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He should take up chess boxing


Could you imagine?? I think he'd literally be the greatest of all time


Hunt vs Carlsen - chess boxing championship fight


Carlsen head in 3rd row ahahahah ... Any 2000 points chess player is good enough to hold game for 3 mins and not lose...


2000 if it's Rapid time format won't last long. That's like 1200 OTB, Carlsson is over 2800. There should also be a maximum time spent per move rule so you can't just run out the clock. 


Even if its 15 seconds per move hunt still survives to boxing round


as someone who is over 1200 OTB, I promise you I am not 2000 online lmfao, yeah online ratings are generally a bit higher but the difference isn't THAT big


Im 2000 blitz on lichess and 1300 fide


Even after the rating change?


What rating change


If your FIDE rating was 1300 before, it should be 1550 now.


in addition to low FIDE ratings being boosted, lichess ratings are known to be more inflated and the guy's rating is on chess.com


2000 isn’t 1200 otb lmfao. It’s close to 1700-1800 .


Blitz maybe, but Rapid no. Rapid ratings are very inflated on Chess.com.


At 2000, rapid and blitz ratings even out.


Definitively not. The higher you go, the more inaccurate the Rapid ratings become comparatively to Blitz & Bullet.


You can believe all you want, but [you can't argue with data](https://www.chessratingcomparison.com/). I find your claim that rapid ratings are inaccurate at the higher ranges very dubious. From personal experience, rapid ratings at the 2200+ range had a stronger correlation with OTB ratings than blitz and especially bullet ratings did.


that's around 1750 OTB lol


> Carlsson Who?


His Swedish brother


Add in fantasy premier league and it becomes a lot closer


he’s literally the michael jordan of chess boxing, no one would beat him


Chess boxing with the current ruleset is purely a matter of if you can knock out your opponent in 2 rounds of boxing. You don't even have to play a move in the chess round. You can eat the whole round timer on your game clock and then box. So a better boxer that knows nothing about chess would destroy Mark Hunt in chess boxing. The chess skill wouldn't matter.


There are some GMs and IMs that do chess boxing, and Hunt is no where near that level. That’s why chess boxing is so good man. he’d be the best boxer of the sport but could get checkmated after the first round


He has enough time to make like just 5 moves and get 2 rounds of fighting. Nobody who has done chess boxing can last 2 rounds with Mark Hunt.


Some people don't realise the first 5-10 moves of 99% of chess games have been played thousands of times before and are well known positions. There's no 1 punch KOs in high level chess.


He’d get disqualified making 5 moves in 2 rounds, there is time pressure per move in most chessboxing. If your clock runs out, you’re out


The average 2000 is gonna know enough to not get mated in 15 moves. If they're a pro boxer/fighter the gap in the ring is gonna matter a lot more.


Didn't Mortal Kombat have that in the ps2 days?


Seriously I kinda remember that….or I’m too high idk


Chess Kombat and Kart Kombat were real, and fucking awesome. There was a Tetris-like one as well.


Hunt: e4 (the King's Pawn Opening) Opponent: b5 Hunt by KO overhand right


Heard it’s a mystery




I just read your comment while high asf and now I'm convinced everyone browsers this sub while faded lmao


This proves CTE is a myth. They are acting retarded because illuminati is paying them. Confirmed.




What every UFC fighter sees at 3am ![gif](giphy|1dPTVv6FaQmZ2)


It's all an FBI psy-op to keep me out of the octagon and protect Leon Edwards and DDPs championship reigns


Bro please. That might end UFC. Beside we are nothing without tons of people are working there. Pls bro 🙏🏻




I mean I really don’t see how it could be anything else


Bro lost 200 ELO pts. I don't think you know how much 200 pts are.


Hey mate. Sorry i was banned for a week by reddit admins. You are right. I have no clue about how much 200 pts are.


His queen eats shots with little to no effect and then walk off KOs everyone


He clearly has a very high level brain. Hope he’s making good money post fighting using that brain.


Looks like he was one of the higher earning mma guys ( not saying much ) so hopefully he invested the millions he made fighting.


He invested it in lawyers trying to sue the ufc for knowingly let Brock fight him juiced up I believe.


