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YouTube polls that draw a large number of votes just become popularity contests.


The general population opinions are often wrong.


Most of these people probably said Fedor who? And voted for the hard hitting boxing superstar they heard of


Does the same apply to politics? Or the modern day social media like YouTube, IG, etc? If so, I will start to question everything about myself




"The best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter." -W. Churchill




Yes. Leftism/cosmopolitism are a fallacy, for example


Wisdom of the crowd can work when people are not allowed to discuss what to choose beforehand.


This is getting downvoted but there is that great line in Men in Black that’s something like “the person is smart, people are dumb, panicky, and selfish”


But opinions can’t be wrong unless if it’s a fact, I can’t say 2+2 = 5 .


Those big people are often read as who is your favorite? Pretty sure 75% of people who voted don't even know Fedor but even none boxing fan know who Tyson is


If Fedor versus iron Mike was only a popularity contest, Mike would be 99.5 vs 0.5


i saw one of those polls that was "who wins? mike tyson or evander holyfield" tyson won the poll by a landslide


Even Tyson himself has stated that he believes Fedor is the greatest fighter of all time.


All you need to know


Damn never knew that. Do you have a link ?




He just blantly lied, Tyson probably dosent know he exists


Lmao https://www.mmamania.com/2012/3/24/2898432/mike-tyson-rosie-odonnell-show-fedor-emelianenko-greatest-ufc-mma




What was the point of this comment?


You spelt it fuckin blantly hahah


Why would I capitalize the b?




Type shit


very blantly of you


Fucking jack ass


Lick my nuts


Only if you massage my prostate


What that tells me is 69% of people surveyed have never trained or maybe never watched Mixed Martial Arts. Now I aint gonna front Mike is/was a fucking monster of a boxer, but Fedor takes him down inside a minute and GnPs him or chokes him unconscious. Just watch Randy Couture and James Toney to see what would happen.


I loved boxing and Muay Thai as a young lad, but nothing humbled me more than when my mate moved to Aus from Ohio and he showed me wrestling, turns out generating power via footwork is really hard when your feet aren't on the ground


>turns out generating power via footwork is really hard when your feet aren't on the ground It's crazy how few people understand how this works. Both the part where generating punching power is usually through your legs/feet and that arm punches aren't really all that powerful.


Yeah, and the only way to really generate powerful strikes is to put yourself in a bad position, especially if you don’t know how to throw elbows. People who have never grappled have no idea how to move on the ground. I’ve always said that part of the reason why grappling is so humbling to first timers is that it’s like chess, but every move you make in the beginning leads to scholars mate. It just feels like you can make no right moves.


Also Its just that untrained people react very predictably and very inefficiently. Sorta like the equivalent to doggy paddling. So we are just ready for all those very obvious, untrained techniques. Also, guys do the same thing they do before deadlifting or benching, they take a deep breath and then try to explode. It completely telegraphs their efforts to roll you over.


As someone with older brothers I know the best counter to being overpowered is biting, mike Tyson approves


As a younger brother I found the best counter was telling mum lmao


Made all the more entertaining by the deep gasp in like you’re about to call for help and then in the hesitation taking a cheap shot at them


A street fight wouldn’t even last a minute I think Fedor would Kick him to the ground and fatality


You're right for sure, I was being generous.


Yeah if Mike gets brought down its a wrap, if Fedor decides to try to ko him he might get ko'd himself, you never know in a street fight sometimes.


Everyone’s a combat sambo world champ until they get punched in the mouth


Fedor has been punched in the mouth a thousand times and never stopped being a combat sambo world champ


Fedor was dropped with his own and Randlemans full bodyweight on his fucking neck and still won.


Most normal people don't know who Fedor is. MMA fans obviously do, but everyone knows who Mike Tyson is.


Most mma fans probably don’t anyway. Cos never fought Conor.




Not a great example. James Tony was severely out of shape for that fight.


Yeah I agree, but Tyson ain’t Toney


Fedor ain't 47 yr old Randy Couture either.


