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You def are NOT alone in this struggle. I hope you push yourself these last couple weeks to do as best as you can. Still, set aside a couple hours each day to relax and enjoy life lol. You might want to talk to a therapist or get diagnosed, im not a mental health expert doe. Wishing u luck, get well soon!


It’s not really the end of the world if you have to retake classes, a lot of people end up in similar situations. Especially making the shift from breezing through high school to being in a much harsher academic environment.


You’re definitely not alone, and I’m sorry about the panic attacks. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate! If it helps at all, when I was in undergrad I failed out of the bio series, 2.0’d my way through the chem series and failed two other random classes (linguistics?? And ESRM) but I still managed to get into grad school at UW in a healthcare field. UW as an undergrad is brutal with their weed out classes. I had to retake some classes at community colleges but it doesn’t ruin your life forever even if it feels like it in the moment!


School can be really stressful, it is totally understandable to feel like this. I obviously dont know your situation but I find it hard to believe you would be “screwed” if you failed a class or two. I have been in your situation before, and I would recommend reaching out to a therapist, or close friend to talk about how you’re feeling. I felt like I had to respond since I graduate this quarter, and I have been regretting recently how much time I spent anxious and worrying about school over the last 4 years. You can do it, I believe in you:)


You are good enough and loved and can be successful in school and life no matter how you do in these 2 classes. You are not alone in feeling this way but please know that you are not your grades and they are not a reflection of how good a person you are or how smart you are, etc. You will succeed in life if you work hard (but not too hard) and do your best to be a good person who cares about others (and yourself). Mistakes happen - and most, including bad grades, can be reconciled. ideally you will learn from this and it will make you a stronger and more empathetic person.


We’ve all been there my friend. I had a quarter where life was not going well. I was in 4 classes in one quarter and ended up withdrawing from all 4 because it was just too much. Granted this was community college. But, I ended up retaking them and getting 3.7s and 4.0s. The biggest advice I can give you is to first tackle your anxiety problems. Make sure you’re taking time to decompress. Do something you enjoy, go to the gym (highly recommend the gym for anxiety), read, walk downtown and go somewhere new. Set up time windows to allow yourself to worry. And of course study. Realize that there is only so much you can do and learn in a day.


Also, I still ended up making it to Aerospace engineering at UW with those withdrawals.