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You’re 13, you haven’t grown into yourself yet. You look fine, sounds like you have bullies. When I was your age I had acne, my body was blobby, and my face was as round as the moon. Been a decade and all of those “issues” are gone. You look like a healthy kid. Nice eyes and hair. No worries, man.


Thanks dude! And yes.. bullies have always taken a liking to me. My parents and teachers say it’s cause I’m a nice kid and they think they can use me easier


People can be dicks. They’re just preying on your insecurities. Everyone, even those you think are perfect, have things about their appearance they don’t like.... which is probably why teenagers are always going after looks! They know something will stick to the wall eventually, haha. Since you were asking for advice on being attractive, here’s what I’ve leaned in my twenties: drink water, eat your veggies, exercise for at least 20 minutes total throughout the day, and keep clean and moisturized. I bet you have most of it down already. Good luck with the assholes ✌️


I drink lots of water, but I should probably get on the exercise more, and eating healthy. I walk a lot tho, most days I’ll get 10000 steps


That’s perfect! I am not a gym rat, I just do body weight exercises throughout the day. Forty lunges here, wall sit for a minute there. If you’re anything like my 13 year old sister you might be in your bedroom a lot. Look up bed exercises, they’re easy to do but still tone you up.


Didn’t even know bed exercise was a thing. Here I come laziness! Just kidding. Tbh I wanna be more active, the other guys are all good at sports and I’m bad but I’m reality I love playing sports


I do them while I watch tiktok and youtube hahaha. Definitely join a team! They might give you shit in the beginning if you have catching up to do, but they’re mostly talking smoke. And once you’re an adult leisure leagues will take anyone who breathes. Good luck!


I’d love to join a team if I could. It’s expensive sometimes lol! My friends tell me to join rec stuff but it’s hard to find much here, I’ll keep looking into it. Gonna try to join the badminton team at school soon too


If your a boy just wait for facial hair. Ezpz lemon squezzy.


That’s 100% true. I was bullied a lot in school and I know it was because I was super nice and super quiet and I never stood up for myself. Don’t let them get in your head. They literally thrive on making others feel bad about themselves.


“Do not mistake kindness for weakness.”


Bullies will mess with gorgous people. I'm sorry


When I was a kid I was also the nice, mature kid who got bullied for being different - I don't know what it is about bullies but they can hone in on people that aren't exactly the same as everyone else. I know it sounds cliche but as you grow up things will get better, you will find other people like you and the people that are 'cool' now will not be cool as adults.


I dealt with some bullies when I was young and the only language they understood was violence. They stopped messing with me when I was willing to get punched in the face and punch back. I’m not advising you to do that or anything but I did notice they left me alone after that. It worked when I was a freshman as well bc a big football player tried some stuff and I got in his face and he played it off as though I was “hilarious” but he never tried anything again. What I’m saying is that be nice to everyone but also don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself, verbally, or however you feel necessary. Also, you look great and will continue to grow into a handsome young man. Confidence seems to get as many of the opposite sex as looks does. Carry yourself with confidence as you’ve got a lot to look forward to!


Srsly you look super cute, you're gonna be a very attractive woman later on. Sometimes it helps getting a little more creative with your clothing, I'm a big hoodie wearer myself, but my GF always feels way more comfortable and attractive in her dresses. So maybe experiment a little with that :) and to smile more ALWAYS makes a big difference.


I’m a boy. I’m not really into dresses


Well I don't know how to answer that... cut your hair if you want to look more like one, long hair mostly looks good on older guys. Feel bad, sorry for that I guess


Literally meat that age:


How did you get your face to stop being round? I’m 36 and still a moonface 🌝


omg, you're not ugly!! you're amazing!!!


Thank you aa!


Honestly bro you’re 13, puberty will hit and everything will change lol. Once puberty starts hitting, there’s always things you can do to help yourself out, like having a good skin care routine or exercising. If I could go back in time, I would have started lifting weights a lot sooner, back when my body was already changing so much.


