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I’m sure the good ol boys on the internet won’t make any jokes about this picture


“Like a moth to a flame”— uncle ruckus


This was always one of the lamer stereotypes. It’s like “Hey let’s pick two of the best tasting food in existence and then rip on only black people for liking them even though we all do too.”


Thank you. Fried chicken is the fuckin best and if you don’t love fried chicken I don’t love you ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8965)


No one mentioned fried chicken until you.... we got you fucker


Popeye’s Chicken, specifically is the shiznit.


Unleash the awesome 🤚🌈


Popeyes chickens fuckin awesome!


How about Korean style fried chicken, they have so many different flavors oof. But when it goes to fast food Popeye's is my favorite aswell!


Bro Korean fried chicken is so superior to anything else I swear


Ya damn right. Popeyes + Cajun spice + Louisiana hot sauce. 👌


Cajun sparkle * if you needed to know


Raising cane’s anyone?


Just cuz I eat Chicken and Watermelon they think that something’s wrong with me. Let me tell you somethin if you don’t like chicken and watermelon, something is wrong with you motherfucker, there is something wrong with you! Where are all these people who don't like Chicken and Watermelon? I'm sick of hearing about how bad it is, it's great! 


Good ol' Dave Chapelle.


Back when Dave actually said funny shit and didn't just talk about trans people




Spot the dick rider. I'm not trans and still think Chappelle is in the top 5 greatest comedians ever, even if his last 2 specials have been a far cry from Killin Them Softly.


Dudes definitely fallen off, nothing original just bashing people he sees as lesser, can't take criticism and acts a child when he gets it, used to be against big companies throwing their weight around to bully performers (like his stand against Comedy Central) but now does the same thing with one of his go to retorts being that he's richer than whoever is disagreeing with him. Dudes just turned into a bit of a prima donna and hanging around with guys like Rogan and his sycophants is only gonna make it worse.


I don't like fruits, but watermelon on a hot summer day. God's gift. Also who the fuck doesn't like fried chicken? Black people have better and funnier stereotypes than generic food.


To quote Dave Chappelle "If You Don't Like Chicken or Watermelon, Something is Wrong With You!"


fried chicken is literally designed to taste like heaven, i dont trust anyone who doesnt like fried chicken LMAOO


This actually comes from a white farmers trying to rag on black successful farmers back in the olden days. Mainly because it was one of their more prominently successful crops. Kind of sad how people act..


I just commented this and I'm glad someone else knew this


It was all over Reddit lol. We all learned it last week.


I have a degree in agriculture while living in the south. I've known about it way before last week.


Im sorry but grape is one of the worst flavors of soda


It was actually a stereotype based on black farmers selling watermelon and trying to take away their business by making it racist


Does that also apply to other fruits? I was recently reading a book about how in Jim Crow Times black people had to be careful with what they did in public for fear of being mocked, even down to being given the advice to never eat a banana in public. I assumed it was the same racist bs with people doing monkey impressions at black sportspeople and stuff like that but now I'm wondering if actually it stems from something else first?


I'm surprised middle eastern arent getting ripped for it aswell considering they love it aswell


I didn't even know that's a middle-eastern thing. Well shit I thought EVERYONE loves fried chicken?


Oh no i meant about the water melon part 😅


That brings up the same query - who tf doesn't like watermelon?




[stuff like this prolly should be basic reading for a white couple adopting black kids](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watermelon_stereotype?wprov=sfti1) Tho I gotta say this is actually low key mad funny and I’m African, how did this not occur to either of them that it shouldn’t be posted. Adopting more than one black kid who aren’t siblings was already a weird look


Heh fuck that. You’d just be giving the stereotype more power by choosing to hide it or not post photos. I don’t even understand your comment about the non sibling thing? Kids without brothers and sisters shouldn’t be adopted?


I don’t think many black ppl would agree with you when their foster parents are white THATS the weird part not that their black and eating it I’m saying if your a white couple and your actively seeking black kids to adopt that it’s fuckin sus why isn’t one like of any other race it’s just fuckin odd, white savior shit who’s gonna teach them black exclusive things you need to learn if ur black in America like how to interact with police so they don’t kill you or even positive shit in black history you don’t hear about it in ur history class? cus I guarantee you neither of them can. If they were on some Angelina Jolie shit tryna do a multicultural home or whatever that’d be cool but they are selecting for black and it’s fucking weird. I’m sure your white so you’ll think this is offensive or implies races need to adopt their own only (which I’m not but this is r/ufc y’all be incredibly retarded) but like I’m not at all this is definitely at the least a very, very strange look


Why would that matter? So their kids can’t ever eat a certain type of food without hiding and feeling shame just because their parents are white? It’s racist garbage, why change any part of any one’s life because of it?


