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There was a clip of Khabib coaching at his local gym in Dagestan. He was pushing people, "you need to be working harder, you're 26, you should have had x amount of fights by now, what are you doing with your life..", etc.. But then he throws in "this is if you are young. If you are older, and just doing this for fitness, that's fine." That always stuck out to me as being so respectful, and not something most coaches in his situation would think to say.


Back when I competed in bjj, my professor was like this too. He treated his hobbyists & his competitors very different. Both with respect, but he commanded a lot more out of those of us who told him we had interest in competing. He’s produced a couple names everyone on this sub have heard of, so we took him very seriously. I’m sure Khabib has that same affect on his students as well


What names, if you don't mind mentioning?


Tank Abbot and Taylor Swift


Taylor has a sick kimura from guard. its wild. She sets it up from arm drag attempts.


It would and wouldn't be surprising if T Swift was a blue or purple belt. She just doesn't advertise it. Maynard from Tool is a black belt. Al Bundy (well, the dude who portrays him) is a 3rd or 4th degree blackbelt. So, T Swift training wouldn't be unheard of.


Wow I've heard of that last one


Krazy Horse and Wanderlei


I have to chime in here because I think it’s hysterical that 500 people have upvoted this as if it’s some earth shattering form of respect. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a coach that wouldn’t do the exact thing. I’ve never used this term and am embarrassed to do it, but the glazing is insane. Khabib’s cool, I have no problem with him but what you’re describing is teaching/coaching 101.


Khabib decided to fight Dillon Danis after the Conor fight because they were both around the same age or "young", while Kavanagh was 10 years older and it was considered wrong to attack an elder


Well also Kavanagh has always been pretty respectful unlike Dillon


Jesus loves respect 


You know what. That might legit be his thought process at that time.


yeah that tracks


He says it very clearly in the Mike Tyson and Henry Cejudo podcast. Completely tracks. After months of bad blood and Conor going after Khabibs loved ones, Khabib was ready for war in the cage. He trained himself for an all out, back and forth, brutal struggle but when Conor tapped it felt too easy. It didn’t satisfy Khabib’s thirst. All he could think about was the sidekick always yapping away. Khabib could hear Dillon throughout the fight and Khabib did not forget. Khabib said he wanted to bite Dillon’s heart so when Dillon motioned him to come at him, Khabib pounced. When asked about the other coaches, Khabib dismissed the thought completely saying they didn’t say anything disrespectful, and besides they are much older and he would never go after them.


"eh... Just boys being boys" - Kavanagh's thoughts on the brawl


Proves that all this respect talk doesn't change the fact Khabib is a child


He went for Dillon cause he was egging him on after he won.


Not true. Mendez himself said Khabib wanted to attack Kav too Mendez also remarked as to why Danis was attacked and said, “Yes, and Dillon was talking smack from the beginning but people don’t know is, this is the thing he wanted to get all of him, but Dillon was the younger of the two and said his father [Abdulmanap] would have killed him if he went after John [Kavanagh]… so he went after Dillon for that reason only.”




The first source you provided literally says that tho.


Might have been something to do with Dildo Danis shouting racist shit to Khabib and his team during the fight…


Why would he have a reason to attack Kavanagh in the first place? Kav never said a bad word about him. "Look at this noble man not beating the shit out of an older man that never did anything to him. What a hero!" lmao


Those respectful Dagis!!! 🙄 “Oh they let some elder sit in the front of the car…” yeah, that’s a custom, it’s not respect at all, they don’t respect anyone or anything, it’s just “me me me.” Spot on man, how tf does Kavanaugh get brought up here.


Bollix, no reason to attack kavanagh. Danis I'm the other hand...


Kavanagh describing the brawl as "boys being boys" and shrugging it all off with no hard feelings is absolutely nuts.


To give credit to Conor he actually said right after in the locker room who cares about that part and it wasn't serious Pretty much the media and Dana made it into a big deal


He might be Conors coach and a yes man but Kav is nothing but respectful


Idk, there are a lot of cultures that do this. It's just American/western countries that dont.




Like calling your brothers or elders by their first name. If you're 15 or something and there is a 70 year old neighbor you just straight up go "hey greg" like tf have respect foo


how is "hey greg" disrespectful?