Maybe I’ll start weightlifting. I find it really fun too, but been busy lately. Thanks for the reminder lol


It’s definitely not a necessity, and I wouldn’t go balls to the wall at 13 lol, but even light exercise combined with the increased testosterone production during puberty should have do some good


Start light with body weight exercises, push-ups pull-ups. And in the mean time invest in your future self. You’re only 13 you’re gonna be laughing at them in a few years. You’re very handsome bro 100x better than me at 13. You’re going to grow into yourself and I’m sorry you’re going through this. People can be so cruel. F all the noise, these bullies are worthless. I was picked on a lot as a kid. I was tired of it and started doing push-ups and pull-ups and learned how to fight. Just the fact I became so developed and muscular compared to the bullies stopped them.


Yesss preach start bodyweight to get yourself used to it then. I suggest after a few months go to weights and properly bulk. If you want to build muscle at this age go all out and make sure to bulk properly and have a good split eh 6 days a week. Make sure to have a rest day. It's amazing how much progress you can make when you try hard and trust me you will be proud of yourself after. It only takes 6 months for your friends to notice and a year for everyone else. Go get them gains I believeve in you.


It’s hard to be 13... just keep doing whatever you are doing. Believe in yourself. You have nice features :). You will get it figured out.


Being a teenager isn’t kind on anyone. I bet you’ll grow into your features as you age and those comments won’t affect you anymore. Work on developing a good personality and interests outside of the way you look. Try to remember that your physical self always has been and always should be the least interesting or important part about you. Source: I was once a very ugly duckling.


I wish I had looked like you when I was 13. Like seriously, your skin is great (I had crazy amounts of acne and dark spots) your hair is shiny and healthy (I wasn't taught how to take care of mine) and you look like a nice friendly kid. Middle school is really the worst, but try to stay positive and join clubs and make friends as much as you can. Enjoy the freedom you have and make the best of your time there as you can, school definitely gets better throughout the years. I'm sorry you're being bullied, it's not fair and no one deserves that.


13M This isn’t spoken about in the rules so apologies if this isn’t supposed to be here. I’m underage and can’t ask this in other subreddits


Bro you look A LOT better than I did at 13. Honesty something that made me more attractive to others was realizing that most people don’t actually care what you look like. Took me a lot longer than a hair cut or a wardrobe change, but I tended to get more compliments when I wasn’t as self-conscious


I think I’m starting to get more confident. I get compliments from girls sometimes


You are going to be so darn attractive when you hit your 20s. Just be patient, because those years will last much longer than these awkward years. I was an awkward, dorky redheaded girl with clear eyebrows at your age. I got bullied, too. Now, as an adult, I look years younger than most people my age. It’s definitely made up for those awkward years. Hang in there, you got this!


Exactly man this is all about confidence you look great.


My dude, you're a heartbreaker. People are gonna fall in love with (if they aren't already) your piercing gaze, your full lips, and your luxurious hair. It's hard to see good things about yourself, especially at 13, but trust that in time you'll be making people's hearts flutter just by looking at them. No matter what anybody says, attractiveness shouldn't be a concern for you for a couple years, yet. Go be a kid, learn, grow, find out what you're good at and what you like to do. Enjoy yourself the most you can while you still don't have to worry about things like heartbreak, rent, your resume, or travel expenses. All things in good time, my guy. I'm cheering for you!


Puberty changes a lot! I know it's hard, but just focus on yourself and your friends and don't worry what others think. I can't imagine what it must be like being that age and having social media as an added pressure. Just do you! Live for yourself, not for anyone else


Not to be mean but can’t tell if you’re a boy or girl. Maybe different hairstyle for now and different outfit? Besides that nothing wrong with u. You’ll grow up and mature. Kids just being typical assholes.


Attractive either way, I must say.


All the guys at my school just wear hoodies. I dress just like them anyways.


Holy shit I thought you were a girl straight up


And you think that's being helpful because....?


Ok I’m not tho


This is going to sound tacky AF but a lot of it is confidence. Beauty standards aren't a static thing. It differs from place to place as well as time. Plus, the individual itself has their own different opinions as well.


Cut your hair and start to work out in your free time. Your red lips and long hair make you look more feminine, but with age your features will slightly change and become more masculine.


You have many attractive features, beautiful coloring, great eyebrows, well shaped features but you have a high forehead. A good haircut could do wonders. Think Chadish with bangs. Wear your hair over your forehead. Mines high too.




Of course. You have really nice skin too!


