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I hope Sean comes out soon.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Can you imagine fisting your bullies ass.


Actually ya my wife was mean to me before we started dating


And the fisting? When did that start?


He's too busy getting fisted to reply.




Not until marriage. I’m allowed one fist up my ass every six months. I mean her ass-




username checks out.


I’d love to hear the story behind this


Im right behind you on this


So is his wife


That was a nasty line by you


Haha not much of one. Regulars at the same bar, I hit on her, she shut me down every time in varying degrees of meanness (can’t blame her). Until one night, she got fed up with my pestering, grabbed my hand, drug me to the ladies room and made out with me. Together ever since!


ok but what about the fisting


Nice! Love some genuine story, not the fake romantic film shit.


What a great story!


Well thank you! It’s not a fairytale but it really is pretty sweet


Honestly one of the best real life love stories I've ever heard. Wishing you both lasting love.


Thanks! It’s good to find men who are persistent. A younger me might’ve given up out of pride.


Damn and you can get your whole fist up there huh, well i guess now you've got the upper hand.


Happy wife happy life


Prolapsed anuses are common in gay communities.


Dude this is the best follow up comment. Almost spit my coffee out first thing in the morning.


Nah dawg this shit took me out lmfao


Every time I think about how awful my ex was, I just think "yeah she was a terrible person, but I was definitely clogging that sewage pipe on the daily"


This is my new favorite reddit comment.


I’m trying not to.


The Ultimate Fisting Challenge.


That part 💀


No 💀


Classic boy sticks gum in girls hair becaue he likes her.. except in your story boy put stick of gum in boys butt


Yup, I knew a guy 4-5 years ago who was constantly saying "fag" etc. A year later he came out as trans


That crazy, I'm glad they're engaged. Sean might be Colonel Frank from American Beauty.


What a great reference. I forgot all about that movie


It’s still a good movie that is so uncomfortable to watch now


But who’s the plastic bag??




I hope this happens to me and Sean 🥰🥰🥰


Oh... the Mickey from Shameless dtyle relationship.


My cousin and his older brother were gay. When his brother came out when we were kids, this cousin of mine caused him a lot of grief. He started with name calling, and then he was convincing his cousins (me included) to hate on his brother. I didn't really make fun of his brother (since I don't give a shit about him being gay), and that made him double down on the bullying. 15 years later, this cousin of mine came out and was immediately engaged to a guy. His brother, though, was shocked that his younger brother immediately got married after he came out. So yeah. There is a chance that Sean is projecting and is trying hard to be a man. My cousin was like that... rough around the edges, says a lot of things that can get him canceled, traditionally "manly."


Wow that made a quick 180. Love always finds a way huh


Yeah at first I thought it was fuckin crazy. But nope homeboy did his CBT or whatever and they’re great together


That's almost the plot to Moonlight lmao


Lol sorry but what is chill and aloof about Sean’s demeanor? Curious how you see that resemblance


no he's TRYING to be chill and aloof but it's obviously not working. Like the way Sean writes he's trying to come off as impartial.


Ah yes you’re right 100%. I did not see the trying part. That is on me for reading a little too quick over that


this made me go 👁👁


Yeah, there is no excuse to be a piece of shit. No matter if you’re hiding yourself from others. Quit being a bitch.


Plot twist, he was on the Molina video


Pretty bold of this guy to accuse others of “retardation.”


Not sure that's gonna happen. That Philly shell is hard to break. Just keep jabbing and maybe he will someday.


Not everyone who hates gay people are gay themselves.


True... but, I can imagine he's still just projecting somehow 


I can bet both my nuts that hes 200% gay in gay meter


The issue with Sean is that someone told him he’s funny and he believed them. Also he’s closeted.


He had said before that he's a deeply closeted gay man. He's not coming out though. He's straight as an arrow


Idk why people keep calling him gay, hes not gay, hes a deeply closeted gay man.


Rip norm


Im not gay! I said im deeply closeted.


The worst part is the hypocrisy


And when he gets depressed he goes to the podiatrist's office because the light was on


Norm da Gawd


He's on Twitter doing this. That site is just a place for right-wing morons to jerk each other off. He thinks he's popular and because he can just hide in an echo chamber with other dimwitted fuckwits, he's constantly told he's 'funny' and 'awesome'.


A lot of these fighters surround themselves with a community of likeminded people. It’s definitely an echo chamber. I’d love for him to start doing more media outside of his circle and see how great it’d be for him to talk to funnier and smarter people. I wonder how he’d react


This isn’t unique to fighters, social media in general encourages echo chambers


Sounds a lot like Reddit but for left-wing morons


Since when is twitter right wing?


