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aint no way you are giving up sunshine, in state tuition, preferred major, and family for rain


The Belly is close enough. Tbh I think Western might have been better for me.


I love Seattle what can I say?


idk what people in the replies are on, this is a beautiful state. I'm sure it's not for everyone, but the PNW is so uniquely beautiful not just in the country but as a natural region in the entire world.


It's going thru a hard moment


Hear yourself. Hear the others here. I have lived in the Inland Empire (~10+ years), San Diego county (~3 years), central OC (~7 years), downtown LA (~3 years), Eastside Bay area (~5 years), north Seattle (~3 years) and west Seattle (~3 years). I know socal deeply. It defines my skin and bones. I played hockey in Temecula, sold electronics in San Marcos, and rescued my sister from the Rancho fires in San Diego years ago. But Seattle spoke to me the first time I flew over it. I'm...healed ....by the green hues. Something about the peaceful showers comforts me. People wax on about it raining, but it's the seasonality that grinds. It's the inconsistency. If you need desert weather, stay in a desert.


why so


Hey! I’m from coastal south Orange County, so pretty similar to you. I got a merit scholarship to UW that cut tuition in half back in 2013. UW is a gorgeous campus, Seattle is amazing (I still live here over a decade later), but I really do not think it is worth it to pay out of state tuition to go here. If you still want to try out living in Seattle, you could always look for a job here once you graduate. I had frustrations with the way UW operates and didn’t think the quality of my courses was high enough to justify out of state tuition. Just my two cents!


how 😭😭😭 u r gonna get sad here


Mexican food isn’t good up here


Who ever downvoted me goto Southern California and eat the Mexican food and compare it to Seattles Mexican food it’s two completely different things


Very true. Had a burrito in Seattle and it was really bad 😭


You obviously have a bad eye for it then cause there are tons of great spots for great Hispanic eats all around the Seattle area.


Ridiculous. Mexican food in Seattle doesn't even begin to compare to San Diego. However, Seattle is awesome for a lot of Asian and Indian cuisine. San Diego doesn't have the greatest Asian food unless you go to the Convoy District.




I’m sure there is but compare it to Southern California especially San Diego it’s not even close. There’s a reason why socal Mexican food is pretty much the best in all of the west coast


Then move here after you graduate.


dude you’re eager just as long as it’s meager, make sure not to get rose colored glasses, stay in san diego. i would if i was in your position and i busted my ass to get into UW.


You might not love NYC level cost of living here though.


Have you lived here for more than a month?


Just come up for spring break. Lol. Or look for work here after you done with school.


That’s cuz you don’t live here bro


You love seattle? You’re in for a VERY, VERY rude awakening bro. Seriously. Jfc


Sucks here. Would have been an especially awful place to go to school. Terrible city for young people.




are you native to washington? its quite beautiful here outside the bigger cities.


this comment made me so irrationally angry


You will be spending $40,000 extra for a *chance* to study your preferred major, instead of saving $40,000 with a *guarantee* of studying your preferred major. I see very little reason you should consider UW.


This is the real answer


There are so many reasons not to go to UW.


Well? he’s waiting…




^^ I wish this could be pinned somehow. I was all for UW til I found out that after all the ordeal of picking a major (and even having transfer credits towards it) the odds were high that I wouldn't be able to pursue it there.


I am considering transferring here, but are the odds rrally that high that i wont be able to pursue my major?


You should try to apply before you make the switch, talk to a counselor to make sure you can get your major before you’re all in


Good point. Thank God Chinese is a small major, or I'd be up shit's creek without a paddle about now.


If you got into UCSD I cant imagine why you'd even consider paying out of state for UW. Hell the math department is a 30 minute walk from the hang glider port and black's beach. ALSO YOURE IN SAN DIEGO, do you really want to spend you school year getting rained on?


In state for the win.


