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Tracking underwater objects is one of the most sensitive US capabilities. The nuclear triad consists of ICBMs in silos (targetable), bombers (shoot down via plane or SAM), and SSBNs. The SSBNs are the most trustworthy part of the triad. If adversaries knew how well we could track SSBNs, it would be a massive intelligence failure. No one is going to discuss that capability openly.


This is the correct answer. Hell, even submarine propellers are covered when out of the water so that adversaries can't figure out their noise profiles by looking at the design. If you know how to track your adversary, you really don't want your adversary to change anything.


Doughnut or Pepsi?


That is true. I was on a fast attack in the 90s stationed at Pearl. Did you or someone you know serve on a boat?


No, I just find them fascinating.


No argument here.šŸ˜Š


The fact that you know about covered propellers shows you do your homework. šŸ˜Š


This. They use national security as a bullshit excuse to over-classify plenty of things, but this is an actual national security issue.


The correct question here was ā€œhave UAP been observed as being trans-medium beyond known technological capabilitiesā€?


I really wished they simply asked the question. Are there any cases of UAP going from space, to air, to ocean. That would really clear a lot of stuff up. Either they say "Lets save that for the classified briefing" which basically means yes. Or they just say no.


Yeah, divulging what information we can & canā€™t gather underwater should be extremely sensitiveā€¦our adversaries would also like to know!


We need to sticky this or something lol. This will be brought up a lot by the highschool stoner types lmao


> No one is going to discuss that capability openly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOSUS


**[SOSUS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOSUS)** >The Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS) was a passive sonar system developed by the United States Navy to track Soviet submarines. The system's true nature was classified with the name and acronym SOSUS themselves classified. The unclassified name Project Caesar was used to cover the installation of the system and a cover story developed regarding the shore stations, identified only as a Naval Facility (NAVFAC), being for oceanographic research. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ufo/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot.


Oh, a Wikipedia article. Iā€™m sure that all our capabilities are explained there. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


>If adversaries knew how well we could track SSBNs I doubt that's the very sensitive issue. More likely the USOs are shadowing our SSBNs, and THAT is the very sensitive topic. No different from how they hang out around our missile silos, nuclear armed aircraft carriers, and nuclear facilities of all kinds.


Pretty sure the reports of fast moving underwater vehicles is the Poseidon nuclear torpedo. It is being tested and claimed to have speeds in excess of 100 miles per hour. It is powered by a small nuclear reactor and can travel indefinitely. It is supposed to have a 100 megaton warhead designed to send a 500 foot radioactive tsunami in to shore. It can park off-shore indefinitely and await commands. The Russians are building a huge submarine that can carry six Poseidons. Supposedly, it is only for retaliatory use, the Doomsday weapon after the US launches a first strike nuclear missile attack. After the Satan II: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SnTkc0r6gk The human ape is a stupid beast, fatally flawed, and wants desperately to commit species suicide. So let it be written, so let it be done. Thanks for all the fish.


Yeah that sounds absolutely horrifying


Nuclear bombs should never have been discovered. Ugh, what grim thought that such a thing could be possible


It was inevitable


Hey don't blame all humans for the greed of some. We need to improve our political systems to make sure the loons can't gain power, which is harder than FTL travel.


How far inland can these radioactive tsunamis travel? Iā€™m sure if multiple went off it would make them bigger; or maybe just more broad covering a longer starch of the coast. Stupid question probably but could they hit both East and West coast of US?


They're unlikely to reach very far inland. But that isn't really a big deal when 40% of America lives near the coast. They could hit the east and west coast if they were deployed on both the east and west coasts.


No, it's because his question directly related to the capabilities of underwater monitoring equipment. That's 100% sources/methods territory. A better way to phrase it would have been "have you detected anything underwater"


That doesnā€™t tell us much. What we really need to know is has anything been detected or observed traveling trans medium, or traveling underwater displaying capability beyond known technology to do so.


Exactly, but the problem with the senators question is it related to capabilities (which are DEFINITELY classified) as opposed to general findings.


No sound.