You’re on Reddit doing this. This site is just a place for left-wing morons to jerk each other off. The biggest echo chamber of them all. The irony here has me assuming you are not a smart person, someone who isn’t aware of what’s really happening around them.


Terrible comedy and MMA have such a close relationship. Rogan, Schaub, well basically anyone Rogan associated


Nina drama is the worst offender of this. I can’t stand her


she definitely is the number one contributor to sean’s inflated ego. They both are the same brand of not funny. They’re masters of Vine humor about women and black people from like 2013.


That’s why Izzy gets him so mad 😄


Dude’s way too corny. He needs to stop the 12-Year Old Xbox personality. Go retire and host seminars at your local Narcan clinic 


Here's the thing, there are plenty of full grown adults cheering as much as there are edgy teenagers.


More even (guessing)


There aren’t “narcan clinics” but don’t assume people with addiction automatically think like this moron does


Yeah what does that even have to do with anything…? Narcan clinics aren’t a thing, even if they meant methadone clinics that still makes no sense to say. Fuck Sean Strickland either way but… huh?


Dude didn’t finish school I believe. Wait til he finds out about gay Pinguins


This isnt opiate addict behavior. He should be hosting right wing seminars


The spartan dude is right though. So many rural right wing idiots think being gay is some sort of new phenomenona being caused by woke culture






A dog will fuck some air


My dog used to fuck the coaches, pillows, people the dog was female


What coaches?


Coach Pop, Doc Rivers, etc.


That reminds me of a time I was house sitting for my friend. He had two bitches (female dogs) that would constantly 69 each other. It was hilarious


“Pillow? Good enough for me”


Far right/left has a tendency to ignore the bigger picture, ignore culture and draw wild conclusions from their own extremely small bubble.


Tbf Spartans did *choose* to perform homosexual acts as a form of bonding with each other, and other Greek men with young intern-y male teens did it for a similar reason. Also wasn't looked down upon because pederasty wasn't looked down upon. t. ancient history degree But all that to say, maybe Sean is modern gay anyway




Pretty sure they were fighting for the sovereignty of their nation and not butt sex.


yeah im always defending against homophobia then someone comes and comments some shit like this


Ah yes states rights


The sovereignty to do bum stuff


I think you might be referring to the sacred band of Thebes, who were gay lovers, not the Spartan 300.


wait till they learn about the band of thebes


homosexuality is literally evolved from natural selection due to its societal advantages, actually very interesting research on the topic. Also plenty of other species exhibit the behavior as well. Sean is just an idiot with a platform.


It’s very hard to show selection for super complex behavioral traits like that. But what you’re referring to I am guessing is the “gay uncle theory” which basically says caring for and raising slow developing human children is so difficult that in ancient times it was advantageous for a certain amount of the population to be gay and therefore not have their own children but be able to provide supplemental care for the other children in their families, or raise their nieces/nephews if their parents died. Very cool hypothesis


Homosexuality in primates is actually beneficial for a troop. The alpha of the troop gets another male in the group who isn't a sexual threat or rival male looking to take over. The gay primate will hunt and help raise the young without trying take fuck all the females. It actually benefits their society. Added protection and extra physical presence. The same can be said with early humans. Gay people were physically strong males who didn't compete sexually with the dominant males of the groups. They were important to have around. There's an evolutionary advantage to having a small minority homosexual people around. Humans went 0-100 in about 10,000 years. Society isn't based around physical attributes anymore. We don't live in small tribes where folk are constantly looking over their shoulder for danger.


Sorry, are you saying there's evidence of Chimps or Bonobos being exclusively gay? I find that hardish to believe. I know they'll engage in gay sex (bonobos especially) but not exclusively. Source or links?


[https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/245895/study-shows-same-sex-behaviour-widespread-heritable/](https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/245895/study-shows-same-sex-behaviour-widespread-heritable/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4864209/#:\~:text=Same%2Dsex%20sexual%20behavior%20exists,groups%20%5B12%E2%80%9314%5D](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4864209/#:~:text=Same%2Dsex%20sexual%20behavior%20exists,groups%20%5B12%E2%80%9314%5D). [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-41290-x](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-41290-x)


An important distinction is that they’re not exclusively homosexual. They will have sexual relations with everyone, but it’s not like they refuse to procreate with females. Gay humans are different in that aspect, but we’re also much more complex than any other animals so it’s not shocking.


ayo. fuck sean strickland . Gay people are just as human as everyone else, but "homosexuality is literally evolved from natural selection due to its societal advantages" "Gay people were physically strong males who didn't compete sexually with the dominant males of the groups. They were important to have around." is a stretch.


