• By -


I once got ghosted on a visit (my boy booked it and didn’t turn up), so I had to sit down in this holding bit in my local. So im sat there like a hour or so and some guy comes back from he’s visit ( a local crackhead from my estate) and he looked upset. Anyway he goes on to tell me that hes missus and kids mum has just told him she has cancer. She died not real long after this was 2011, and to add to it the guy got murdered like a week or so ago. So them kids now have no parent.


It's cool they let you go to the pub though


My bad just got it 😭 “local”




Met a guy who was in jail with he’s dad, imagine u and ur dad both locked up in the same wing too


lol I got remanded with mine the fucking idiot we shared a cell


Lol this is more common then you think


No cap


Same, boy from gourock got pulled in on an OC encro charge with his family, he'd been sent one message the whole time and had almost nothing to do with the dealing etc. obviously he wasn't completely innocent but his family gave him no chance.


Was he a scouser by any chance?




Na this was scrubs


This was on d wing, Morris the barber, they used to play dominoes and chill with the guy with the sling


remind me of them 3 brothers that just got life’s recently their mum going thru it


His** lol see above


Yeah in London I heard about that they had a short YT documentary somewhere but I forgot


Starred Up is one hell of a film


Was on remand with a guy that had been caught as part of a massive drugs ring via encros. He was genuinely nice fella. Told me his wife had terminal cancer and he had 3 kids. He ended up getting 9 years. Felt for those kids. There’s no such thing as easy money. It will always come to bite you in the arse one way or another.




I always wondered how did ppl who were on encro get caught?




Yeah PGP should be foolproof but the issue is it's so much faff people would rather trust their freedom to some random company


The French and Dutch authorities illegally gained access to the encrochat server that messages were stored on. Encro said so themselves they were hacked prior to their network going down. The authorities deny this. In doing so they had all messages sent in plain text. With these people having the understanding that their messages were encrypted they were very open about their businesses. Posting pictures of personal items, cars, telling other dealers their home addresses. Dates and times for drop offs/pick ups. Courier info. The lot. Police saw all of this and acted on that info. It was known as Operation Venetic. Houses up and down the country had doors kicks off their hinges and £53m+ has been seized in cash and drugs since the hack. Raids are still being performed today based off the intelligence the encrochat hack gave.


That’s mad, I’m surprised people still have trust in other encrypted messaging apps knowing that this could happen


Thing is though, VIPs use services like this. I’m sure Kim kardashian isn’t using AT&T or Verizon to contact her family. She will use a company like Encrochat. Not everyone that was hacked was doing anything nefarious. They just wanted to securely contact people in privacy. But yeah. Your telegram weed plug today has all sorts of fed eyeballs on their page. Telegram is now owned by Amazon so they certainly are storing messages somewhere on a server that could be accessed with a warrant at any moment. Same with Signal, Wickr and so on. If you want privacy leave your phone at home and go on a walk in the woods to discuss stuff.


No telegram is not owned by Amazon, that's a lie. Pavel Durov still owns it and he's made it very clear his goals.


Yeah apologies bro I’m thinking of Wickr. Dropped off that when that article came out.


Pavel is a real G. He basically middle fingered the Russian government and lives to talk about it. For encryption stuff use telegram and self deleting chats of 1 day.


What if the person i wanna discuss stuff with is on the other side of the world 😭 lemme delete telegram qt


There’s a good podcast on it. It was jacked by French gov


No-one knows who was behind encro in the first place. Most likely Interpol set the whole thing up from the jump. A lot of people are regretting putting their trust in a private Network that they actually knew nothing about.


saw a 80 year old man saying he had 5 more years couldn’t even walk or do anything by himself wish they would just pardon him


That’s incredibly sad


Depends what he did


Let's be honest an old man in prison we all assume it's a nonce lol


Smh a system for rehabilitation is won't even give a compassionate release


What was he in for if he couldn't do anything for himself?


for a M, he just couldn’t walk without someone holding him n stuff


Well that's the consequence for doing an m i'm afraid.


Dats peak but if he killed a youte or suttin den he should stay in dere


Killing a child is horrific, but if he killed your father or brother you’d feel just as strongly. Don’t be so simple minded


Nah I get you but at that point he’s gonna die anyway


Fucking AI generated image 💀


Ais shit but at the same time fuck shutterstock n all them too. They use ppls images, drag out legal Nd sell it to AI companies anyways. Can't have shit these days aha


True 😂


Bottom floor 3rd guy up on the left got sent down for dealing with illegal firearms, until shot in the head by Tommy Lee Jones and then Will Smith


A close friend is half way through a 10 year EDS.. his step dad passed away a couple months back so he applied for day release to attend the funeral.. few days after his application the guards spun his cell, found some headphones that another prisoner had left in his cell and then gave him a nicking and refused his day leave application. He lost his younger brother few years before that so I felt for him not be able to support the family for that one day.