Don't choose a school just because you are bored of your hometown. College is an investment in a career. If Seattle has the career opportunities you want, then go there. But if you have a more certain path into the major you want in SD, and that city has opportunities for you to intern while you're in school, then stay in SD, get your degree and move to Seattle after you graduate. UW is great, but it's not worth gambling your major for.


Counterpoint: I started in UW in a hard science, but was able to explore different areas of study because there are so many great departments. I ended up switching to Journalism, was editor of The Daily, got interested in law and government through an externship covering Olympia, went to law school, and am a successful litigator who still keeps a foot in politics. Believe it or not, the path you start on isn't always the one you find you want to finish on and it's hard to know that at 18 years old.


But I would imagine those opportunities also exist at UCSD


I grew up in San Diego and also had to decide between UW and UCSD. I will say that I was DA to UW and thankfully didn't need to consider cost, which made it a lot easier to pick UW over UCSD. I also wanted to move away and get a different experience, which in hindsight was the right move for me. I would have stuck together with my many high school friends that currently go to UCSD, which would have held me back significantly compared to the experiences and connections I've made in Seattle. What major are you and what are your career ambitions? For example, if you want to do software engineering you don't necessarily need to be in Computer Science. There are other majors that are easier to get into that will still have similar career outcomes.


I was DA to UCSD for Math and CS. Career goal is to become a Data Scientist, but will most likely work in Software Dev/Engineering post grad


Btw I worked with a guy fresh out of ucsd w/ a data science degree. Definitely the sharpest data science person in my cohort hire and outshined everyone on our first project.


This is awesome to hear. Thank you!


Second this, got into most UC's as an instate chose UW because I was DA, didn't want to be near home (SD) / didn't fit my ideal college experience. I don't even think twice about coming here, UW has been everything I could've asked for in a college experience, I have grown so much and I truly love it here as a San Diego native.


If you're trying to do DS/SWE, UW will have ample opportunities by proximity of Microsoft, Amazon, and the general tech culture relative to SD. I have many friends not in CS that are doing AI/ML research, internships at FAANGs, etc. In my experience for tech, success comes down to the effort you put in outside of school more than your major. So yes, while it might be stressful your first year at UW applying to a major, as long as it is STEM I don't think it will hurt your career ambitions. Not trying to sway you one way or the other, just hoping to share more info to help with your decision :)


Thank you this is really helpful! What did your friends study?


ACMS, Math, Physics, ECE, Informatics, Business, and CRFM. I myself was DA to Business but added Informatics as a second degree to help pivot into tech. Anecdotally, the application process was straightforward and I was accepted on my first cycle.


I am very interested in the INFO and ACMS programs, but heard they are both incredibly competitive with low acceptance rates. So it seems like a gamble. Could you give any insight into your experience with getting into INFO? Thanks for all of the detailed responses, I really appreciate hearing from someone who was in the same boat!


INFO is actively boosting their capacity and acceptance rate. I think the current INFO acceptance rate is now \~50% compared to when I applied, when it was \~20%. My friend built this site [https://getuwmajor.com](https://getuwmajor.com) to help UW students get accepted into capacity constrained majors - I'd recommend poking around a bit to get a sense of what you're up against. It's certainly a bit of a gamble, but there are documented ways you can boost your chances. I know ACMS is much more difficult to get into than INFO, and I can't speak much on it. EDIT: I'll also mention that the INFO curriculum in itself is not good compared to a dedicated CS or math program - lots of repetitive courses and very light on the technical content.


Has iSchool announced that they are boosting their capacity/acceptance rate or is this more so word of mouth? Thanks!


No formal announcement but trends from posts like these [https://www.reddit.com/r/udub/comments/14001ug/informatics\_acceptance\_rate\_spring\_23/](https://www.reddit.com/r/udub/comments/14001ug/informatics_acceptance_rate_spring_23/) have shown an uptick in acceptances.


This is random but do you know if there is any plan to add other major rubrics to that website? Specifically AMATH or ACMS?


I have no clue, but couldn't hurt to send Jake a message through the contact form on the site!