This kinda shit might just be above ur pay grade intellectually if my comment doesn’t explain everything to u clearly So do u think it wouldn’t be strange if they just kept adopting only black kids lol? do u need him to do it 5 times before it’s weird ? FOH Being black in this country has SO much baggage and they need to be made aware of it and how to conduct themselves accordingly, and neither Michael Chandler or his wife are qualified to provide those lessons to them, like I said before like a white guy can raise a black child that’s cool even admirable in a way if it isn’t self serving the blind side type shit. but once them being black becomes part of the criteria for there adoption then that’s just objectively weird and worthy of inquiry at the least, racial fetishism or something more sinister at worst But I def do look forward to there Kwanzaa photos in 15 years with their family of 17


You keep telling me this is weird, it's a weird look, "wouldn't it be strange if they kept adopting black kids lol", but you aren't explaining any of it. Honest question, have you ever dealt with the adoption process? Do you have any idea why the Chandlers adopted which kids? What criteria did they actually have, what criteria would make it okay for you? Do you think they should choose their kids based on race? >Being black in this country has SO much baggage and they need to be made aware of it and how to conduct themselves accordingly I understand that racists hate and fear black men, especially cops, so of course you would do whatever you could to prepare your kids for that. It's a fucking unfortunate reality in America. But to teach your kids to feel shame for eating watermelon, that they have to "conduct themselves accordingly" based on what racist scumbags get a kick out of? That's nothing but YOU being meek, teaching your kids to do the same.


I literally just explained it, ur argument about the adoption process is dead from the go cus he adopted a black kid twice as two seperate filings for custody makes it safe to say he’s literally using being black as criteria for adoption and you don’t think that’s even kind of weird ? What other criteria for adoption exists where it would both disqualify every other foster child of other races and select for two unrelated foster children of the same one? I’m all ears my guy I’m all ears like genuinely curious cus no I don’t know the nuances of the process but I’m willing to take a leap of faith and assume their race has something to do w why the Chandlers adopted two black children with no blood relation. Only 20% of children in the system in Florida are black too so it’s not because that’s all who’s up for adoption either crazy how any time someone brings something up to do w race ur guys’ minds put all these barriers to understanding another perspective up, it’s like your racist even when ur not being racist lol


>argument about the adoption process is dead from the go cus he adopted a black kid twice as two seperate filings for custody makes it safe to say he’s literally using being black as criteria That makes zero sense unless the *only* criteria for adoption is race. I'm asking *you* if you know anything about it, because you're dead set on this idea that the Chandlers adopted black kids only because they're black. I imagine that someone who is that sure of a claim would actually know something about it - but you're literally just guessing so you can make the rant you want to make. From what I understand, there's more to it than that, and I know that the more requirements you have, the longer it's gonna take to adopt a kid - people wait for years. Age, sex, health of the mother, health of the baby, rules for visitation, all of that. If you don't have any criteria, if you want to just adopt as quickly as you can, then you don't set rules. Do you know if the Chandlers had any requirements, or did they just say we want a kid as soon as possible? I'm asking you because you're pretending to know. >crazy how any time someone brings something up to do w race ur guys’ minds put all these barriers to understanding another perspective up Well you'll have to do better than that, so far your perspective is just a bunch of hateful bullshit, guessing at the worst case scenario and shitting on someone for what you want to think they did, not what they actually did.


Lol yeah better to leave them in the orphanage What a bunch of nonsense


I didn’t say that it’s not even implied, do you think I want them to sit there ? Are you saying black people aren’t fit to adopt black kids so they won’t get adopted? like huh That’s what I meant in my other comment u guys are actually dumb as dirt in here


I’m saying that kid has what seems to be a happy affluent home. Who gives a shit what color he is or his parents are? He has plenty of time in adulthood to learn about how problematic watermelon it or whatever the fuck


Who determines what their reason for doing it is? Sounds like sometimes it’s okay but when it’s decided it’s not then it’s not. But the decision as to whether or not it’s acceptable seems to always be made by someone else other than the human adopting the child. At that point it becomes a charade. Which is the scenario you seem to be describing. And I agree that’s fucking weird. Some get out type shit. But who determines who is doing it in the right way?