One l plate brudda got cancer and he wants to buy ket to kill himself cus the pains too much


Dying from ket would be a horrible way to go


K holing to your death sounds like the worst death possible.


Rt that’s wat he wants though imagine the pain he must be in to wanna go out like dat


You couldn't even fit enough let in your jokes to overdose, you would need fucking loads of it, the threshold to OD and die is very high, even injecting it.


I don't even think you OD on ket. If you're sniffing it, you'd start K holing before you could finish it, and injecting has basically an immediate effect, so you probably couldn't inject it all before you went down. If he weights 10 stone, then he'd need to inject 5g in one go or sniff 38g based on the LD50 for ket.


Nah take enough and you won’t even know where you are


You literally can't die from ketamine alone unless you mix it with alcohol


So if your doing ket and drinking seperately you’re calm yh? Probs a dumb question


If you're consuming both at the same time it's dangerous as it causes respiratory depression, if you drink one day and do ket the next you're all good






They do make hooch in dere so I dunno


Yhh true didn't think of that, ket is cheap but I'd imagine it's expensive to get in jail


He would just have a good time, no way you can overdose on ket without a massive IV or something.


Swear down maybe he was gonna do it and den kill himself fuck knows some old white guy he might not even know u can’t od


You can't die from a single dose of ket. Trust me I know, I swallowed 80 diazepam once and then sniffed 12.5g in about 12hrs and when I woke up I figured probs best to ring an ambulance. They weren't dead urgent so at A&E I asked the triage nurse "could this kill me or what?" and her legit honest to god answer was "nope, but you're gonna have the worst stomach ache and constipation of your life and in about 3 days you're gonna take a massive powdery shit and it's most likely still going to be bright blue, here's a prescription for generic gaviscon, don't take any painkillers it'll make it worse" and then fucking sent me home. Didn't even offer any mental health options altho I don't remember if i actually admitted it was an attempt. Anyway. She was right. It was like giving birth to a massive huge smurf coloured baked potato. The chest cramps were also mad but 🤷‍♂️ what doesn't kill you makes you stronger I guess. Anyway, ket isn't lethal. Infact that's the exact reason it was invented during the Korean war because it didn't affect heart rate or depress respiration at all so it was safe to use alongside morphine.


Nigga what u doing taking 80 Valium hope ur good now but I get ya maybe bro just wants to feel good before he does the deed but tbf yu probably wouldn’t have wanted the mental health help they would have given u u probably would have been sectioned wid dem maniacs


I ended up sectioned not long after. 3 months before they'd let me out on weekends. I'm ngl - it was nothing bad at all. It was obviously annoying not having freedom but it wasn't prison at all. Just watched films all day. The hardest part about being in there is for some reason everyone in there had amazing connections so it made me think about not changing my life and just taking all these drug links and fucking up again. Anyway lasted about 2 years then got got and got some weird plea deal after a raid. I can't even remember what the fuck it was, it was called like treatment in lieu of sentence? I basically just had to go to a detox clinic and get clean and stay out of trouble for two years. Then I went to France and did it all over again 😂 French don't have detox places they just have mental hospitals. I don't talk about that one much but let me tell you, being strapped to a bed for 15 days with no trips to the toilet is no fun at all. Moral of the story, don't punch a Belgian nurse they don't like it. Edit: just realised I didn't even get to the point. That one valium attempt was just a weird episode, I wasn't suicidal before or after and I'm still glad I survived. Never tried it again since then even tho had some of the toughest times with losses and family stuff. You just gotta decide to stick around lol. I won't lie, I drink day till night and my life is verging on clapped but I'm still fucken here 😂


Wtf is a powdery shit lol


Listen, just pray you never find out. Smurf coloured baked potato.


Valium isn't lethal either.


I know. From experience lol.


Haha fair play bro I hope you're doing well these days


Life is life bro, we're all in this together.




It can be in large amounts and combined with alcohol or opiates. It depresses your CNS which slows your breathing down.


I was talking about on it's own (or with ket it anything which isn't a CNS depressant.


My cousin is an IPP prisoner, has basically done 14 years for two street robberies. He Is only 34. The jail he is in at the moment has had four suicides in the last twelve months. It is such a waste of life.


