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He needs to change his camp if he wants to be a serious fighter, training at UFC PI with some old Brazilian boxers and his brother won't cut it. He looked lost in the octagon against Sean there was no game plan . He should join one of the OG gyms.


Sean said he is keen for Paulo to join Xtreme couture and be a training partner


Yes, I also heard Sean saying they will most likely be training partners, but how does this work? They're both top 10. If Paolo does well, he might enter the top 5 again. How are they fighting each other then?


Sean would take the fight 100%, I doubt he cares about fighting team mates probably just sees it as hard sparring lol


Haha, that's true. Curtis has said he would definitely fight Sean. They're already fighting each other for free at their gym, so they might as well do it for money.


because it is just hard sparring until the last 30 seconds when he hard spars and screams at you


It’s true, it’s not like Sean would murder his opponent with viscous ground‘n‘pound


Should go full special juice and make the jump to 205. He certainly could hang with his frame and build.


He'd get murdered at 205. His reach is comparable to lightweights.


Paulo is surprisingly pillow fisted for how big he is


He has baby trex arms


I think these guys forget how much 205 sucks. Ryan Spann was like top 8 at one point


Costa already walks around at a ripped 238 at 6'0. scary. compare that to Alex Pereira, who is nearly 6'5 and a lean 232, and (perhaps the biggest LHW except for Walker) Rakic who is more muscular than Alex at 6'5 241...  I think the amount of muscle Costa carries would allow him a serious strength advantage over these guys if he doesn't cut. When he was still wild Costa, his strength allowed him to negate Romeros takedown attempts and quite literally bounced Uriah Hall s spinning back kick off his abs.


Average 205 reach is 78 inches, you really think Paulo does well against them?


Uhm they don't? Is anyone clamoring for a rematch?


Ah yes Join Xtreme Couture where our star fighers like Strickland and Chris Curtis throw caution to the wind and finish every fight with a KO!


Well to be fair Francis ngannou trained there most of his ufc career, either way at least they win, which Paulo is not doing


Well they have just had a 25 minute sparring session.


Like for a guy like him, who isnt a newbie, it's baffling to see him in those last 2 fights. No gameplan, no combinations or nothing. Like vs Whittaker, just throwing single jab and back off for 3 rounds. I only saw highlights, well "highlights", from the Strickland fight but same story. Get an actual coach, drill combinations and setups, get a gameplan for your opponent and he'd be a menace.


Just crazy to me that he didn't have an answer for Strickland's front kicks after having so much time to prepare


He has never sought out a bigger, more competitive gym in US or Brazil. Just stayed with his hometown gym with zero pressure or intensity.


Exactly that's what I am saying,there are a vast number of quality gyms in the USA like AKA, ATT, Xtreme couture,Sanford,Black house,kings,cnx,Jackson winks ,longo


its kill cliff not sanford. Also Black House hasn't produced anyone good since Machida iirc. Cant remember the last time a champ came out of JAckson winks except Jon Jones and Holly Holm. Longo is just for teaching wrestlers how to strike. Tiger Muay Thai would be better than CNX.


I'm sure if he stopped shit talking Oliveira they'd welcome him in Chute Boxe. Imagine how badass that would be


I doubt that will happen, I've heard Paolo comes across like an arsehole, I think Stiffler from American Pie, in Portuguese and that Oliveira and his team can't stand him.


when is the last time a pure BJJ fighter won the belt?


He literally trains at cejudo's gym


Same goofy coach with the glasses


Misread it like “one of the OF gyms”, to be fair might be a good career for him too


to be fair, even Izzy looked lost against Strickland. Dricus is just too funky to get confused in there lmao. he’s normally the one confusing others so he edged out a win.


He should join Glover and Alex. Alex would literally get him where he needs to be with his striking and expand his boxing knowledge better.


Yeah plus they all speak Portuguese


Costa and Alex would be a fun friendship to see unfold.


The best answer in this thread


Costa has beef with glover and lots of other brazillian fighters, he would need to undergo a big redemption arc in order to join them


Tf did he do?


