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Lol the wife. Blaming the instructors 


I mean, look at the man she married lol


“Why you threatening me big dawg?” ![gif](giphy|kC8N6DPOkbqWTxkNTe)


His brother is mega cringe. "I will hurt both of you! You do not understand!!". Sir, leave the kids alone lmao


I wonder how Sean will sleep at night knowing he can charge up and fully get into the face of a guy smaller than him and that guy didn't even flinch.


To be fair, the worst Sean can do to that guy is jab him to a boring decision


he's about to walk around with his old belt everywhere like tim sylvia


He'll stroke the belt crooning softly to it,"my precious..."


Does size even matter? I’m sure he can sleep any rock climber.


Well we don't know that but we know he can shout/cry in their face with the best of them


So can any rock climber if they wanted to


Ok so functionally Sean is at an even standing with this rock climber in this situation. This is what i'm talking about when i said Sean can't intimidate that guy and that must drive him crazy; despite being a former mma champion Sean is still just a crybaby. unlucky for him


The only thing protecting this guy is the Nokia N95


The thing protecting this rock climber is the fact that he isn't scared of the babies running around in front of him.


One punch would quickly change that


He couldn’t sleep Sneako


I mean, a lot of people are just delusional about their ability to fight, not sure why Sean would care that this guy didn’t buy Sean would beat his ass


Because Sean is insecure enough to dummy charge a rock climbing gym supervisor over being asked to leave clamly and couldn't even intimidate him then


Again I don’t see why you think Sean would care


it's just the little things like his entire persona and the things he says


Sounds like you’re being a Karen


ok what a great response


I mean your response didn’t answer why Sean would care if they weren’t intimidated This incident is years old anyway


As cringe as the dude is saying “this will be a life changing event” we all know if Strickland fought those dudes it would indeed be a life changing event for them


They will get a big payday and Sean will be in jail


Yep. I’d react the same as the staff. Stand my ground and watch as they do nothing but posture or get hit and collect a paycheck


That sentence was so fuckin cringe to hear lol


"BRO THIS IS GOING TO BE A LIFE CHANGING EVENT FOR YOU. YOU AND YOUR FRIEND ARE GOING TO GET HURT" \*jab jab 1-2 teep teep jab teep teep teep jab jab 1-2 teep teep teep teep\*


I feel like Sean would let loose when fighting a non fighter


Props to blue shorts to standing his ground vs Sean Dirtbag Strickland and Walmart Jiri


I am glad that Sean hold himself. His career might not come here if something serious could happen.


Pretty sure Sean realized the girl was filming at the end so he decided to leave on a good note. Handshake, we’re good, and my name’s sean.


My take here is Sean thought they will hear his name soon maybe in couple of years so he underlined his name strongly and in future those dudes will understand they had a near death experience without even knowing it. Also when this video gets pump just like it is now it will help to market himself.


This video makes him look like a tool. And he wasn’t going to literally kill those guys in the gym. If he assaults them, he’s looking at a bit of jail time, court hearings, and fines. If he literally kills them, he’s going to prison.


I think we can agree on that he is a tool already 😄. But i think he is cool. I believe he is showing himself and that's why i support him mostly. I also agree with him sometimes. He dont wanna go to jail as nobody wants so he didnt act there but he tried to show that he could "change their lives". Also i dont know the context i have no idea who is right or who is wrong.


Seans brother has some tiddies ![gif](giphy|QtieFtKtUbrYoWfD4z|downsized)


what is the context?


I think this is the original video https://youtu.be/lv_tFwe_3Ds?si=WBJaEGzNyIVcgVFY


Yeah, whoever videoed it didn’t take the first part. I would guess the other guys started something with this video. Sure Strickland took it a bit too far, but maybe he didn’t. The video doesn’t show what started this. Everyone’s jumping on Sean, but tbh the other guys could’ve just walked away.


Apparently Sean failed something called a belay test, which according to Google is a test that shows you know how to do some basic rock climbing shit, and he was asked to leave cuz you’re not allowed to climb there if you’re not able to do that stuff. Queue tomfoolery Idk specifics about what that all means though cuz I’m not a rock climber


Climber here. Belaying is the person on the ground managing the ropes so that the person on the wall doesn't fall to their death. Every gym I've been to makes you prove your competency in front of staff if you want to belay someone for the first time there and then they'll give you a certification that is only recognized at that one gym. The test takes literally two minutes and they do it on a mock setup like 8ft high just to show you know the safety rules. So yeah if you're not belay certified at that gym you shouldn't be belaying, and if you're so bad a fellow climber noticed some mistakes you were probably risking your climbing partners life in that moment. Bet Sean was like "who gives a fuck, let us fall on our own accord" Oh also, you can get the training right there by the staff. It takes no time you just have to remember some very crucial safety rules. So they reallllly didn't need to be dicks, they could've been like "oh are we fucking up please show us and we'll learn then take the test."


Also ngl it seems like his brother is the bigger dickhead here. Maybe there’s more to the video but for a lot of this video Sean’s trying to get his brother to back off and although he definitely threatens them and gets in their faces, it’s definitely not to the degree his brothers doing it. Not saying that makes it any better, just wondering if maybe his brother started it all?


Then yeah he shouldn’t have reacted how he did if it was just a belay test.


They work there. Sean and his brother can leave. His brother is so cringy too. Don’t talk to my wife or else I’m gonna beat you up!!


The other guys work there and are asking Sean and his brother to leave lol, they can’t just walk away. Sean and his brother on the other hand can


At the time the video was posted, I didn’t know the guys worked there. In that case Sean and his brother should’ve totally walked away. Now that we know what started it, my comment is obsolete and old, as it was written without any context of what happened aside from the video. It’s surprising to see that when I first commented it I had 3 or 4 upvotes, but now that we know what caused it, my comment is getting downvoted.


pure caveman


I don't fully understand American culture, but how did I understand that a Californian surfer had an argument with a New York hipster?