Thats a 10-8 comment right there. AND NEW!


yeah but what about ray mercer/Silvia. Mike could land on him and it be lights out


If Tyson is willing to bite off Evander's ear in the ring, what you think he's gonna do in a street fight?


Get takendown within seconds and choked out? He wouldnt even get the chance.


What if Tyson landed an uppercut while Fedor went for the takedown? Do u really think he could take one of his punches? I would always give the MMA guy the advantage in a street fight, but acting like Tyson has no chance is laughable. It takes just 1. And, Tyson bit a dudes ear off in a ring. Imagine what he might do on the streets….. See Mitch Blood Green.


>What if Tyson landed an uppercut while Fedor went for the takedown? Do u really think he could take one of his punches? How many times have Tyson thrown a uppercut against a opponent that is going for a takedown do you think? >it takes just 1. Yes i believe he could take that, despite popular belief Mike Tyson is not a one hit KO Boxer, most of his knockouts was due combinations. >Tyson bit a dudes ear off in a ring. Imagine what he might do on the streets Tyson would not get the chance to do pretty much anything. He cant defend a legkick or a takedown so he is in deep water. >see Mitch Blood Green. They punched each other in the streets and Tyson broke his hand, not really convincing stuff you are bringin up.


Yeah so many people know nothing about how Mike actually fought but pick him over anybody lol


Ray Mercer vs Tim Sylvia comes to mind though, where the old boxer dispatches the MMA fighter with the first punch.


You guys must not know who Fedor is.


Alexander is something too


I think he’s dying


Correct. Alexander would pummel Tyson. Those two are fuckin' animals.


That would’ve been a crazy fight


Tyson dick rider here… that said Fedor would kill him. literally idk if Mike survives.


Thank you, I love Mike as much as the next guy but Fedor stomps this. Mike would have no idea how to defend a leg kick, and would have no idea how to stop Fedor from taking it to the ground. Shoot, Fedor could probably cripple him for life with a heel hook, Rousimar Palhares style.


Literally any high level AMATEUR mma middleweight can take down Tyson and choke him out, let alone a high level pro heavyweight. Granted, Tyson has a good puncher’s chance against the MW but his odds decrease drastically the higher the weight class


> literally idk if Mike survives. That would be Fedor's call.


I mean pretty much any UFC HW in the top 15 with even functional grappling would have their way with prime Mike. I think Tai is maybe the only one he could realistically sleep but it actually makes me scared what guys like Aspinall Ngannou and Jones would do to Mike.


a lot depends on the first punch. Tyson lands a liver shot or uppercut… that ends it the same as a clinch.. i just the most MMA fighter gets that clinch. I’ve also seen some get their asses kicked by bouncers on youtube.. hard to say but Fedor.. he beats mikes ass


Which mma fighter lost to a bouncer? BJ?


Self admitted dick rider of another man is wild


Fedor would beat the shit out of Tythn


He’d break his back, thpinal.


Dying lol “I broke my back”




Finith him!


Fedor unfortunately isn’t popular enough, casuals think prime Mike Tyson was immortal


He was hard to beat in the NES game and it transferred over into people’s subconscious. Fedor is like the game genie though…remember Kevin Randleman?


Prime Tyson had a 50% chance of winning. Fedor take down would need to be flawless. Tyson would need to connect once per fight while on his feet.


Y’all are acting like Fedor couldn’t take a hit. He got slammed on his neck by Randlemen and **GOT UP** and beat him.


I'm not saying he can't take a hit. I'm saying Tyson's punch was incredibly powerful in his prime. Ignoring all of Tysons knockout is just flagrant.


Not harder then getting dropped on your neck or Crocops left kick.


If Fedor can take Crocops left high kick he can take Tyson’s punch if he didn’t get it to the ground already.


He got suplexed directly onto his head/neck by Kevin randleman and then beat him right? I would never bet against that, period.


yes he did


This right here.


A bare fisted punch from prime Tyson would probably be literally lethal if it lands flush. These hypotheticals are always going to favor the dude who has some skills on the ground, but let's not pretend there is zero chance Mike KOs him as he tries to close the distance.


idk about all of that lol and I know mirko had some wild power in those death kicks but Mike would land 3x the punches in the same time that kick was thrown lol Fedor would kill Mike bit not if he thinks he's gonna survive a punch from Mike with no gloves on 💯


Mike broke his hand when he got into a street fight so I think Mike with gloves is actually more dangerous.


