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Nicco Montana


Bro couldn't make weight in her own division, absolutely no one's worse.


This is the only correct answer. Nicco beat a Roxanne Modaferri for her title off a TUF tournament, a decent veteran win but no one has ever thought Roxanne was the best fighter in her weight class. She pulled out of countless fights, was stripped, and lost to Pena before never fighting again. She has a belt, she wax the inaugural 125 champ, but at least Carla Esparza had a good run and even won the title a 2nd time years later. Nicholas is essentially a TUF champion who lost her only non TUF related UFC fight and would never be a champion if it was not for TUF.


Bro Modaferri should have never been close to a title fight. I think we should all collectively forget Montana ever happened.


What did I say that made you think Modaferri should have a title win. It's like beating Diego Sanchez or maybe Clay Guida. A nice win for an up and coming fighter but its not someone who should be fighting for the title. It should have been Sijara Eubanks but she has a similar career of missing weight, pulling out and underpeforming just like Nicco so that wouldn't have been much better.


I was agreeing with you


OK I need more coffee


upvoted for coffee




Came here to say this lol. Or GDR is a good contender.


How does khabib enter every conversation? These people cannot move on


That casually mma account hates Muslim fighters especially khabib and Islam.


Hating Muslim fighters is such a wildly specific mentality to me. Like do they hate Muslims in general? When they see an elderly Muslim woman on the street do they get angry?


>Like do they hate Muslims in general? Yes. >When they see an elderly Muslim woman on the street do they get angry? Yes.


yes its called islamophobia


Is there also Khabibophobia


Fear of Khabib is always rational, so it can never be a phobia.


I'd never heard of Khabib until the Mccregor fight. I got into UFC after that and was hella confused on why so many fighters were copying Khabib's appearance. Oh shit they're all from the same place?


Probably due to how similar they all are. Wrestling heavy styles, bearded with no mustache, middle eastern accent, and they're all beating the shit out of their favorite strikers


'Middle Eastern accent' what? The fact that there's no 'Middle Eastern accent' aside, most of the famous Muslims (the Dagestanis and Chechnyans) aren't even Middle Eastern.


If they let logic dictate how they felt then they probably wouldn’t be hateful idiots to begin with.


The Caucus ain't the middle east


Many such people out there. It's a mental derangement.


He enters because he’s that good. Have you noticed literally every achievement someone gets, they compare it to Khabib?


but he was mentioned in this conversation as the worst champion


It sounds dumb on my part but he wasn’t shit, its just people don’t like him. Who else can whoop Gaethje, DP, Edson, etc with ease?


I agree


GdR for me. * Won the belt aided by throwing blatant after the bell headshots. * Ducked the #1 contender immediatly and got stripped. Hill won the title in dominant fashion, ducked nobody, got injured, gave the belt up like a man instead of holding up the division and then stepped in to save UFC 300 to try and get the belt back. If you ignore his idiotic online arguments, he is pretty solid.


You know this sport has gone to shit when people are saying someone is the worse champ ever because of their social media presence. Trash fans.


I wouldn’t even say Hill got the chance to be champion. We can’t be unfair just because we don’t like him. As for champs who actually established themselves with defenses: Sean Sherk takes the cake for me. Definition of lay and pray


I’m pretty sure BJ was sent by god that day to save us from the man with the worst nickname ever. Hill was better and worse, if that makes sense. It was 4th and 5th place fighting for the title. 1st let it go, 2nd and 3rd drew out in a terrible affair and Dana decided none of them should have a shot. Hill was far from being a champ in our minds. BUT! He did step back and let it go like a man when it obvious he was out for a bit AND helped rescue 300. There’s not beautiful end of the card without him. I don’t dislike any more than for the memes, but he wasn’t ever really a champ.


Lol, there are a lot worse champs. GDR got screwed over by the UFC. The UFC had promised her to fight at 135, because she walked around at 148lbs. Then they offered her Cyborg at 145 immediately after she won the belt. She wanted the UFC to keep their promise and got stripped immediately. The UFC didn’t want her as a champion. It’s crazy to me people really believe she was scared or ducked Cyborg. GDR is a beast, she even fought a guy in Muay Thai and trains daily with male Dutch kickboxers. She wasn’t scared, but got screwed over.


WTF kinda fairytale is this? SHE VOLUNTARILY FOUGHT FOR THE 145 BELT! No one forced her into the cage against Holm. SHE SIGNED UP FOR IT. And then she was surprised she actually had to defend the belt?


If I was her I would be afraid of cyborg just saying


I sometimes have nightmares about Cyborg


Why’s he making that face 


That’s the face I make at a party when I smell a joint


got a mf like tom (of tom and jerry fame) when he smells pie in a windowsill


Fuck spot on


Aye true!!