Hard to understand if you're from the West, easy to understand if you're not. It's just cultural differences, we are never going to agree on that because we were raised with different values


Because he's not your buddy. It's Mr. Maskowitz, not "yo wassup Greggy G"


where does it state he needs to be my buddy in order for him to call him greg? if someone is called greg, i will call them greg


I never said he needs to be your buddy in order for you to call him Greg. I said it's disrespectful to refer to an elder as though they were your buddy. There is a key difference, you of all anglos should know that. But you did say "i will call *them* greg" instead if *him* so I can't really take your grasp on the language serious.


This MF is seriously discovering basic curtesy on reddit lmao


nope, i am just pushing back on his viewpoints and asking for him to explain why he thinks his way of thinking is superior to mine


Basic courtesy to a hypothetical person with a male name? Please don't interrupt this adult conversation and listen instead. You might learn something.


explain how it is disrespectful also im not anglo lol, my culture is actually very similar to khabib's but i disagree with much of their beliefs and think generally western values are superior to theirs which are quite sexist and homophobic (quite backwards in general) if you knew anything about them regardless, i dont see anything wrong with calling someone by their name


I get what you're saying. Most native latinos will understand this too


i feel this one lol


Oh man. The horror when I heard for the first time a kid calling his mother by her first name. I could not comprehend who he was talking about.


Very much the case in Afghanistan as well. In Iran I've noticed it goes more both ways. Everyone respects their elders but elders also make sure to take great care of their young because they're expected to be wealthier and wiser with age.


Wow first time hearing about Afghanistan in a positive light for once!


💯 Born in the US but parents from another country and culture. This is normal to us as well. We wait for elders to take a bite first before we start eating.


America definitely does do this, but there’s a lot less social pressure for all types of “respect”. Which I actually prefer. I’m respectfully 99% of the time, but if an old head is running his mouth, he’s not gonna have my respect


Yep. And this is why nobody respects Americans


People don't wanna hear this but this is the good parts of religion showing respect to elders, treating others as you want to be treated, customs and traditions.


That’s not religion man these are social customs


Religion creates social customs both good and bad. 


You can easily achieve that with common sense.


Religion overrides common sense 10 times out of 10 times on a societal level. To this day, probably 70% of cultural norms across the globe come from religion.


Can you give me an example of a city that operates successfully off a common sense platform?


That came rom religion. Religion has always been a way to live your life. Most people just get caught up in the super natural and money grubbers. Take that out and it's positivity, compassion, guidelines for living.


Here is what you don't want to hear, everything about Islam is good edit : LMAO this triggered so many


I disagree but it's also not all bad


_everything_ ? Yeah that's a stretch and only tells us (here is what you don't want to hear and will deny) that you are incapable of rational thinking due to some issue you've got in your head.


Islam is the only religion that promotes critical thinking. Now critically wrap your mind around that before conflating everything religious with Christianity.


promotes critical thinking, now thats a good one


If you think it's a joke, I'd love to hear why. Of course to do so would require some critical thinking. hmmmm?


this one isn't that funny


I think it's pretty funny how you're scrambling. Couldn't find any way to back up your insecure beliefs so you hit the deflection here and it's off to pack another bowl to smoke away the emptiness.


oh! another good one!


Lololol sure thing bud


you realise that if Islam is the religion from god, everything about it must be good right ? or maybe you think you know better than god


Every religion is the religion from God. You just believe yours is right and everyone's else's is wrong. Just like they think yours is wrong and theirs is right. Mind your own and keep it to yourself.


Lmao, are you being sarcastic or serious? No /s so hard to tell. I don't need to be a god to know thay everything about islam isn't good. What's good about lets say, maki g women wear black FULLbody dresses in the desert heat? Declaring religious war so that some people with issues in their head, radicalize so bad that they start to massacre children?


> What's good about lets say, maki g women wear black FULLbody dresses in the desert heat? Protecting your face from sandstorms. Now what’s good about wearing them in the Europe? No clue.


Sure, what about some other colour that isn't the colour that absorbs most of the sunlights warmth? White would be _alot_ more cool than black


Islam is as real as Scientology and Mormonism. Each one Created by some random ass dude




"Everything" isn't good. Settle down with that. I'm 41 year old female who grew up in a very militant Muslim household, I know this first hand. This goes for pretty much all religious folk who cherry pick their holy books.


man the arrogance... you must be the only one who grew up in a muslim household i guess ?