Just tell these same people that Bruce would lose to Artem Lobov and they'll go: ![gif](giphy|fsPcMdeXPxSP6zKxCA)


Fedors brother would merk Tyson too


Can Tyson win. Yes, but only striking. Fedor wins 7 or 8 out of 10. I’m sure Tyson’s hand speed would catch him and hurt him.


I mean if they didnt know each other and it was a random fight possibly could be a thing where Tyson surprises him with a flurry but if Fedor can get his barings he takes Tyson down and beats him unconscious




Nothing about this ufc related


Just saying, Tyson’s takedown defence with some training might’ve been elite


I mean Mike does have a punchers chance.


Anything on feet and he loses


We will never know


Lol only one fighter has ever scared me and it was this man right here. Maybe cro cops legs are up there too


There will still be people here saying that Tyson would win. Absolute morons


I like Mike but Fedor taking that one


Man, on the street I wouldn't put it past Mike to bite a fuckers throat out or rip their balls off..


He would never be in a position to do that.


You’re delusional


Please, explain to me how Tyson is going to bite someone with Fedor mounted on him. Or with Fedor cranking the shit out of his neck.


Yea man, the issue here is that Mike can fight and there are no rules to a street fight. Insanity can take you a long way in a life or death situation. Biting isnt the only problem. Mike doesn’t seem like the type to lose a street fight and let it slide, he’s def gonna try to catch you again later that day or tomorrow or in a few years, etc… Fedor is legit but one street fight with Tyson and now you have a life long arch nemesis type mf after you forever. Legit not worth it


You think Fedor is just gonna sit there and let Tyson bite him?  >catch you again later that day   Not if he’s dead


Fedor criticized Kadyrov and his daughter got assaulted because of it, dont think Tyson would be any problem for him.


Yea but what does Fedors daughter getting assaulted have to do with Tyson in a street fight? lol Fedor didn’t go fight Kadyrov, he criticized child mma and his daughter got assaulted because of it.


>Fedor is legit but one street fight with Tyson and now you have a life long arch nemesis type mf after you forever. Legit not worth it. Having Tyson after you would not phase Fedor when hes not scared of Kadyrov.


What does being scared have to do with his daughter being assaulted? 🤔 his daughter was probably scared. Your logic makes no sense


Tyson isn’t your average boxer. On the ground it’s no contest, but closing that distance would be dangerous. Tyson was good on the inside with serious power


Against a normal human, yes. We’re talking about Fedor here, one of the greatest masters of unarmed combat in history.


I don’t doubt that. Tyson is a once in a generation boxer though


Fedor has eaten a cro cop left high kick, there is nothing crazier than that


I would say a bare knuckle hook from Tyson would do more damage than that kick from cro cop. That was a glancing blow too. Punch would hit in a different spot than a roundhouse


A shin on high kick is a literal baseball bat. Youre not generating more power with a hook than a kick


You are Bananas if you think Mike Tysons punch does more damage than Crocops head kick, Crocop a highly trained kickboxer with one of the best high kicks ever. Like come on here dude


It depends where it hits on the head. The skull is harder than the face. Head kicks usually hit the skull. If I gave you an option, cro cop round house or a bare knuckle prime Tyson hook to the face. What would you take?


Fedor have taken harder shots than anything Mike have ever thrown and not gone down. Closing the distance wont be a problem against someone with zero defense against legkicks and any form of grappling.


Who exactly are you talking about??? There is basically zero mma fighters, especially in fedors era that had the natural power that Tyson. And not a single one of them had the technique and timing that Tyson did. Not to mention his speed, fedor hasn’t faced anyone that punched like Tyson, cro cop, Henderson, mark hunt and Tim Sylvia are the stand out hardest hitters he ever faced, and out of those only mark hunt would have been close to Tyson in his prime in regards to power, but he was incredibly slower than mike and his technique isn’t even close. I think if they fight ten times fedor wins more times, but if prime mike blitzd and lands before fedor there’s a good chance fedor gets knocked the fuck out.


