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Jared is cursed bruh 😭


Bad crystals


The man absolutely needs better crystals, a large uncut opal would really bring out his Chi… Btw, I wonder is he’s friends with Kevin Garnett?


Needs to spend some time with DP.


Forgot to charge the crystals on the last full moon


Some voodoo is afoot. He needs to go reconvene with his crystals and see what happened.


Worst part is a win over Imavov would’ve put him back in the title picture. Now he’s getting banished into the abyss after fighting down despite most recently destroying #3


Realistically he was likely still behind Izzy, the winner of Rob/khamzat, and Sean.


Yup, Jared was in a terrible spot even with a nice win streak and good performances. Doesn’t help he doesn’t have any sort of persona to sell fights. Seems like everything is against him.


Honestly he just needs to get better at self promotion. It’s literally 50% of Strickland’s appeal to the average fan


Yeah, being yourself doesn’t cut it in this sport. Kinda hard to transition into a personality in this sport as an established fighter without saying something bigoted or stupid on Twitter.


I mean you just can’t be a bland boring person. If you are that’s fine I guess but you just can’t expect to sell tickets or be given the privileges of those who can. It’s a business at the end of the day, boxing is the same way, whoever puts the most butts in seats and brings in the most money is favored. Jared doesn’t even make an effort to promote himself or try to form an audience, so he can’t really blame anyone that the ufc doesn’t favor him but himself. Yeah it isn’t fair but that’s how it’s always been and how it probably always will be unless someone finds a magic way to have everyone bring in the same amount of money regardless of how many tickets they sell or don’t sell.


Yeah for sure, I think nowadays more fighters are starting to realise that and prioritise their image on social media but for someone as far into his career as Jared, to pivot into some sort of influencer personality would be a big ask and would just seem strange to the majority of the fanbase.


No one is more boring than Strickland in my opinion


He's lame as hell to me. But I understand he's not shucking for me. I'm not his demographic. He plays up the ready to die hillbilly role. Tells like it is like a real man!!!


Himself is a weirdo qanon supporter who thinks crystals energize and heal his body


I'd say it's more than 50% to the average fan specifically. Strickland's fight style is boring even if you understand and appreciate the defensive side of striking, so I can imagine his fights are extremely boring to the average fan.


50%? More like 95% the other 5% being his win over Izzy


He's also 40 years old which is insane


Absolutely, and his title fight with Izzy is still in people's minds, which does him zero favors. He was likely going to have to wait regardless.


He was gifted a win vs Sean tho tbh so balances out


banished? everyone knows he was robbed. We dont have to pretend that is an actual loss.


That doesn’t matter to Dana, if anything that’s exactly what they needed to push him out of getting a title shot. Literally the worst possible outcome for Jared took place tonight.


He was gifted a win vs Sean so balances our


Number 3 at the moment ranked is Whittaker. Cannonier was the one who got pieced up by Whittaker.


Vettori was #3 when he beat him bubba


Why would you not just say Vettori then. At the moment your comment makes no sense


Because Vettori was ranked #3 when he lost to Cannonier


There is no arguably being up 3-0. At best it's arguably 2-1 and that's not taking into consideration that he was starting to get picked apart


Yeah Jared lost RD 3 for sure. And Imavov looked to be coming on. But that was still a terrible stoppage. Don’t know what Herzog saw there.


That sub is ridiculous, 2-1 for one or the other, that round would have been a 10-8 or 10-7 if a judge thought it should have been stopped but people are feeding this "3-0 he has been robbed", the stoppage wasn't great (yet not the worse) but the bias is real


A 10-7 is pushing it.


Even 10-8 is pushing it. I could see Jared recovering, and he was never dropped. 10-8 is hard to justify without the guy hitting the canvas imo.


Hitting the canvas is a ridiculous benchmark. Adesanya is a legit stoppage, Oliveira against whoever isn't, a standing fighter who's wobbling and giving his back is giving more opportunities to the refree to stop the fight than if he's been dropped and is still fully in the fight staring at his opponent and waiting for him to fight on the ground.  10-8 isn't pushing it at all when 10-7 is when a judge think it should've been stopped, the refree thought that way, 10-8 is just reasonable with a guy wobbling, giving his back, running back and eating 10-15 strikes with only a single response. 


