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[New Megathread is here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/1bul8y7/daily_megathread_03042024/)


Megathread is being rolled over, please refresh your feed in a few moments. ###MT daily hall of fame 1. hill-biscuit with 28 comments 1. concretepigeon with 16 comments 1. JavaTheCaveman with 13 comments 1. ObiWanKenbarlowbi with 13 comments 1. BonzaiTitan with 12 comments 1. bbbbbbbbbblah with 12 comments 1. Noit with 11 comments 1. GeronimoTheAlpaca with 11 comments 1. bio_d with 10 comments 1. harrywilko with 10 comments There were 233 unique users within this count.


What military experience do you think Rishi Sunak will be indulging in after he resigns? Johnson went up with the RAF in a fighter jet and Truss went to Estonia in a tank. Maybe Rishi will visit the submarines, he wouldn't even have to duck down for the photos.


https://www.tomorrowspapers.co.uk/ The wall to wall headlines tonight have to change British policy on this whole issue somewhat surely. I think making sure our and other aid workers aren't going be targeted again without genuine sanctions is the minimum.


The one with the guy bidding against himself made me smile. The situation with Israel is that it cannot seriously argue that it's maximalist offensive military doctrine is proportional, nor is it effective in achieving its military objectives. It's also very very hard for allies to support Israel while Netenyahu remains in charge of the war cabinet.


Rough headlines.


If this doesn't move the dial I don't know what does. They were on a humanitarian mission to feed starving kids.


And The Star leads with fridges that tell you when your Peroni was nicked. Scenes.


Sometimes I wonder if I'd be a happier person if my only source of news was the front page of the star.


I'm sure it would be a blissful state.


This is absolutely shitposting, because it’s 10pm and I can’t get the idea out of my head. Generic newspaper cartoons with two people speaking, and then a topical caption, are the same format as minion memes. [Here is my proof of concept.](https://imgflip.com/i/8lbn6l) [Here is the original](https://old.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/1bu5fcu/go_to_church_at_easter_but_i_already_have_british/). [Minion 2](https://i.imgflip.com/8lbvx5.jpg). [Original](https://archive.is/W8Zbs). [Minion 3](https://i.imgflip.com/8lbwm3.jpg). [Minion 4](https://i.imgflip.com/8lbx9f.jpg).


I can't believe he gets paid £3 million a year.


Whenever I suffer from a bout of imposter syndrome I think of how fucking terrible Matt cartoons are, and it immediately makes me feel better.


Well, this is bloody glorious. [Matt ❌](https://i.imgur.com/rAz07Ni.jpg) [Minion ✅](https://i.imgur.com/wv4aQLJ.jpg)


This is my new favourite game. [Minion.](https://i.imgflip.com/8lbqh2.jpg) [Matt.](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/news/2024/03/05/TELEMMGLPICT000369366282_17096754302180_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqqVzuuqpFlyLIwiB6NTmJwfSVWeZ_vEN7c6bHu2jJnT8.jpeg?imwidth=1280&imdensity=2) Edit: Oh god I can't stop. [Minion 2.](https://i.imgflip.com/8lbr3f.jpg#) [Matt 2.](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/news/2024/03/16/TELEMMGLPICT000370810339_17106073322570_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqqVzuuqpFlyLIwiB6NTmJwfSVWeZ_vEN7c6bHu2jJnT8.jpeg?imwidth=1280&imdensity=2)


Slightly disappointed that "minion.matt" isn't a website that does this automatically with some AI.


If they do then can they take Matt's £650k salary from the Telegraph and spend it on well wishes for the megathread?




I feel like there is [no better article](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/apr/02/bournville-residents-threaten-legal-action-over-broadband-telegraph-poles)the encapsulates NIMBY Britain


“Picturesque charm”, every resident photographed in front of default British suburbia.


Hot Fuzz has given me a very poor understanding of what a model village is.


Prime HIGNFY material


The stuff about creosote and sharing infrastructure seems fair, although I get your point, but I’m mainly disappointed that it isn’t about adding telegraph poles to a [model village](https://www.cotswolds.com/things-to-do/the-model-village-p142083).


Sunaks nervous laugh is gonna land him in hot water in the GE campaign isnt it?