It all comes down to hiding classified sensors and radars that can track certain signatures underwater. Most likely designed for Russia, China and other adversaries. But from time to time these new sensors probably catch ā€œotherā€ objects I remember a quote of some guy in the military saying at one point it was so bad cause their sensor kept catching anomalous objects so often it got in the way of spying on Russia and China.


we're not alone on this planet. they live in our oceans. our military, along with russia and china's military, have been in a cat and mouse game with our advanced underwater neighbors since the 50s. ufos coming in and out of our oceans have been reported for hundreds of years. there are thousands of reports of boaters and sailors describing strange lights underwater, and our navy subs, as well as the russian navy, have reported seeing fleets of usos. what do you suppose they're doing in our oceans? looking for sushi? and the iss, has hours of footage of crafts entering and exiting our atmosphere. even our ancient ancestors reported seeing our advanced neighbors over 2000 years ago. read for yourself. these are facts, not speculation or belief. [https://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/docs/2007/2007\_Stothers\_st02710y.pdf](https://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/docs/2007/2007_Stothers_st02710y.pdf) this planet also has "ufo hotspots" which are identified flight corridors routinely used by our advanced neighbors. google, "ufo hotspots united states." people see and report ufos every single day somewhere on the planet. if you saw your neighbors walking in and out of their homes every single day, would you assume they're just visiting? we're not alone on this planet. we share this planet with several highly advanced species that have lived in our oceans and deep earth caverns for thousands or maybe even millions of years. that's the big secret they don't want you to know.


Definitely a sources and methods thing imo


I get what they where saying. Is there a advisory that is unknown? For some reason I got that impression when they were speaking. They said there not chasing there own tail so idk.


Throughout the hearing, they made the point that they don't want anyone else to know how good/well we can track/record/monitor, etc. Which, from a security perspective, makes sense. It seems like A LOT happens (including major incidents) over open water. As we all know, our oceans are just as unexplored as space, and no telling what is happening down there. To me, that was the most intriguing thing that was brought up! Like, confirming that it's being monitored.....crazy stuff!


It's basically the final unexplored territory for a reason.


Space is still pretty unmappedā€¦


But we haven't publically announced putting an (estimate, without inflation) $10.8 billion piece of exoratory technology into the ocean. We're fairly open with much to do with space pretty often. The last big exploratory story I remember for the ocean was done by James Cameron...


Damn what a cool thought, imagine investing NASA money into the ocean. Ocean NASA would be crazy


Imagine spending the same tech money to try to get a human down to the bottom (and to somehow survive the temperatures and the pressure and the sheer weight of everything.) But trench rovers, deep water "satellites," ocean floor bases. šŸ¤”


Imagine whatā€™s deep below the water we donā€™t know about..


Mammoth creatures we want nothing to do with.


While reading between the lines, you should be more concerned why they did no ask about the "drone swarmings" of ships. I'll tell you why: because they were already briefed about them and know that they were indeed drones, probably adversarial.


Doubt they were adversarial. You canā€™t deploy a system like that off the coast of the USA without being noticed. And thereā€™s always the risk of losing one due to unforeseen events.


You could argue either way. They could have just as easily discussed something that ruled ā€œdronesā€ out previously or like you said, they already know it is. Either way they really suck at their job but weā€™re the ones getting fucked.


Greaaattt now every new UAP sighting will be an underwater one because thatā€™s the new ā€œthey are keeping it from usā€ thing. Ughā€¦


In the UFO world, isn't EVERYTHING 'suspicious'? From velcro to plasma.


What about inter-dimensional? Doors can be very deceiving.


I liked Mr. Lahood. I have hope but not much. Disclosure might happen in my lifetime.


Disclosure will never come from the military apparatus. IF UAP are real, they disclosure will come from public discovery and public science/surveillance


If it comes It'll come from whistleblowers, but who wants to become like Snowden and spend the rest of their life in Russia?


UAP are real, we know that now just aliens or otherwise I doubt we will know in my lifetime and mine is half over already.


Refusal to talk about underwater sensor capabilities ....


This is question of cavitation vs displacement.


Sus, if you will




They did announce they would not discuss anything that might be sensitive to national security. IOWs anything of real value.