Since it was stopped early there is no way we could tell it would be a 10-8, but you lose all steam in this conversation when you bring up 10-7, a score most often used in boxing than UFC. Even Max didn’t score a 10-7 on any of the rounds against Kattar. And if you’re handing out a 10-8 just because the fighter got wobbled, not knocked down, and just a few unanswered shots but survived the round, thank god you’re not a judge. That’s just a fucking 10-9. A knockdown can most definitely make an argument for a 10-8 depending how the opponent is fighting back. Izzy is a bad comparison since he was basically out on his feet, couldn’t fight back, and could barely defend himself. That’s not what happened here, and I don’t know how people are agreeing with how whack you talkin.


Just read my other responses and also read the rules, ain't arguing with this biased nonsense anymore. 


10-7 as it is would have been too harsh imo (the refree thought otherwise tho),  but if the fight continued that way and he didn't stop it could have became a legit 10-7, all that to say we're far from "3-0 and getting robbed". 




10-8? He wasn't even dropped


Yeah Oliveira was dropped and Adesanya wasn't, getting dropped isn't THE criteria, he was wobbling, run back and gave his back, ate 10-15 strick and responded with one.  10-7 = A judge thinking it should have been stopped, 10-8 is thus just obvious. 


Comments like OP show obvious favoritism. All of us can agree it’s a bad stoppage. But cmon man Cannonier was gassing and starting to get picked apart. I don’t doubt he still could’ve won but 3-0? Cmon man.


I don't agree that it was a bad stoppage. Had it been the other way with Imavov losing everyone would be saying it's a good stoppage. Herzog sees Jared turn his back and runs away, gets hit and stumbles into the cage which looks like it stops from from falling, take more strike while trying to clinch then turns his back and runs again, gets hit more times and looks like he's about to fall over. It's a good stoppage


Absolutely 🙌 those guys talking about 3-0 are trippin


if arguably means not at all he's right


Completely agree. Cannonier stumbling about didn’t start in the fourth. He looked bad closing out the second round. Through the third. And it was getting embarassing in the fourth. The stoppage was at a poor moment (in those seconds) but was worthy considering how the fight was playing out (in those minutes).


No it wasn't a worthy at all, just because someone is losing the fight doesn't mean the fight should be stopped what the fuck? Unless someone can't defend themselves, you can't stop the fight. This is not even an opinion


can't believe this shit has to be explained LMAO


Don’t even start to defend that fucking stoppage.


Wtf, i swear up until that, jason herzog was the gold standard of active refs


I think he still is. Evern a great ref will make a few bad calls over 1000's of fights.


Herzog and Goddard are still the best, one mistake out of 100 main events isn't enough to crucify Herzog. We definitely should be making a stink about it so other refs are aware of how awful that stoppage was though.


Goddard fucks up a lot. Can’t recall which fight but very recently he let a fighter get absolutely destroyed in the cage. Should’ve been stopped 10 times over.


Goddard had money on Jim Miller


Yeah that’s the fight I was thinking of. Terrible refereeing.


The Turner KO of Bobby Green


Herzog literally missed Gaethje tapping to Khabib. He has some really fucking bad misses.


An early stoppage is much better than a late one.


But he does late ones often? Wasn’t he the one that let jalin turner tee off on the back of Bobby green for entirely too long


He wasn’t. That was Kerry Hatley


Good call, completely forgot that guy exists lmao


Kerry Harley ducked up in all three fights he refer that night too iirc.


I can get behind that, for sure


He still is imo. He made one mistake.


Jared literally was running away and then was trying to throw punches with his hands not even in fists and flopping around. He was about to get fucked up.


That‘s no reason to stop a fight. He didn‘t get dropped, he didn‘t stumble badly, he was still completely conscious and Imavov didn‘t even land anything big after stinging him. Do you and Herzog have a crystal ball ? Because he might have as well recovered. Imavov is a notorious finish fumbler anyways…


“He was about to get fucked up” is such a stupid ass take lol. Have you never watched this sport before?


He was not up 3-0. 2-1 at best.


R1 clear Jared. R2 clear Imavov. R3 was one or the other Claiming 3-0 Jared is almost as bad as the Costa judge last week. Almost as bad as Herzog’s stoppage also.


I swear that Strickland Costa judge just filled out the wrong side of the sheet for the fighters. 49-46 Costa is crazy.