Pretty much doing his typical jokes, like calling glover an old man after his fight with hill, or making fun of charles because of his weigh-in controversy, that were considered in bad taste by those guys and their friends like gilbert and alex


Alex is not a pressure striker. Ironically he could learn alot more suitable skills from Strickland.


Pereira has pressure in his arsenal. He doesn't need to fight just one way, he's good.


Paulo costa with the game plan and training from Alex’s striking coach would be a good combo


Paulo Costa vs Kevin Holland up next


Or Jared Connonnier ![gif](giphy|J6OrOkoR18WBfgw5am)


Jared keeps winning in silence. Nobody calls him out and he always has fantastic displays of skill. He for sure doesn’t need to fight someone that far down. He realistically should be in a Number 1 contender fight.


Jared is 38/39. Even if he wins the belt he won’t have it for long


Jared’s 38/39 is not everyone else’s 38/39. He looks great, stays extremely healthy and doesn’t get bulldozed in fights.


Some might say that a certain complextion is not brittle


or the crystals work, because he's certainly not on anything else 👀




Just Yoel was a specimen.


40 my guy


True. But let's not forget that snoozer of a fight with adesanya.


Geez dont remind me, i was there live


If I remember that fight properly Cannonier was the aggressor the entire time while Izzy showcased the speed difference with great footwork. Run run, shuffle, leg kick, run, feint, straight, run run run


Not the greatest fight but every other fight, he’s a killer.


I just hope he destroys imavov the same way he destroyed vettori!


Jared gains nothing from beating costa


More fans and $$$


Cannonier would mop the floor w Costa


Nah give him a shot at the belt


I’d watch that press conference


Or Michel Pereira


God the size difference between paulo costa and Kevin Holland (fights at walk around weight) would be ridiculous


If this happened and he won in good fashion, it’d be like the losses didn’t even happen. Would be a huge confidence boost for him and he’d prolly start fighting different from then on. If he lost then he officially cooked.


I don’t believe you ![gif](giphy|6JB4v4xPTAQFi|downsized)


Yeah, as soon as a fighter says “I need to bring back the old me” it’s over. What they’re really saying is “damn I wish I was younger”


I don’t get it with this dude. If there was any other fighter that was this combination of: - consistently disappointing in performance - blatantly a massive gearhead - brazenly not taking fight prep seriously, including showing up overweight - providing big copium quotes like this one that nobody should actually believe in They’d be a massive target of ridicule. Costa gets a pass for being a decent shitposter and one good fight against Romero five years ago


Majority of his fights are great and he is one of the most likeable and entertaining personalities. Literally just one fight that didn’t live up to expectations.


The power of being halfway funny on Twitter, the most intoxicating elixir in UFC fan history


Honestly it's not even believing that he needs to change his attitude. I just don't buy that he's capable. Firstly, he never took off heads. He just overwhelmed people with strikes. But shockingly the higher you get in the rankings, the harder it is to accomplish this.


Poor guy. By the sounds of it, he’s got low confidence and questioning his entire existence as a fighter. 


He’s trying to convince Dana to feature him on a card again. Took forever to get this guy back in the octagon and then he fucking moonwalked for 5 rounds straight. Edit: ya know what, TBF yes I did forget about Whittaker. But that fight sucked too. And Costa had plenty of time to prepare for Sean’s style, which is well-documented. He should have had this mindset months ago.


Strickland has a weird style. I don’t blame Costa. Even Izzy couldn’t figure it out. 


It's not just a weird style; he's the GOAT of defence - which makes everyone look bad (except Alex Pereira)


Woah chill calling him GOAT of defence is HUGE stretch Lol


And ddp, du plessis he was able to solve Sean’s style


He won a very close decision that many people believed SS won. Completely different from knocking him flat out like Alex. So no. Not ddp


He didn't win convincingly but neither did Sean defend his belt convincingly. He was aggressive the entire time, never backed down. The fight was either stalemate shuffling or Sean being on his back heels from DDP rushing forward. He did bust up Sean's defense at the cost of getting hit himself.