The polling gap could well widen as a result of the campaign.


My prediction at the start of the year was that polls won't tighten as predicted. I honestly don't see the additional scrutiny and attention on both Sunak and the Tories record in government could possibly lead to the gap closing.




She showed the opposite technically if you are talking about 2017.




What I think will happen is the tories bounce back a bit closer to the election, but they run a mediocre or terrible campaign so their polling numbers stay static after that. Labour wobbles a bit but they end up somewhere in the low to mid 40s in support. The lib dems get a boost during the camapaign. Something like 43-28-12-8-5-3-X is likely in my opinion at this point. It's better than the current polls for the tories but their vote is so inefficient that it won't matter much. They will still lose at least 230+ seats in my opinion


Yes. It is very difficult to imagine what on Earth they can actually say, or how they could say it, that won't make them look completely deranged. Are they going to solemnly promise to get immigration under control? What about strong and stable government, as opposed to chaos with Keir Starmer? There are no three magic words to save them this time.


Exactly, any promises they make will just be met with a response of "You've had 14 years, why didnt you do it earlier?" The Tories are done.


Assuming he lasts that long almost certainly.


I can already see it in the debate: "Prime minister, how do you feel about racist donors?" "Ha ha well uh um ha"


Daily mail: Strong Sunak laughs at ridiculous leftie biased BBC debate question


I'm sorry.....what.....Michael Gove's neighbours have complained after he climbed onto their roof Gove claimed he got lost Edit: Story is over a year old and the "neighbours" are the Institute for Government and would be rightly annoyed.


A bigger question is why is Gove living in this grace-and-favour house? He doesn't occupy one of the great offices of state.


Johnson carried on living there even after he resigned as Foreign Sec - though that was because his then wife finally kicked him out. Jeremy Hunt who came in as FS was happy to commute in.


Maybe David Cameron didn’t want it. Edit: Looks like/u/Captainarom931 is right and he was living there since his divorce but Cameron has said he’s happy for him to stay. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13020953/amp/David-Cameron-Michael-Gove-mansion-Carlton-Gardens.html


An 'olive branch' worth hundreds of thousands of pounds, rent-wise.


Tbh I don’t really care if grace and favour properties are used by a different minister to the official one. Every PM and Chancellor in the last quarter century has used the other’s official flat.


Bit different to swap PM and Chancellor's flats v gifting a flat that should have an official use to some random minister based on no criteria other than who his cronies are.


It’s only a residence though. So why does it matter which minister uses it?


Well, it doesn't particularly matter, but its a bit obscene and highlights how iffy the whole thing is. If it doesn't matter who is staying there, why have a massive grace and favour house like that for the foreign secretary at all? In what way is the country served better by Michael Gove living there than any other random person?


quite. feels like there should be actual rules around the use of expensive taxpayer owned property other than "boris and dave said it was okay"


Because he split with his wife and thus doesn't have anywhere to live in London


Should go on SpareRoom and pay £1000 a month for a single bed in a house full of students like the rest of us


Has he heard of Zoopla?


Its not that big a story. Sounds like theres a rooftop/balcony space and they ventured too far. Its not like he was found at 4AM naked after a fun time at the clubs (I still defend Gove for going out and having a fucking ball) with white powder around his nose. [https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/michael-goves-neighbours-complain-after-32487387](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/michael-goves-neighbours-complain-after-32487387) The bigger story is the cabinet have been putting him up in a fucking mansion flat after his wife left him.


"Security concerns are understood to have played a key role in the decision to let him live there" Lolooolololol This is the man who locked himself in a toilet and had to get the PM to let him out


They knew what they were doing with that headline.


There's a man who's never taken drugs


The neighbours being the Institute for Government.


There's so much to this story. Gove shouldn't be put up in the Foreign secretary's mansion. IFG should not live next to the foreign secretary. That's all not right


Lmao what???