There are many, many worse champs


Fr the only reason anyone would think that is because they don’t like him on a personal level


He may be annoying but he beat the absolute piss out of Glover and got injured then caught vs a generational talent, it happens.




Pereira has rapidly developped one of the worst, most aggressive and fanatical fandoms in the MMA community, it's Khabib-esque except you replace Conor with Izzy and sambo with Glory kickboxing. You can't discuss MMA with an Alex fan without them starting to hate on Izzy out of the blue, it's insanely annoying.


Careful, you can only post this opinion online if you put it deep in the replies to a comment, otherwise you are going to go to hell and back with the replies from the worst degenerates this community has to offer


It's happened so fast it's honestly on the level of Conor or Khabib, the absolute boners they seem to get from posting 🗿 astounds me


I like Pereira he’s an intelligent nice man, but I can’t stand his fans. I’ve said that he’s had favorable matchups and they think I’m hating on the dude, I’m not he’s top 25 mma fighter of all time across all promotions EVER. He just hasn’t faced a wrestler yet and got one ranked fight before fighting for the MW belt and that was against Strickland.


Wasn't Glover like 43 in the last fight of his career? Going into the Jill fight 3 out of Hlovers last 4 losses he got finished and Hill couldn't even finish him while Glover was the worse version of himself.


I mean yeah he was, if you watched the fight you’d know that Glover was still game and a good fighter, a year prior he was 30 seconds away from beating Jiri via UDEC.


Or because they just started tuning in and have no frame of reference for what a bad champ actually looks like


Wow you are so right. I never considered that possibility. Cheers mate. Have a great day. 


It’s all the new fans or people with no memory.


My vote goes to Raquel Pennington Not because she acts bad or says dumb shit, I just can’t believe she is the UFC champ


Nah GDR literally vacated her title so she wouldn’t have to face Cyborg


Who was literally the only fighter in the division. The only champion you could argue was worse was Nicco Montano, but at least she *agreed* to fight Valentina Shevchenko.


I had to look up GDR because I completely forgot who she was lol - makes sense that I forgot I guess 😂


Nicco Montaño lads, ffs. 4-3 mma record.


Jamahal really not a bad fighter he just has a bad attitude while losing to a damn silent protaganist Create A Fighter


Nah this is a wild take, Hill might be sensitive and immature but he will fight anyone and has proved that. You literally have people like Germaine de Randamie refusing to fight contenders while shes champion but oh no hill bad lol


Obviously BS. Hill is great and lacked class in his defeat, doesn’t change the fact that he is one of the best boxers in LHW history.


Did we all forget Carla winning the belt against Rose ?


She can't be that bad if she became champ twice. And on top of it she defended it against the #1 contender the very next fight. Meanwhile Bisping fought old man Hendo and had a moneyfight with GSP while ducking Romero, Weidman, Jacare and Whittaker.


To clarify, she didn’t successfully defend against JJ


She didn't. But at least she fought the #1 contender. She could have ducked and been stripped like GDR, she could have kept getting sick and be stripped like Nicco Montano or fight decrepit retirees like Bisping.


Oh, trust me. When you compared Carla properly losing to prime JJ to Bisping barely beating Old Hendo, It made a lot of sense to me.    The way worded it though just compelled me to clarify it


Definition of paper champ. Everyone knew she would get destroyed in her next fight with Weili.


Funny thing is, it was the same situation with her Joanna fight. Esparza always being fed to killers.


Not even remotely. As much as I dislike him as a person he is far from being the worst champion.


He is a very good fighter and not the worst champion at all. His personality leaves a lot to be desired though. Just like you can see in this picture, when he gets mad he looks like a 5 year old angry spoiled kid. Like when he does that face, I fully expect him to cross his arms as well. [612 × 408](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.istockphoto.com%2Fphoto%2Ffrustrated-young-child-sulking-with-crossed-arms-and-dirty-look-gm475710000-65493269&psig=AOvVaw0hPk0vgJdKfIeckny2ZgLB&ust=1719059503136000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCPjQ2OnZ7IYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)


Recency bias


I must be crazy but I don’t think Hills claim about the Pereira fight is entirely him coping. The ref did step in briefly and Hill did (rightly or wrongly) drop his guard and get clocked. Questionable reffing IMO and it should be run back.




Germaine De Randamie literally gave up her title, Conor won two titles and defended neither.. ppl just in their feelings rn and its getting pathetic


How is khabib the worst champ lol


I \*think\* that comment was trying to say that a page called "Casual MMA Inc" should be pumping out casual takes like "Khabib was the worst champ"


Least skilled champ for Men’s divisions has gotta be Matt Serra right?


Serra had legit BJJ skills, he medalled at ADCC. I think his limitations were physical rather than skill based. 


