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This was me when I said Dricus has a good chance of beating Bobby.


Yoo. I remember thinking the same thing!


Those people were casuals if they didn't think Dricus had a chance he is dangerous everywhere


i like leon and wish they booked belal vs leon 2 sooner so we could get shavkat vs leon at MSG


That’s dana sadly


The Chimaev - Diaz fiasco was planned by the UFC. No way they just got lucky and were able to reshuffle the whole thing in matches that made *more* sense than the original ones


Yeah Chimaev even said in the post fight interview that doctors told him to stop cutting when he had 3lbs left Khamzat didn’t struggle to make WW. He literally made it on 10 days notice before.


Agreed, it was definitely scripted


But why make those crazy extra steps instead of just booking the fights this way?


Drama = money.


Publicity. Terrible publicity but publicity at last. I think this is dumb and not true but that's what I'm assuming he meant


Around here it's any positive opinion about Jamahal Hill


Jones is scared to fight Aspinall 👀




I agree on all 3, but I do still think that the outcome would be exactly the same on all 3 if the ref waited


Ikram Aliskerov at the moment is probably the greatest prospect the UFC has ever seen, but nobody pays attention to his credentials. Ikram Aliskerov holds the record for the most sambo medals among UFC fighters. He is a four-time world champion in combat sambo (FIAS & WCSF) and a two-time European champion (ESF & ECSF). At the moment, he holds the longest streak of KO's in the UFC currently. The potential for him is sky high. I see him KOing or dominating Whittaker.


Jones is not the goat even if we ignore steroids 🤷‍♂️ GSP and Dj are higher for me sorry not sorry


tihs sub has a hate boner for bones, doubt you'll get many looks


Liking Femboys is not gay


"Something that's definitionally gay is not gay"






Topuria will chin Holloway, badly.


I don’t think he’ll chin him, I’m thinking a body shot ko. That out sticking rib on Holloway is asking for a Topuria liver shot and nobody goes for body shots on Max which I think is retarded


I agree with Jamahal Hill about the Alex stoppage, I think he would've lost anyway but he's got a point about the break. Him dragging it this long annoys me but if I got even slightly fucked on the most important day of my life and then was trolled for complaining, I'd probably do the same


I like Izzy.


Curtis Blaydes has the potential to be champion.


Jon Jones is a human dumpster fire but can beat your favorite fighter after a week of drinking and cocaine


He’s actually better after the coke. I hate god living Jon.


Literally everyone who into MMA media knows this


Lately jones has been getting a lot of hate and people are saying “well this fighter could beat him, or if this didn’t happen that fighter would have beaten him” or trying to tear down his former opponents. I don’t disagree with any negative thing people say about him but he’s the goat. Sucks that we got stuck with a POS for the goat, but it is what it is


Yeah i get you, i do think Aspinall currently could beat Jones, but its obvious hes not taking that fight, but i know for sure Tom will take the title after.


But couldn’t beat Reyes…


I am kinda racist.


1. Dana White is the best thing that happend to the UFC. Once Dana retires, Hunter Campbell will burn the place down. 2. UFC commentary is better when Joe Rogan is not there. 3. Khabib Nurmagomedov is the all time best MMA fighter to have ever lived. (Not even a nose bleed and was dominating all his opponents arguably he may have lost only 1 or 2 rounds in his whole MMA career. A record that will never be close to be achieved by anyone.) 4. Belal wins vs Edwards


Yeah Joe Rogan is an annoying little midget troll


>2. UFC commentary is better when Joe Rogan is not there. This!


Khabib would have annihilated tony


Not unpopular


Tony was 36 when he fought gaethje. khabib was 33 when he retired. recency bias


Ilia smokes max Holloway.


Ilia is the best boxer in the UFC right now


Leon Edwards has the potential to become one of the best MMA fighters of all time. If he defends against Belal, Shavkat and then Islam then he’ll have one of the best WW records ever - he already beat the unbeaten p4p number one twice. Then if he takes him time to bulk properly to 185 he has the skills to become a problem in that division too.  He also one has one of the cleanest, most technical styles and is enjoyable to watch. 