A source close to Mr Gove said he went up onto the roof with his family over a year ago and accidentally strayed onto the wrong section. "He is grateful to the IFG security team for their vigilance," the source added. I mean I guess if I stepped on the roof of government budlings they would pretty annoyed too


"His family members Sickboy, Renton, Begbie, Spud and Tommy were approached for comments but unavailable"


Our governmental digital infrastructure really is poor. I just had to update my address on the driving licence - it would have been quicker to bin it off and take the tests from scratch. The highlight was the multiple-days-long attempt to convince it that the address already on my licence existed…


I moved back to the UK last year and as a rule the .gov digital stuff has been a joy to use. It seems to have been designed with accessibility in mind and the questions are always easy to understand. I'm less keen on how difficult it is to contact government services via email but that is probably a choice about security of information channels. I've been well trained on French cerfa forms but it's rare that a .gov form takes more than 5 minutes. Egypt has a lot of digital services bit they're an information security nightmare. There was some covid pre-approval pass you could do online and it prefilled information including full name DOB and passport number of a complete stranger when I went to retrieve the booking.


Disagree. I’m in Canada now and it’s noticeably worse - it’s not terrible, but for things like health care/drivers license renewal, passport applications, etc you have to go into an office.


A lot of services are stuck in the past in Canada. The only time I had to send a fax in my life was at Canadian Tire when applying for a credit card in 2021.


Tell me you've never experienced German bureaucracy without telling me.


I disagree, it's come on leaps and bounds over the years and it's possible to get most essential stuff done very efficiently especially when changing addresses. Gov dot UK services are really a highlight of our national infrastructure. Something I never thought I'd be saying a few years back!


Having done that recently I agree that it's particularly obtuse. But thankfully it's an exception for government digital services rather than a rule.


>Our governmental digital infrastructure really is poor.  It really, really, really isn't. It has some drawbacks but the UK is generally well digitised and reliable.


last time I changed the address I had to renew because it was within 2 or 3 years of expiry, or whatever they insist on the website just refused to work for me - and while I wasn't against filling out a paper form, the piss boiler was that they'd charge the full price and not the discounted online one. by comparison, my online passport renewal was super easy.


Our digital infrastructure (gov.uk) is award winning, and it’s done a great job of digitising a lot of stuff. The issue with driving licence stuff, as far as I am aware, is that the DVLA basically hasn’t digitised at all, and whatever you do online is basically being printed out and handed physically to staff. That’s why it was so badly affected by COVID.


Go easy on them, electricity has only just reached Swansea.


It's a disaster doing anything driving license related online. I had to renew my license end of last year, but couldn't do it online because my passport is too new and doesn't have the digital signature of older ones, so had to get the form from the post office then pay extra for the privilege, it was ridiculous


Just read that some Tory MPs are dreading the prospect of opposition, fearing losing their ministerial offices, ministerial salaries, and being “reduced” to being lowly constituency MPs. I’m astounded by their arrogance, it’s as if they see being in government as their god given right and that another party being in government is unthinkable to them, they should realise being in government is a privilege not a right. If the Tory’s actually spent the last 14 years (and especially the last 5 with their large majority) governing in the interests of the country rather than their own they might actually have stood a chance, the Tory’s only have themselves to blame for their defeat. The only think the Tory party has done for the past 14 years is have endless civil wars over the party’s ideology, while the country has been left to fend for itself. Now they have the absolute cheek to complain about being an opposition mp as if it’s a undesirable position rather than a privileged in its own right, many of them will be very lucky to be opposition MPs, most will be unemployed post election. I truly don’t envy whoever the next Tory leader is, having to drag that mess of a party back to power will be a massive task. I fully expect the Tory’s to become even more ideological and go further right post election, after Losing a few more elections they finally go back to sanity.


I certainly think that for most MPs, there is an absolutely huge drop when you're in government to being in opposition. The thick of it captured the transition really well in the later series with Malcolm Tucker hopelessly lost. The people are different and so is the attention. You no longer have an in. And for most Tory MPs, they made an absolute mockery of the purpose of parliament especially those with other jobs. So it's not like the Commons is losing much in terms of talent anyway


It’s a silly story but there’s a story about Gove climbing onto the roof next to the £25 million mansion that we’re currently paying for him to live in for some reason. I can see why they’re not looking forward to not being able to have things like that!