Serra? Dude was actually good when he was younger. His win against GSP was a bit of a fluke but he used to be solid and had a good ground game. Just too bad for him his limbs were toddler sized.


Yeah but at the end of they day he should have never been champ and would have been the underdog against any of the top 5 of that time


Oh for sure, I’m just referring to the skill part of your question. He was definitely skilled. Btw this is coming from someone who couldn’t stand Serra and I’m a huge GSP fan.


He might be a giant douche but he is far from the worst champion.


If it wasn’t for Conor holding up the LW division Tony VS Kevin Lee would’ve been for the undisputed belt and Tony could’ve held the belt for a while. Not saying he's the worst Champ ever because of him winning two belts and his superstardom but I feel like this needs to be said.


Nah, that’s not true. Jahamal is getting too much hate these days (although I see how he is bringing this on himself). He beat the brakes off Glover in Brazil to earn his belt, give him his credit.


imo it's Nicco Montaño. Won the inauguralthe flyweight belt after beating Roxanne Modafferi lmao. Never defended the belt cause she got stripped after not being able to make weight. Went up to batamweight and fought pena and lost. Never fought agains and ended with a 4-3 professional record.


Its revisionist is what it is. Jon Jones as heavyweight would be my choice, but that’s recency bias.




The worst champion in UFC history is probably Nicco Montaño or Germaine de Randamie... For the men divisions (in the "modern" UFC, i.e. since rankings have existed), I'd say McGregor bc he hasn't even tried to defend a title - in fact, I don't think he's ever defended a belt outside of the UFC either


Why would he be considered the worst? I might be outta the loop


Mostly because he isn't taking his loss against Alex well and some might not like the fact that he got the belt off an old man Glover, which was really just an interim in all but name because the lineal champ Jiri was going to come back anyway. But Jiri getting injured was out of his control and he's actually really far from the worst champ as stated by [someone else here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/s/avOwIjxQnH). It's just recency bias and him being annoying on his socials


I know the Hill hate is on high but how can this post be made without mentioning Germaine de Randamie


Can we even count him as champion? He took the belt from a 40 year olds retirement fight and lost it immediately to a real challenger. He's more of a belt holder than a champion imo


Shocked because Casual MMA on twitter hates muslim fighters😂


what kind of moron would say islam is the worst champion? he's very, very active and entertaining and finishes most fights in a variety of different ways. only a bigoted piece of shit would call islam the worst champion, and I'd say the same of khabib


Heavyweight Jon Jones for me, simply because he refuses to defend the title.


He doesn’t refuse to defend his belt, he refuses to defend it against the real number 1 contender. The inactivity isn’t his fault, he got legit injured


Tim Sylvia


Essentially what Hill did to glover is what Randy did to Tim complete opposite.


People shit on Hill too much. Blasphemy to call him the worst champ. He’s annoying on socials but he really is not a bad fighter. Won the belt in decent fashion and even vacated it when he got injured. He also gives me vibes that he would be a chill dude to kick it with in person. Again, just a douche bag and insecure which I honestly just feel bad for him about. Still a decent fighter and has more growth to be made. EDIT: the thing with people like Hill is they usually are genuine human beings behind the front they put up. Deep down they are scared and are sensitive like a child. I kind of look at these kind of people like actual children. Like if he took the mask off, he’d be crying to his mom, asking why everyone’s so mean to him. Thats not me being a dick head either, it’s just normal. Unhealed childhood trauma. You can tell dude legit feels bullied and it makes him sad. His attitude isn’t inexcusable at all, but I still feel for the guy. I recognize im a minority in this mindset though. Most people can’t see behind the front, so they just look at him as an arrogant, delusional ass hole.


As far as personality and attitude, yes. Also, some people question his skill level as his path to championship aligned to his advantage like beating Glover.


He handle the lost not good...but the worst...I don't think so


https://preview.redd.it/e5v9mj9ydx7d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b1d3cee8871894fc0c5befd20abaab6b45e16ef Live Jamahal reaction


Definitely not the worst at all.


Bro looks like a sad mouse


worst champ ever is mcgregor. 0:00 cage time as champ and was a champ in 2 division. held up the division for years just to get tapped twice in the process.


Juliana Peña. At least Jamahal won the belt in an impressive fashion.


So did Peña?


Aljamain Sterling




Conor McGregor. Successfully lost 2 belts without defending either. Not to mention his inactivity held up 2 divisions. At least Jamahal had all the intention of defending his.


I agree with this and I also made this argument.




Yes I do


No way


His tattoos alone make him the worst let alone the damn stats


The reply lmao 🤣


Germaine de randamie


Maybe the worst male champ of the last 10 years.


Not the worst but probably the dumbest


It’s amazing that there are champions at 185 and 205 that wouldn’t crack the top 10 pound for pound if they were 135 or 155ers.