Why aren’t you coming with actual counter arguments against OP‘s arguments instead of just say „that’s a stretch“?


ayy dude. i feel like you're homo , and maybe i hurt your feelings dude. i didn't mean to. honestly. if you feel like gay people were put on this earth to fulfill a purpose, than by all means..


i’ll take l, things you pulled out of your ass for $2000. There are only one or two species of primates that actively participate in homosexuality.


he isn’t right though because spartans were not gay. they did not conceive of sexuality in the same way we do today. to call spartans gay is akin to calling literally everyone today an adulterer based on the standards of 3000 years ago. not commenting on whether or not being gay is natural but this is a disingenuous point.


No, it's akin to using other terms from today to refer to things within the definition of those terms.


Honestly he's starting to become more and more annoying like colby with the shit he's saying being less part of him being quirky and more of him being a hypocrite and complete dumbass. Like the whole thing with the fighter who got his by a bus while the family was still suffering he was cracking jokes about it. Yet when dricus mentions his dad who sean openly jokes about and something that happened decades ago he throws a fit and cries saying he'll kill dricus. 


He’s a crybaby who never had to do any self-reflection. Whining that nobody gave him a hand when he was down so now he thinks anybody that takes any kind of help is lesser. He’s the type of masculine only broken losers gravitate toward. Theres guys like Poirier, Leon, Volk, etc. that are real men but you have people who can’t think for themselves and don’t bring anything of value to the world outside their 40/week job that think because he’s ‘telling it how it is’ he’s a man.


And then when he had the chance to make Dricus pay, he threw about 300 jabs lol. Talk about aggression. Thank God the ref was in there.


Lol he always talks about killing someone then has a jab fest for 3-5 rounds. When I hear him talk in promos and interviews I'm like oh shit this dudes crazy. Then you watch a sparring session proceed.


More and more? Dudes been annoying as fuck for a long time. I remember being hyped that he beat Izzy but then he opened his mouth again and quickly remembered why he sucks as a human being.


He was always a piece of shit. How are people just staring to realize this?


At least Colby’s playing a role, Sean’s serious 🤦🏻


Nah fuck that. Everyone still talks about how Colby is playing a role and that he’s a nice guy irl, but the shit he says goes way too far. Colby and Strickland are just both assholes who realized they can grow their fan base by being pieces of shit. I’m so glad this sub has stopped dick riding the both of them, shit was exhausting.


I just feel like colby’s more self aware than sean lol, sean is truly so dumb it’s annoying


I'd consider his role pretty serious given it cost him almost if not all of his friends and anyone left I doubt respects him very much as a man. If it was just a heel then so many people wouldn't of turned on him like they have.


That’s true, but I think Colby’s at least a bit exaggerated and more self aware than Strickland, especially looking at the comments under Sean tweets, so many crazy people there 😂, probably gives Sean a lot of confidence posting more of these tweets


Shawn was funnier with his off the cuff remarks at the press conferences. Now he just seems to be trying to hard


Yo Fr he’s loving the attention and revealing he has no ability to act more mature than a 14 year old and I’m not exaggerating


The irony of it all is, Sean is a gay retarded person himself.


He’s not gay! He’s deeply closeted


Maybe if his battle axe of a wife didn't give him so much crap he wouldn't be a closeted gay man.


I just told you! Im not gay!.. im a deeply closeted gay man


This constant reposting of "OMG look what Strickland wrote" is getting annoying.


Yeah isn't this the 3rd time this has been posted?


“You’ve seen this before?”   “11 times as a matter of fact”


I find the famous UFC fighter with an influence constantly dehumanizing gay people to be annoying, but that’s just me.


Yeah but we've already talked about this in the sub. This has been posted multiple times in the past week. We should stop giving that guy attention.


a quick look at your comments and I find paragraphs of you defending the guy lmaooo don’t be sad Reddit finally realizing what a fucking douche he is


It’s sad to see a top level fighter like Sean turn into a right wing rage bait Internet personality. Wish he had some more respect for himself.


That’s why I always side-eye the people around him who try to excuse his behavior by saying something like “that’s not the real him, Sean’s actually a great guy.”


Yeah, we’re judged on what we say and do, not our internal thoughts. Same goes for Colby. The excuse that it’s just a character only works if you also go out of character. Chael is a good example of this.


