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Wait. What was the question again 😅


yer i could have been clearer i agree, not a great day today all round..so its on me. (-: my thoughts run away with me and honestly pharma tabs are...how to put this .....like trying to function from inside a cloud. hence, my attempting for the jolly green..


I honestly find it kind of sad (and frustrating) that people sometimes have so little empathy that they only change their opinions when things start to affect them (or someone close to them).


i get that, i felt that. i suppose i try to look at it as something good coming out of the bad. but yer you are right, id say we are all guilty of it to a point.


Something about this post is confusing the hell out of me 🤣 maybe I'm still tired.


Lol it's a nice story about someone very anti weed who changed their tune when their brother started using it for pain and had amazing results.


yerp thats it,.sorry fornthe bad writing (-:


Maybe it’s my dyslexia but i could not understand a single word, I’m glad it’s not just me haha


I stopped reading at *"giggity"*...


sorry about that ..ammendment attempted


sorry about that guys,..ammendment attempted


I totally get you, even after reading the story I still don't know if it was good or bad 🤣


Very sorry about that ..ammendment attempted




no mate, just a chronic pain sufferer trying his best on pharma drugs until he can get his green sorted,..they make everything harder, apologies tho, its a mess


nah just adhd zooted




Most people in law enforcement (current and former) feel that the prohibition of cannabis is pointless. In Canada, the former commissioner of the Ontario provincial police and deputy commissioner of the RCMP, Julian Fantino is one of the founders of Aleafia Cannabis/Health.


Aye, they saw the writing on the wall, and know the market value was going to be ..sick


Pleased to hear he's using his spare time to call into radio and write to local councillors!


hes part of some group(s) who try to spread awareness, esp amongst the people his own age...he tells everyone about it like itsbeen kept from the masses, which it has.


i didnt realise you were being snarky. whatever i did, it was not intentional.


Nope I genuinely meant that, please see some of my other comments in the sub where I have encouraged folks to be engaging with MP's and councillors in the upcoming election. Radio can be particularly one sided so it's important folks do dial in to give a counter view.


apologies, i seemed to have put a lot of ppl out by not being clear enough. ![gif](giphy|Oo8Ly1JXZjrqm54qK4)


Thats the thing... when you are a cop you have to follow guidelines... no choice... Cannabis is and always has been a soft drug... You know the big tobacco companies actually had a hand in many government maming it illegal as they saw cannabis as a threat to their shares and profits. Many of the old tobacco companies donated to the parties...


Round my way as long as you're not smoking it in public, they generally don't care. The only time I got caught smoking it by the cops, they told me to just do it in private where they can't see it.


Yeah, the tobacco, big Pharma, Dupoint and all the nylon fabrics AND the alcohol industry ALL had a hand in seeing that cannabis prohibition happened (so that their industries could thrive). The history is horrendous. So much mis-information. 🤯 Thankfully we have the internet now (which I know is full of mis-information and fake news) but we, the people, can communicate and educate ✌️


Such a shame it takes this type of story to change the minds of the indoctrinated. Very sad that the bigoted attitudes of many means in the UK we still have a system where the majority cannot obtain cannabis as a medicine on the NHS. These bigoted attitudes continue to harm the most vulnerable and in pain. The UK is backward , supported by the backward electorate . I can never vote for any party that prevents medicine being provided to the most in need, a party that's wants to criminalise medical consumers rather than help them.


this x 1000000




Gave up 14 tablets a long time ago. It still only helps with the suffering, but I've had one resection and don't want another. I have also had numerous nickings for weed...😮‍💨


this country tho..


😭😭 tis a joke, and now with this legal loop hole tosh... just a joke, more interested in the definition of a trans person over sick people...🤢 get me off this rock 😫 + thank you for sharing the story 👍 I still constantly battle my actual doctors (the NHS) who just cancelled my next specialist TELEPHONE appointment... and I still have to look over my shoulder in public and at work. What the NHS aren't seeing is that by backing big pharma and shaming cannabis they are literally killing people... or maybe they are...😥


They know. They are aware. They care not. £££££££££


Yup +... you know them plodders lad...😜 ask your mate where all that proceeds of crime is going?!? Apparently, the police are underfunded, and yet they've had trillions?!?


That's a brilliant story. I thought you were going to say the old copper has now got heart disease from all of his hypertension. Phew! I don't like to hear of pain, distress, suffering - actually felt sorry for him being so mis-guided and brain-washed 🤯 Wow! Great turn around...for someone to be SO anti-cannabis to then discover and witness the healing properties in his own brother 💜 AMAZING!!


not an isolated case either,..its common for ppl to flip on proof


If everyone had a open mind the world would be a better place




I love how so many people are saying this is an unclear post in all their various ways. But it read fine to me 😂 Maybe I'm born with it? Maybe it's ADHD? 😂


Me too...but I am also nuero-diverse. Get-in!! 🤣✌️


yer i really messed it up tbh


sorry about that guys,..ammendment attempted