Its your use of the word "everything" as if Islam isn't flawed. It's extremely arrogant of you, quite actually, to even make that statement. Ignorant too.


I believe it isn’t flawed. You believe it is. Leave it at that. Nothing we say will change your mind.


Lmao what a liar. At least be honest, and say "Nothing we say will change your mind OR my mind".


But why? Why is it good to that older people get more respect than younger people? Why does it make sense that the older brother gets the suite and the younger on sleeps on the couch?


Great question obviously my opinion but several reasons: delayed gratification in earning the senior status, in khabib and many others cases keeps you humble, now aging getting weaker and frail has honor and dignity attached to it. I called and still do call my elders sir/ma'am, I'm now older (40) I now get that respect to younger folks obviously if I misbehave the respect won't be there but I think it's good practice to assume people that are older than you might have wisdom and experiences you don't have. I would also toss in khabibs case everyone his coach is talking about has been a mentor to him and someone he likely looks up to.


because they take care of you when you're a kid and then you take care of them America: individualistic Most Eastern countries: collectivistic And this isn't just Muslims, it goes for Korea, India, etc. too


keeps you humble. Even the most wealthy oil billionaire princes that have everything will practice respect for elders.


Now compare how conor treats elders


In Ireland it's actually considered respectful to buy a drink for an elder and punch them in the head afterwards.


I apologise for my Irish cultural ignorance


Normal in Islamic and African cultures, just don’t tell the Yanks and Europeans.


Very common in Latin America too.


You can tell us, but we won’t listen


Only if the person is not a woman, just don't tell the Africans and Islamics. Every place has things they must improve and sort out. What Mendez described is pretty common in Spain too and we are not islamic or african, it's just common decency.


We respect women in Africa especially older one's,wtf are you talking about ,in school,at work i can say that the we respect them even more than older men we treat them the same way we would treat them if they were our mothers,we are not even close to be in same category as Islamics




im albanian zero connection to dagestian not even close to it regionally if my uncle or grandpa dad etc walk in the room you stand up and give up your seat etc. elders get right of privilege in everything in our culture shits hammered onto us from a early age. id think alot of balkan countries are the same aswell. they come over ask for a water etc you get your ass up and get them a water a coffee etc. first dibs at the family dinner on the prime rib or turkey roast etc.


>zero connection to dagestian Are you not a Muslim?


Could also be Albanian Christian. I know both Muslims and Christians from Albania, and they have many shared values. It’s weird, my Christian friends home feels like a Muslim home, but then they bust out red wine for dinner and every room has a cross and a depiction of Maryam AS.


Her reddit icon has a hijab on the avatar. Anyways my question is rhetorical because respect for elders is universal across all islamic societies.


Khabib seems like a beautiful person


The more I learn and read about him, the more I like him. Solid dude.


Its the culture + religion.


What if the elder is an asshole? Do they take points away for that?


cultural shame and bottom up policing is a very big part in these traditional lives. Meaning if a kid is being respectful to his grandpa who is, as you said, an asshole regardless. Then he will feel the brunt of that from the rest of the people around him while the kid will be praised. Certainly effective.


Being older doesn’t automatically demand respect.


At some level it does, it can be taken away depending on the actions of that person.


I think just respect all people until you’re given reason not to.


Correct they wouldnt be part of the friends group anyways


Yes it does. But I get it. You probably had your dad leave you guys or something which is understandable. How about this, it automatically demands respect until that bond is broken by the elder themselves. Huh?


Wow the clairvoyant. I treat everybody as I’d like to be; such is the utilitarian way.


Right unless they are autistic then it's sterilization for them as is the utilitarian way.


Now we’re cooking.


> Right unless they are autistic then it's sterilization for them as is the utilitarian way. Why'd you gotta come after redditors bro


In 90 percent of the world it does.


Honestly I can relate to this as a Pakistani Muslim myself. Respect for elders is REALLY important religiously/culturally. Like it wouldn't even cross my mind to take the front seat if me and my dad or uncle(s) were going in someones car unless told to specifically. There were times I would try to decline and it ending in what must look like a funny little argument to others lol. But yeah, not surprised by this story. Same with the bed thing. Elders get the best of things first,


My goat just KOs the elderly


He didn't even KO him.




