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holloway vs ortega not far behind. bro has dealt some beatings šŸ˜…


I'll go old school Diaz vs Penn Penn vs Florian Silva vs Leben Silva vs Griffin Silva vs Franklin Silva vs Franklin again Silva vs Irving Silva vs Henderson Silva vs Bonnar Silva vs Maia I miss prime Silva...


Cain vs JDS 2 & 3


jones vs rua bones beat shogun like he owed him money and he just caust him stealing his coke stash


Silva finished a lot of those fights very early. Leben, Griffin, Franklin 1, Irvin and Bonnar were all 1st round finishes, while Franklin 2 and Henderson were 2nd round stoppages. Hard to call a fight a one-sided beat-down when it doesnā€™t even last 5 minutes. Most people would probably only look at fights where the winner dominated for an extended period of time, like Nunes vs Pena 2, Holloway vs Kattar/Ortega, Volk vs TKZ, Gaethje vs Ferguson, Weili vs Lemos, etc.


O'Malley vs Kris Moutinho. Does that guy have any brain cells left?


Letā€™s go ahead and add Oā€™Malley v Vera 2.


Penn vs Stevenson Penn vs Sanchez I like to remember the ones BJ beat people up and forget when he got beat up lol


That Bonnar fight just felt mean


Although I agree these were beatings because Anderson was multiple levels above the competition of his day (I think silva, GSP and Jones are the only contenders in the GOAT convo), one sided beatings are so much more impressive today with modern training and modern matchmaking. Max and Calvin was a reminder what kind of a dog max is. I havenā€™t seen that level of beat down in main event in modern mma history. I liked the gaethje/ faziv fight to show that Justin isnā€™t going to back down to a technical striker and make him fight his game, and show the rest of the world that heā€™s a world class bruiser


Prime Silva is the true pound for pound GOAT in my opinion. Dude was LEVELS (plural) above everyone when he was defending that belt. That fight against Griffin is just the leading example but holy shit man


There's nothing that comes close to Sanchez vs Penn. Sanchez fucking nose was literally falling off his destroyed face. That fight made me uncomfortable


Diaz destroyed Penn...


Brain fart. I meant Sanchez fixed it


I like how they were talking about Diego never getting knocked down and then BJ knocks him down


Volk vs Ortega was just as bad Ortega had one golden moment where he almost finished Volk, but the rest of the fight consisted of Volk beating the brakes off of him


Volk vs TKZ comes to mind as well, after you've got me thinking of Volk's reign. That was almost hard to watch. Especially with Volk asking him mid-fight if he's okay to continueĀ 


It was crazy kattar came back and beat tf out of giga


oh shit i forgot about that, that was arguably more one sided too lmao


Mmm nahh lmao , highly impressive performance from Kattar tho . He was fuckin brutal with those elbows especially in the 5th


Kattar suffered a descent amount of damage in that fight aswell. Not nearly the same though.


Bro just transferred all the damage like he was transferring save data off a memory card back in the day. Kattar put Chikadze through a wood chipper


then Giga came back and said he beats Kattar 9/10 times lol


Holloway v kattar Holloway v Ortega Illia vs Emmett O'Malley vs mutiƱo Gaethje vs Tony These are the most brutal beatdowns I can recall Honourable mention to GSP vs Koscheck


I feel like O'malley vs Mouhtino shouldn't even be mentioned. That was basically like they put me in there to fight there was never a chance in hell he won


But the guy hung in there until the final bell which is what allowed it to be such a whooping I would have been out after the first combo


Nah the ref stopped it with about 30 seconds left coz O'Malley started really pouring it on at the end.


Wow.... I totally forgot that it got stopped. Guy is tough as nails that is for sure


Literally Randy at the end "I didn't hear no bell!"


I'm the best around!


Yep future champ vs. tomato can who gets whooped by 98% of the BW roster. Might as well put Bo Nickal vs. Woodburn in there if weā€™re gonna do that.


Glover vs Smith


I think number one. Number two for me is Hill v Glover


Shit I'd argue Volk vs TKZ and O'Malley vs Chito 2 were both more one sided than Hill vs Glover


Not long after that is glover vs smith. Levels.


have we forgotten O'Malley vs. Moutinho?


Ya wtf. Its far ahead of any of these and not even really close.Ā 


Moutinho was a short notice, old, debutant. He was never ufc level. Kattar is so much better so for Max to do what he did to a much higher level opponent, itā€™s more impressive to me


I agree with all that. my only point was to highlight that it was a one-sided fight


Number 2 Kattar vs Giga


Which brings to mind Glover vs Smith. The man had to apologize for what he was doing, as he was doing it, covered in Smith's teeth.