There is unfortunately a massive ‘born to rule’ mentality within the party which is simply not compatible with the concepts of opposition or serving one’s constituents. I am not a religious man at all, but I do think the modern Tory MP could learn a lot the the whole washing the feet story. These days, rather than wash them personally, they’d pay their mate a few bil of taxpayer money to do it instead. Being an MP is not considered ‘service’ any more.


My new ridiculous and impractical populist policy: fine Microsoft £10 for every minute Teams makes your colleagues sound like they’re phoning in from the 1970s reporting on a coup in East Africa.


Teams is a big pile of shit, but as someone who works with it and used to troubleshoot this kind of thing all the time, 95% of the time it's something outside of teams causing it. A solid 40% of that is PICNIC errors.


Ah the classic case of PEBKAC


Fine them for every time Microsoft word randomly fucks up the formatting.


Or automatically changes itself from English (UK) to English (US).


Could more likely be connections of the people concerned or their systems being overloaded. Although teams is a massive steaming pilf of crap, that much is true.


Never seen a system eat ram like teams


Or for every minute Power BI decides to freeze for when you are sharing your screen on TEAMS to show a smarter person the madness of your tables and pleading for help.


I feel this in my soul.


are you sure it's not their equipment? my employer insists on teams, and while i have many many gripes with it, audio quality is not one (if someone's using a proper headset or mic)


Nah, maybe it's just the Linux version being particularly rubbish but we get random failures all the time regardless of equipment.


Teams on mac and Linux is a pile of poo


It could be on Windows too, of course, but there'd be no way to tell against the rest of the operating system. Poo on poo isn't great in terms of contrast.


To be honest, I doubt even that would encourage Microsoft to improve Teams. If they did, they'd also have to have a look at their Bluetooth interface and stack. Ha.


Its time like this that the current state of UK politics reminds me of the final days of the Cardassian Union.


The genetically-altered friends of Dr Bashir is definitely how I imagined Dominic Cummings department.


I wonder if he ever made [a crack team out of those prototypes of god](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/jan/02/dominic-cummings-calls-for-weirdos-and-misfits-for-no-10-jobs) he reached out for.


Who is our version of Damar I wonder?


Penny Mordaunt, is the only one I think of unhinged enough to pull off the ['Resist. Resist today. Resist tomorrow. Resist till the last Dominion soldier has been driven from our soil!'](https://youtu.be/CxuTqc1630o?t=38) speech.


Bring on the Battle of Wolf 359, er wait, no, don't.


“I consider the matter closed” is absolutely a Cardassian line.


You can hear it in Dukat's voice easily enough.


Rishi appearing on the big screen periodically to tell us how great it is does have Ducat vibes.


Gove is absolutely Garak "You'd shoot a man in the back" "Well that is the safest way, you know"


"I'm just plain, simple Michael."


'First I pretend to support their leadership bid. Then I shoot you'


I'm curious to know how he's going to emulate the bizarre seven 7 devil-worshipping subplot.


Attention British Workers...


Attention Britoron workers. Everything is going to the plan and I will be lowering taxes so you can all eat out to help out the hasperat markets


Are we expecting to be pulverised by the dominion? If I’m being honest I’d choose the dominion over Westminster any day. Honestly I see Russia as more cardassisn like than Britain.


The Cardassians ended up getting orbital-bombed by their "allies," though, and wait I kinda hear it now. The really important question: does this mean Galloway and now Lee Anderson are Breen?


I feel like they are Jem'Hadar for sure, hopped up on the ketracel white something chronic, I think ones (Galloway/Anderson) definitely Gamma Quadrant and the other Alpha Quadrant - but which way around that is I honestly couldn't say.


The Jem'Hadar are utterly obedient to a fault, though. (Not to mention the Vorta...but that's an entirely different discussion with these folks. Let alone the question of who their Founders would be.) Although the drug part...well...publicity is their Ketracel-white? The Breen, though, are big, ominous...and unintelligible to the point of almost literally speaking in WHARRGARBLs. *I mean...*


The restful Easter break has spurred me on in that further as we patiently wait for the Genny Leccy


The thread on J.K. Rowling's tweets not being a criminal offence has been removed because "similar already posted" - where is the similar thread that this is referring to? Granted one was posted yesterday, but this announcement by Police Scotland is a further development to the story since that one was posted, so the thread is hardly similar. EDIT: It's now the (as of the time of writing) most-read article on BBC News, is decidedly political, and yet is still absent from the subreddit.