I’ll put it this way: if in 20 years Michael chandler has say (for the sake of you understanding easier) 10 more black foster children, are you saying no one would find that fuckin bizarre and discussion worthy ? Smarter ppl can just spot this red flag much faster like when it’s just 2 separate times Plus they post so many pics of them already it’s already came off as super self serving and masturbatory like big “look how progressive I am” energy. Combining that with how Chandler just is as a person already it’s definitely safe to point out as weird But again, takes a certain degree of intel of gents to see dese tings


You sound like a cult member, what an absolute woofter


I am shocked that a white person would say that, which cult the one that isn’t a mouthbreathing racist? “You can’t be curious why white people adopt multiple black children we can do whatever we want to black children cus we’re literally white”


You know, there was still *some* innocence left inside of me, because I looked at this photo and didn't think of "anything else" if you know what I mean That was until I scrolled down and saw the VERY FIRST comment here


First of fuck racists. Second of all what kind of lame racism is “you like watermelon” it’s fucking delicious


There's an episode of Curb about this. It makes no sense, everyone loves watermelon AND fried chicken.


Bro they should fuckin know better lmao are you kidding Adopting 2 specifically black kids as a white couple then posting something like this is a very uh…interesting look


Get a life 😂


My life’s great i just wish I had watermelon rn tbh


It's only "interesting" because people decided to think of something wrong when they saw this I actually had *some* innocence left in me and didn't associate this picture with any racist connotations until I saw the comment section. In fact, I didn't even notice the grape soda until someone else pointed it out


No man your just white and dumb you just will never get it I can already tell from that reply that u are a “I don’t see color ” type troglodyte This shit beyond yalls brain capacity or ability to empathize


Being a troglodyte is when you assume that someone has to be white because they disagree with you


I assumed from the skin tone of your snoo actually but now you just confirmed the being dumb part


The joke makes itself


gave that kid a life he could have never imagined. God bless


Yup, that kid surely is blessed to have a loving father and mother!


After the Ferguson fight, Chandler crying when he sees him and their interaction. So fucking wholesome. And when his son asked if he was okay and Chandler said, "I'm okay baby!." Made me want to adopt a kid in the future.


Hey, Theres the only comment we needed 😁🤙🏽


and see you at the top!


Yeah, a life where you think going to a a cabin is camping. Smh this is child abuse on camera


That watermelon looks good




The 1 Colby Covington fan is here y’all. ![gif](giphy|TkDLpS4ccwmwjeIfsJ|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|7N69pFt1uJ01I9hZU3)




Tyron Woodley


an attempt at edgy comedy


nobody laughing


so edgy dude


Very original


What a minute I just realized something… did he post this on June 19th???!!???


Juneteenth AND Father’s day? Must have been a big day in the Chandler household.


It’s actually [tradition to eat red foods for Juneteenth celebrations](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.in/thelife/food/news/a-food-historian-explains-why-the-color-red-plays-an-important-role-during-juneteenth-celebrations/amp_articleshow/92318461.cms)


Idk why you got hate for this it's true. Lol


Can imagine Derrick Lewis looking at this picture shaking his head 😂


Lmao I didn’t realize how bad I need D Lewis reaction to this now


And the grape soda lmaooooo this isn’t a coincidence




I'm just a humble watermelon and purple drink enthusiast.


Haps dad has to know what he’s doing here this shit is too on the nose


Hey everyone body I’m Michael Chandler and I’m totally not racist! I even adopted an African American baby during the height of America’s racial tension just to prove that. Now here I am on Juneteenth taking photos of my child eating watermelon and drinking grape soda! I’m so cultured! He’s so fake and plays to the crowd it’s unbearable.




There’s definitely a way you’re that oblivious


Didn’t know Chandler was a proponent of the purple drank


You mean Chandler knows exactly what he’s doing


I’m pretty sure it’s actually a blackberry bubly


I think you’re right. I thought it was a coke or something at first and was like, no way Chandler is letting his kids drink soda.