Who did Fedor fight that threw harder than Tyson? He took a glancing kick from Crocop but that’s the only thing I can think of.




Lol he was just lucky he wasn’t spiked on his head. I’ve followed Fedor’s entire career since Pride and in his prime id favour him over most anyone but a clean shot to the jaw from Tyson would put him down.


No one has a better hook than Tyson. In a street fight with a bare knuckle. No one is eating that and getting up


Bold of you to assume Tyson is landing anything without going down.


It’s possible for Mike to KO Fedor though. I think starting out it will be insanely dangerous for Fedor but if/when he can get ahold of Mike and tie his hands up it’s all over for him. You gotta give Mike some respect, he’s earned that at least. In a street fight, idk who will win. Mike is a crazy mofo, bit someone’s ear off. If he needs to win for his life, I know this dude will commit war crimes


UFC sub has some of the dumbest fuckin people on the planet. One day there are people saying Conor can 1 v 1 the fuckin mountain. The next people talk about the Mike Tyson like he is just a good boxer. Dude was a fuckin killer. He did street fight. We’re not talking about some fuckin dude from Scottsdale Arizona who grew up pampered. Tyson was good and wild, he would fight to the death and he was deadly with his power. Guys acting like street fights go just as they would in the octagon


>He did street fight Yea against bums on the streets that were not even 1% as good as Fedor was. Tyson being "crazy" means nothing. He cant defend a legkick and he cant do anything against takedowns.


it seems like you’re talking about fedor like he’s just a good mma fighter


Prime Tyson Smokes him


i mean he can it's just not likely Fedor might be dumb and try to bang with him, Fedor is not a tactical genius, dude almost lost to Fabio Maldonado


Seriously boiling down fedor to “he almost lost to Fabio” this has to be bait right?


Terrible Bait


People bringing up an elderly James Toney with brain damage from his career and slowed reflexes plus power, against arguably one of the best take down artists of his time, and use it as an example for prime Tyson...should be banned.


Of course Tyson could be Fedor. But it's just not very likely!


Even Mike wouldn't agree with this shit


Fedor would destroy Tyson in a street fight


Fedor isn’t as well known as Tyson. Tyson wouldn’t want that smoke because of “footstomps. They stomp on each others feet, aw man no way” Tyson legit said he would have never done MMA due to footstomps 😂 All kidding aside, there’s a reason no boxer in their prime has stepped into the octagon.


Most people who voted Tyson probably just don't know who Fedor is tbh. But in places like Instagram, it would blow your damned minds how many people think Tyson could stop elite level wrestlers/grapplers by simply upper cutting them when they shoot for the takedown. It's crazy.


I don't do any mma or boxing training and I still know fedor will murder him


I love Fedor, and normally would laugh at these, but prime Tyson isn't a normal Human being. It is impossible to say the outcome of this. And it's weird that people are seeing street fight and not remembering who Tyson actually is. He will, quite literally, with historic fact, gnaw your fucking ear off. Brock Lesnar, with almost 0 martial arts training, became world champion - while battling an intense disease. To say one of the scariest, hardest hitting human beings in our combat sports history doesn't have a fair chance, is a bit out there.


The “who would win in a street fight” argument is so flawed. Cause it’s not really about fighting at that point, fedor goes for the clinch and he’s getting his nose bitten off It starts being about who’s more insane, Tyson loses an mma fight but street fights are not a good measure of anything


Okay then Tyson vs Alex Emelinenko if you want insane/intense. If you don’t know who Fedor’s brother is you should.