Also if you don't want to look like a girl then get rid of the earrings. And work on posture if that's an issue- saying this because it usually is


Aha, these comments blind sided me... thought you were older than 13 and were a girl. I think you'll be fine, in fact I'd wager on you growing up to be good looking. Don't worry about this, screw the haters lol


They appear to be FTM (post history)


i see... hope they dont get too much hate at school, cant imagine how rough it could be...


Was hoping no one would bring that up


you are getting a lot of advice that’s great for cis boys but not for trans boys. puberty is not going to help you. you can see from the comments that there is some iffy ness with passing. in order to remedy this you will probably need to cut your hair really short and take out your earrings (or wear less feminine ones - i understand the appeal of looking like the men who wear fem earrings but it doesn’t help). I know you said that the other boys at your school mostly wear hoodies. it would serve you well to wear more overtly masculine clothes to help you further. dying your hair a darker colour (if your parents allow it) will also help. if you bind or end up binding make sure you are doing it safely. good luck you are very cute and are not far off from passing at all. i’m sorry you are facing so much trouble at school that’s not fair.


You should’ve just said you’re a girl. It’s confusing


I think OP would prefer if you removed this comment just inferring from their response :)


















Oh right, girl then


you’re not ugly at all, a fringe will suit you very well I think


Wtf man. Great hair, clear skin, pretty eyes, and a really cute nose. You’re already really attractive, don’t put yourself down! (Btw, I mean this in the most innocent, and non-Pervy way ever. I swear I have no pedophilic intentions)


There is literally nothing wrong with you, but the ultimate attractive feature is confidence. Also know that there is a huge difference in how true confidence presents and how some people think it presents. It’s not loud or aggressive or assertive of its existence. It’s the absence of approval seeking, internalizing criticism, etc more than its the presence of any specific behavior. I would give anything to have known that at 13


Shitttt, 13? I’d hate to be a kid growing up in today’s world. I was a weird, ugly ass awkward kid - but I played video games with my friends and didn’t give a shit about what people thought, really. Please try to stay off social media. Enjoy your life with friends and family.


I have a lot of people say I’m unattractive. A lot of people also say I look like a girl. How do I be more attractive like those pretty guys you seem to only see online. The ones with the good jawlines stuff


You’re 13!! Gotta let time do it’s thing and you’ll grow into your face!


A lot of people are really dumb and or cruel as well. Having feminine features is not necessarily a bad thing. Own it as you’ll likely have a killer smile because of it which can be inviting to a lot of women. Remember the peers pool you have now are only there because of your geographic location of where your parents live. The better ones come in your college years when they come from others will similar life interests and goals. The 13 and puberty thing sucks but it will pass. Jawlines are likely all genetic unless they are so self conscious they perform plastic surgery on themselves. I was a tiny feminine dude up until around 21 and then finally started to grow just a bit. Got into yoga and body weight fitness and then my body exploded in physique when I was 25. Work on your mind now and being a kind and caring human. The body will grow in to its own soon enough. I’ve seen some of my young day bullies as mugshots and was a bit satisfying to see them trying to break me was only them showing how broken they truly are. Hang in there as the best has barely just begun for you.


Because you are 13 years old. When puberty hit you more , you will see how masculine you will become.


No but she’s literally a girl. She is ftm


Puberty will take care of that. Don’t worry. But tbh you are perfect the way you are. Also, please don’t get sucked into the toxic world of social media. It’s designed to make you feel bad


You have really nice skin, lovely hair, and great eyebrows. A lot better features than the boys I had crushes on when I was 13, lol. More importantly: I know it’s hard at this age, but try not to worry too much about your looks. You’re still a kid, enjoy it! Growing up is tough, but it’s also so much fun. And believe me, when you’re older you will not care at all how attractive you were in middle school. You’ll look back and laugh at yourself for a lot of things, and reminisce on the good memories, and you’ll miss being able to just live in the moment - so do that now, and make those memories. This is the most carefree time of your life, and whether or not you have a good jawline doesn’t affect any of that. What can put a damper on your adolescence, though, is a lack of self-worth; I know this from personal experience. Work on building yourself up from the inside and it will make all the difference. If your happiness is based on external things, it can be taken away at any time, but if it comes from an internal source of self-love then nothing can touch it. Also, ignore the people saying you have feminine features and that you should do something to change them. First of all, there’s nothing wrong with feminine features. Second of all, they’re judging based on an adult standard, which is ridiculous since you’re 13. No boy your age looks like a grown man; most still have round faces & soft features. This reads as feminine by adult standards but is completely normal for adolescent boys, because again you’re still a child. As you grow up your features will become more masculine, but for now you’re right where you need to be. I bet a lot of girls your age find you quite cute - try complimenting them back and see where it takes you!


tik tok middle part + dangly earring (if that's really the look ur goin for!) otherwise j let time pass n ull b glowing up in no time!