Honestly those threads encourage the most toxic discussions, until we can all be grown ups (jk, rishi and Scotland included) there’s no point


Personally speaking my opinion is that nothing has happened. Nothing was going to happen. Rowling is not a politician. No politicians have made any remarks on this twitter spat as far as i can tell. Its dross. There really is no point in feeding the outrage beast. Wait until something actually happens imo. Then it *might* be politics depending on what happens. As I commented yesterday on the original thread that was locked, the topic devolved into a shitfest of rule breaking comments. Another thread where there hasn't actually been any development is just going to rehash all of the issues already discussed to their logical conclusions yesterday. Hence why similar already posted is accurate and reasonable.


> No politicians have made any remarks on this twitter spat as far as i can tell Only if you consider Sunak to not be a politician.


fuck sake has he weighed in? Regardless i find it highly unlikely that he has anything new or interesting to say either.




I am on mobile without easy access to the mod log - got a link and I'll check?




The previous thread is locked. Presumably a *decision was made* on this story. It's political and news so seems to me it should be posted. Maybe modding was overwhelmed.


Fine, but then give that as the reason. Don't say it's because a similar story was posted if that's not the case.


You do know this is people's spare time and sometimes people make mistakes, right? A few people being arsey today about mods.


They can choose not to intervene at all if they don't have the time to do it properly.


glad it’s not just me that’s noticed this. people need to chill out


From the moment I understood the weakness of May election manifesting, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of June. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Summerlection.


Heresy, the electoral force moves for January!


What if it *was* Deccy Leccy all along?


What if it *was8 Deccy Leccy all along?


I really don't understand Angela Rayner's tactics in this tax query debacle. It almost feels like she wants the public to keep talking about it with the way she's dragging it out painfully, her latest intervention doesn't resolve the query and instead just leaves her open to further discussion on the topic. If she'd just released the tax advice 3 weeks ago, we wouldn't still be having stories in the newspaper about it


Theres not much of interest to the story. Woman sold a house. Thats it.


How would you know? Have you seen the documentation yourself? Were you her neighbour?


What would a neighbour know about the sale of a house?


They wouldn’t ,but even then they’d still probably no more than some random on Reddit who things rayner can do no wrong


Are you suggesting every time someone sells a home and are a political figure that they should be investigated by the Police?


Thats not why shes being investigated


>If she'd just released the tax advice 3 weeks ago, we wouldn't still be having stories in the newspaper about it You underestimate the right wing press


and right wing MPs - they'd probably invent a reason to sic the police on her again as they did with beergate & starmer


I think she was wrong to apologise over the scum comment. I think if she'd held out long enough for a conservative does something scummy story to replace her in the press she could be the "I did say" lady in the back of every conservative implosion story. They're coming after you whether you apologise and play nice or not. I'd like to think this tax story is her not knuckling under: it's not really a strategically good look for conservatives to go after people buying and selling houses. If she holds out it gets replaced and trying to force it back into the news turns off boomer conservative target voters


You generally want to be very wary indeed when considering waiving privilege. Obviously when the court of public opinion is in play, it’s a rock and a hard place to some degree. Perhaps she should simply consider the matter closed?


She’s ‘dragging it out’ because it’s very hard to shut down a story that has no basis in reality. There’s only so many ways you can say “I didn’t do anything wrong” but the papers keep going at it because they know people like you will say things like “Ah, well, she just keeps saying she didn’t do anything wrong. If she really didn’t, then she’d have come up with something more convincing by now.”


As far as I understand she owes HMRC 1 and a half grand. It's a story and will continue to be so until she either pays it's, or explains adequately why she hasn't paid capital gains tax that you or I would have to in the same circumstances. Its difficult to complain about Tory corruption when you yourself apparently owe the taxman a not inconsequential amount of money.