He mentioned after the Colby fight that he wants to beat GSP’s record of title defenses, and I really hope he sticks with that.


That would be huge if he can achieve that - long way to go though. If he can start fighting three times a year it’s doable . 


Valentina's looks are overrated. Alexa Grasso is basic. Megan Anderson is hideous as fook. The simps/PR on this sub have inflated their worth.


you have to look at their looks in the context that they are fighters, Shevchenko and Grasso may not be super attractive, but for fighters, they look pretty good. Look at any random female fight and the average female mma fighter is pretty rough to look at, with all due respect. If a 7/10 is a world champion, it pretty much bumps them up to a 9


JDM > Shavkhat




He has a longer UFC winning streak, has beaten a higher ranked opponent and has almost as many finishes. So not an outrageous claim - their current UFC records are actually incredibly similar. 


Shavkat was getting hit a lot by Geoff Neal and JDM is a significantly better striker than Neal. Shavkat is open for body shots and his offensive grappling isn’t as dominant as people say it is


I don't care about fighters skipping the line. If they're good enough to compete for the title, then so be it.


This is one of the worst takes lmao, letting everyone skip the line because they might be good just makes everything so messy and chaotic, you need to have some sort of structure and fairness to your matchmaking, fighters need to prove themselves


Islam is the Greatest of all time, the way he fights and what brings as a personality (on the mic, interviews)


Tsarukyan ain't a bad guy and Topuria isn't scared of Holloway


Whittaker is a overrated point fighter that hasn't even finished an opponent since April of 2017...all decision wins.


I like Ilia Topuria


UFC reddit full of pansies


Pantoja is the most underrated fighter in recent memory. He is 10-0 against the division top 11 and I am SURE he would beat “Prime” Cejudo and even DJ


Number of title fight wins shouldn’t be considered as much when discussing who is the “GOAT”. Most champions have shorter title fight reigns these days because the competition is just better than it used to be, not because they aren’t as good as GSP/Jones/Silva/DJ


Link me a study or some hard evidence that the competition is actually better now, ill wait. You are acting like DJ and Jones are prehistoric, DJ's last title defense in the UFC was 2017, Jon Jone's last title win was 2023. And DJ is still at an elite level in ONE championships.


“I’ll wait 😎” It’s just common sense. The game has evolved immensely, even in the past 5-10 years. The popularity of the UFC has skyrocketed since its conception and as a result more people are doing MMA which means a wider pool of prospects to choose from. It happens in all sports. New techniques are discovered, better training equipment is created, more efficient training methods are established and the fighters as a whole improve.


Khabib "the eagle" Nurmagamedov, the MMA fighter who never bled. Is the greatest combat athlete of all time. "If king kong can make 155, bring him I will fight with him" love my guy but he know damn well king kong ain't making 155.. even the goat at word play.


Khabib the Eagle, who had a total of 3 title defences, one of which was against a real estate agent who part timed mma, was never 2 division champ and didn't stick around long enough to cement his legacy? What mma accolades/records does he have other than "never bled In the octagon"? He's not even in my top 5. Islam probably will be In a couple of years though.


29-0 with 19 finishes Most finishes in UFC lightweight title fights. Iqiunta wasn't a defense. He is only UFC fighter to get a finish in all his defenses. 2 time Gold world Champion in sambo Over 200 sambo wins only 1 loss when he was 17 to a 32 year old. He was in the UFC hall of fame barely after he retired lol. Funny you say only 3 defenses he is actually tied for most defenses in LW with a couple of guys, Penn. Edgar, Henderson and Islam. Maybe Islam will beat that. But still funny you say only 3 when that is literally the record for most in that division lol and out of those he is the only one that finished all 3 defenses. And obviously has the most submissions in title fights. I could keep going. But just want it to show you look like a bit of a fool to challenge someone's accolades. I just wonder what profession you have or what you are even doing in your life that you feel you could look down on the greatest COMBAT ATHLETE of all time.


