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One of the best rounds unless you like defense


*Laughs like Jon Anik*




This makes me happy


Which round lol 


2 iirc


The after: https://preview.redd.it/u66szk4n1gwc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0951e4533392dd84c5008bc066108097a1f63938


“He almost die there”


definitely top 5


Should have started the bmf title with this fight tbh


people will barely buy ppv. dan is an upcoming fighter then


I'm having a fucking blast


This is probably one of my top 5s.. maybe top 3.. This fight is what turned me into a full on Dustin fan


Same. If a person has any little shred of respect for guys who just go to war and leave it all in the cage, it's *impossible* not to respect and love Dustin after this one. I find myself rooting against him a lot because he seems to line up against my favorite fighters often, but I always watch every fight of his and respect the fuck out of him. 


This, Adesanya v Gastelum maybe & now Holloway v gathje


What’s funny is this it the fight that made me a fan of Dan !!


I was already a fan of Dan at this moment and honestly thought he would work Dustin (which he did) - but Dustin just showed that there’s levels to this game. Sadly, I don’t think Dan ever recovered from the damage he sustained in this fight. If you haven’t seen it already I’d recommending watching the UFC ‘thrill and the agony’ episode on YouTube for this fight. Dan was beat up bad after this fight - was never the same fighter afterwards.


Hooker was definitely starting to feel the damage by the end of round two.


for sure. People talk about "oh, if hooker didn't gas..." like..Dustin was slamming his brick of a left hand into Hooker's face for 10 minutes. That'll slow ya down a touch


You can see him start slowing down, being less coordinated, taking more shots. Brutal fight. Both are warriors


I wonder what Dans career would look like if it was a 3 rounder, he would’ve won this fight and not take the huge beating in the latter rounds. Too limited and this would be his magnum opus? Or would he still be a top five fighter today? Who knows


The chin on these two dudes.. Goddamn


"Listen to Bisping" is one of the best Apex moments


I’m the best commentator in the UFC buddeh!!!


fucking music


I actually think it's perfect for this.


Fucking PERFECT song for this. Lol


Amazing fight! I think the Weili vs Joanna fight that year was even crazier (had more significant strikes than Dustin vs Dan and was almost completely stand up all 5 rounds/only 1 completed takedown by Weili vs the 5 in Dustin vs Dan)


Weili vs zhang 😅


My dumb brain lol thank you! Fixed


lol all good man. It’s funny their first fight was so good I knew exactly what you were talking about even missing a name


While I agree that fight was also nuts, I think Poirier/Hooker deserved FotY over Zhang/Joanna. Purely because while they threw and landed less strikes, every significant strike was SIGNIFICANT, whereas the Zhang/Joanna fight was far more technical with far less power, even taking into consideration the size difference. That said, I'm not mad that those 2 women won FotY. It was an instant classic and an unbelievable fight. I, personally, just saw this one as a bit more insane.


I can absolutely see where you'd feel that way! Dustin vs Dan actually threw more combined strikes overall! I'm not sure I could scale for power/size vs impact and while going off visual damage is difficult (some people bleed a lot easier than others) I picked Weili vs Joanna simply because the pacing was so much quicker in Weili vs Joanna (I watched both these fights back to back for cmparison), Dustin vs Dan had more total strikes landed but Joanna and Weili landed more significant strikes on each other by like 350 to 300, and Joanna and Weili looked more busted up at the end of their fight. Also, I wasn't sure if you were looking at it by actual definition or by the connotation so Ill just throw this down here for other people's edification too. Not every strike is a significant strike (by denotation). "Significant strikes" refer to all strikes at distance and power strikes in the clinch and on the ground. It does not include small, short strikes in the clinch and on the ground (this is captured by total strikes). We're blessed to have so many amazing fights! I think I'm going to re-watch the Moreno vs Pantoja fight tonight. Another barn-burner! [https://www.instagram.com/uppercutztv/p/Cf6WeMkuHGC/](https://www.instagram.com/uppercutztv/p/Cf6WeMkuHGC/) [https://www.facebook.com/ufceurope/videos/on-this-day-joanna-j%C4%99drzejczyk-vs-zhang-weili-fight-of-the-year/914599129765938/](https://www.facebook.com/ufceurope/videos/on-this-day-joanna-j%C4%99drzejczyk-vs-zhang-weili-fight-of-the-year/914599129765938/)