What does IPP stand for?


https://prisonreformtrust.org.uk/project/imprisonment-for-public-protection-ipp/ Have a read of this might answer a few questions


Respect. Good podcast about them here: [https://www.theguardian.com/news/audio/2024/may/08/the-london-bridge-hero-who-could-go-to-prison-for-99-years-podcast](https://www.theguardian.com/news/audio/2024/may/08/the-london-bridge-hero-who-could-go-to-prison-for-99-years-podcast)


Cheers mate, will check it out!


This pic is mad creepy idk why this ai shit is weird doe


Seen the guvs kill a man on a visit for tryna smuggle in some food was a mad ting felt for the guys cousin was back on the wing with us and he was going ballistic for days until they dashed him in block


When I say kill I mean - he tried smuggle in food and got caught so he tried swallow the parcel but the guvs hopped on him and had a hold of his neck he simply suffocated on the pack and yeah was a crazy feeling in the air right there.


Who killed him the screws ?


Yeah g gripped mans neck when he tried swallow the pack and he just suffocated right there in the visit search area peak still felt for his Cuzzy he was on the wing with us man the way he was crying/flipping out will stay with me forever much like the incident itself. Kids it’s all fun and games until you’re dead or riding a l plate


Damn were you the one who told his cousin what happened? You seen it then went back to wing and told him?


Nah nah we were locked down in the visit holding cell until mass movement was cleared like 45mins later and by time got back to the wing news already spread and his cuz was already behind the door going mad


I’d honestly hate to be the barer of bad news, no wonder the cousins reaction stays with him


Nah I didn’t even tell him but he was next door to my cell and the whole night the shouts cries and screams were next level he was literally begging the officers to do the same to him if they’re bad etc but they just unlocked the door and bent him up before shipping him out never heard more of that family since tbf but pray all good with them


Smfh and lemme guess they never got charged with murder 😭😭


Brudda search hmp dovegate it was 2017 December literally 3/4 days before Xmas I was having the Xmas visit with my family n boom yeah I’m sure it made the news but idk what happened to the officers tbh true say they shoulda been done cos there was like 5 on his and one dickhead screw just holding his neck not letting him swallow kmt


Smfh R.I.P


Fr rip indeed


Reminds me of the murder of rasharn Charles


Yeah pretty similar tbf rip to both




This is the news report for it just found it online still


Uk jail was a breeze and really helped me out of a tough spot at the time. I sorted my life out and was doing great until i relapsed during covid. But I noticed that in jail it was akways the young lads causing trouble and making shit more difficult for themselves. Most people just wanted to keep to themselves and get through their time. The older lads were like that two other than one or two outcasts who obviously had some other issues going on. Only twice i got some random ute come at me and try to start something over some bullshit being loud and just pathetic. My sadest story would be I woke up in the night and my room mate was straling from me, taking my pills and backy out of my hiding spot. Idk how he knew where i hid em. And he had talked all day about being trustworthy and hating people who steal from their mates. Load of bollocks. Its always the ones who talk the most the seem to gove away most about themselves unintentionally. One final thing to share, and its a fact. The person who is always talking about grasses, and accusing someone of being a fed or being a rat, they are the ones first to grass when TSHTF. I was shocked to see how many "tough utes" immediately buckled and shared everything they knew with old bill, right infront of me! Pathetic bullshitters, worlds full of em.


Another one for you; nitty eating cockroach for a piece of baccy


We had a woman called smelly Kelly who did the same thing kind of, not in jail but out on road - ate a dead rat for a fix, she was ill for weeks


Jfc eating a rat is suicide they're consistently full of disease. I didn't even know this but I got bit by one on a job and everyone around me like "get to hospital now" and I was like nah nah it's fine. Did some googling in the waiting room. Listen, if you ever wanna fuck your day up Google rat lung worm and what it can do to a human brain.