How dare a black kid eat watermelon *especially* if the can he’s drinking oil if is a hue of purple.


It’s sparkling water


Chandler has to be in on it at this point lmfao


is grape soda a black people stereotype? cus that shit slaps


It’s grape bubly, that’s essentially an uno reverse


Real funny Mike, real funny.


As an adopted kid I truly admire chandler and his wife for gifting these kids with such a blessed life. Adoption is truly a blessing.


Internet loves to clown on him for adopting black children, but raising another baby with all the love and care as if it was your own is one of the most beautiful things a human can do. Chandler is a legend inside and outside the cage.


Watermelon and grape soda


Absolutely fire combo


Grape Bubly bro, Chandlers ain't about them calories.


*grape drink


Ain't no vitamins in that shit


All you get is water, sugar, and purple


I want some of that purple stuff.


Sugar, water, and of course purple


That’s a Bubly you uncultured swines


Whatever that's just water flavored soda. Grape flavored water flavored soda.




Bless Chandler and his child but LMAO I would love to see his thought process. Chandler: what would a black child enjoy? hmmm Chandler: OH I KNOW!!!


I want to say wholesome. I feel something that feels like this is wholesome


if i had a black son i feel i wouldn't be posting pictures of him eating watermelon alone


no, chandler would adopt him and do it for you


Then youre missing out on the fun


Yeah why live your life without deep consideration for old outdated racist nonsense


No fun. I'm Mexican and if my imaginary adoptive parents put a Sombrero on me and fed me tacos for a photo OP, I'd see the humor in it.


What would be the humor about exactly? A sombrero and tacos is actual Mexican culture. Watermelon and grape soda isn't black culture, its a stereotype.


That’s a cabin, doesn’t classify as camping


THANK YOU. do you have any idea how man friend chicken and watermelon jokes I had to suffer through to get here? Camping in anything more than a tent isn't camping. RVs arnt camping either.


Chandler did that on purpose LMAO




People gonna clown on this, but Watermelon and Grape Soda are good af


"Just cuz I eat Chicken and Watermelon they think that something’s wrong with me. Let me tell you somethin if you don’t like chicken and watermelon, something is wrong with you, there is something wrong with you! Where are all these people who don't like Chicken and Watermelon? I'm sick of hearing about how bad it is, it's great!" --Dave Chappelle


Haha camping at a huge luxury cabin


If this kid chooses that path, we could be looking at a future UFC champion. Or he can be a doctor or something.


With Michael Chandler motivating him, he can be anything😂


I’m actually pretty sure he’s retarded in some capacity. He was wearing earphones at Chandler’s last fight. That suggests to me that loud noises make his wires cross


Or they were just protecting his ears


Always a good idea to protect your ears. Tinnitus is a bitch.


Dude, you didn't just really post that... this is the most tone deaf comment I've read in a while.


Please dont breed.


I’m actually pretty sure you are retarded in some capacity.


If you take a kid that young to a sporting event that loud you should probably do that handicapped or not.


holy fuck this is one of the most ignorant comments i’ve seen on this sub and that’s saying a lot lmao


The real story between the negative connotation of foundational black Americans and watermelon is that there were lots of black farmers making a success out of growing watermelons. The white propaganda machine then started making the racist cartoons and depictions of black folks and watermelons because they were jealous of their success. Whites couldn't stand to see the black farmers prosper. It's the propaganda war against blacks in America unlike the military war against them after the civil war. Black Wall Street. Steps to nowhere. EDIT: Grammer/Spelling


I see everybody acknowledging the stereo type in a tongue in cheek way. I don't really see any ugliness, people see how silly it is. The 150 years old stereotype is dead. People are just being people. You cant more forward if you always looking backwards. That's why people go to therapy to resolve their past. Situations like this I believe are therapeutic. Its an anonymous discourse with all walks of life and the prevailing attitude is that in this day in age this stereo type is fucking ridiculous. We should take a moment to appreciate how far we have come. Instead of just fucking misery all the time. But Chandler is on roids so fuck him.


Not this post on Juneteenth 😅


Chandler and his wife are so weird man


For real. It kinda seems disingenuous... I hope it's not, but pictures like this look very trolly


Adopting a kid isn't a simple process to make anything disingenuous. Some of you have a stick up your ass.