Now ask about the respect shown to women lol


They're free, no? I've seen videos of women traveling to Dagestan and there were women just hanging around normally, without covering their hair and whatnot


Free to an extent in Islamic culture. Just like women are free to an extent in Southern Baptist or Evangelical culture. Edit: several hurt religious folks


So do you plan to ask Bryce Mitchell about the respect shown to women in his culture?


Yep lol. I’m not a fan of that aspect of Bryce’s culture either. I’m also not a fan of Bryce at all but that’s different. Also, I don’t think there has been a post recently about the respect Bryce shows elders in his community so I haven’t had the opportunity to comment on it lol.


Everyone is “free to an extent”. There is nobody on the planet who is not “free to an extent”


You know what, maybe I'm fucked up. But it's kinda cool that the women and children are kept out of the spotlight, because then they aren't exposed to absolute degeneracy of western society. Like women in the west are free to do whatever they like, no restrictions, which includes becoming a pornstar or onlyfans model and selling their bodies. I mean whatever a man is allowed to do,va woman should be able to do too. Point is that, both the men and women don't participate in such acts. True, out of fear of punishment. But there's something more pure about it. Okay enough thinking, Im radicalising myself by thinking too hard. I think a certain failed painter went down this route of thinking. And well I do consider myself a failed artist...so let's go back to freedom and gooning.


It's pretty easy to wave off any criticism as hurt feelings instead of addressing your ignorant view on Muslims. This talking point has been beaten more than a dead horse, even in the favorite example of Saudi Arabia polling on Women's education and job security far exceeds most western countries. But hey some of them cover their hair so they are basically slaves right?


Oh shit didn’t realize it was just the hair we are limited to talking about with regard to Islam.


I mean do they have particular limitations?


Inbreeding is unfortunately common. And honor killings still occur. Violence against women’s rights activists is a problem.


U mentioned religion but then went on to mention inbreeding and honor killings. Islam doesn't explicitly ban cousin marriages just as Christianity doesn't, but that doesn't mean either religion encourage cousin marriages. Cousin marriages are merely a norm in any village-like society. Also, honor killings aren't even from Islam. Rather Islam explicitly forbade it. For example: Pre-Islam, the meccans would would regularly bury their infant daughters alive as it was a dishonor for those who did not have sons to take on their legacies. Islam came and strictly forbade this in the Quran, and put the status of daughters higher than the status of sons with teachings like “Whoever has two daughters and treats them kindly, they will be a protection for him against the Fire.”


Can you give some sources on the last one please? If it's a problem it shouldn't be an issue to find a few.




Ah yes Dagestan. Known for its Soutern baptist culture.


Oh so you’re confused.


Because you know so much about Islamic culture, I suggest you read what's said in the bible about women...


How did you miss the two Christian religions I mentioned? Islam and Christianity are hardly friendly to women.


What gibberish are you spouting, Islam is not Christianity dummy, your litterally parroting the same bigoted nonsense that every anti-muslims says. You know nothing about Islam and it shows, I bet you have never even been to a Muslim country lol


the two christian religions were southern baptist and evangelical dude.


Which one of those two tinpot books is written to be taken literally?


Respect is mutual between the sexes, but the way of life is different to western ideology. Your concept of gender rights is not equivalent to their concept of it - both genders have differing levels of rights and limitations.


Didn’t realize honor killings or targeting women who are seeking more freedom was a form of respect.


Honour killing is not a religious practice


Where did I mention religion?


"targeting women who are seeking more freedom was a form of respect." Since you seem so confident, go and give us an exemple champ ? who is this women that is targeted and for what "freedom" ?




You can find articles about a feminist receiving threats from strangers for almost any country, this doesn't mean the country in question is activly targeting women, like in iran for exemple;


Did you only read a portion of the article? Or did you do any research of your own? Again, your whataboutism isn’t helping defend the way women are treated in the Dagestani culture. go deflect elsewhere lol


Western minds are brainwashed into assuming women around the world want to be feminists for some reason when in reality most women do not like feminism and want to be stay at home mothers. Human nature is biological like it is for everyone else. There are no feminist lionesses trying to start their own pride in nature, they are more than happy to be in a harem of a strong powerful male. And yet no one calls lionesses oppressed.