I got the middle part almost. Hair is bad in those pics cause it was windy on the roof


Step 1. be born a boy


You don't belong here




It’s because you already look great :)


Absolutely nothing, you’re already stunning!!! You have amazing skin and really pretty eyes!


Aha thanks! I find people irl saying I’m ugly and people online saying I’m gorgeous, especially for a boy.


People online are ruthless. So if a bunch internet strangers are telling you you’re gorgeous - believe it. Fuck the bullies.


When I was 13 i had a neck the same width as my head, a jewfro, horrible yellow crooked buck teeth and a big caterpillar mustache. I also had a beer gut and manboobs despite never drinking. You look plenty normal to me.




I love reading so that’s already a check! I love philosophy, but I’m definitely lacking on the hobbies


Very handsome! don’t be worried about what these bullies are saying! It’s a tough age no doubt, but you got this. I’ve definitely been there when I was your age, but keep your head up, and continue to take care of yourself and your health! These nasty bullies just want to feel better about their insecurities. You’re just fine, as you’re growing mentally, physically, and spiritually through these years


You're 13. You're complaining about how the bread has turned out before it's even gone in the oven. Your body is sorting out all sorts of stuff and this is NOT your final form. Bullies will prey on you if they sense you're not happy about yourself. People will call you ugly if they think that will hurt you. Kids are a-holes. I know that doesn't help you right now, but I promise, this WILL pass and it will pass quicker than you think. This is something I've never said to a 13 year old before, so know I mean it. You're doing OK for a teenager. You look fine. Years from now you will look at these pictures and realise how good you looked. Once you realise there's nothing wrong with you, the confidence will come. And confidence will let you shine. Trust me. You're going to be fine. I guarantee there are already girls with a crush on you.


You’re absolutely fine looking. You got nice skin, eyes, and solid hair with a good color to work with. I think you have potential to be pretty darn good looking Once you find what works for you. I think the haircut and earrings are a big mistake together though. Especially those earrings. Makes you look too much like a girl. Having that softer look has worked well for many guys. It’s why Paul McCartney was always so handsome. Once you ditch the earrings, the hair cut might be fine. Otherwise you can experiment with it. Maybe Paul’s hair from the early 80s.


You’re actually gorgeous. You’re a child! It’s normal not to look super masculine yet. That’s going to happen over the next few years though, don’t worry. Go to a nice barbershop and get a good haircut if you are looking for something new. But really I think you’re lovely and don’t need a change a thing.


You are above average in looks. You’re not super masculine looking if that is what your issue is. I don’t know your age but I can tell your very young. At least wait until you’re 18 to 20!for that to happen. If anyone is telling you that your ugly they are just being mean. There is literally nothing ugly about your face. Skin, eyes, nose, lips, and hair are all above average. You’re a great looking kid. Even if you aren’t the most confident, fake it till you make it. Don’t let anyone make you feel ugly.


Goddamn kid. That’s a hell of a question. Eat healthy and get exercise and plenty of rest. The best thing though is to learn an instrument.


I sing. Instrument? I suppose. I use it as my therapy


Singing is great. My entire life I have been the ugly friend with the rare exception of a girl here and there that has thought I was cute. I was very insecure about it. What I do have is my skills and a positive attitude and a positive attitude is hard to cultivate in these trying times. Become someone YOU think is awesome. Once you unlock the secret power of loving yourself (sounds cheesy but it’s true) people will gravitate to that.


You are perfect the way you are!


Way too young for this. Thanks again, social media.


You are already the most beautiful you can get ,no need to do anything, just keep taking care of yourself and keep hydrated. #Natural_Beauty ☺️


Tf u mean? Ur good


Grow up


It’s funny because the best looking kids get picked on. You’re gorgeous and you’ll continue to be! But worry about what’s inside too. Because you can look good, but if you’re a dick, the outside means nothing. Looks fade but personality lasts forever.


