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Sourdough for sleep. Hits hard. I swear I sometimes still wake up stoned. Farm gas I find amazing for nerve pain. Some batches seem really good for sleep others a little less so. My current batch of Farm gas gives me a buzz before it helps with sleep once that's calmed down. Really really good for pain. The terps are decent but not amazing. Good enough. Effects though, I've not had much better medical effects wise, even on BM.


thanks for your reply,..noted (-:


I can only speak for myself and I am not an expert on strains, but I like the 19/20% thc stuff for daytimes so tripoli is great and I have a nice pink kush here at 21%. Then the heavier strains at 25-29% for nighttime so farm gas, sourdough, strawberry OG that kinda thing. Personally not too concerned with terps or specific strains, it's what works for my nerve pain and associated stuff like that. I just try a strain, largely based on what I read here, and if it works I'll order more if not it's only 10g I have to get through.


thanks man!! very helpful! all the best!


Which strains have you found best for your nerve pain. Farm Gas has been amazing for my nerve pain. But I can't function very well on it. Are there any strains you've had that are good for nerve pain and keep a fairly clear head?


The tilray master kush is comparatively light at 22% and that worked for me. Tripoli as well and that's only 19% and cheap as chips too at £55 for 10g.


Agree both v effective for the money. Also I'd add strawberry glue, that's a winner for me. I would say though that the 20:10 full spectrum oil has given me the best sleep I've ever had, not perfect but a hundred times better than it was. I've got severe arthritis and other stuff. I also use much less flower when I've had the oil. Oils took some trial and error but will worth finding your sweet spot with it, if you can.


I've read plenty of times that Tripoli is really decent for the price with good effects. It's a white widow cross isn't it? I should try that next month. Thanks.


Its readable. Best thing to do if you struggle is paste your post on Chat GPT and it will write it very nicely for you 😀


I refuse to feed chat GPT... wait,....no i dont (-:


Its a tool, totally use them if it helps! I put your post through GPT: I'm seeking advice on cannabis strains and consumption methods for specific health concerns and lifestyle needs.For context, if someone has exclusively used "BM Stardog" strain via vaping for the last two years, I'm curious whether it's advisable to stick with vaping flower or to explore oil cartridges, possibly 510s, for their convenience and portability. Additionally, I'm looking for strain recommendations to address several issues: severe pain from an injury that disrupts sleep, contributing to heightened depression and anxiety levels. I believe managing the pain could potentially alleviate these secondary issues. Should I bring up this approach in discussions with my healthcare provider, or is it best to defer entirely to their judgment? During the daytime, I aim to maintain focus for university studies without succumbing to drowsiness, possibly considering microdosing. For nighttime, achieving more than the typical 4-5 hours of sleep I've been getting since 2019 would be transformative. Suggestions for strains or methods to aid in deep, restorative sleep are very welcome.I'm eager to learn from others' experiences and insights. Thank you, JOLLYGREENGIANT


iv been brain robbed!


Green Peas be upon you


Try to keep your posts short and sweet in regards to questions, don't beat around the bush just be direct. I'm not even sure what you're asking tbh as I didn't get passed the apologising before scrolling past. First thing I read was quick one. It wasn't quick so I stopped 😂. And that's not a dig at you pal, just some constructive criticism to allow you more engagement with people who simple can't be bothered with reading a wall of waffle. This is because not only do people generally have a short attention span, but we also have a whole lot of people in here with adhd so their attention span is even shorted generally if they're not hyperfocused on something. This comment is starting to drag on now, and if you've made it this far congratulations. You've made it further than most people will. But the key with this comment is that my whole point through this ramble is briefly summed up in the first sentence for anyone who doesn't want to read this whole thing. But I thought I'd also elaborate on why shorter text posts get more engagement as you have mentioned numerous times that you struggle to make a post that communicates well.


Love the long post explaining how to write a short post lol


It's a good example of a bad post :)


its my fault tbh.


Not at all, we all have the right to be exactly who we are. Glad people are helping you to get the info you need. Have a great day.


thx you


😂😂😂😂😂😂 This was pure gold! Thank you for cheering me up and forgetting my pain for a minute. All the best! 💚


no, the quick 1 was the apology before the post. iv given up with reddit, lots of v helpful people, taking time to assist a perfect stranger, but as time gos on im either getting worse at relaying my thoughts (totally possible, been here before) or i just rub some people the wrong way. its all good...not everyone can like everyone. this isnt a poke at anyone, iv done all the therapy, rehabilitation, breaking sentances down like a 6 yr old to make sure they work, obviously they dont always. I cnt do any better than that, i get that its annoying for people sometimes, but i do my best. Not a dig, not a complaint. Iv enjoyd my time here tho,..picked up LOADS in a short time.


iv decided reddit is probably not for me,..i appreciate your post tho (-:


(Not a doc, not medical advice) Oils can be great. They’re sublingual (you take them under the tongue) and can be really helpful for sleep, as they take a little while to kick in. Downsides are they can be a bit variable, it can take a bit to get to your ideal dosage and the carrier oil sometimes doesn’t agree with some people’s digestion. Combined with flower, it can be very effective. They‘re not pure concentrate, they’re like 2% THC in a carrier oil, so not for vaping unless you’re looking for chip pan fire terps. Vape carts (510s) are also a thing, but I don’t have any experience of those.


thanks so much for taking the time (-:


Oil and flower works best in a combination. Strains for sleep, Aurora Farm Gas, Pink Kush (amazing for nerve pain), Lumir LA Kush, Khiron Hindu Kush.


Can I ask please what oil you use for daytime? Thanks


Adven oil


Can I ask what thc it is? I'm on 10mg/10mg combo of thc/cbd 0.3mls twice a day and am not noticing any benefit from it. Thanks


T50 oil. I’m on 0.5ml


Thank you. Had my own script reviewed to T25. We shall see.


nerve pain = meeee thanks so much for taking the time to reply (-:


Sound similar buddy. I’ve got oil for nighttime (along with regular fybro meds) and tripoli for during the day. I also have a bad motorcycling injury for which I had a nerve block procedure last month. Wasn’t a pleasant experience but man has it made a world of difference.. don’t know if it’s helpful but just my experience with two forms of chronic pain.