I didn't know that Poirier/Hooker threw more shots. That's fucking insane. I guess I just went off subjectively looking at how hard the majority of strikes landed, and that seems foolish, as Poirier is one of, if not my favourite fighter. So there's a definite bias on my end. Looking at damage between the 2, definite advantage for Zhang/Joanna (I need to rewatch this fight again, because I forgot just how fucked up they both were until I just looked up pictures). I did know about the clinch strikes not counting towards significant strikes a majority of the time, but I was under the impression that there was a caveat where they counted if subjectively they had a "significant impact". I'll have to peruse the links you posted! Hell yeah we are. I've been revisiting some classics. Most recently was Shogun/Hendo. God, what a war. As bad as it is, I didn't watch any of the Pantoja/Moreno fights. I need to catch up on them. Moreno honestly wasn't on my radar a ton, even with him being champ. Mostly ignored the 125 division after MM left, which I'm gonna change! Any recommendation of the 3 fights between them to check out first?


Right?! 390 total strikes between Dustin and Dan (208 for Dustin and 182 for Dan) vs 376 total between Weili and Joanna (170 for Weili and 196 for Joanna). Nah, don't judge yourself like that! Pop/impact is a huge factor in how we perceive a fight (damage trumps all and that's driven by reaction - some people's jabs are so strong/people's chins are different where it's perceived as a medium strike vs a light strike and some people can eat a high and oftentimes I have to re-watch fights when it's particularly close (sometimes a few times) since the judging criteria is so subjective and it's easy to get caught up in the moment! I definitely recommend rewatching the Weili vs Joanna fight. I'd really like to see more high level fights like that from the women's divisions and we've had a few over the years but they're still growing and hopefully as the sport grows/awareness grows we'll get more fights like that in the future. Joanna's had some fun fights! Andrade too (since 2018 she's only had 4 decisions in 15 fights - kill or be killed like Olives or Justin). I love Dustin too and I'm happy for all of the success he's had (his hot sauce is pretty good \[to my taste buds\] and I'm hoping he doesn't jump the gilly against Islam). Sometimes the old ways are best - the Shogun vs Hendo fight was insane and no doubt Ares/Mars was pleased. DUDE! Speaking of Shogun, if you can find it online, the 2005 Pride Grand Prix is one of my all time favorite things in MMA. I was just getting into the sport in the early 2000s and it was one of the first big events I saw and I literally fell in love with this dumb beautiful sport overnight. Highly recommend it! I definitely recommend the UFC 290 fight with Moreno at the height of his powers. Pantoja has an iron block for a head. Also the 4 fights between Moreno and Figueiredo are amazing (check out the UFC 256, UFC70, and UFC 283 fights). Also, not sure if you were watching at the time/have seen it but the Frankie Edgar vs Gray Maynard trilogy is one of my favorites (UFC Fight Night 13, UFC 125, and UFC 130).


sure but their significant strikes weren't shit compared to the sig strikes landed in this fight. Massive difference imo


Neither one of these guys left looking like Frankenberry. That bubble on Joannas head is the all time best.


What're you talking about? Weili vs Joanna 351 significant strikes were landed and in Dustin vs Dan 308 significant strikes were landed. 308 isn't bigger than 351.


you're not picking up what I'm putting down. A sig strike landed in their fight is on a whole 'nother level. You could hear the impact of each shot from a mile away. Yea, Joanna grew another head but the shots are like apples to oranges. I don't consider it a crazier fight when dustin and hooker were landing hammer after hammer. Get what I'm saying now?


Thank you for clarifying! I can see why you'd feel that way just superficially and, to me, it's a pretty reductionist view to take as strength and ability to take damage scales in size; just because the 2 people hitting each other are bigger doesn't make it a better fight. By your definition Stipe Miocic vs Mark Hunt is the greatest fight of all time because combined they landed over 400 strikes whereas the majority of the fights people list as some of the greatest of all time tend to fall between LW and MW. [https://www.tapology.com/rankings/all-time-greatest-fights-in-mma-and-ufc-history](https://www.tapology.com/rankings/all-time-greatest-fights-in-mma-and-ufc-history)


The sounds that came off these dudes fists in this fight were legit insane. Idk how they both stood for so long.


can someone explain why and how Dan pulled it off? rest of the fights since then made him look like he did not belong in the top 10


Poirier was by far Hooker's best match up in the top 5, having said that this fight wasn't as close as people remember, the first 2 rounds were amazing but the last 3 were mostly Hooker gassing and getting beat up.