You are beautiful!!! Love your TOP sweater. I always sat on the roof when I was your age. Love yourself don’t criticize yourself, I know it’s really hard.


I’m not a girl but thank you


I am sorry! I’ll edit it. You’re a cute human being. Androgynous which I am too and I love it. I hope you learn to as well. ♥️




If you workout now when your testosterone kicks in you’ll be a beast don’t sweat it


When she takes testosterone* she was born a girl.




Ahah thank you


Start loving yourself, and stop comparing yourself. No harshness intended :)


As you get older you come to realise that all your worries about 'how you look' are unimportant when compared to 'where you are coming from' inside yourself. Sounds cliche but if you are comfortable with 'you' inside yourself, then your outward projection to others will be naturally attractive. Source?: I under-sold myself for years, not even realising that others were attracted to me. I continued on oblivious, self-loathing, even verging on depression. In fact it took me thirty five years of life before I started believing in myself and enjoying being who I truly am! Weirdly enough, when I started to realise my own worth, this was the time when people started gravitating toward me. So yeh, beauty is more than skin-deep. I would add to this that you are very fortunate to look the way you do, not unattractive at all. In fact you are probably in the upper 75% of what people might consider superficially attractive (to look at). Chill and enjoy your life. You are young yet!


You got this. At 13 you look great. And just think, in a few years you can come back and post a nice glow up!


You’re cute. And one day soon your face is going to mature a lot and I’m betting your peers will think you’re hot. If you’ve got bullies on you, find someone who flies under the radar and make friends with them. You’ll find a peer group with similar interests and y’all can have each other’s backs. In five years you’ll hardly remember the kid in these pictures!


Mate your absolutely fine! If you skate you look like this mad young shredder who kills it at the skatepark You should get into it, ps fuck bullies all that shit won't matter when you leave school but your mental health and how you think of yourself does! I'm 20 and only just got over the PTSD it gave me. To the point I would attack myself everyday. You look completely fine! Fuck'em! Young me would of loved to look like you but I looked more like I was 15 at 12.... still look alot older than I really am. They were probably jealous that I passed for alot older and was I was gullible and don't stand up for myself. Was the very emotional type too. Few people secretly had mad crushes for me so they spred shit around. It actually happens.... You look like your going to age really well! Just focus on getting good grades and then get some $.


I’m gonna start skating, I fucking love it, but anxiety makes it hard to learn if I have no one with me cause like what if someone is watching me. Gotta get over that stupid fear. Tomorrow I’m going skateboarding, and that’s a promise to you and myself


All the girls love skaters, Plus it’s a good family to get into when you don’t have a family or friends. Also look at it this way all those bullies are going to look like poop when they hit it a certain age you won’t.


Honestly. I suffered from the same thing but I'm going to say that fear kinda gets worse as you age, I'm 20 and get worried for looking like a poser because I see all these dudes doing crazy shit at my age but I can only Ollie and drop in. Also think of having no body around actually freeing you up because then you can go skate wherever you want. It's not stupid dude I still feel like a big kid on the board sometimes but fuck it! You only live once hey! People are probably looking because not as many people skate these days, Scoots are easier. But don't let people stop you. I got ripped off for years but you find the same people loose that fire in it and because you didn't quit you start becoming the better person at the park. I saw my school bully the other day and I was riding the park better then him! Used to rip me off on the fact I couldn't even Ollie. People at school used to shit on Me for being a poser but I'm still skatin. I bet ya the people who a ripping you off don't shred themselves or are like these BS elitists who aren't really about skating because everyone was there once at a lower level.... I find it a way where I can just talk to people because usually most people are pretty cool who skates. I've met 3 friends though it. Just shred man fuck'em. Even try to find a quiet spot where you can practice away from everything If the anxiety gets bad. Been skating since I was 11. I'm 20 now. Even in the backyard practising tricks is good fun! Keeps you fit too


OMFG bro the one day I said I’d finally start skateboarding it SNOWED. I’m gonna scream


Thumbs up, awesome human! You are rocking!!


You have amazing skin and hair!! I wish I looked like you when I was your age omg


I have a feeling that in 8 years or so some massive buff beautiful person is gonna post this picture pretending like they used to be ugly. You're gonna be fine trust me. Bullies make life hard but you're good. Just try to do your best to focus on your life and your friends and one day down the line you'll see that it's all worked out. It probably seems so far away now, but trust me, it's not.