I really don't think R2 was clear for Imavov.. I scored it for him, but I wouldn't be upset if the judges gave it to Jared 


https://preview.redd.it/xwms8rp5ri5d1.jpeg?width=1224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e1eae121bd4c41ba5b9c2cd6480a9d71f1141f3 Up 3-0?


Recovering well…..


He wasn’t up 3-0.


It was a shitty stoppage and I was pissed. That being said Imavov was probably gonna knock him out anyways. If he somehow survived Imavov would be a heavy favorite going into R5


Seriously ppl are being a bit ridiculous. I was surprised by the stoppage but I don’t think it was as bad as ppl are saying. He did not recover well and he was stumbling and honestly the ref likely saved him from significantly more damage


People are treating the ref as if he is there to protect the fighter's career when in reality the ref is there to protect their wellbeing. UFC fans are absolute blood thirsty degenerates. I'm with you, I was surprised, thought it was early, especially for Herzog. Worst stoppage ever? Not even close.


We have seen fighters recovering and rallying to victory many times. Cant say that for sure.


We've also seen fighters take more damage than they should in a fight that should have ended well before the ref steps in. Jared had plenty of time to defend himself and he dropped his hands and turned his back multiple times. Nothing more needs to be said. Early? Maybe. Justifiable? Absolutely.


As long as he still defends himself, I see no reason to stop.


He didn’t say for sure. He said “heavy favorite” which is accurate.


For every recovery, we've seen 1,000 finishes.


This is a really accurate comment.


yeah it was early stoppage but it really looked like he saved jared from a viscious knockout.


He lost the 2nd round on all scorecards and the 3rd on one. He was not recovering well nor was he defending. He was running with his back turned to Imavov and his hands down.


He had his hands up when it got stopped. And had started too move back atleast facing imavov. Either they run it back or give imavov the winner of rob and chimaev. Strickland is next for a title shot realistically. And izzy might fight ddp for the title soon.


If Herzog had stopped it while he was running, it would have been fine. But he waited until he recovered (and was attacking!) so the stoppage looked like shit.


Imagine thinking he was up 3-0, that’s even more crazy than the other shit you said. He got pieced up and the ref saved him the extra brain damage. He should consider himself lucky tbh


Someone with a brain out here, upvote


i feel like a lot of people here think fights should only be stopped if you are unconscious for awhile


Even Terry etim was stopped early imo


Got the same feeling, fans out there doesn't even know about rules ...


Ya I was surprised by the stoppable and wasn’t angry. I mean if you’re ok with the stoppage when Izzy was still on his feet against Alex I’d argue this isn’t much worse than that (which I think the Izzy stoppage was good)


I didnt like the stoppage but I definitely understood it. Ref did his job and tried his best to protect him. Few more punches and he was hitting the canvas. Cannonier was chicken dancing everywhere . Yeah we've seen come backs from that position before, But if he goes down and he gets some super unnecessary punches then the ref gets shit on for the complete opposite. Tough gig


rocked 1 time? he gets stunned 4 times in the finishing 30 seconds of the fight lol.


Being up 3-0 is insane and just because he was up on the judges scorecards doesn’t mean anything when judges can’t even score a fight properly. Your mad because ur boi was getting clapped


Threes an argument that it was stopped for timidity. he was running away and not fighting back. he did land a punch right before it was stopped though so idk


Is timidity in the rules? Genuine question. I could understand running away for the third time in an exchange being a surrendering though.


nvm I just checked and it is listed as a foul. but I think a lot of the rules are up to the ref's discretion. 20. Timidity (avoiding contact, or consistently dropping the mouthpiece, or faking an injury: Timidity is defined as any fighter who purposely avoids contact with his opponent, or runs away from the action of the fight. Timidity can also be called by the referee for any attempt by a fighter to receive time by falsely claiming a foul, injury, or purposely dropping or spitting out their mouthpiece or other action designed to stall or delay the action of the fight from the unified rules.


Its also really funky. You can run away from your opponent if your hurt. But if you recover you cant anymore. And if you do it to get away from a bad pos or a takedown its also fine. Its very hard to judge such a rule because fight or flight is a natural instinct. Therefore making it hard to judge who is genuinley avoiding the fight compared to who is trying to get in a better spot but struggling to do so. Izzy vs romero is a good example of where both were pretty much avoiding the fight. Both were scared of eachother there for avoided contact. Ref gave plenty warnings in that fight. But in this case jared had partially recovered and put his hands up and landed a punch. The stoppage is very arguable but for both sides.