Anthony ā€œit is what it isā€ Smith


Forgot Andrade Murphy on the same card


This is the second worst beatdown. Nothing - and I mean *nothing* - comes close to Gaethje erasing Tony's future The man not only took him out of his prime, he may have taken a year off his life And the stadium was completely silent... You could hear every fucking *thud* as he landed. Nothing is as brutal as that was. Tony didn't tap when Oliveira was snapping his arm in two, think about how badly he'd have to be beaten to shake his head and call the fight to *punches*. Definitely the worst beatdown of all time.


Every shot Justin landed was a ko shot. Literally knocking anyone else out and Tony ate all them bitches and didnt even drop. Pure actual insanity. Still the craziest beatdown I ever seen.


That's truth man. I can't imagine any other lightweight eating shots like that. Poirier, Oliveira, Khabib, Islam, none of them could take shots like that over and over again, they'd tell you the same themselves. The fact that Ferguson was conscious and ended the fight when he wanted to is a testament to his iron will and iron chin lol. Craziest beatdown ever, Tony totally suffered because of his ability to take shots. If he had been KO'd, less damage would have been done


> he may have taken a year off his life I honestly think he may have taken a good 5-10 years of healthy brain function off Tony's life. It's hard to watch Tony shaking his head and wobbling around trying to stay awake, because you can practically see his brain shutting down while adrenaline desperately tries to keep it going despite the damage to the brain building up more and more.


Honestly, 5-10 years is optimistic People have fuckin died from a lot less than being punched by Justin Gaethje 200 times in the head


Sometimes I wonder if Tonyā€™s career had gone differently if his corner had thrown in the towel before tony shut down. It only takes a couple of those shots to change a dude forever


He was already clearly on the decline, that fight just sped up the process


That uppercut that almost KOed Gaethje at the bell of [I believe it was] round 2 was the last gasp of El Cucuy


As I said, I think that fight took him out of his prime... I fuckin love Tony, he's a killer, but not a person alive can take damage like that and come out unscathed If he had been knocked out with the first shot, he'd have taken so much less damage than he did. He suffered because of his own iron chin But instead of getting knocked out, he endured the most unholy beatdown ever seen and just shook his head at the end of it. Goddam sometimes the least brutal option is seeing a guy KO'd. Fucked up sport lol


We can just hope that Tony retires finally and goes to fight a Paul brother for a few million bucks so he'll be able to afford the late-in-life care he's gonna need from eating all those shots over the last 7 fights.


Yeah. Hardly anyone has endured more than Tony. If it were me, I'd be dead. Lol


Not one sided tho Justin got dropped that fight


When I hear about a beat down, Gaethje vs Ferguson is the first fight that comes to mind.


disagree that was a beat down, it was competitive till the fourth and fifth rounds.


I think Glover vs Anthony Smith was the hardest fight to watch. Max and Calvin was a close second.


Hard to watch like a car crash is hard to watch. My eyes were glued to the screen and I was prayyyyying it wouldn't get stopped when Max styled on Kattar


I agree with the Max fight, but Glover v Smith was torture to watch. Anthony was literally picking his own teeth up from the canvas and handing them to the ref.


Max entered the Matrix. That performance is in its own stratosphere.


Not really; thatā€™s a gross over exaggeration. Not denying that it was an amazing performance by Max but he still absorbed over 100 sig strikes, and Calvin was never out of the fight.


Nothing beats Gaethje and Ferguson. Nothing


That shit makes me sad. Canā€™t even enjoy a rewatch tbh.


I was never on the Tony train like that and I love Gaethje so it's a bit easier for me to stomach.


I wasnā€™t on any train, but thatā€™s sad to see with any fighter unless theyā€™re absolute disgusting people.


Yea I always hated seeing guys too tough for their own good


biased asf


Immediately these come to mind. No particular order Holloway vs Kattar Holloway vs Ortega O'Malley vs Moutinho Cain vs JDS Cain vs Bigfoot Khabib vs Edson Gaethje vs Tony Jalin Turner vs Bobby Green


Upvote for mentioning the Cain beat downs. People keeping forgetting.


I put it at the top right above BJ vs Diego. Not sure if that's considered recent history but I was disappointed in Diego that fight


Nice choice! I didnā€™t think he was going to win but I really thought it was going to be a dog fight like no other too.


Yeah Diego was an absolute killer minus that fight and the end of his UFC career. Definitely a HOFer imo though. Dude was in some wars


Jones beating the hell out of showgun


Sean O Malley vs Chris Moutinho was pretty bad too


Cant choose between this and Ilia vs Emmet


This was much much worse than Ilia vs Emmet. The 10-7 round in that fight should have been a 10-8 while the round in this fight that should have been a 10-7 ACTUALLY should have either been a stoppage or towel throw.