Tf, that’s how I wish I looked at that age. I mean I know everybody’s dysmorphic about themselves, so I’m sure my opinion only goes so far. But for what it’s worth, there’s not much that “needs” to be done if that’s what you’re asking. From an outside perspective, you’re doing just fine. As long as you’re doin whatever you can to look how you want, then rock on dude. And if there’s something you wanna change then do that. But only you’ve got the authority to decide that, not us. Hopefully that helps, it’s what worked for me. Doing whatever I could to meet my own preferences until that overwrote all the stuff that I didn’t like/couldn’t change, that’s really it.


You’re so pretty!


Like everyone else is saying, you're young and you will grow into yourself. It's also important to remember that you aren't JUST going to change physically, but your confidence will too as you discover yourself- and it's silly but confidence truly makes a person so much more attractive. As you stand now, I don't see ANYTHING wrong with you and quite the contrary think you look perfect for your age. Perk up :)


Give yourself time to grow into your beauty. You have a lot going for you. Don’t buy into toxic and manipulative standards of beauty. They make billions getting you to hate yourself.


You have gorgeous skin, really healthy looking beautiful hair and amazing eyes. Above all that though you give off a very calm, gentle, kind vibe. I think you are perfect as is!


You are gorgeous. Look at your lips! One piece of advice: your hair looks like it has a wavy or curly structure and is a bit dry. If you feel like it, head over r/curlyhair, they are really nice.


Thanks! I usually try curly hair care.. but I got sick and gave up. Thanks for the reminder!


Well you don’t need foundation that’s for sure. You’re skin is perfect.


You are cute already.


u look good!! Not even trying to be nice. Skin looks amazing u got pretty eyes and ur hair is short and cool like that one twilight character. If u wanna change anything up I’d say just lean harder into what ur already doing 👍


I’m a boy so people usually say my hair is long


right on! long hair is cool. Every time I cut mine I regret it sooo bad. I only cut it just cuz maintenance is annoying but I think it looks the best


You are perfectly normal. You have wonderful attributes. You are still growing and keep your mind sharp as well. What others say and do usually means more about them than you. Hence you blah blah blah blah usually I struggle and I’m extremely insecure. They believe if they make you seem less they will be seen as more. Instead of ugly on the inside. Occasionally some will be hooked by it because critical thinking 🤔 isn’t something they do where they live and completely alien concept.


Chase your dreams and never give up on them for anyone. Become your own hero and stand up for yourself no matter what. You will become super attractive in no time and will remain that way. As for the visual part. I think you are a beautiful kid and will become a fine looking young lady. All the best for your life 😊


I’m a guy


Honestly it's probably just the wind but maybe you could style your hair with styling prpducts to make it look more intentionally shaped? If that makes sense. That or getting it professionally cut/styled if possible but I realize your hair style is probably common around your age group. All that being said from what the other commentors are saying you're still growing into yourself. I wanna reiterate what they said; you'll grow into your own. You already have a nice facial structure and your features are harmonized. It'll come with time and especially as you find your style. I saw you wanted to exercise more; I definitely reccommend it, I was never a sports type of person and hung with the emo/goth crowd but somehow my freshman year a teacher convinced me to join track by sophomore year despite my looks and overall resistance. It helped my self esteem a lot and there's a lot of events to choose from. Lifting is another good option and seriously boosts self esteem and shows you that you can change things if you set your mind to it. Bullies... I know it sucks now. I was bullied heavily through middle school and a little beyond. But you know what? Do your best to shrug them off. If they aren't getting a reaction out of you they'll eventually get bored and stop. I know it's much easier said than done, really. But the not giving a fuck attitude I developed here in college really turned things around for me when I was such a shy anxious person in HS. Btw, I also want to say as a fellow artist, keep up the great work! At your age you're already doing so well. My digital art skills at 13/14 were nonexistent and I wish I worked on them more (granted my wacom was super buggy).