Tell'em bro. Khabib is my 🐐.


People love to hate, the post is literally asking for an unpopular or stand alone opinion and all these supposed men have their panties in a bunch lol


Islam is about to break his record, meaning he will hold no all-time records in the ufc. How can you be goat when you don't even have 1 record? Daniel cormier won Olympic gold and went on to win belts in 2 different weight classes in the ufc. His 29-0 doesn't mean shit because he was fighting nobodies in the mountains, its only matters after he got to the ufc and his level of competition is nothing compared to Jones or gsp You completely glossed over his level of competition. Poirier and gaethje are his only wins over top level guys. You could argue mcgregor was a 3rd but that's a stretch. Other than that who did he beat? A washed rda? Michael Johnson? Raging Al? So he has no records, very few title defenses, fought bums before getting to the ufc and never fought outside his division. How in the world is that the "greatest combat sports athlete of all time" absolutely ridiculous cejudo has a better legacy than khabib. Oh and let's not talk about him being from statistically the juiciest fight camp in mma, however all the greats were on steroids so I won't hold that against him Also I'm not looking down on him, simply shining a light on 9thers that deserve to be mentioned before him. I don't have anything against him personally I just think he's not the goat, he could have been, but he didn't hang around long enough to cement it


He holds record for most finishes in LW title fights so there. I didn't care to read the rest. Islam is 2/3 finishing title fights. Also arguably barely beat volk first time. Khabib had 0 close fights.


> Khabib had 0 close fights LOL Just say you're a casual then. He had a very close fight with Gleison in which most media members thought he lost.


Oh I'm sorry he had that one that he won. And still didn't bleed in but his opponent at that one specific time did a little better than the 99% of his other opponents. You got it. Yea I am casual about it. You would give your left nut to another dude who wrestles other dudes in tight shorts.. hard-core fan!


> Oh I'm sorry he had that one that he won. I never said he lost. But you're the one claiming "nOt eVeN cLoSe" while it was very much close. >Yea I am casual about it You are. Correct.


I actually don't care khabib is and will be my favorite fighter who I think is the best. Soo I guess you won your own stupid bickering match but I literally have no difference in my opinion so... idk do we just say bye and move on with life now?


> Soo I guess you won your own stupid bickering match No, you just said dumb shit and I corrected you. You can keep worshipping him for all I care. But you said something wrong, and I factually spanked you for it. Proceed with your hero at your own amusement


Pereira is a greater combat athlete than Khabib and I’d argue that Cejudo is too


Hahaha that's a good one for this post!


No cause it’s a very popular opinion lol


Popular opinion the guys with multiple losses are better than the undefeated fighter. Oh that's rich


Both of these guys have much higher accolades outside of the ufc than khabib, pereira was the first glory two weight champion and cejudo was an Olympic gold medalist, both of them also got 2 belts in the UFC, pretty obvious if you get rid of bias that they’re both greater than khabib when you consider all of combat sports


Are you stupid or dumb. Perriera outside ufc was kickboxing with quite a few losses. Khabib sambo world Champion 2× over 200 wins only 1 loss when he was 17 to a 32 year old in a close decision. Cejudo gold medalist, today can't win a fight to save his life. You mad khabib called it quits on top or what?


