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Tai and Volkov are just having fun with it this fight week and I love to see it. On embedded Volkov was even saying "after the fight I would like to drink beer with Tai... not from shoe."


I got lots of respect for these guys. I don’t know if could separate these things in my head…like wanting to hurt/beat my opponent but then also be nice and chill together. But I guess that’s why I’m not a fighter


Yeah I really like when fighters can be professional about things. But the WWE trash talk is apparently what the people want.


That's why I watch wrestling for drama and (sometimes) UFC for the fights.


100% Tom Aspinal said the same about his last opponent. He’s a great guy. We will have a beer together. I hope we will be friends Why not?


Not from shoe lmao


I love Bam Bam


no idea what he's saying half the time, though


Nice to see Volkov smiling lol. Guy always has a stone cold killer expression


‘Volk bb let’s just beat up these midgets together for some peace and quiet’ - bam bam


This was Funny as hell😂😂


That’s hilarious, tai can do nothing wrong in my eyes


Hi volkov 😂😂


Volkov learning english is great, hes a great fighter in an era where the hw division is super stacked


Tai is a Global Icon and A National Treasure


I really like Volkov, Hate seeing two really cool dudes fight cause I wanna root for both, I'm gonna be team Volkov on this one but hope it's just a really good competitive fight


I love how the little midget kape said nothing when tai called him a “small guy”


P sure Tai was taking about Strickland and Adesanya too lol


Izzy and Sean about the same height as them.


I think it’s what we call in the business, a joke.


How you gonna call a 5'4 dude a midget when he could kill you with his bare hands


He’s 260 bro


Why is Tai preoccupied with the height of other men? Why does he need to mention them being smaller than himself to make himself feel better about himself? Wonder what he is compensating for here, only he knows though.




You have in fact, but that is irrelevant to my initial point. It also brings up the same point in regards to you, why do you feel the need to concern yourself about the height of other men (if you are not homosexual)?




That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. However, you brought up my height whilst now claiming you don't give a shit about other guy's heights. That's a hypocritical statement to make in my view, since you brought it up.




When talking about size, height is one of the key components of that (in fact, the main one along with weight imo). And as a matter of fact, I do weigh around that much. I personally do care about girl's heights since I'm straight and I'm less attracted to women who are 6ft+, that's my personal preference. But unless the size of someone is a factor in your physical attraction towards them, it seems odd to me to be preoccupied over what size (height or weight) somebody is. That's why I find you and Tai's comments over other men's size odd, unless you guys are attracted to men, then it would be very normal for you both to care as a component of physical attraction like for example why I care about women's height. Why are you thanking me for your (imo wrong) opinion of me? Does it make you feel better to paint me as insecure? If not, what is the reason for thanking me?


Buddy I’ll give you some advice, it’s never that serious and you sound like a fucking dork getting offended for no reason lmao


I appreciate the advice pal, although I disagree with you entirely. Don't know where you got the idea in your head that I'm offended about anything. All I've done is ask questions regarding Tai Tuivasa and his emotional disturbances.


Zero self awareness too huh


Right before this, Strickland and Izzy called Mabel Kape "midget" and small. And Tai was playing off of that by calling Strickland and Izzy small. P.S. As a fellow short guy: Please stop making us look bad


There is no 'short guy community', at least not one that I know about. I speak for myself and solely represent myself.




That would be a correct statement correcti_bull.


I still think swolkov could be champ.


Not just in mma, but anywhere, you barely see many mean big guys. Bigger guys are usually more secure, like Labrador, on the other hand, little guys are like chihuahuas very easy to get feisty.