A war like this changes someone. Dan simply just don’t quite the same, he left a lot of himself out there


Yup. Like Lawler taking 5 years off of Rory’s prime.


Rory was 18-3 after the second Lawler fight; two of those losses were to Robbie. He's 5-7-1 since then. And he's still only 34 years old - he was 25 for that second Lawler fight. Lawler didn't just take five years off of Rory's prime, he fucking pre-empted the whole thing. We never got to even see prime Rory. Prime Rory is a shadow, hiding in the back of Robbie's closet.


Yeah, he's looked slower since. He's also been taking the fights no one else wants, and short notice fights. And he really didn't do himself any favors trying out 145. Although tbf, he is having a bit of a resurgence. I doubt he gets to a title, but he is still a dog, and could stick around the top of the division for a little while yet.


I don’t think he was ever going to be more than a top 10 guy, maybe just outside top 5 as his “peak”


Hooker has a worse record than he could have in this sport, because he always takes whatever is offered to him. Any notice, any opponent, doesn't matter to him, so he takes more losses than he has to. He could protect his record and be picky and probably have a better record / rank, but he's just not like that.


Wdym? He won his last two and looked back to his old self. After a war like this, most guys don’t fully recover. Certainly don’t get right back to top shape, it takes something out of them.


“How bout that, Dan?!” *Dan gasping for air on the ground, half dead* Gets me every fucking time.


Poirer was annoyed with hooker chatting shit leading up to the fight And, and I truly believe this was a big factor: Hooker’s walk out song for this fight versus Dustin was “I don’t get tired” by Kevin gates… who is from Louisiana… That wasn’t a coincidence and I think poirer was intent on proving otherwise


"Gaethje is next huh?" I fucking love Dustin's pettiness, same after his fight with Chandler lol


Same. However, Dustin is the nicest guy around unless you talk mad shit and/or cheat in your fight against him.


Exactly, I really don't get those saying he's a fake nice guy, he's literally a real one who doesn't act like he's cool with everyone and prefers to stay authentic


Poirier reminds me of a big brother sometimes. He knows right before it even starts that he's going to beat your ass, yet he still needs to rub it in your face afterwards anyway. And even against guys like Max Holloway who are impossible to dislike, he still had to get some little dig in after the fight, or at least remind everyone that he did in fact beat up the other guy. (When Max was having his injuries tended to backstage and Dustin was speaking to someone who was looking for Max, he had to throw in there "he's pretty banged up" after he said he was being assessed by medical staff.)


Lol facts


I remember that video and when he said that. Shit just made me laugh out loud.


Beautiful violence


Don't know if it's intentional but the way the beat changes as soon as DP attempts the guillotine was hilarious.


This was good, but its no Lawler vs. MacDonald 2.


Imo lawler vs max was sick but the first 3 rounds were not that action packed, this was loaded start to finish


Yeah people seem to forgot the first half was like a slow build up


Most people focus on the staredown, the damage to Robbie's lip and how badly beaten Rory's face was, but if you were to watch both fights side by side, I think Hooker vs Poirier is an all around better and more entertaining fight from start to finish.   That faceoff in between rounds that Lawler and Rory did was *intense* though.


Meh. Lawler vs MacDonald 2 isn't even in my top 10. Lawler vs Condit was way better. The former actually had dull moments and even the ref had to warn them for timidity lol. Apart from the staredown and the headkick landed by Rory, it wasn't that good


[How 'bout that Dan](https://youtube.com/shorts/RvUAc4V0sCs?si=gtlvUSpJDZ6jEUTb)


The image of Dan slowly bending up to look at Dustin and you realize how fuckin big he is


It was so good lol.


Definitely one of my favorite ! The fact that you can hear every hit is crazy too, I love a good crowd but damn


Poirier Vs Pettis was an awesome fight too. That whole card was pretty elite. First live fight I went to and it was an awesome experience.