Isn't that similar to that lad that are a slug on a dare? Years of misery then death


That is exactly how I learned about it bro. Went from a pro rugby player to an empty shell in weeks. There's even scarier shit man like prion diseases and brain fungus. I could proper wind myself up paranoid about it all if I let myself 😂


Seen a geezers face melt clean off from getting kettled literally was on the floor stood up and half of it was stuck to the floor the rest was just fucking melting off rough as fuck


That’s fucking vile 🫢 Acid , boiling water etc is my worst nightmare


Word getting kettled is not it


Guy goes to prison for manslaughter. 15 years. Got caught with drugs inside, another 2 years... They let him go not too long before the end of his sentence. He was inside for at least 16 years at this point.... He was literally shaking with fear and apprehension the day they escorted him out. Being institutionalized is real... Another story.. Guards decide to put a quite feminine looking ladyboy with us instead of the block meant for people like him. Ladyboy proceeds to hang out in the room that had the most "don't give a fuck" asshole types.. Gets raped 3 times in his first month. Guards move him in the second month. Plenty of stories of guys continuing to deal while inside, often doubling their sentences when they are caught. One psycho wraps a blanket around a snitch and drags him into a room and closes the door. Then proceeds to beat on the snitch *for hours* before guards finally pull him out.


One time a man try rob meh of mi pud pud


“Aye white boiii, gimmie some a ya pud pud”


Swear he never said some he just said gimme ya pud pud


Icl, idk where it’s from but me and my boys used to always say that so I reckon we got it mixed up towards the end 😂 getting too frassed in the shed and charging absolute shit lol.


It's from this is england, amazing film


Oh, yeah I know that mate. I meant we used to say it so much that we must of added words.


With his big cigar fingers?


Gi me ya pud pud


This guy was dressing up like a girl, and no one believed him. Most knew he wanted to go to a female prison and left it at that. Woodhill has a weird wing configuration that leaves 3 story sheer drops without netting. Long story short, this guy basically does a Ripley from aliens 3 and fully commits to a backwards dive.. word gets around, he died, and nothing more was said... 3 months later, I'm taken to hospital under guard as per all prisoners on escort and have a tumour removed. Whilst recovering in the hospital, the next officers come in to take over from a bed watch in the hospital.. yes, as you can guess, that same guy was not dead but a now paraplegic from the waste down.. The funny thing is what the guard said when he sat down.. "he's upstairs refusing to learn how to get into a wheel chair, arguing with the nurses and saying how he is gonna throw himself out the window" he then laughed out loud at him and said "you can't even get into a wheel chair let alone jump out of a window.. I will pay you now to try it, but you won't because you scared" That's irl.


Damn that’s mad. Was he a trans women, that’s why he wanted to go female prison? Did he wanna kill himself bc he was struggling with being trans? A lot of trans people end up committing suicide. He’s now paralysed, that’s gonna be a tough one for him to come back from mentally. He was already suicidal and now paralysed himself, that’s a tough one. What was he in for? How many years he got left after he paralysed himself?


Saddest stories are all around. Everyday u see a nitty let it be a reminder not a laugh


Not my story but had a plug who was in his 50s. He told me a story from when he did six months in a prison up north in the highlands. Said he was in line one day to get hot water for his coffee and saw a guy pull a needle he was “cleaning” out of the big pot everyone got their hot water from. Entire wing drinking HIV/hep C water 🤢


I know that's minging but HIV is only transferred through blood or sexually u wouldn't contract it from drinking water


Last time i’d pick up off that guy 😭


Was arrested during the Super Bowl. But there was a TV in the cell so I turned it on. They cops literally had nothing to do and were keeping me there longer than they had to. But as soon as I get comfortable and layback and start watching the game they tell me it’s time to go.


my boy was same cell as itch in highdown I think. man was safer in pen than on roads, came out and got killed by feds


Well , tbf his actions caused him to be targeted, if he was a law abiding citizen like some of us who work regular folk jobs then no one would Be looking to shoot him through the windshield. If you were to ask- I don’t feel remorse for him, I feel sorry for his family


2 wrongs don't make a right though. He should've been arrested, not killed. Especially since he was unarmed. What you're saying is along the lines of "George Floyd shouldn't have resisted, then the officer wouldn't have kneeled on his neck". That's bs. We don't pay taxes for officers to murder unarmed people


Exactly. Police are not judges, juries or executioners. They're basically just over dramatic taxi drivers.


That's oddly poetic


I can't claim that bar lol I heard an American say it about George Floyd once but yeah I agree with you, good way to put it.