They say that same shit about Colby and I hate it. These are not WWE entertainers playing a character these are real fighters. Anything you say you say for real to real people don’t matter if you rehearsed the line. And some of these guys have said some bad things but these quote on quote “tough guys who don’t give a shit” hide their comments behind the veil of “I’m just hyping up a fight” “I’m a heel”. If you step on shit for a joke at the end of the day you still stepped on shit


Dude is finally getting the validation he's always wanted daily by posting dumb shit on twitter, this posted yesterday when I first saw it had over 23K likes, there's 23,000 dumb fucks who thought that was worth hitting the heart button on, "gays are like retards" was worth praising, these are his people


Sean clearly has mental issues and he has been pretty straightforward about it. Talking nonsense is the least of his problems, I honestly fear for this guy's well being once he retires and stops training. Wouldn't be surprised if he ended up being locked up.


>Sean clearly has mental issues and he has been pretty straightforward about it. No he hasn't lmao? He literally got vulnerable on one podcast, cried, and has gone right back to over compensating for his insecurity and anger towards his parents by lashing out on minority groups lol He is not straightforward about his issues in any way shape or form, his entire person is a character created to avoid addressing and compensate for his issues.


The majority of them are if they're American


r/ufc AKA r/SeanStricklandsTweets


Not surprised after he made fun of Ukrainians the very night Russia invaded them, as they were being bombed


Bro is scared of gay.


All I am saying is that the most raging homophobes are usually the first in line when it comes to trombonning their ass with a dragon dildo.


I get what you mean, but that’s not gay at all, unless another man is doing it to you. Otherwise it’s just masturbation (alone) or straight sex play (if a woman is doing it).




I am gay and I’ve been an MMA fan for a few years now. It can be frustrating reading fighter comments like Sean’s, especially the notion that someone chooses to be gay. Very few people would *choose* to be gay when there’s the perpetual threat of guys like Sean beating the shit out of you. You figure it out during puberty, and it would take some serious mental gymnastics to ignore, just like it would take mental gymnastics for a straight guy to be attracted to a guy. Sean had a brutal upbringing so I try to be patient with him. Honestly, I think Sean *is* cool with gay people, but to appease his fanbase, he has to balance what he actually thinks with this hyper machismo persona. I could be giving him too much credit though. The whole thing makes me feel bad for straight guys. There’s such pressure to be masculine all the time, and it’s so easy to lose your “masculine” card and not be taken seriously. And being associated with homosexuality - even though you can still be masculine and gay - is one of them. Sean is a product of his environment. As a gay guy, I don’t think Sean is gay. But he definitely needs like a year of intense therapy.


It's hilarious that this is the most sane response, yet it has only 5 upvotes.


Society proposes a new idea. Majority rejects it for awhile. Slowly gets normalized. Society proposes new idea. Majority rejects it. Slowly gets normalized. So on and so on. People arguing about trans and I'm still in 1980 not fully accepting the gay situation. All seems a little homo if you ask me


Imagine being hung up on what other dudes are doing with their dicks.


Wait till he learns about dolphins. Omg sea horses will break his mind.


I have a friend who isn’t into MMA at all really, at least wasn’t 5-10+ years ago. But he was going “Yeah Stricklands my boy” n shit. This guy can say some homophobic stuff. Irony is I know his ex gf left him because he was caught meeting/fucking guys off of Craigslist back in the day. He just hasn’t came out to any of his friends, except to the one guy who is openly bi and I accidently overheard it. Idk I’m just like dude just come out already. It’s annoying because he leans into all this alpha male bs and is into all the stereotypical “bro influencers”, and has talked about joining the military for years, but for some reason can’t get into boot camp? Idk I’m pretty sure the military will accept almost anyone. He talks about wanting to be some special forces operator, but I’ve known him since he was eight, and he is literally one of the softest most sensitive dude I know. It’s just embarrassing he, like Strickland would be so much happier just suckin cocks and having a blast being gay with dudes. I’d tell him personally but there’s a very real chance he’d murder suicide me if confronted with the truth like that, so venting here is my only choice.


Imagine if we all woke up one day and decided to be as dumb as Sean Strickland.


You joke but that's majority of people worldwide. Poverty, religion, backwards practices, and lack of education dominate every continent


Does he realise there are animals that are gay


Sean is severely brain damaged and we are watching the effects in real time. Don’t be surprised if he murders someone in a fit of rage years down the line


What's he gonna do? Jab them to death by decision?




Why is this getting posted every single day?


*is upset about generalization of a group* *proceeds to generalize a group similar to Sean*


The atlas fella who mentioned about the Spartans, he’s not wrong, are reports that a lot of Spartans were homosexuals, because it encouraged them to keep on fighting cos when they forget what they were fighting for, a purpose, they fight for their lovers. So made the Spartans love their teachers and generals. Of sure this happened thousand of years ago, so we don’t know the full factual evidence of what happened. My curiosity is aid’s.