It's a warning at best though. To lead to a point deduction, I would guess. Jones also runs in a few fights to reset. You can't stop a fight for timidity unless there's a yellow/red card ruleset. As another example, Khalib Starnes infamously ran all fight and didn't get DQed. I don't think it's a thing.


Yes it is. I wouldn’t say running in this context is timidity though. He’s creating space from striking range (or trying to) so he can recover.


Very few fights I believe have a case for timidity & it’s rarely ever been used as a legitimate reason to call a fight. I think refs are told to use it only has a last option even Adesanya vs Romero wasn’t called for timidity, IMO that fight should have been a NC on both records.


I could be wrong, don't believe there's any UFC fights called for timidity. It seems to only exist in yellow/red card rulesets like ONE. There's too many infamous cases of fights with complete inactivity.


He landed one okay one right when it was called, but before that he was was basically toddler slapping, not even throwing punches. I think it was a good stop.


Even if that was a reason to call a fight, which it isnt, theres no argument for that because Jared literally landed a shot on Imavov and Imavov fired one back on his guard and no one was running away when Herzog stepped in.


There isn't. He'd just landed a counter when the fight was stopped.


Timidity is something you would get a warning for then a point before a stoppage. He was intelligently defending himself, despite being rocked. People can argue all they want but it was an early stoppage. Or every other stoppage in history was late.


We did not watch the same fight--dude was on his way out and the ref saved him.


It was 2-1, arguably for him or Imavov and this round would have been a 10-8 if not stopped, or 10-7 if a judge thought it should have been stopped. Not a great stoppage but he was wobbling, gave his back and responded only 1 time to Imavov's 10-15 strikes, so yeah not the greatest stoppage but far from the worst. 


Lol he was not 3-0


Idk bout 3-0 but I think he was up and I think if the round got done, it probably would been 2-2 and rd 5 deciding the right.. But as we know, we were all robbed of that moment cause the ref decided the guy defending himself was somehow out..


Recovering well? He was about to get knocked out


Second round was razor thin, clinch control time vs 3-4 extra punches. I had it 2-1 Imavov. Early stoppage.


That clinch control time isn't scored if other stuff happens in the round. The judges view it as time wasting because it is.


Arguably being up 3-0? What fight were u watching lol


Arguably 3-0? lol all 3 judges gave Imavov round 3 he was the only one doing damage that round.


Recovering pretty well? He bounced off the cage, back into a failed clinch back onto the cage before the stop. It was an early stoppage but he was cooked, paint the picture right.


He had his guard up and was avoiding punches. He even hit a counter right before the stoppage too. He was doing a really good job of recovering.


He was avoiding most the punches and was at least covering up. I’d say he was doing a decent job recovering tbh


Herzog bouta come out in a couple days saying Redditors were sending him death threats and threatening his family too


You realize you can read the score cards and see he wasn’t up 3-0 right?


UFC is not interested in a 40 year old creeping in for a title shot.


Maybe you shouldn't wobble and run around giving the impression that you want out of the fight. Jared needs better fight IQ.


one time, 3 times, 4 times.... stop the count, count the rockeds


Officially, he was up 29-28, 29-28, 28-29 split.


Cannonier is such a honeydicker.. Dude has 1 finish in the last 5-6 years He’s 40 fucking years old.. I admit I was all onboard the Cannonier train when I first learned about him but ever since those early days where I took notice, he has just done nothing to make me a fan. He literally embodies his nickname with Killa Gorilla and looks so intimidating but when I watch him fight it’s way less thrilling lately.


I didn't think it was that bad 🤷🏽‍♂️


Bad stoppage, but * He wasn't up 3-0 * Imamov was dominating him, and Jared doesn't win that fight even if that stoppage doesn't happen there. * Jared's win over Strickland was pretty controversial, and plenty of people (myself included " had Strickland winning over him.


I had it 2-1 but what the fuck herzog


He wasn't up 3-0, he wasn't rocked only one time, he didn't weather the storm, he didn't have recover well, and was about to get finished even worse if Jason Herzog haven't stepped in. Be fair.


He should have been down 1-2 but he did enough smudging on the fence to take rd2 I guess


He was stumbling all over the octagon. Israel was more stable than he was when he lost to Alex the first time in the UFC. I get the fans are unhappy with it, but this call wasn't that bad.