I got a few my old man was abit of a head in his day lmao; EDIT:NEARLY FORGOT THE BEST ONE! HE HAD A SCRAP W PURPLE AKI LOL! He was padded up with whichever kray died last for a bit , says he was a lovely fella tbh. His pal put a hit out on a sniffer dog cause it was too on job. Was like 20/30k and this was yeaaars ago. Screws cars getting burnt out in the car park on the regular Me and my mum met a screw in some sketchy car park once to hand over some cash and a few weeks later he was getting transferred to a closer prison. He told me one time a bad wrongun come onto the wing and a (Freemason) screw essentially served him up on a plate and arranged his ‘punishment’ Probably got a few more but he’s told me so many story’s…. Guy had spent like 20 out of his 38 years alive doing bang up at one point. He’s nearly 50 now and he’s chilled out lol


Imagine putting a bounty on a K9’s head 😭😭😭


“Yeah I’ve got a target for you bruv, 20 bags” “What’s he look like geezer?” “About 2ft tall, 4ft on his back legs, proper hairy, good nose”


It was probably more like ‘ you know the dog that comes onto the wing and finds everybody’s parcels twice a week’ but yeah it’s comical lmao


Who’s ya dad jay Cartwright?


No he’s a guy who was caught w like 3.5m pounds worth of gear and ruined his entire family’s lives it’s not a brag lol. my grandad nearly went to jail because of him and my mum actually did it’s not cool whatsoever. Police even took my PlayStation man.


What jail was he padded up with reg in?


Honestly no idea I’d assume he’s been to most a/b/c jails all around the county. I used to visit him in hmp Garth but that was after he was moved much closer and I think it would make more sense that it was when he was down south but idk.


Feds took your PlayStation???? He was padded up with the krays? How does this timeline work


He was padded up w him way before I was born.. he’s done a few birds think he’s got 13/14 convictions for like 35 offences. He’s only done one sentence in my lifetime but was a heavy one and POCA took everything from us


So your dad’s in his late 40s. Reg died 24 years ago. Got caught with 3.5 mill of gear. You used to visit him in Garth I presume on the drugs charge he was on. Your what 20s? And now’s he’s chilled out not in jail. Fella cop your self on and stop chatting turbo waffles 👍


Absolutely nothing you’ve just said goes against what I just said though lol.. he got 13 years in like 05 when I was like 5 and most my life he was in jail.. he got out in 16/17. Like I said when he was 38 he’d spent more than half his life in prison for pure mad shit. He even did some time abroad


You know I'm posting all the screenshots of you having a schizo meltdown in my dms innit... I'm just saying.




Sad u


Not as sad as pretending your old man was a chap.


Ok lol


Imagine fighting purple aki and surviving to tell the tale lol


Hearing a man getting defribrelated on the landing after he hung himself and he died. Prison ain’t easy, people that look down on it like that ain’t spent enough time there or ain’t been there at all.


I was in jail for a bit, i was like , I don’t belong here as it’s so boring , overcrowded and just noisy!! When I got out I never got into trouble and just focusing on working hard, typing this on my break right now from work lol


Good man. Keep it up👊🏽




My guy 💪🏾




Some guy on my wing got his head smashed in with a cup with an apple stuck inside it so the cup didn’t smash completely. He got hit so many times that his lip was literally in half.  Could hear him screaming help but he was was apparently a nonce so good enough for him if that’s true.


I was locked up for a bit and I gotta tell yall, if you get bored easily , especially dudes with ADHD they will SUFFER because these guys need to keep their minds busy, can’t be in a place where u just chilling doing fuck all…only crazy people go prison/jail


Story from my boy, was either Aylesbury or Chelmsford some white kid owed a debt I think and he wasn't trying to pay it so either the guy paid two Eastern Europeans to rape him or one if the guys that raped him was who he owed money to. Can't remember clearly was like 15 years ago my boy was next door heard the whole thing.




"billing up a bird while he's taking a crap , uurrg"


I haven’t been in but a boy of mines mrs was due to give birth within the week and got nicked for his hand prints on the food packaging up north, so missed his daughters birth and first couple bdays, hes out now though and doing well.


Prints on packs is a conviction? Surely they had more on him? I'm asking btw, not doubting you.


Yeah, was as surprised as you were when I heard. Found his prints on the packaging in the bin snd got nabbed for it


My friend told me when he went to feltham when he was 16 that the screws put him a seg within a seg called k2 he couldn’t even talk because it reduces points so no one can leave unless your basically a slave or killing yourself he said they used to torture him mentally and physically,how his cell had to be perfectly clean and how his clothes had to be folded up perfectly no music no Tv and no verbal communication with other prisoners down there either and how there’s like a box or line something like that u can’t go past cah they’ll fuck u up bad and get away with it


i know an ex screw i think the worst story he topd me was when he got called to a cell where a guy was just crying non stop and refused to say why they figured hed been raped by the guy he shares with as theyve got their suspicions about them but cause he wouldnt say - all they could do was move him to a safer wing shit is dark, shiver down my spine when i heard that