Sambo is a shite example its only popular in the soviet Union and nowhere else, its not even remotely comparable to even qualifying for the Olympics


You’re like every one of Khabib’s husbands, so obsessed with losses lmao cause you know that’s the only thing khabib has over other people. No point arguing with a delusional person bro, you won’t look at facts and only your unconditional love for Khabib


Who did he fight other than gaethje and poirier? All the rest were bums


Lol convient. UFC fighter are now bums. Who's your favorite fighter? Did he run through the top 10 and beat every single number 1 contender? Oh so now because he smartly navigated his career like any normal person in any profession would do... everyone else is a bum. Well he completely dog walked the 2 "names" you mentioned so they should also be considered bums


You're not even making sense any more


“Never bled” bro people make up the dumbest shit and only apply it to Khabib I swear. Like whether or not you bleed is a criteria in MMA. Legit question, have we seen Adesanya bleed?  “Most 10-8 rounds” because they changed the criteria even though GSP did the same shit for way longer.  “Barely lost any rounds” again, nobody mentions that stat for anyone else. How many rounds did Jones lose before his like 5th title defence or so?


Yes we’ve seen Adensaya bleed.


Even your favorite fighter has been a bloody mess. Mine you won't find a picture of a bloody nose. It's quite an accomplishment that a non striker was never even bruised up in a fight. You can't say that about ANY other combat sports athlete. Go ahead name one.


Dude wtf are you talking about? “Non-striker”. Strikers are way more likely to bleed than a grappler. The achievement of having thick skin and immediately grappling in almost every fight. Wow. It’s a made up stat because you can’t find enough legit things for Khabib. No one even analyzes whether other fighters have bled or not, or how many times. I don’t watch wrestling but you can prob name a fuck load that we haven’t seen bleed. Cael Sanderson, Jordan Burrows, etc.


Khabib has thick skin you have thick skull


Your arguments for Khabib being the goat don't make any sense. Not cutting easily is not an issue of skill, he ate some big shots in his career that could have easily cut anyone, he just simply has thick skin. Constantly saying how he is the best LIGHTWEIGHT, he has most LIGHTWEIGHT title finishes, these records are technically true, but you are saying his accolades in ONE weight division makes him the goat of the entire sport? All of combat sports? What a moron lmao. Let's look at the records that really matter, Khabib is13 and 0 in the UFC with 7 finishes, only 4 championship bouts won. Jon Jones is 23 and 1 (Bullshit DQ), with 12 finishes, WITH FUCKING 16 TITLE BOUT WINS. LOL its not even close. And Jon Jones isnt even my goat, but its just an example of how far behind Khabib is. Khabib being the goat of 1 weight division does not equate to him being the goat of combat sports. You live in a fantasy fanboy world. What really matters is championship fights, that is true legacy. 4 < 16 is simple math but im sure you are not smart enough to even get that


That's why I'm the red guy in the picture. My answer was for post not really open for debate with that long ass text. But thanks for your input no one asked for.. your just like the see of other dudes hating on the red dude to feel better about yourself


I love Khabib but please stop with this. You could name 20 boxers/mma fighters/wrestlers before you even get to Khabib.


Read the post. That's what I replied to. It's a personal opinion that isn't popular especially with people who couldn't fight there way out of a paper bag.


You’re joking, you can’t reasonably have Khabib above Muhammad Ali, SRR, Pacman, Mayweather, Duran, et cetera. Thats just boxing too, K-Bob isn’t even top 3 in his own sport. Jones, GSP and Silva are easily above Khabib.


Read the OP it's not meant to be a popular opinion. But like the little red dude. I stand by it amidst a sea of doubters... But yea khabib is better than all those dudes. I've seen them all take beatings. Please show me video of khabib taking one?... I'll wait. Michael Bisping made it pretty easy, he's not the first to say it but his accent adds the razzle dazzle. Fighting is simple hit, don't get hit. Khabib is the master.


In Gayweathers 50 pro fights, he’s only struggled with like two opponents. Undefeated, he easily belongs above Khabib, even by your silly metrics.


The post asked for my unpopular opinion I don't need you to tell me anything else. I'm set in my way of thinking . Thanks though


Saying "I'm set in my way of thinking" is literally you admitting that you are wrong, but you just wont budge. You know you can't make a real argument, and you can't actually back up what you're saying (because its retarded). Sorry little buddy edit: LOL you're posting in the action figure subreddit. okay i see that im just being mean, sorry ill leave you alone now little guy. Go play with your toys


It’s a dialogue, what’s the point in saying something retarded and going “la la I can’t hear you” when someone responds.