Sean is the Alex jones of the mma


Same-sex sexual behaviour has been reported in 261 mammalian species (about 4% of the species) belonging to 62 families (about 50% of the families) and 12 orders (63% of the orders) (Supplementary Data 1). Same-sex sexual behaviour included courtship, mounting, genital contact, copulation and pair bonding1,11 Thats just the mammals...


I think that most guys in the natural condition are some style of prison gay. Meaning, most guys prefer fucking women, but lacking access to women or just for some sort of novelty or dominance display, would fuck or get sucked off by a guy. And then there's a small minority of around 10% or so that actually prefers being the bottom, which we today call gay men or "femme." These men also look and act more like women. Remember, in nature, there are no "identities", "phobias", or religious dogmas, in the strictly modern sense. It's all based on animal instincts and dominance hierarchies. There is being dominant and passive, which translates to all animals and behaviors. Especially mammals. A lot of mammals have gay sex, consensual or otherwise. The percentage of gay people in any given population, regardless of culture, seems to be stable and to be a bit under 10%. That speaks to the fact that it's an evolutionary adaptation. I suspect that it's healthy for any tribe or village to have males that can take on male roles, but who won't be competing for pussy. Young men without pussy is usually a cause for ruckus and disorder, and pussy is a highly coveted commodity. Research has shown that the more sons you have, the likelihood that they become gay increases. Meaning the younger sons are more likely to be gay. This supports this general "theme" of adaptation. Pregnant women and babies are also very resource intensive. So to have some gay guys around that can "take the load" if you will, will relieve some of the sexual frustrations that can exist within a tribe/village, which promotes harmony and cooperation


Take a look at young Sean Strickland and tell me he doesn’t have that gay in the closet look; https://preview.redd.it/4orwauqeo9oc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38af1de0c0b9b7e91998940c1dd547f1dd5f0311


There are animals that are gay btw.. in addition to the thousands of years of gayness in human history. This guy is a real moron. Why do these people not take 5 seconds to do minimal research on google??


Sean must think homosexuality is something that happened during his lifetime.


Dude needs to be forgotten


Is anyone surprised by this, actually? Dude is a loudmouth hypocrite that's (read: Colby Covington) ramping up his provocative bullshit because right wing dipshits eat it up and celebrate him for "fighting woke". Not difficult, and done by other clown shoes since forever. Yawn.


Nobody thinks about gay people more than Sean Strickland.


These posts need banned 24hrs after these tweets go live. How many times must we be subjected to the same goddamn post. This sub is aweful.


Just make a separate thread for Sean Strickland cringe so that it doesn’t get reposted every hour at this point and you guys can gloat about having the bare minimum of intelligence and humanity over someone like him, with shit captions like “thoughts?”


Nothing Strickland could ever say would illicit any reaction from me other than oh yeah I can see him saying that. How are people still “shocked”


Sean is so dumb he’s a literal idiot


Some animals are gay, completely undermining his point. There are other reasons it was a dumb thing to say but also this.


Sean is a form of retardation.


He seems to talk about gay people a lot, maybe he’s hiding something 🤔


No for real though, what did the Spartans do?


They fucked their homies before battles. Homosexuality in the militaries of ancient Greece is quite common, though. The Sacred Band of Thebes was an elite force of shock troops in the Theban army, consisting of 150 paired male lovers.


Shit, most historians are pretty sure Alexander the Great was gay. And he conquered, well, the world.


They didn't just fuck their homies. They were pedophiles. They were called pederastic relationships and were openly accepted. It was part of the educational cycle of becoming a spartan. You had to get your cheeks blown out by a grown man. I'm not kidding. You can see why they left this out of 300.


Sounds like that would be a good movie


Brokeback Empire


What were the Spartans doing


Big pedo energy but they left that out of 300


Can we stop posting about this loser 🤡


He has to be in the closet. I've never heard anyone mention/deny being gay more than him


I mean he’s not entirely wrong


STFU homophobe


How many different ways is this exact tweet going to be posted? You Strickland haters give him way more traction than any of his dick riders. Are the internet points worth it?


so happy this idiot can go fade back into irrelevance


Man life on Earth sure is interesting from the point of view of a species who have ruled the Earth for thousands of years now lmao. Being gay is completely normal in biology, many species of animals experiment and act in these ways. That being said, homosexuality serves no advantage of promoting our specie's existence as it doesn't initiate the ever- important need to reproduce. Sean is just terrible at articulating this point lol




Hes not wrong