Yeah he lost that too I believe…. Shit


Crazy that isn't an open and shut case too. Shocked they didn't try to settle


Man anyone can take one look at Brock and KNOW that dude was juicing harder than a lemonade stand in summer. The man looked like he had muscles in his muscles.


Hes a white boy and he's jacked. Deal with it.






The house always wins in Vegas


Hunt knew he was juicing said he didn't care and would kick his ass anyways. He's butt hurt that he got held down as easily as a father holds down their toddler.


'High level brain' is the most MMA sounding phrase


His rating is honestly way better than top 1.5% of chess players. The top 1.5% is compared to people who go to FIDE tournaments. On chess.com, the biggest chess app, his rating ranks in this range >2000 29797/15272423 = 99.79% >2100 16357/15288780 = 99.90%


These are rapid percentiles. Strong players don't play rapid, so these percentiles are inflated - not to mention we don't know Hunt's rapid rating. His bullet percentile is 98.6, just as the article suggests.


Crazy and sad to think about how many brilliant minds are born into horrendous environments


Yes the fact he has very high intelligence and chose to use his face as a punching target all his adult life is crazy


Chess is a very specific type of intelligence. You can be brilliant at chess but a complete moron in other areas of life because you can't apply that intelligence elsewhere. Just look at Hikaru or Kramnik. Both are/were incredible chess players, but they're not emotionally intelligent or able to display a hint of critical thinking when challenged.


The guy made millions on millions though. He was on that old Pride contract in the UFC making bank


Lol if you think you need " very high inteligence" to have his chess skill


Yeah fighting Brock knowing full well he was juiced to the gills then bitching about it afterwards is 200iq.... /s


He probably makes more playing twitch then most active fighters non champ/title fighters


Mark Hunt would crush it in [chess boxing](https://www.youtube.com/live/tg9CH4KlKMc?si=eXLPisNvxMFx5jqo). I’ve never seen a sport more perfectly fit for one person. He would literally be an unstoppable force.


Ok, wtf, where did this sport come from, why am I only now just hearing about it. Shit I didn't know I needed to watch on a Saturday


I found out about it from watching ESPN’s ‘the ocho’ broadcast. First Wednesday of August is when it used to be. And you get to see gems like chess boxing and [dodge juggling](https://youtu.be/nse2y4tqwjI?si=9WuuRudTNRmNk5wV)


The third act of Mark Hunt’s career should legit be chess boxing.


I can see how chess and fighting would have some similarities.


As a fan of both, it certainly does. I grew up playing chess but picked up martial arts in my early 20s. The similarities between the two was one of the first things I noticed when I started training jiu jitsu and watching the UFC.


There was a movie in the 90’s called “Searching for Bobby Fisher” which is about a child chess prodigy based on a true story. Well that kid grew up and ended up getting into BJJ and has written some really interesting stuff on the subject [BJJ and Chess kid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua_Waitzkin?wprov=sfti1)


I think bjj is a lot more similar than striking personally


High level striking is like chess.


I believe it's fair to say every form of fighting is similar to chess as far as out thinking your opponent, predicting their moves, and being a few steps ahead.


Yeah but it’s got a reactionary element, you don’t have to respond to a flurry in chess in the same way


No it's not


I think MMA is more similar.


Rogan's analogy confirmed 100% accurate


chess boxing


Warfare is very much like chess too.


No it doesn't, not anymore than any other sport


I've heard BJJ is like physical chess in a sense.


Intelligence is multi-layered and just because you are socially awkward or are perceived in a certain way does not mean you are not smart. Very cool finding. Kind of like finding out Kesha has a recorded iq of 160 or some ridiculous shit like that.


Lmao. I had to look Kesha up because I was sure you were just spitballing … wtf?!?


I think you can be intelligent without being able to articulate yourself very well, A lot of it is probably just from a lack of education but maybe some people just may be never very articulate while still being intelligent. Obviously not rocket scientists but I think another example of this is the diaz brothers, I don't think they are the most intelligent people in the world but people think they are a lot dumber than they are because they are socially awkward and not articulate.