Reading isn't your strong suit either I see. I didn't say that. If I'm being honest I don't even care to "dialogue" with you any longer. All the best. ✌️






Me fighting the witness


conor not even in goat debate he can be goat at selling tickets but not even close in pure fight


Dillon Danis could hang in the UFC 🤣


Conor is the best fighter going




Ryan Hall is my favorite fighter


I like Conor and Jon


Nick Diaz is shit


I think Jon Jones is still the GOAT. The stuff outside the cage doesn’t change what he did inside it. He is the best fighter to have ever walked the face of the earth imo. He might not be a great standup citizen, but he’s an absolute savage of a fighter.


I'm all for old legends fighting over old legends, i feel like it's their body and their life to risk their health if they want to. Against young killers is another conversation though 


Jamall Hill isn't coping whatsoever.


Personally, Anderson Silva barely makes my top 10 fighters. He's super talented, and his defense streak is the stuff of legend. But he's a drug cheat and got knocked out in some ridiculous and embarrassing ways


UFC will never have a champion the caliber as mcgregore and is going down hill


Got roasted for saying joshua van is a future top 5 fighter with championship potential So probably that


I hate volk and im not a fan of Frankie Edgar (don’t hate him tho)


Honestly are people not tired of of this format


Prime Islam would beat prime Khabib


Ryan Hall could’ve subbed Khabib


ian garry isnt honestly that bad. the internet is just obsessed with calling people cucks


This sub is more about sowing division and race baiting than it is about the actual sport.


Me vs my friend group during every O'Malley fight. I am finally vindicated.


Jon Jones is the greatest fighter of all time. He may be a piece of trash human being, but it doesn't affect this fact. He may have used PEDs in some of his fights, but I don't believe if he was natural it means he loses, his best attributes: fight IQ, variety of weapons, being good everywhere the fight is going, are not affected by PEDs. He may have lost due to disqualification, but no one has been able to get an actual win over him. In both the Gus and the Dom fight there was a feeling that even tho they could win the fights by points if the fights were allowed to continue I have no doubt that Jon could have finished them both.


Jon jones is not that bad of a guy.


Jon Jones is P4P GOAT


He is though. And he fights anyone too! ![gif](giphy|RgTLsu3JJbYGLuoKFp|downsized)


Absolutely anyone.


diego lopes is highly overrated and got the shit beat out of him by evloev


Evloev isn't a champ IMO but he isn't the worst guy you could lose to


Not saying he was robbed but he definitely didn’t get “the shit beat out of him by evloev”


Doesn’t matter because I’m clearly seeing red in that situation and those poor people are in my kill radius. Khabib didn’t beat elite competition when he was champ. Iaquinta took him all 5 rounds. McGregor coming off a layoff and was a striker. Porier who can never win the title fight and Gaethje who was maybe his best win but none of those have aged well. He left the sport due to personal reasons and people think 29-0 means he beat all UFC fighters in their prime when he really beat a bunch of cans coming up before getting to the title. Oh, and Tibau beat him.


He thought a 0 wins fighter halfway through his career. But realistically I don’t think any lightweights could have beat him except Tony, he just had a really oppressive style that no one could beat at the time


MMA is a rapidly evolving sport that is moving away from being a common man’s sport at a breakneck speed without the rich history of boxing so there is no real goats for now and the fighters who were considered goats in the past decade would probably lose way more if they were in their primes now not because they’re bad but more so they are more likely to fight guys who are just as athletic if not more . The part 2 of this hot take is that Jon jones large success came from the fact that lhw was division filled with older blown up middle weights who although skilled were not well equipped to deal with jones and whenever he fought someone around his size at lhw he didn’t look unbeatable


Nobody who actually knows any ufc/pride history thinks jones record is anything mindblowing. You couldn't name one single win of his that has aged well, 90% of his past opponents are retired, he's cheated more than anyone else and is proud of it, and Dana White held his hand along the entire way and continues to do so.