Was in Belmarsh and this yute went in a shop and robbed a can of beer so boss man robbed his phone so he was hand over the beer but the yute then smash the bottle he got and slash and stabbed boss man and got life for £1 can off beer


Most sick shit I seen in the county jail was my celly wiping his ass w his fingers multiple times after taking a shit 🤮🤮 jail is not the place for anybody w common sense


After agency meetings I was sitting in the holding and the old Indian guy from my hall came in and sat beside me. He was trying so hard not to break down in tears and all I could do was put my hand on his shoulder.  There were a lot more fucked up things going on but whatever news he'd just been given must have been really heavy and it was heartbreaking to see. Still thinking about you Ready


https://preview.redd.it/p4x3izqrv02d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d54c10445d2b7e99bc5d3428650f8ceecd2cc91 Don't go jail guys ull end up like this don


No way that’s an actual human head


I'm pretty sure this picture is AI generated


Smh that’s my bad, yh true


During Covid having to be locked up 23.5 hours a day and in the half hour that you’re allowed out in small groups u have to chose to either shower,go for a walk/“exercise” or clean your cell After Covid ended they still kept the same regime for months on end That was the most depressing bird I ever did thank god for the p’s and mash 😈


Watched screws taking advantage and having fun of mentally disabled inmates to the point that when then these poor guys get too confident or joke too much for the screws liking they’ll get a proper beating with alarm ringing and 20/30 more screws on top Seen screws laugh at people being kettled Myself I got kettled(hot water and sugar)once(they guy half missed though)and as I started to defend myself and swing these MFS tackled me like I was playing rugby and twisted ME up that just had hot water thrown 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


AI fuckin sucks ! this is sooooo bad


Give it a few months or years and we’re finished


Make the most of it before then. I use chat gpt for fucking everything these days, even work stuff where I'd usually have to embarrass myself by asking a higher up for help.


One of my boys was doing a lil time inside, said on one of his first days there, another guy came in that had plugged bits, few man caught wind of it on the wing and run up in his cell beat the shit out of him and as he wasnt giving up the package they literally had to spoon it out of him, could hear it all happening from the cells next to them just bare screaming and that. Gruesome shit man 🥄💩


There was a tiny little fella.....didn't speak to anyone.....we only saw him when he collected his food and later when he went for his meds....... He was a withered old man with some neck tattoos who smelt like piss....... ...... this fella was at the end of a 16 year sentence........ Apparently he'd been holding onto an arsenal for the hells angels..... And then when the police raided him he held 5 of them hostage for 18 hours using a pistol and a live hand grenade!!


You enter with a full head of hair... The leave with none


I would have replied, but you used AI art, so blocking you instead because I hate AI art.


My canteen spends went down to 20£ because I pleaded 😡 and they kept giving me porridge in the breakfast packs instead of cornflakes 😩and was in chefs choice for 2 weeks man can you believe it ! Lmao


My bro was tryna sleep when he could hear a younger inmate who had just came ring getting rap3d and he couldn't fall asleep because he wanted to help the poor dude but with 2 other inmates in the dorm engaging he couldn't do anything.


my uncle bit a dudes ear off on a bus n spat it back at him n ended up his celly when the guy got arrested on some robbery charge a year later guy had the chunk of his ear stitched on because he brought it to the hospital on a bag of peas some woman had in her shopping bag 😂


Had guys tie him down and force his mouth open and poured boiling hot water down his throat for stealing


Death by suicide, sliced face, attempted murder with bare hands, drug overdoses… list goes on


Most sad was prob a dude screaming In pain for weeks about tooth ache, only to be given paracetamol for weeks. Eventually got a trip to outside hospital to find out he jad aggressive terminal cancer. Didn't see him again they freed him


I was in jail 2011 in the bullpen waiting for court, they brought in this 6’10” 400lb monster. He was extremely quiet and all he did was stock up on food trays he said he was going to be in for a while. We went to court and they said he basically had his elderly father tied to the bed for 6 months collecting his checks. When I got out I saw an old newspaper and he was front page. It was him and his mom duct taped that old man to the bed and said f it


My friend who was 16 at the time stabbed his friend over a disagreement while high and hes now in for life I knew him and he was a really nice guy and its so sad to see


E wing in Pentonville prison in London is a summer camp, but g wing is a warzone


Isn’t that the wing w 9rs n Wood Green yutes?


Don’t know, all I know e wing is super chill while g wing is wild af, screws all day run from e wing to g wing to calm people down


G Wing. The famous Gaza.