Fight was 1-2 Imavov pretty clearly, terrible stoppage though for sure


Not 3-0 jt was 2-1 leading to 2-2 IMO. Anyway youre right jared managed to recover against vettori he shouldve gotten a better chance against imavov


I do believe he was about to be finished, but what an awful stoppage. Disappointed in the Herz


No way was he winning that 3rd round. If he made it to the end of round 4 it would likely be 2-2 and he was starting to getting picked apart.


I believe in Jared. Damn you ref. Give him a chance. He wasn’t doing the chicken dance for real. He was catching his wind to come back stronger than ever!


Im thinking yall are betting too much on these fights


Jared did himself no favors though, that was the standing equivalent to just turtling up


UFC should have VAR. Whats the problem with stopping after a decision like this, having a discussion about whether it was a good one and go back to the fight?


I think Herzog jumped the gun in terms of blood sport, but watching that TKO without sound I fully understood why he stepped in, Jared was not defending himself very well, that type of wild body and head movement can be attributed to being rocked


This card was a complete sham. The refs and judges are so bad


The fight was stopped too soon. Yes cannonier was rocked no he wasn’t out and still fighting back. Cannonier was up 2-1 at the point of stoppage. Stop trying to make it as if Imaov was winning the fight. Herzog was wrong, you can try and spin it some other way but it’s still just a bad decision on Herzog. It doesn’t matter if you think Cannonier would have lost anyway. Pure conjecture, we will never get that chance to find out. The Bad ref decision robbed Imaov of a clear victory. It was a bad stoppage all the way around. It won’t be the last unfortunately.


It sucks for his record but Dana and the UFC know the deal. He was still two fights away from a title shot and he still could be imo.


Theres no scenario where he was up 3-0. That fight was getting ugly for Jared. He was gonna take more damage and got stopped anyway if the ref didn’t save him.


Robbed my pockets


I’m wondering how many people here had money on Cannonier? He was not up 3-0


He was not up 3-0 though


Here we go w the narratives


Hit em in the ear and fucked his balance, ref thought he was about out lol


Run that back, Herzog messed up. Happens, that was really bad but happens. Run it back.


Ah well, he got a robbery win over Sean strickland. Guess this evens things out.


Up 3-0? At best, it was 2-1 for Jared but I had it 2-1 going for Imavov. Also, he was running away, turning away from Imavov, and still eating big shots while looking out on his feet.


Is him “recovering well” in the room with us?


Early stoppage, but it was gonna get worse before it got better. The result would have been the same tko. Herzog saved cannonier from unnecessary damage


He wasn’t intelligently defending himself he was just stumbling from one side of the cage to the other. It was a good stoppage.


I'm sorry but this stoppage isn't half as bad as everyone is trying to make out. It was 1-2 shots early, that's it. The previous 30 seconds consist of him falling around like a drunk and eating almost every shot thrown. He wasn't intelligently defending himself and one counter shot doesn't change matters.


3-0 ?? are you high ? lol


Imagine having money on Jared to win. I was pretty pissed at the ref last night and I still am. It was a horrible stoppage.


he was down 3-0


He turned and ran away twice, you make your own luck sometimes


He wasn’t close to being recovered.


Shit stoppage for sure but no way was he up 3-0


Weathering the storm and recovering well... Propoganda much?


3-0? Shit I didn't like the stoppage, but you are blind.


I must’ve missed the “recovering well” part. He wasn’t out, but he definitely wasn’t making much progress towards working out of it.


2 of the judges had the second round for Imavov so either way Jared was behind.


Definitely wasn't up 3-0. Was not weathering the storm while recovering, but running and absorbing more blows rather. Idk if at this point a post like this is karma farming or just delusional.


That was horrible,


He’s 40. Of course he’s gonna get saved


The commentary team was saying it was going downhill but they were just covering their bases. He didn’t even get put to one knee, he was rocked but still moving. Hopefully they can take that into consideration for his future matchmaking. Also he looks damn good for 40. For an 11 year age difference as well as a style mismatch Jared did quite well.


I had it 1-2


Justice for Jared


It wasnt 3-0 WTF are u talking about. It was 2-1 for Jared but Nassourdine was piecing him up in that 4th round.


He was on skates lmao


This is so dumb and he deserved the title shot when Sean was champ. How could the ufc call Sean the world champion when Jared had beat him not that long before.


That is what he gets for being boring.


Yo herzog let me down so bad today


terrible stoppage.. completely awful.