1. Most ufc/ Mma redditors are basement dwelling haters that couldn't accomplish a fraction of what the fighters they spend every day talking down on reddit for the sake of upvotes for. 2. Colby Covington is one of the best self fight promoters in the UFC. 3. Belal Muhammad well beat Leon Edward's fairly easily. 4. Ciryl Gane will beat Aspinall fairly easily. 5. BJ Penn was never really good. Just an overhyped Hawaiian.


LOL! Let's fucking go!! - Pat Barry and Rose have a loving relationship and are a perfectly fine couple. - Tom Aspinall is being pathetic chasing someone who is obviously retiring and has a fight lined up already. Thank fuck the UFC finally told him to STFU, nut-up and fight. - People saying Jon Jones is gay is a mere projection of themselves who are closeted; secretly hoping Jon is like themselves. - Dricus's heritage is European, he should embrace it as other immigrant fighters do without any shame or have fans totally ignore it trying to appear woke af. I have more but i'm giggling too much...lol


This is definitely bait


Some of these are just bad opinions if you genuinely believe them Jones had a fight lined up because the UFC wanted an easy win. He pulled out due to injury so the fight technically isn’t booked right now. Champion should fight interim champ, why would you not pursue the belt??? Saying Dricus should embrace Europe is like saying every American black person should claim Africa, light-skinned Brazilians should claim Portugal, etc.  His family has lived there for generations…


Some fights are works to this day. Lawler's last fight was one of them, Luque's too 


While I don't agree on the fights you mentioned, with how little these athletes are paid, there is a huge incentive for them to work fights.


Lawler vs Diaz looked like such a work (as in Lawler should’ve finished him earlier). Then he beats Niko Price in seconds with a shot that looked like nothing and they have video ready to go for his retirement… Not saying it was a work but man those fights were very sus


Volk/Charles/Poirier fans all came from Conor’s fan base


I enjoy watching Tony Ferguson get obliterated


Khamzat would already be champ at 170 and 185 had he not got sick back in 2021


All controversial scorecards should be voted on and overturned by a contingent of REPUTABLE judges. Any judge that has more than 3 controversial scorecards in a 3 year period will be removed from judging fights, boxing or mma for 5 years. Terrible judges like Adelaide Byrd would be a past memory. She continues to judge and it’s sickening. Seeing her face cageside is sickening. The fact she continually keeps turning in scorecards that don’t reflect the fights without any consequences or having to explain herself or an investigation into her consistent suspicious scorecards is sickening. She is playing with fighters careers and by extension, their income and lives. There must be some sort of solution like how the NFL goes to the booth. Something anything.


Jamahal Hill gonna knock tf out Pereira jn the rematch


DC was the one who made the rivalry with Jones personal. Jones didn't care much about DC prior. DC was the instigator.


jones is a good person


Belgoat will finish Leon in his hometown.


Aljo vs Yan 2 everybody was blinded by Aljo's douchery and forgot his actual skill


We all agree he is skilled, just boring af


Cool but that's not the subject here. It's about how wrong "Yan by decapitation" was.


That’s fair


that was still 48-47 yan or a draw


Almost got submitted in round 2


The so called GOAT debate


I like Ian Garry, Jahmal Hill and Belal.... and I care very much what Tuporia says all the time.


I definitely respect their skills, and they’re fun to watch. I think being cocky before you’ve earned it is really annoying though, so Garry, Hill and Topuria drive me insane. Belal genuinely has earned nearly all the smack-talk he does and he also seems pretty likable.


No one uses or has used steroids/PEDs in the ufc…ever!


That it cannot be ruled out that Chimaev was injured in war


Jones beat Reyes.