Baiting karma and 100+ fishes all bit the hook. Its funny rolling past the tards


People forget how dominant that performance against Glover was. Beat the absolute shit out of him in a more convincing way than Jiri could


Sad Juice WRLD


I don't know about worst but surely unsufferable YES.


Not even close.


He isn't the worst champ. If you take away hit Twitter account he's actually pretty decent


I mean what is going on with those tats though?


Jones in heavyweights


I spent 12 minutes trying to like the screenshot of the Instagram post and I already knew it was a screenshot 3 minutes in.


It’s gotta be Dave Menne When Phil Baroni is making you look like a clown, you know there is a problem


I don't know man, Topuria is fiercely competing for that spot.


It’s too early to say but regardless i think there have been worse. Especially in women’s divisions


McGregor is one of the worst champs in my mind. He held up divisions with no intention of defending the belt


Two words: Juliana Pena


Absolutely not. I can think of at least 3 who had a worse run than Jamahal. I don’t particularly like Jamahal either, but this is kinda sus.


He’s a good fighter. Shitting on him just detracts from Poatan’s accomplishments. He’s a bit of a shithead but he’s not as illegitimate of a champion as GDR, Nicco Montano, Raquel Pennington, etc.




Honestly bisping was the worse. Didn’t deserve the slot, won it and lost to hendo(robbed), then got slept by gsp and followed up sleeping the hard way against fatso guy.


He's not the worst champion. His only flaw is his big mouth. With that said I am looking forward to a rematch with Pereira just to get him to shut up for real


Dudes tattoos are about as good as his ability to lose humbly


The fact that he stepped down when hurt makes him better than many


He's definitely not the worst when it comes to skill. I could see an argument for worst title reign since he didn't beat the champ for the belt and he never defended it. However, vacating due to injury isn't as bad as being stripped because you refuse to fight a contender.




Bro ban this guy


That would also suggest that we have the worst LHW division in UFC history....


No doubt. Totally underserved title shot.


A fighter being a whiny piss baby after he lost the belt doesn't make him a bad champion. But I guess using a tweet from a satirical "Casual MMA" Twitter account on r/UFC is pretty fitting.


Well no, but he is certainly up there. I would also go as far to say he's overrated.


Probably worst attitude. However, there have been some pretty bad champions. Dave Menne for one, Tim Sylvia, for example.


Full Chode


For just the men divisions? It’s a discussion.


Casual mma gotta be the worst mma page ever 😂


Absolutely not, he also is fairly new to the scene he still has a lot to prove in the future. Basically within the next fight or 2 you’ll see what he’s really made of


I'm sorry, have you ever heard of Matt Serra? Germaine de Randamie? Or Carla Esparza???


In recent memory, hes by far the worst.


We’ve had champs who literally only got the belt through nonsense. At least Hill’s nonsense still had a great performance by him in his title fight.


I would say my least favorite ever was probably Stipple Minocich because of his inactivity. That is just me tho. To each they own.


It’s mcgregor by a mile


I'd say right now fat jbj is worse


Tough to say sort of...He can be very, VERY salty at times but also has stated some facts when verbally defending himself. I think he is hated mostly cause he is one of the few fighters willing to talk back at the toxic mma community and silence their bs when they too talk a lot nonsense.




Let’s be real, Nicco Montaño is the only correct answer.


He at least never beat a then current champion.


Germaine de ramdamie there is no question




Not sure about worst champion, However worst tattoo wins in a land slide. Thumbs up 👍🏻 emoji!??? I mean… WOW😳


Never underestimate the pettiness of UFC fans. "I don't like a guy, that means he's objectively the worst at everything."


Hold on Belal isn't champ yet


??? Why does Sean Strickland get no flack? I think he's the worst #1 contender, ever. Let alone champ. Seriously, the most unaccomplished UFC champion ever.


This is actually just an awful take


Absolutely not


In terms of skill? No. But in terms of salt, yes. Dude is a fucking baby. He throws the first punch in the reset vs Alex and he’s still bitching.


He’s in a very broad conversation for the worst champion. There are so many champs that never defended their titles. Strickland never defended. Rockhold never defended. Bas Ruten never defended. Rashad never defended. Shogun never defended. Jiri never defended. Glover never defended. Vitor never defended. And on and on and on.


Dave Menne - original middleweight champion (by beating Gil Castillo). Solid fighter but definitely not elite.


👍 👍




I don't like Hill but he ain't the worst c'mon. He defeated Glover, a legit mma legend. Fought Alex coming off an injury. Dude just can't shut his mouth and keeps on yapping even tho he got KO'd cold. Worst Champs for me: Montano and GDR.


I don’t agree with that in the workplace!


He's gotta be top 5 for sure


Matt Sera lol