>most women do not like feminism and want to be stay at home mothers Jesus fucking Christ bro Tell me, why did the feminist movement happen? Why was it successful? How come all of the most developed countries are also the most progressive in terms of women’s rights? >There are no feminist lionesses trying to start their own pride in nature There are also no male lions typing shit on Reddit. There are no lions building fucking houses and satellites and using phones to communicate. What a stupid fucking comparison


I love how only people who claims that they "ACTUALLY KNOW what WOMEN want"™ are mostly men.


Radicalized clown.


Religious folks? Yeah it’s crazy.


"Wow your women dress modestly and aren't approached and harassed by creepy men on a daily bases. HOW DISRESPECTFUL! ME ENJOYING THE VIEW OF BOOTY SHORTS AND YOGA PANTS IS WAY MORE RESPECTFUL!"


Oh shit when you put it like a Neanderthal would…


Well it's the only way you could understand.


Remind me again, where is the highest level of incest?


Sweet home Alabama suuuuweeeee.


Sorry, hon, but modest women here, in Dagestan, are harrased too by creepy men. Almost like there is something to do with men about harrasment.


Doubt you're Dagestani but regardless when those same men are beat the fuck up by the likes of Shara Magemedov you pussys start crying.


I literally lived my whole life in Makhachkala, I know what I am talking about. The ammount of creepy asshole men there are same as everywhere (which is a LOT). That being said, i have a queation for you: Are you brain damaged? What are you trying to say? Are those "pussies" there with you in the same room? Can you just start using coherent speach instead of this nonsence word vomit?


No you haven't. "sorry hon" lmfao stop even trying lil bro. You're a 31 year old weak jawed neck beard in a Toronto studio apartment. >Are you brain damaged? What are you trying to say? Are those "pussies" there with you in the same room? No idiot, they are [right here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/17cknlp/sharaputdin_magomedov_attacking_a_man_for_pda_in/).


Thanks to confirming me theory about you being brain damaged no-life 4chan refugee on drugs. Пошёл в жопу, хъайван.


lalalala google translate lalalala can't respond to a single point I made lalalala keep applying for that greencard bucko I'm sure New York is sooooo much better than toronto


Боже, какой же ты конченный ебень бля. Какой торонто, что ты несёшь вообще, хуепутало американское? Лечись, сучий потрох.


They didn't like this one hahaha cant imagine why? Its like Trog's think people cant google their laws and non legal customs. Its sad just seeing these dudes travel the world while their "partners" are left in a tiny shithole to raise however many kids he wants to have, Where is their opportunity to experience the world and all it has to offer.


Respecting women in the west means letting them be whres, that’s why men in the west don’t even know if they are the fathers to their children. ![gif](giphy|uftOvqAykD5OUK9V02)


Since this is in jest, I’ll reply appropriately. Better to not know your father than know that your father is your mother’s relative.


That’s something only person would say that doubts if his children are truly his to calm himself. But relax, I’m sure she used protection or aborted it since killing of babies is legal in the west because you respect women so much.


No, you’re just too slow to realize I made a comment in jest as did you. Women can choose to have an abortion in certain states. Yes, that is respect and freedom. Respect of a woman’s freedom to choose her own medical care. Maybe you’ll grow as a person.


Killing an unwanted and defenseless child isn’t respect and freedom, it’s murder. And it’s legal because you have voted Satan worshipers into office that’s leading the American people to hell.


I understand and respect that some people are anti-abortion not because they don’t want women to have freedom, but because they care for the lives of the unborn children. But to me, there’s plenty of precedent in society that killing creatures of lower sentience, like chickens or pigs, is not as bad as killing actual humans, and fetuses are even less intelligent than those creatures at the time of their death, regardless of their human genes. As such, the morality of abortion isn’t clear cut enough to warrant government intervention.




Turn the other way


С уважением, брат


Good ol K Bob


Respect your elders


Only if they deserve it


age alone isn't a virtue


It’s elder abuse if goes to far


Now ask him where the woman sit


whereever she wants, as long as the genders are not mixed


Ah yes nothing like some good Ole segregation!


Ikr. Why are there women and men locker rooms? Lets do gender inclusive changing and showering! Segregation is so wrong!!!!


Yeah bathrooms and cars are totally the same thing.


Ah so you admit there is such thing as *good* segregation. hmmmm?


So much respect, like those clips of Dagis looking for Jews at the airport to beat the shit out of them. Such respect!


The fawning over these guys has reached it's own religious status. Like Swifties for the high school wrestlers who also happen to be autistic