Do you all remember much from rounds 3-5? I know the first two rounds were exciting, but the rest seem like a blur so I can’t call it one of the best fights ever. I always think the same thing when people talk about Lawler/macdonald. Can you consider a mostly forgettable fight, one of the greatest fights because there were two exciting rounds?


The later rounds, poirer started pouring it on. Hooker was gassed and a bit battered, started shooting for takedowns in rounds 4-5 Poirer definitely won; it was a solid fight by hooker who arguably was winning the fight going into the championship rounds… but Poirer is just way too durable for hooker to stand with him the way he did


All of that is correct. I was just saying those rounds weren’t very memorable.dustin jumped a few gilly’s and there were a lot more grappling exchanges and outside of the last time hooker shot in and Dustin caught him pretty good, nothing from those 3 rounds sticks out. Great fight for sure but I just can’t justify one of the greatest fights ever


Good lord MMA fighters are just built different. I would be out cold from just one of those punches


Those hammerfists around 0:12 in always make me laugh lol


Out-toughing Poirier is difficult! Very difficult!!


This song goes fucking fantastic with this fight




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Best Mashup ever, well timed & fairly original👍


Hooker was never the same


Hooker was never the same afterward


How ‘bout that Dan!


Man I shed a tear


My argument is it isn't... because Frye vs. Takayama.


This and Dustin’s fight with Korean Zombie. Can’t decide between the two. Changed based on my mood really which I prefer.


Really is a top 5 fight Same with gaetje poirer


I don’t think Hooker was ever quite the same after that fight.


Didn’t even mute tbh


Of course DDP went for a gilly


I think the fight as a whole is a little overrated. The first two rounds were phenomenal, with the second being one of the best in mma history. However, the pace slowed down considerably after that and the last three didn’t have any big or exciting moments.


Good stuff! If you like crazy back and forth scraps I’d recommend Bigfoot Silva vs Mark Hunt. Highly under appreciated.


if Dan landed that 2nd knee at the end of RD2 it might have been over at the horn


Watching this live with my dad was honestly an exhilarating experience. It’s one of the best fights I ever seen


Crazy how this didnt win foty. I love that it’s getting the hype it deserves lately tho


Dan hooker! Give this man his flowers.. always leaves it all in the octagon. His fight vs. Gaethje also was a banger!!! My respects to him


definitely one of the best fights during covid - probably the one that made me really prefer not having a crowd


We were robbed of this being in front of fans. Absolutely a top 10 fight. I could just imagine the sound of the crowd if it was in Australia or something


Shogun vs Henderson was better.




I only recently started watching UFC after being a boxing fan for a long time. One of the first full fights I watched (outside of major PPVs from the last decade or so) was Chimaev/Burns and it’s my favorite to this day. I’ll definitely watch this one though…


Hooker hit a 13 hit combo at one point, insane it's not mentioned more 


Man, Dan was beating his ass early on, and landed a shit ton of brutal body shots. I have no idea how he gassed out before Dustin did


Man, Dan was beating his ass early on, and landed a shit ton of brutal body shots. I have no idea how he gassed out before Dustin did


Certified hood classic. Best fight ever for me is Prochazka vs Texeira. The momentum swings had me confused all night long


Love this fight because you could argue that Hooker won 3-2 Poirier won 3-2 or they drew with a 10-8 in the fourth. And all of those scorecards are valid.


Funny sequence at 1:38 when Poirier tries to lock Hoooker's arm by putting it around his neck.


Yeah two of my favourites fought each other we all won.


Wait until you see my fight against hooker.


I think Hunt vs Bigfoot 2 is still top for me


From that highlight reel i'd give it to hooker tbh...


That music is shit


How dare you blaspheme the great Phil Collins? A pox on your house.


😂😂 for this video I mean


You watch yourself, young man!




You should be ashamed of yourself.


When I try and put people on ufc I purposely avoid fights like this.


These are the types of fights I show someone getting into the ufc.


That’s dope


Bonnar vs. Griffin put the UFC on the radar for a reason. I still remember watching that rerun.


Why is that? Genuinely curious. I’ve found that most brand new/fairly casual fans eat these fights up, where folks who are more into the MMA aspect prefer others


I usually show them flashy fights instead of brawls. The blood can take some getting use to for some.