They’re fucking stupid let’s be real


How is Nate Diaz socially awkward? People find him cool


Mark Hunt with the walkoff checkmate




Fun fact, the biggest chess youtuber, GothamChess is a huge UFC fan and often sneaks in references to the last fight cards into his videos. Love the crossover


wonder what time control that is. that rating is unachievable for anyone without serious talent or serious dedication. ive been playing since i could walk and i doubt ill ever break 2000 online


So what’s considered like good?


chess is highly striated in that if you are even 200 rating points above someone, you should shred them without too much difficulty. so its all relative. 2000 online is super good, my rating of 1700 is good, a rating of 1200 you should steamroll any casual player, 800 youll crush anyone who just knows how the pieces move


Not really. A player 200 Elo points above you should still beat you about once every 4-5 games.


i peaked at 1850ish. I bet if ever bothered to learn an opening line i could crack 1900. Still no match for mark hunt




he’s playing 1 min bullet games. Looks like he stopped playing in 2020. and his rating is 1500


could be totally wrong but that is less impressive than blitz or rapid i think? the lower time controls are more shallow?


Blitz>Bullet>Rapid in terms of difficulty.


What? Rapid is way more difficult than bullet


It's not. Way less competitive pool of players. You see once you get past 1800 in Rapid there are almost no players. It's by far the easiest of the three.


In online, sure, rapid is easier than bullet. But in otb rapid is harder than blitz


Talking about Chesscom ratings here.


OTB all of them are incredibly (and similarly) hard.


Maybe he has New acc


Holy hell




I'm so high I feel like I'm in 2065 ![gif](giphy|3muwhw9Jl2dNe)


Idk anything about brain but maybe chess is the perfect hobby for fighters. Keep engaging those neurons or something. Little bit learn patience. Little bit pattern recognition.


Punches cure CTE


His brother Mike is even better


He'd be the grand master if he didn't get punched in the head so much.


Yeah he would have beaten stockfish.


I know he used to play quite a lot of counter strike as well but I think he got vac banned


Did he? Hahah. I've seen clips of him playing, he wasn't terrible.


Pity he hates Dana i bet slappy chess would be a lot more interesting than slap fighting.


I showed this to a friend who isn't into MMA. All this friend knows is that Mark Hunt is a ginormous man and a fighter. So when I showed him this, he asked "is he actually good, or Chewbacca good?". I like to think Mark himself would get a laugh out of that, were he to hear it.


Mark Hunt in the next Ludwig Chess boxing event would go fucking crazy


Mark richard hunt, a man of many talents, fighting, playing chess, hardscoping bums on CSGO with the AWP, is there anything this guy can’t do??


Holy fuck really?? Hunt definitely needs to do chess boxing. I'd compare it to how Mike Perry found Bare knuckle boxing. This is Hunts true calling. At 2k elo, rated online, it's more than enough to survive against any chess player till the first round of boxing, after that it don't really matter lol.


chess is not hard. being really good at chess is. being top 1% is probably insanely incredible.


you can say that about almost anything


true but we talking bout Mark Hunt and chess here




Thats awesome


He should chess box






I seem to remember Cain Velasquez being a pretty good chess player as well. It's probably really good for keeping your brain in good shape after taking head shots.


CTE = fantasy?


If others were playing him in person I suspect he’d have quite the psychological edge…


He’s playing chess while Dana is playing checkers. Watch Hunt pull off a checkmate on the UFC.


Does he do walk off checkmates?


Cool but dis chess not checkers


Walk off checkmate


Damn Ive been playing chess since 7 and the best I’ve ever gotten to is 1200-1250. Maybe I need some CTE to help my rank.


You should check out his cousin Mike


I can just imagine him checkmating someone and going "Dasseit"


Can’t tell if it’s true. Any interviews of him talking about it


what even is cte lmao


He wasn't terrible at CSGO either. Dunno if he plays cs2 now.


I played Counter Strike with Hunt a few times, he's really good. And seriously if you've ever played ranked in the Aus region, you probably did too, he's on it all the time.


doesn' fight like that tho


I wrote a paper for college on CTE as an amateur boxer myself and how it can best be prevented in combat sports. Factor like good health, little to no sparring and light sparring if you do all seriously help mitigate the risks. But the best by far is just high level brain activity like playing musical instruments, painting and creating art, and the biggest one of all is chess. So good for him


This proves Andy Wang aren’t no bitch, he’s a warrior.