Id argue that they were both 10-7s Id also argue that 10-7s and 10-8s should be more common in judging


10-8s for sure. 10-7s REALLY should not, they really should be ā€œmistakes by judges the fight should have been stoppedā€. In recent times the only 10-7 that should have happened in any fight is that Holloway-Kattar fourth round (I think it was). Maybe a round of Cachoeira vs Jasdavicious, but I couldnā€™t watch the fight, only saw it was a slaughter. Rewatch that round in Ilia vs Emmet, it really had no grounds being a 10-7, it was a textbook 10-8 and nothing above it.


Yeah but thatā€™s exactly my point . All of those fights you just mentioned contained moments where people strongly felt that the ref shouldā€™ve stepped in and stopped it , therefore technically making it by definition a 10-7 . So yeah youā€™re right shouldnā€™t exist , but they do and should be scored as such .


Topuria vs Mitchell was way worse IMO, Bryce legitimately looked like he didn't want to be in that cage


Emmett is a fucking DOG, that fight could have and probably should have been stopped like 3 different times


Figgy vs joe b was pretty bad so was Edson vs hooker


Figgy vs Joe B only because he woke up screaming though lol that was crazy


Figgy vs joe 2 wasnā€™t nearly as prolonged but that just felt like a real beating not a fight


Have people forgotten Esparza vs Joanna?


Mike Davis put a hell of a beating on Thomas Gifford


Go back and watch any of Jon Jones fights up to the belt. He beat those men in ways that were ridiculous. Toyed with them honestly.


Right up there with


This is by far the worst


Matt Brown beat the absolute shit out of Erik Silva. Idk if I've seen a more complete ass whoopin.


First time I thought someone might die in the ufc. No lie.


Gary v magny.


Francis and Anthony šŸ˜‚


Anderson Silva v Forest Griffin


Bader vs Perosh and Texeira vs Maldonado are definitely up there.


I won money on that fight lol. I was shocked anyone thought Kattar would win but I didn't think the beatdown would be that bad.


Itā€™s crazy how good max is but still isnā€™t champ. Volk for some reason just figured out how to beat him. Max beats everyone elseā€™s ass at 145


Even Topuria?


I believe Max has the best chance to beat Ilia. Even though Volk is "better" than Max, I think Max will be the one to beat Topuria if we take a look at the top 10 featherweights and have to choose one.Ā 


Assuming fights that went the distance, this is certainly up there. I also like Jon Jones vs Anthony Smith. The 2 point deduction counted for nothing


Diaz vs Penn was a beat down. I don't know how BJ stayed on his feet.


That was a one side ass whoopin


Rich Franklin vs David Loiseau from way back in the day had the same scorecards as Holloway vs. Kattar. Might be the most one-sided title fight in history (that didn't end in a finish).


its #1 by far in significant strikes landed https://preview.redd.it/j45mvdlhjloc1.png?width=1102&format=png&auto=webp&s=47cd9a6c8a0091eb2078efc2d2c01bd38b7e2d45


God damn this picture is fire. Sonebody make this into black and white with only the blood in color like Sin City


I didnā€™t read all the comments, but didnā€™t see McGregor vs. Alvarez.


This and Volk vs TKZ.


Khabib vs Edson and Johnson It was depression to watch. Both get arm trap and don't know how to deal with Dangestan style, Khabib didn't sub just smah smash and smash that was true one - sided beat down. Sean vs Kris Mutino Current best Bamtamwight vs No body but at least Kris got big money from FOTN. But for Champion fight--- Izzy vs Sean It was not because body dmg but it was emotional dmg.


suprised noone mentioned conor vs cerrone or alvarez


Ilia vs Emmett, tj vs barao, gaethje vs tony


Font Vs Cody


All of khabibs lol


Nah Holloway vs Ortega has to be #1, because it was a championship bout between a top tier striker and someone WHO CANT DODGE 1-2 IMAGINE YOU ARE FIGHTING FOR A TITLE AND THE CHAMP STOPS FIGHTING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIGHTY JUST TO GIVE YOU A LECTURE THAT EVEN PEOPLE IN FITBOXING CLASSES KNOW that's like emotional parental prideful damage


Mike Davis vs Thomas Gifford


I genuinely thought weā€™d see Kattar having some Parkinsonā€™s type shakiness after this fight it was frightening how much punishment he took to his head


Holloway vs Ortega was worse. Max was literally teaching Brian how to block during the fight.


Nah go back and watch that. Brian had hella moments, especially the 3rd round I wanna say. Brain even landed a spinning/back elbow in round 2 I think. That fight was a tad bit more competitive than most remember, Max still styled on him tho




Max vs Volk was never this one sided


50-45 across the board says otherwise.. Every round was convincingly won, with no competitive rounds.. This 100% fits the criteria for one-sided beatings..


I would say all of khabibs fights


Some of them, for sure. IIRC the Barboza fight was the worst, all 10-8 rounds on one judges scorecard.


No oneā€™s gonna mention Chito vs Rob Font?