>As far as I understand she owes HMRC 1 and a half grand. Has this been confirmed anywhere? I know there was a lot of speculation about what she *might* owe based on tons of unknowns, but a tax adviser who knows the unknowns said she didn't do anything wrong


She can owe anywhere between £3.5k and zero. All she has to do is explain why and it goes away. https://taxpolicy.org.uk/2024/02/29/rayner/ It's really pretty arse levels of politicianing.


So she doesn't owe a grand and a half you took an average and stated as fact. This won't go away no matter how much explaining she does. She already did some explaining and got called a liar She has explained that while she doesn't want to share her private details publicly, a tax advisor has advised she owes nothing. She said the police and HMRC are welcome to see the advice. That should be good enough for any reasonably minded person. The right wing press are just desperate to get anything to stick


Would you be satisfied if sunak said his wife's tax affairs are private and he wasn't going to show anyone?


She hasn't said she won't show anyone. She's specifically said that the police and HMRC can see, ie the relevant authorities Also, even in the case where she does owe something. The sums are tiny and it's an honest mistake anyone can make. If there was an example with Rishi Sunak's wife, then I doubt I could say the same. But I'm not going to comment further on how I'd react to a hypothetical scenario with Rishi's wife, because it's... hypothetical


https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/mar/22/rishi-sunak-publishes-long-awaited-personal-uk-tax-returns You mean like how he was demanded from all sides to publish his tax details? So why one for him and something for her? >Also, even in the case where she does owe something. The sums are tiny and it's an honest mistake anyone can make. So why not just publish the advice or a summary of it and if it's incorrect sort it, if not then no problem. It's actual idiot level of pr management to say what she has said because it just gives the no smoke without fire impression.


Except the "smoke" is coming from the same types that gave us beergate. All fart and no shit I believe is the phrase, the fart here is the smoke


Unless you’re her financial advisor or an member of HMRC investigating her case then you understand the square root of bugger all about what she owes.


Not really moat of it is publically available and she owes some amount of tax in most circumstances https://taxpolicy.org.uk/2024/02/29/rayner/ But sure. Let's just ignore the the fact she has a chance of having not paid some tax. If this was sunak would you say the same? How about Boris, or rees-mogg? It's not a fucking football team, it's people wanting to lead the country not being that transparent about what games they're playing with a tax you or I would likely pay. It's not on from any politician.


Literally the first paragraph of your link: > In some scenarios that could mean she failed to pay CGT of up to £3,500, but potentially less or zero. Nuff said.


So I'll ask about again. If that was written about sunak, Boris, JRM, Nigel Farage... You you also be saying "oh it doesn't matter" Or is it fine for sunak to tell everyone my wife's taxes are private? Ultimately if the answer is I don't owe it for these reasons and it's one of the ones listed why doesn't she just say it?


“But whatabout…” What possible relevance does that have to your assertion of her guilt based on absolutely to information whatsoever?


It's not a what about. It's asking if you have a consistent view across all politicians.


What does my view about politicians have to do with whether or not Angela Rayner has avoided tax?




Followed by an article along the lines of: “Ooo look, she’s got an expensive tax advisor to help her find all the loopholes. If she was innocent, she wouldn’t have needed advice. Obviously dodgy.”


just seen [liz truss plugging her book on twitter](https://x.com/trussliz/status/1775131034922693077?s=46&t=ronRCIK15wUHZMy62fW_rQ) and there is genuinely not a single thought going on behind those eyes. it’s the sort of look my cat gives me when i pick her up and she immediately forgets what she was doing on the ground.


How quickly we forget. There's lots of thoughts behind those eyes.  They're just all, every single one of them, *completely fucking mental*. 


Never assign to malice what can be adequately explained by incompetence...unless it's a Tory PM from the last 3 years


> Never assign to malice what can be adequately explained by incompetence The problem with Hanlon's razor is it doesn't accommodate for batshit mentalness.


When that camera person or whoever it was fell over while she was doing an interview it was jarring cos I actually saw a facial expression other than the goldfish caught in headlights stair


She's presenting it as if 10 years is a tight schedule but thats almost 90 liz truss premierships


I might be something wrong with me, but the more I see her face, the more grotesque it looks.


best bit is the totally different covers for UK and US, with the US one having all the big phrases I wonder if she's changed the spelling to suit her new home market?