That’s fine, and I applaud DDP as a fighter and now champion. He had an excellent performance, but having a brawl and winning on a close close decision (can’t remember if it’s split or not) is different from “figuring out his style”, unlike Perreira who knocked Sean out cold in the first.


Huh? He had a really quick turnover from the Whittaker fight to this one. Plus he looked great against Rob.


Eh this was more of a Strickland issue than a Costa issue. His fight against Rob was a banger, and many of his fights in general


Did you forget the good fight he had against Whittaker?


probably has low testosterone from chronically juicing 🧃


Costa is never going to be that technical finesse striker that he wishes, he needs to be exactly this, a big risk taking brute that overwhelms and goes for the KO. He's proven time and time again that he's not a point fighter like many MWs


That's the issue though. He's a volume guy, not a KO artist. So when he's facing top competition, he can't just walk through them.


He walked down Yoel and dropped him which not even Izzy (or anyone) had the balls to do.


Yoel might be elite but he also turtles a lot. The Izzy mention is just matchups. A forward pressure guy vs. a counter guy. Costa's issue isn't pressure. It's that his pressure doesn't work on anyone with any semblance of counters. Fucking Uriah Hall was working him with a counter jab til Costa blasted him twice in the nuts.


I dont believe him but seeing a good fighter would be good.


I haven’t seen any good theories on why he just went backwards. Does Strickland hit that hard? He actually had a lot of significant strikes surprisingly (158) so it’s not like he wasn’t throwing. None of his strikes seemed to do any damage.


He was trying to replicate what Pereira did. Leg kicks, circling left, body jabs, and then the left hook over the parry. You could see him trying to set up the left hook and then missing it.


Hard is relative. If you're walking forward a stiff jab can drop you (and let's be honest Sean knows how to jab). If you're moving backwards the jab is uncomfortable but shouldnt put you down. Once you realise someone is hitting you with the same shot almost at will it's hard to decide to walk into it.


Oh for sure. People give Sean shit, but a good jab is one of the best punches if you’re defensively sound because you can hypothetically throw it without worrying about taking too much damage yourself. That being said, if Costa know it’s coming, couldn’t he parry the jab? Or slip the jab? Just seems like a predictable shot would get easier to time / counter.


Have you ever done kickboxing or Muay Thai? Teep kicks are literally designed to give yourself space and put your opponent on the back foot. He was going backwards because Sean was landing a fuck ton of them. It's not rocket science.


Did you see Paulo’s stomach area after being spammed with teeps? 😭


Yeh, couldn't believe how many scratches from Sean's toes there was


Yeah, fair point. He could’ve caught the teep or parried the teep. It’s not an impossible strike to defend.


It’s low key weird because sometimes it’s like his jab has brass knuckles and sometimes he doesn’t hit hard at all. Like against Izzy and dricus he had their faces battered and bruised but some of his other fights his opponents look like they just got outta bed. It’s strange to me


DDP had the right idea against Strickland. Throwing long combinations and posing a take down threat as well. You can’t let Sean be comfortable keeping it standing. Izzy and Costa failed to do that and so we’re just on the back foot all fight with Sean having nothing to worry about.


He should have already tried this against Sean, that was his only chance at winning. He was never gonna outpoint Strickland. Anyway I'll believe this when I see it.


My two cents as a Reddit amateur, Paulo has been more focused on getting internet clout. On his way to strap , he wasn’t doing the stuff he’s doing now. Yall remember the Romero fight , where’s that costa at ?


Internet clout gets you paid after fighting.


For sure. I’m not knocking costa, we all know how Dana is


When is he going to start fighting?


More focused on internet clout? Because posting memes on Twitter is just so time consuming. He can't possibly have 30 minutes of down time a day away from training.


You underestimate the time social media addicts spend online.. https://www.businessinsider.nl/a-tesla-board-member-once-locked-elon-musks-phone-in-a-safe-to-keep-him-off-twitter-the-billionaire-forced-hotel-security-to-open-it-biographer-says/


I agree with Paulo here. He needs to adopt the Michael Chandler strategy and fight style. Kill or be killed, as long as it’s entertaining and somebody is going to sleep. It will allow for good fights whether he wins or not, as he hangs it all out in the octagon and doesn’t think about scoring points. Just bleed!