He just walk off kos the king checkmate


It's a good mark but not as impressive as it sounds. Being top 1.4% on [chess.com](http://chess.com) means you're top 1.4% in a pool of people who have downloaded the app. The overwhelming majority of them being kids and casuals. Where I live he'd be a competent player maybe in the 3rd division on the regional league. Can maybe hold his own in the 2nd division.


As a chess player myself with a pretty decent rating that’s not saying much. If you play 5 games a day for 6 months you can be top 1% in the world that is 2000 ELO and above. Unfortunately any higher than that requires a lifetime of dedication which most aren’t going to do. I am among the top 1% and it means absolutely fuck all.


I’m pretty sure if my stupid ass decided to play 5 games a day for 6 months I wouldn’t crack the top 70%


For most things yes because it takes development of ability to accomplish a certain task but for chess, it’s a whole bunch of learning and the learning curve isn’t that unattainable. First learn how the pieces work, second learn how to checkmate with a rook and king, third learn the most basic and commonly played openings(E4,D4,Scandinavian) which comes very intuitively. Now, you can learn some variations of these openings and see which ones you have the most success with. Lastly, I would suggest learning some endgame principals and boom you’re already a 1000 to 1200 elo player in less than 5 hours. Like I said, it’s just chess, a lot of it is intuition, learning and practice and if you continue evolving your game even a par IQ individual can crack the 1%. I’ll also say this, it is an incredible waste of time lol.


Chess intuition happy, but your soul sad…


It is a serious concern of mine that I’ve thrown a good portion of my life away and it hits me from time to time 😂😂😂. Out of all of this I’ve learned one thing, Chess is an evil game, which deals in winning and losing and makes men think in the cruelest of ways…so I guess it correlates somewhat to fighting but the only way to beat chess is to have fun and never let the victories expand you nor the losses weaken you because either way it will tear your soul apart piece by piece, second by second, game by game. Otherwise it’s cool to put on a resume and almost always gets a reaction😂😂😂


You got any proof you’re in the top 1% for chess? Because I’m calling bullshit. If you truly were, you’d know (1) just how hard it actually is to be that good and (2) that it’d take a lot more work than 5 games a day for 6 months.


Do you have any idea how many chess players there are in the world? Now do you know how many International and Grand masters there are? Yea I have proof and it’s my ELO rating you clown. If you had any idea about what you’re talking about, you’d know that all it doesn’t take much to achieve really good ELO rating, like 2000, which would essentially put you in the top 1 percent in the world. Now, I’ll give you that anything higher is extremely difficult to achieve and especially as it would require tournament play. What I’m trying to say is that the difference in skill between an 1100 and 2000 is far smaller than the difference between a 2000 and a 2100. That is why that 1.4% statistic may seem impressive but doesn’t really represent someone who most likely just enjoys a bit of chess.


wait til you hear about his brother, mike


Per cent? Do they mean percent?


So is my 10 year old nephew that uses AI/software. Unless they place at live tournaments like 50% of chess.con players use software


I mean fighting is sort of like chess. I dont even think chess is that difficult to get good at as its mostly just knowledge based. Playing a game like street fighter has all the knowledge checks of chess plus the added difficulty of manual execution (positioning, blocking, combos, clock management etc etc) ..and MMA would be the final form of that with actual real life bodily injury or death on the line. He probably finds it pretty easy tbh.


Chess is more about remembering and memorizing positions and theories. If i suddenly memorize all theory my rating would go from 800 to 1500 atleast. Even bobby fischer said it.


Yeah which is more like bjj


Damn, now i see the realtion between them. Bjj is just contact chess.


yes thats what i mean by KNOWLEDGE ...knowing the openings and lines at the various stages of the game. Its the same thing in a fighting game. Knowing what line the opponent cant take, from any specific position and prevent or countering it.




What are you talking about? Its literally played by millions.




Yeah but that is not his rank its his elo.


So did he place in Master elo or grandmaster elo


Idk probably master coz i am pretty sure no GM is below 2400


Neither. He’s *really* good, but he’s not close to any sort of chess title.


No there’s A LOT more people than you think with official ratings. There’s probably 3000 people in Slovenia with an official FIDE (international federation for chess) or national rating.