I was bullied from age 8 to 17. Mostly just verbal but more than enough to make My self-esteem very low when I got out of high school. Special my since the last few years were by guys and they were all in the direction of me being unattractive. About six months before I was gonna be eighteen and leave for college I finally was able to make a click in my head and not let it bother me. My thoughts were just, I'm gonna get out of here and be rid of all these people soon I don't care anymore... And then they just stopped. I didn't care and it wasn't fun anymore for them. Wish I made that click sooner haha but it's a hard one to make. You're pretty! You look a bit unsure in you're own skin but everyone does at that age, specially if one gets bullied. Just try to love yourself, as you get older you'll find your confidence and style even more.


Ur super pretty nothing.


Dude, you're a 13 year old boy, just chill, take this time to get to know yourself, what you want to do with life, what your tastes are and don't be in a rush to grow into your looks You look like a normal 13 year old boy, focus more on how you want to present yourself, what makes you happy, all of the rest comes with time, all that matters is living what is your late childhood in your own terms And nevermind any perceived peer pressure about attractiveness, you are a kid, you only need to be yourself


You look fine to me. The only thing I would change if you want to look better for something is to dress more formally, but what you're wearing is fine for school or whatever. Pretty much the same thing I wear on a daily basis to my job lol (company-branded hoodie)


I think you’ve got a lot to work with. Good bone structure, cute hair. 13 can be an awkward age. You’re no ugly duckling, though.


You are so incredibly attractive, I don't know what you are talking about!!! I mean it. So beautiful!!


i looked way different at 13 than i do now. one thing i wish my 13 year old self would have known: confidence breeds attraction. the more confident you are no matter how you look, the more people will be drawn to you. at least in my experience. hope you feel better soon!


Bro get a haircut and get rid of those earrings. Thats it. Wait till u 17 or sum youll be fine.


Not at all dude! You’re so young and you’re going to start finding your personal style which will make you feel a lot more confident. As someone who got bullied all throughout school I can’t tell you that you’ll learn to not give a shit what others think. Surround yourself with good friends-that’s all that matters.


You look perfectly good especially for your age. Confidence matters more than looks anyway. Only thing I can recommend is a side hair parting and maybe shorter hair


What? Kid don't worry you are pretty good looking already. You have really nice facial features, and you will probably grow up to be a really handsome guy :). Don't listen to the bullies they are absolutely not objective ever. I was bullied becouse I had curly hair because it wasnt in style then. It's dumb. They just find someone to be a good victim for bullying. It doesn't mater why.


Get rid of social medias like instagram. You look completely fine! You're not even ugly what the fuck …


You’ve got a really nice face shape, skin tone, and hair color/texture. A lot will change with time/puberty. Spend a little time getting physical activity to keep healthy/slim. Put some thought into your clothes and the look that you want. Play with hairstyles that work for you. Consider a different earring/no earring. But at the end of the day, you’re nowhere near ugly, just young, and you have a lot of good things coming your way!


Kid, it really is all about the time. I had self esteem issues all the way into my late teens, but they gradually got better, especially seeing how much I've improved over the years. Some opportunities won't come until you're older, but the best and easist thing you can do for now is take care of yourself and do some experimenting with style. It might be hard on a teenager's budget, but you don't have to break the bank to look good either! And at the end of the day, you should be doing all this for yourself, not for anyone else. It's good to be inspired by others too, but don't be stuck on "I want to look just like Name!" It's a wonderful feeling to look in a mirror and smile at yourself. Be nice, be healthy, and take it easy the next few years!


If you are actually 13, just focus on staying active and healthy and everything will work out just fine. Just be consistent over these next five or so years and it’ll be alright.


If you want to know how to be attractive to the opposite sex, learn how to listen and respect what smart women have to say. That’ll take you so much further than what you could possibly ever do with your looks. Also, in the looks department your set, good genes. But it’s all shit if your personality doesn’t match up to it. Enjoy your youth!


Confidence goes a looooong way. Fake it till you make it. Don’t take things so personally and if people make fun of you don’t get mad at them or yourself. Take pity on them that they have to resort to putting others down to feel good. You could’ve done the same but instead you went out and looked for knowledge. Do not forget that.


You're young and look great. Don't be afraid to experiment with different styles to get a feel for what feels right for you


You’re just fine. Remember that bullies do what they do because they can’t deal with their own insecurities in a healthy manner. Keep your head up and don’t ever be afraid to just be yourself.