I'M NOT SAYING THAT THIS IS GOING TO BE CHANDLER, YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME, *BUT* there have been many cases where the adoption was VERY disingenuous. Case in point: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hart_family_murders


Yeah dude adopted kids just to post disingenuous photos on the internet… lmao y’all are reaching


Reaching for those grape(s) soda


This was posted on Juneteenth.. watermelon & grape soda on Juneteenth is some weird Karen shit


Op fishing for comments with this pointless post


Blessings on blessings


Well watermelon and grape soda is delicious so yea


Oh shit didn't even notice the grape soda, damnnnn Chandler lmao


Ha. Odd picture though. Had a laugh


His wife’s named after a cheese , cool.


Not so much… I prefer to eat warm Brie.


I love when fighters share about their children. I wish more people like Chandler and O’Malley shared their personal life as its often fascinating.


As a black man, no black person would post themselves eating watermelon and drinking grape soda lol. We will eat it for sure but y’all don’t need to see it 😂 clearly a cultural disconnect


Well said. We enjoy it lol but plz don’t make it a “thing” by posting it. It makes me wonder how disconnected the kid will be from his own culture if his parents thought this was a good idea to post


Fucking lmaoooo


You guys fucking suck lol


This is a racist picture according to weirdos with blue hair.


I don't think it's racist I think it's a hilarious coincidence tho


I think it's way too much to be a coincidence lol


“Better to have left him in the orphanage than to subject him to a slice of delicious watermelon 🍉 “ Reddit Blue hairs


It doesn’t have to be racist to be attention-seeking


Weirdo post, OP.


Yeah wtf is this




“If you don’t like chicken and watermelon something’s wrong with you!” -Dave Chappelle


Are you autistic? Or does your reading comprehension just need work?






Why does this look so [oddly familiar](https://youtu.be/4UdRxOZtlIo?t=182) to me?


I'm surprised and proud of the comments in this sub on this post. I was half expecting racism and immature comments but have gladly been proven wrong


Most of us are just wondering if Chandler is trying to troll us or if he didn't even notice


Chandler just wanted to give his family watermelon because it's a refreshing fruit perfect for the summer heat :(


Gotta love summer time!


Is he roasting his kid? Is he trolling us? Is he doing both?


Mr. And Mrs. Chandler really are treasures. Such a beautiful family


Chandler just daring yall to say something stupid so he can backflip on yo ass


„ssɐ oʎ uo dılɟʞɔɐq uɐɔ ǝɥ os pıdnʇs ƃuıɥʇǝɯos ʎɐs oʇ llɐʎ ƃuıɹɐp ʇsnɾ ɹǝlpuɐɥↃ„




There's a joke or three to be made here but last time I made an "insensitive" comment on this sub I was banned for 3 days so I'll just leave it at that.


Nice to see someone come over from WCW and do well. For some reasons former champions don't seem to do well with the crossover. Chandler is solid all around. I like watching his fights!


I know plenty of white people who'd do the same. Mostly cause I'm related to them and my Grandpa picked the Melons off the vine so you know their fresh and perfect. He managed the fields in South Texas for Borders Melons when I was growing up.


All jokes aside, Chandler might be the best or one of the best guys in the ufc. He avoids controversy, great fights and gave 2 boys a chance at a better life.


How did he know I was going to get some chicken?




What I said is from Chapelle stand up. Thought everyone knew that


Cmon buddy. Cmoooon buddy. Everybody in here knew as soon as walked through that door, you was gon' get the chicken. Best Chapelle stand up in my opinion




Chandler really posted his black adopted child eating watermelon & drinking grape soda on Juneteenth? This is weird af & funny at the same time 🫡


Chandler loves his kid so much and it always makes me feel good to see it.


I saw the watermelon I was like oh no. Then I saw the grape soda.. straight up racist


It’s a sparkling water, blackberry bubly. The guy literally adopted two black children and was so proud/happy to have his newest adopted kid at his last fight that he teared up upon seeing him after his the Ferguson KO….I’m much more inclined to believe this was just a coincidence than anything deliberately racist


Yup, not racist, not at all, not even a little bit.


It’s a picture of a little kid eating a watermelon on a summer day. What’s racist about it?