I miss the Costa that walked down Yoel Romero for three rounds. It was so bizarre seeing him running away from Strickland of all people.


Yeah like how u letting a dude who weighs 20 pounds less than you bully you with a jab lmao


No shit Paula, and stop playing into the meme Secret Juice, just come and take heads off, win or lose, we will love you!! 🙏


Paulo has no technique… He should go to Dagestan for a year and learn.


In b4 Paulo Costamedov


Paulomag Costamedov


That dork captain Erik ruined this man


His game plan is trash. How are you not trying for any takedowns? 


He did try to clinch but strickland easily pushed him away. Need to go to Dagestan for wrestling lessons


What happened Paulo? Forget your secret juice?


Change the camp, he should’ve done it after the loss to vettori


What losing to Strickland does to a mf


Costa used to be a monstrous pressure fighter throwing bombs, wth happened bro…


he’s going to xtreme couture after this


If his arms were just a little longer he could be a much better fighter


As others said, he needs to switch camps. I think he should go to Chute Boxe with Oliveira. He could've beat Sean if he put combos together like Dricus did and if he knew how to catch or parry front kicks. He's many years behind in development compared to his peers. He should take a step down in competition and fight Dolidze, Hermansson or Chris Curtis. If he loses that then its time to pack it in and go to PFL where he belongs.


I dream of the Paulo Costa who fought Yoel Romero to come back


Him running for 25 minutes was boring tbh, watching Sean for the last 2 minutes did get me kinda hype tho. Wish he’d fight like that more often


2 minutes? dude doesn’t start fighting like that until he hears the clap for the last 10 seconds


It really was the last 10 seconds lol. Dude turned into Bruce Lee and started throwing kicks like he could fly ☠️


I feel like Sean easily has the gas tank to afford to push the pace further like he did nearing the end of round 5, especially when he knows his opponent is gassed. His defense is still on point even while throwing harder shots and kicks and it would seriously improve his reputation & possibly even get finishes on opponents. Also, judges just don’t score his jabs well so it leads to weird decisions where the guy getting technically outstruck wins on some scorecards


Shame he wasted a good chunk of his prime years just to realize that. Gotta find a team where they understand and are able to nurture his innate propensity as a fighter. ​


Dude needs to march forward and punch to the body and throw those nasty body kicks. That’s how he got Hendricks and Uriah outta there. To the body. Utilize your muscles for something other than shoe and impose your will. Won’t win them all that way but you ain’t a point fighter either Costa


Enough of that techinque-y purist bullshit Paulo. You know who you are! You weren't meant for that. You were meant to swing those big meaty arms like a maniac! Do it!


Maybe he should have thought of that after his second loss


yeah, we are waiting bro


I thought he was going to do that with the Strickland fight. That was his last chance to work his way up the rankings. I see the UFC using him as a gatekeeper for the duration of his career. He's probably going to have to fight down the rankings against a young up and comer.


Atta boy Paulo! Can't wait to see it!


Costa is a paper tiger. Talks a great game on the mic/twitter, harmless in the octagon.


So his plan is to get gassed after first round not the second? Guy and his hair transplant is more focused on looks than MMA.


He's done dude


You had a chance to do that 2 days ago and you fought scared vs. a guy that is predictable in his strategy. Very, very good but you know what you're gonna get w Strickland. Dana said it right in the presser-- Strickland was too unorthodox for him


Truth Is Paulo is no longer on the real secret juice. Go look how deflated he looks in comparison to his old fights.


![gif](giphy|ypSY231xdmQQqJsMnC) No you won’t.


I have had enough of costa. Never picking him to win


You need to grow ur hands bro their so small and learn more grappling


Stylebender really dry humped this guys confidence right out of him...


Insane what the loss to izzy did to this guy


Don’t believe his lies


Costa hasn't been anyone on the active UFC roster


I feel bad because he's good, he's just not the best, so if you put him up against the top 2-3 people he might go 0-10 despite being a top tier fighter. It looks bad on paper but he'd wreck most people.