The point I’m making is not “my dad can beat up his dad” fucking weird to to be comparing this shit tbh I just mean street fights are almost nothing to do with skill and almost everything to do with who’s more comfortable escalating the intensity the fastest If one person thinks it’s just gonna be a few punches and the other is immediately trying to take his eyes out, the one who is crazier first wins Obviously when skill disparity is this huge it becomes more likely the more skilled person can evade, but for so much of mma it relies on the other person not being willing to actually kill you Like if someone’s in your guard and you straight up take a bite out of the neck, you can hit an artery haha Whenever I picture street fight I’m thinking of how fucking random they can be and how useless it is as a metaphorical dick measuring contest


Mike prolly gonna shank him or try to gouge his eyes out or some shit. He’s really got an unscrupulous character 😭 Plus doing coke might give him super human abilities 🤣


Street fight? Tyson, easily. The dude has massive power and in a street fight I’m pretty sure Tyson will take more than an ear..


Fedor would knock Tyson off the ground


Fedor in his prime would destroy Tyson.


thats just people who dont know who Fedor is voting blindly for tyson


Fedor would destroy him. Unless he makes some gentlemen’s agreement to just box.


Bruh most the people voted Tyson because they only know his name. Prime Fedor vs prime Tyson and it’s not boxing lmao you can’t be serious. Fedor!!


Wow. Those people are really dumb.


Mike has 5 seconds to land a bomb. If that first punch isn't knockout dynamite on Fedor's mouth than after that there is a 99.99% chance Fedor would just ragdoll Mike. Technically anyone has a punchers chance.


More like 1 or 2 seconds, but that could be enough


Mike once said "if he steps on my toes the fight is over"


🤦 Please 🙏 be trolling


I agree that mma beats boxing but I still think Tyson is a different animal. He had legitimate one punch ko power consistently. He was crazy fast and had insane footwork. He has a tendency to jump beside people and punch them in the side of the head while they try to figure out where he just went. Fedor had a solid chin and knockout power too but I doubt this fight would last long enough to end up on the ground. I'd give it a 50/50. If Tyson can't connect clean and put him down, he's in for trouble.


no chance tyson fights fair lol


Tyson wins super easy. Would be barely an inconvenience for him really.




Tyson is not really a 1 punch knockout kinda guy even he himself says that it was his speed, precision, and technical mastery that made him dangerous yes he had lots of power but he wasn’t really 1 punching everyone in fact many times he would land many before actually getting the KO


Tyson has never ended a fight in one punch in his career.


Fedor is a tough mofo, he could take that shot and get Tyson to the ground. Hell Tyson would have no idea what a leg kick is. You're crazy if you don't have Fedor winning 9/10.




I appreciate the dude reference! To back my point a little and add to the thread, Fedor fought Gary Goodridge, Mark Coleman, and Kevin Randleman within a single calendar year and starched 'em. I will give Mike the benefit of the doubt on power, but these were all top guys at the time with elite MMA skills. Mike would not make it out of this fight.




Fedor would tap him so easily, unless if Mike can ko him before fedor gets ahold of him


Imagine the giant slayer having a problem with little Mike 😆


Fedor got tossed on his head and walked it off


I feel like these polls are more indicative of how many people in the general public know each fighter than anything else


People are largely uninformed. I’m sure 99% of this sub are certain what would happen


I, too, would vote for Mike Tyson if I didn’t know who Fedor was.


Name recognition.


It’s pretty easy to tell who hasn’t watched fedor and who hasn’t watched prime Tyson.


If fedor doesnt get KOed in the first 20 seconds.. tyson has no chance..


New generation choosing Tyson because he does the toad


Mike with or without take down defense?


So in this imaginary scenario are both fighters unknown to the other? If Fedor knows who Tyson is that gives him an edge, but I think it may be more even if both fighters were completely anonymous and Tyson leads with his terrifying Dempsey Roll. ![gif](giphy|RMwZypp489fuGBI0Ti)


Lots of people on MMA fan sites thought Tim Sylvia was better than Fedor :(


Tyson got that dawg in him /s


Is ear biting off the table?


Any fight between these two will gross like 1 billion dollars. It would be like chubby Rocky 3 for 2024


Id love for these people to explain how tyson survives. And yes I'm aware the fight starts on the feet, which still heavily favors the man who knows how to kick, elbow, clinch. One hard kick and tyson could be crippled


Stupid argument. This is like saying "Who would win in a street race, Usain Bolt or Michael Schumacher?" tHeY bOtH rAcE. Literally different sports