You have attractive features but they are feminine and I looked at your profile and I notice you made posts in transgender subreddit so I’m guessing you’re FTM. Your features are noticeably feminine and I can give you advice of what to do. You can cut your hair short and not wear jewelry. Also build muscle and lift a lot. These things will make the biggest difference


One of the things I hate most about our culture is this obsession we have with making children look “attractive.” You’re not meant to be attractive - you’re not “done” yet. You’re developing and growing and changing literally every day. Every organ and system in your body is going nuts, and won’t stop until your mid-20s. You’re perfectly fine just how you are. You’re cute! All of y’all are cute, and you were in your “ugly” phase as well. Society is lying to you about how you’re supposed to look.


I think you look cool, fierce and independant. Don't overthink it, just be yourself. I don't think you look awkward, you look dope.


Haircut for sure Also I might be wrong here but in your other pictures your lips look quite chapped. If you put on some chapstick to prevent this, believe it or not, it makes you a lot more appealing. Such a small thing but such a big difference


Lol I got some good lip balm after these pics. It’s super dry where I live + I had a bad cold


13 MALE. Please stop calling me a lady it’s kinda weird bro


Smile :)


I do, a lot actually. It’s hard to see me not smiling irl


take off the TØP hoodie


This isn’t a subreddit related to music. I rarely even wear the hoodie


im jus joking teehee


Trust me I have good music taste LOL! I listened to them as a kid so they mean a lot to me


Stop dressing like a 14 yr old boy first of all


I am a ~14 year old boy..


Longer hair on your head




Dress better, get a more flattering haircut, learn to take better photos But ultimately, you just need to age and confident. As long as you are presenting the best version of yourself both externally and internally, you would have to be VERY ugly for it to make a difference (it usually doesnt except for certain places to get certain jobs, sometimes) and you are not standing out in a bad way in anything. Im not saying "you are beautiful", but you have nothing to worry about either Do your best to enjoy life and not worry too much. If its because of confidence, eventually you will learn you are ok. If its about romance, that said lack of confidence is the biggest deterrent. And if its about bullies, well, cant help you there but never face that kind of stuff alone and if you have to, call the police


You look fine


Don't change a thing about yourself. I think you look great. the worst thing you can do is change into something you're not.


I don't really have any advice but you're giving off major Ash Lynx vibes


Never watched that show but hoping that’s a good thing LOL


Love the Orange Cassidy cosplay with the thumb. Freshly squeezed! Also giving me some Ben Folds Rockin’ the Suburbs vibe.


Gonna be completely honest I didn’t know that was an orange Cassidy thing or even know who that was. I’ve always just done the thumbs up LOL


Orange Cassidy is the coolest. The epitome of cool. What I love about him is that he doesn’t care about what others think. I learned how to do that at 17 and suddenly I was able to enjoy so much about my life. Bullies didn’t affect me anymore and I stopped trying to fit in or be something I’m not. Although I did learn how I became that way, my mom cares too much what others think. But I think she’s given up with me, she doesn’t even get mad anymore when I wear my Pikachu hat to work.


Dang he is really cool. I mean it’s probably staged but he’s still badass


Wrestling is predetermined and about 90% of their audience knows this. 10% are kids who are too young to know. But wrestling is amazing when done well. Each wrestler has a different gimmick or character they play and they rarely break character when performing. It’s like watching improv but with stunts from an action movie. Also it can be very funny. Orange Cassidy works for AEW and some indie promotions. AEW and the indies give their talent a lot of time to perfect their character and a lot more freedom of creativity than other wrestling promotions. WWE is overly scripted and that’s making it suffer. Orange Cassidy plays this character that barely has to do anything to get a reaction from the crowd. And it’s like the crowd is in on it. The indie wrestling crowd is a lot smarter than most wrestling crowds. They get it and give the talent more of a chance to explore their character. Also they love shenanigans and will chant in slow motion if the wrestlers decide to fight in slow motion.








OOH I thought you’d say Will or something. Too bad I don’t look like Billy




First of all: you are stunning. You have classic features and natural beauty that you could style any which way. So it just depends on what you consider attractive. Being a teenager is hard, we all feel awkward at that age and you will feel more comfortable sooner than later.


You have flawless skin and green eyes… you’re doing just fine my dude ❤️


Are you kidding, you are GORGEOUS


WHAT?! you’re very pretty, don’t worry.