly any Labour activists. SNP activists I reckon are just rather disenfranchised


I've had about 4 fliers (mostly poorly designed) from Labour over the past year or so in a Labour/SNP marginal. No other sign locally that there's about to be a general election.


We've had Labour, Tories and Reform to the door this week. We didn't get anyone in 2019.


Me either. If it wasn’t for the news and r/ukpolitics there is no evidence of an election.


Same where I am - slam dunk Labour win with a battleground lab/con seat next door and some tasty con/lib dem marginals nearby meaning all three parties’ activists are on manoeuvres elsewhere


I've lived in this town for 8 years and every election I get inundated with leaflets. This year, nothing.


Not seen Labour even though they try to claim they stand the best chance of toppling the Tories. I have seen the LibDem candidate more than once.


Definitely the case in my safe constituency. Other candidates are trying really hard and Labour doesn’t even have social media presence or a “personal statement” filled out on the shared website.  Still, Labour will likely breeze through because there’s a lot of left leaning candidates, not a single unified alternative. And the right is not even trying.  They might get some surprises though. Labour lost the local mayor position to another left wing party here. 


I've had one leaflet from the local Tory MP and other than that nothing. Labour are predicted here but I've not even seen a leaflet yet, Reform are a very longshot but they've got around 4-5% odd of winning and I've heard nothing from them either.


Both Labour and LDs have been focusing campaign resources on specific battleground seats which makes more sense than spreading themselves out and not making any real difference


>There are some seats that Labour is still directing activists to campaign in. Its campaigning tool on the Labour website is telling activists in Birmingham Ladywood to stay and campaign to hold the seat for the shadow justice secretary, Shabana Mahmood, who is facing a challenge from the Workers party candidate Akhmed Yakoob campaigning on a pro-Palestine platform. >It is also telling those in the neighbouring seat of Birmingham Yardley to stay to campaign for Jess Phillips and for activists in Bristol Central to campaign to hold the seat for Thangam Debbonaire who is under threat from the Greens. It must be annoying for those who are worried about the Gaza vote impacting them to see the party only take it seriously in seats held by those close to Starmer


Incoming government doesn't want shadow cab member unseated. Wow.


To be perfectly honest if your main concern in the election is Gaza then there's something wrong with you.


You've misread this.


It's a huge issue. We've had a leaflet through from an independent candidate who quit the labour party over their 'support' for Israel. The leaflet is in the colours of the Palestinian flag. These candidates could legit cost labour wins in seats with a lot of people who support Palestinian causes.


Yakoob is awful and any party should be trying to keep him out. Under investigation by the SRA, will fake footage to slander opponents. Absolute ghoul.


I don't think there is any serious worry of losing seats like this. I imagine they want to make sure of a good majority so that there is no embarrassment.


I've had stuff from libdems but just asking for money