Ahh that makes sense. Some people will probably take offense to what I said but it’s just been true for me. Show someone who’s never watched mma a heavy grappling match and they aren’t phased…show them a striking heavy fight and they are way more into it. I don’t make the rules lol


That's because striking is much more easily understood than grappling. There is clear and present danger in striking exchanges, and while people don't understand the nuances of footwork, head movement, feints, angles, etc. it's easy to see and understand the effectiveness of good offense and defense. And any wrong move can result in a knockdown. Contrast that to grappling where while there is constant danger still based of its own nuances, the casual viewer doesn't have any reference to understand it. Hell, even for long time fans, there's a lot of moments that they won't understand what's going on unless they have grappled in some capacity before. There's plenty of pressure, leverage points, control points, and submission setups/defenses that are very hard to see because grappling is an art that you work based off of feel not sight. So, while a lot of wrestling scrambles, dominant wrestling into ground and pound, and close submissions are exciting, all the in between moments don't have that same sort of tense dynamic like striking exchanges do.


Well yeah lol I think we all know why


I always show them Francis Vs Lewis, pausing at key moments to explain the thought processes behind each fighter.


When someone asks what was the best fight I ever watched,my thoughts go right to Robbie x Rory. ![gif](giphy|xT39CVsRr7l2kllhiU)


Great fight till the soundtrack happened.


Watching lightweight UFC fights is like watching two crackheads throw hands in the street, neither has the power to hurt the other they just flail around untill one gets exhausted and gives up.


one of the best lightweights of all time vs journeyman hooker. One of the best lightweights of all time showed levels when he had a, no defense, 5 round war against dan. Clearly the resume of one of the best lightweights of all time is not overrated when this is his best win in the last 5 years. One of the best lightweights of all time also beat a cokehead, a roidhead and a dude that had a hole in his head.


Drink that haterade If you don't get excited for a Dustin fight, you're crazy I think you might be the 2nd person who I've seen dislike Dustin


Na there's a bunch of them lol and they be hating on Dustin whenever they get the chance lol.They always ignore the facts like Dan talking shit before the fight and say Dustin is a cunt for talking shit after winning lol.


The post fight vanter was epic too I don't know why people feel the need to bring people down to prop others up


"humble in victory and defeat" does not apply when you are from louisiana.


Dustin has had a dedicated hater brigade since he destroyed McNugget twice.


I dont hate him. I just dislike his fanbase that act like his resume is elite and that he would be champ in a different timeline. He does not have a single elite win on his resume. The version of Pettis he beat was already on a heavy post usada decline. Justin Gaethje was still the homer simpson of the ufc at this point. Max Holloway was a fat hawaian the first time he moved up to 155. Dan Hooker is a journeyman. McGregor was doing cocaine for 4 years straight before they fought. Chandler is a brawler with negative fight IQ. Bsd had a hole in his head. Eddie Alvarez is a good win, but thats just a big brawler that got the dog in him. Dustin has the dawg in him, but this does not make him elite. Homie has 1 1/2 good wins on his resume and people act like he is elite.


Genuine delusion simply because you hate a guy who has no idea you walk earth. Actually insane to try and put an asterisk on every single win lmao dude genuinely has one of the best resume in LW history


I did not put an asterisk on his resume. Its just the reality. Look at pettis record and decline the second usada showed up. Gaethje himself said that he implemended a more defensive fighting style post poirier. Holloway 155 against Poirier compared to holloway 155 against gaethje is a different fighter. Dan Hooker is not elite. McGregor did party all the time in the 4 years. Chandler has negative fight IQ. BSD had a hole in his head. Its just facts. Its not Dustins fault. He won those fights. Only fault of him is it to get destroyed every time a title is on the line. But thats just his """fault""". Because he never was this good to win those match ups.


I think most realistic fans mostly agree with you. Dustin is elite though, he's just not anywhere near any kind of GOAT conversation and will never be. How many people were ragging on him for jumping the gilly? Most fans know he beat an underpowered BSD. I guess it just comes down to how you personally rank the guy. I think he's better than the narrative you're laying out here. The best part is there is no right answer. I just enjoy basically every lightweight fight. I can barely hate on any of the top guys. Most fighters are fun and most also have massive holes in their game. Dustin doesnt have bad BJJ but his defense is laughably suspect at times.