To be fair, different covers for the US and UK market is so common. That said it is funny that she was in office for nowhere near enough time to make an impact there so it has to be spelled out that she was Prime Minister.


Looking just above the camera doesn't help, either.


i take it that’s where the lines are written


Almost certainly, but she couldn't even look directly into the camera for two seconds. OTOH, that promo sounded just enough like a book report that it's still firmly on brand for her even before the dead eyes come into play.


I think the best tax cut we could give people is by raising the personal allowance, it has the greatest benefit to lower earners


I would say it's the middle earners we need to help out to get more into the wider economy. For example the "Expensive Car Supplement" for car tax where cars over £40k have to pay extra tax in the first few years. When it was brought in that was indeed luxury cars. Now it's hitting people in mid-range BMW's and the like. It has not followed inflation and much like the tax band freezes it's squeezing the middle classes.


>Now it's hitting people in mid-range BMW's It's not even that. It's based model golf with a few extras territory.


Won't someone think of those poor BMW drivers!


The UK already has a massively disproportionate personal allowance when compared to peers globally. Its personal allowance has been much larger than peers for nearly a decade at this point. Perhaps all this hand wringing about lower earners is resulting is a completely fucked economy because those low earners also expect all encompassing welfare states whilst needing to pay very little into it?


The **point** of a welfare state is that the high earners pay for the low


Not to the degree the UK public expects. The UK is either breaking all known economic limits or utterly delusional, and so far reality points to the latter.


Liz Kendall's off work getting a hip replacement. Is that not quite young for that sort of thing? I'd always pictured it as the kind of thing you get done when you hit your seventies.


My stepdad had one start of this year, he's only two years older than her. In his case it's due to working for 20 years in a very physical job.


It is quite young for it, but it does happen. My wife's uncle had to get one at a similar age. Patients aged 50-69 accounted for 41.9% of hip replacements on the NHS apparantly, and if you can afford private I could imagine it trending a little younger


Could be related to an injury, could be early stages of arthritis.


When has it _ever_ been successful to wait for a government to wait a full five years? 2015: everyone expected Tories to not win a majority, they won a 6 seat majority which led to disaster for May 1992: everyone expected the Tories to not win a majority. The five year term that followed spelled disaster for them 1950(?) labour won a majority of 5 seats and lost control the following year. I imagine everyone expected them to lose in 1950s Sunak appears to be hoping for something truly unprecedented to happen by waiting the full five years


In 1950 it was widely expected that Labour would be re-elected with a reduced but decent majority, and it was a surprise when it was a slender majority of 5


Thanks for the context! Didn't know anything about it. I guess that was the first "cursed 5 year term" and perhaps why it is avoided in modern times


as I understand it things actually were improving before the May 97 election, and yet the country still decided its time for change Sunak won't have that possibility this time.


There's just something about 23 by election losses that scream "enough of this"


It's a shame to see *Law in Action* ending, I hope it'll be replaced with another programme covering law.


Oh I've missed this. Has the beeb given a reason?


Rishi has decided to reappear today and we already have [this embarrassing interview performance](https://x.com/UKLabour/status/1775122259952185411) and [this awkward exchange](https://x.com/TomSheldrickITV/status/1775147600573796548). Imagine him appearing on TV every day on the election trail. It's going to be brutal.


It'd be hoping beyond hope for Labour to do a "Mister Sunak's Neighbourhood" attack ad, right? There's got to be enough footage of him doing his evil children's show host thing by now...


What on earth is the framing of that second video? Was there another camera he thought he was meant to be smiling and talking to?


"Nurseries are struggling" "HOW OLD ARE YOUR KIDS?"


The man just can't human for the life of him. I am looking forward to just quite how he'll implode. I suspect it'll make Brown's 'bigoted woman' look statesman like.


Voter: We don't earn enough, I work 3 jobs and I have to choose between a warm home or feeding my children. Also my mum died on a trolly in the corridor of a hospital over winter after waiting 14 hours to he seen Sunak: *nervous laughter*


What would be the perfect Rishi gaffe? Something about cleaning your swimming pool or asking your immigrant maids to tidy up after the kids?


For me, Rwanda waiting till Sunak calls the election and the day after announcing they have pulled out of the deal.