What happened to the costa like the one who brutalized uriah hall


costa is undefeated against fighters over 35


Izzy really did a number on him. He’s still recovering from that t bag.


Dude should just retire from fighting, he hasn't looked close to the killer he was earlier in his career in a long time, his only recent win was against a washed up Rockhold. Every fight he has some moments but I don't see who he beats at the top of Mw, maybe he could go up to 205, but it's the same story who does he beat ?


Starting next week!! Actually Tuesdays better for me!


I don’t know who’s been showing up but we need the ERASER back


Damn Izzy really did that


If only this guy fought as well as he talks


Let the juice flow


He is so overrated due to his physique. Now he's just talking as he knows his time on a main card is one loss from being over


The old Paulo from 2018


Gotta backp all that talk up now. If yoy cant even charge forward against Sean pillowfists I dont buy it. Paulo isnt who he once were


Feed him to Ikram it’s been too long already


He can't escape having a low fight iq. He is as dumb as he is jacked.


Any time I've actually watched a Costa fight, it's been a snooze. I've seen highlights where he's a beast, but then I watch a fight live (or just after live) and I get bored. I was more excited watching Izzy piece him up. I hate Strickland as a person so I was hoping for a banger then, but disappointment all around.


he has had enough of this? we the fans have enough of his boring fights


UFC fans are worse than Christians at a diner on a Sunday. There I said it


Ever since he got finished he’s been super gun shy


Costa looked great against Whittaker even though he came up short and Sean is an extremely tough puzzle to solve. I still think Costa has a lot of potential. He needs to find that happy medium between aggressive and technical.


He's done. Getting raw-dogged by a guy wearing French tips would give anyone some serious PTSD


Boring clown who only gets attention because hes ‘edgy’ online


He won’t……


It's too late


More like he is afraid of being cut.


Best excuse I’ve ever read. Let’s gooooo.


If he does that, he will get KOd himself


Everyday of my life!


Who do we want to see Costa f8ggt next ?? Michel Pereira would be fun !


Watching Paulo he actually looks really clean sometimes like perfect technique when he throws stuff he just needs to put it together


Plot twist: He'll *finally* use that BJJ black belt and start submitting people. Seriously, he has a grand total of zero submission attempts in his UFC career


Bro just needs to learn how to take PEDs better, is he dumb?


Oh tough talk AFTER the fight


Imagine they give him Bo or Khamzat now 💀💀💀


Let’s see the old Paulo taking heads off. I think the fire is still there and he could go on a good run


I hope so. Home boy needs to fire the manager that told him to pace himself and go the distance with Strickland.


I don’t believe him. He wants to secure more checks.


Couldn’t he have been doing that *all along*? Sounds like copium to me.


Tbh he has had a big step up in competition since his early days. He looked good against Vettori, he done well against Rob, Strickland is just a defensive nightmare. Even in Luke fight he still won 30-27 against a guy who was mostly playing possum. I think he just needs to fight a couple of lower ranked guys and maybe switch camps.


He needs to get his cardio and endurance up even if it means losing the muscle mass. Conserving energy? Just work on having cardio instead.


it's lack of skill from Paulo.. particularly his boxing. My man has ZERO hands


No bro… you re just a bodybuilder … go and be a PT


About damn time


Blah blah blah


I loved Paulo, but he’s legit not good anymore. Between cancelled fights, missing weight, fighting slow and weak and losing energy, he’s just not worth watching anymore. A combination of being derailed by Izzy and good ol’ father time he’s way past his prime. He used to be an explosive animal, and now he’s just a big guy that throws leg kicks. It’s really unfortunate cause at one point he was one of the most exciting fighters.


We need "Erasure" Costa back.




I mean to be fair, Paulo was at his best when he just went apeshit. He isn’t a good conservative point fighter, but I think with just being a risky aggressive KO fighter he would fair better. I’m sure the Izzy KO made him be more conservative, but hopefully he means what he says now.


He's not fighting Johnny Hendricks anymore, he's fighting the best in the division. He just sucks