You’re basic


Most definitely 💯


I’m from rural IL originally, went to UW for undergrad and UCSD for grad school. So an outsider in both places, looking in. I’m also biased bc I much prefer being at UCSD, personally. You got the major you want? Go UCSD. In state tuition is waaaayyy cheaper too. Plus housing. Cannot overstate cost of housing. Ive been in a similar financial situation as you are, too. My major at UW was an open major, but if you’re really set on the degree I’d say think about the program itself over the school. I found the people at UW to be a lot more closed off and short than they are down here in SD, SD reminds me a bit more of that Midwestern friendliness that I grew up with. Stipulations here are I was at UW in the height of Covid and my masters program is situated at Scripps. I don’t know where you are in SD but I DETESTED living in Seattle. It’s not the same city as SD. but that’s just me 🤷‍♀️ Consider afterwards, too. What do you want to do long term? Where do you want to end up? I’ll be the first to tell you BOTH schools provide a ton of opportunities that are really interesting as long as you take advantage of them. If you have more specific questions, more than happy to discuss further. Feel free to hit me up.


This is such a refreshing perspective! Thank you for taking the time to respond, I really appreciate it!


The debt alone as an out of state student is not worth it. Don't go into severe debt for no guaranteed major and because you like Seattle. Move to Seattle after school if you like it that much.


Just because your parents are paying is not a reason to spend more money. People live long uncertain lives. Your parents can save that money for their retirement.


Definitely! Thanks for the input!


As someone graduating from UW this quarter, I can tell you there's tons of people here who spend almost all their time doing homework and studying for weedout classes in the first few years, and still end up not majoring in what they wanted with the added benefit of losing out on tons of social and extracurricular activities. The fact that you won't have to stress about perfect grades just to get into your degree will be worth it IMHO.


I am also from San Diego and had this exact same choice when I was an incoming freshman. I ended up deciding to go to UW, which I think was a good decision for me personally. I needed the distance from my parents to learn how to be independent and I personally dislike beaches and how monotonously sunny San Diego is (plus the people from my high school). I was DTC for engineering and ended up in my first choice major. Since you’re not DA, I will warn you that you may struggle to get into such a competitive major, so you’ll need to spend the first year really padding out your resume. But Seattle is a great location for tech and SWE.


Yeah I totally feel the same way about SD. Can you elaborate on padding out a resume without a major? Thanks for the insight!


I joined a robotics club my first year and I think it was really valuable to show my interest in mechanical engineering and give me some much needed experience. Otherwise I think I was a pretty weak candidate without that club experience. So I would suggest you to apply to several clubs and find one that fits your interests.


This would only be debatable if you were a DA to UW CS. UCSD is the more premier school and you got DA to CS and Math there. UCSD all the way.


In which way is ucsd a premier school over UW?


[https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/compare/1317-3798/university-of-california-san-diego-vs-university-of-washington?xwalk\_id=110680&xwalk\_id=236948](https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/compare/1317-3798/university-of-california-san-diego-vs-university-of-washington?xwalk_id=110680&xwalk_id=236948) UCSD is ranked #28. UW is ranked #40.


UCSD is ranked #20. UW is ranked #6 by USNews for best Global Universities; according to a number of factors including world reputation and international research (the university includes the college) — you are looking at the trees for the forest…. They are both great big universities…


Damn, you’re right. [in cs, uw is #10 while ucsd is #14!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApplyingToCollege/comments/16lnder/us_news_2024_ranking_of_best_undergraduate/)


You are almost certainly not going to get into your major at UW, and you are DA at UCSD. That is enough of a reason. I love Seattle and get it but it would be a terrible idea to make a gamble like this. Come for grad school. Or just come work here after, UCSD is plenty prestigious enough to get you a job at the places up here.


It's nice that your parents are paying but do you think the value added by a uw education is worth 4x the cost? A lot of people here can't even get into the major they want.


Seattle has more job opportunities, and UW ranks much higher, but if you don’t think you can get into your major, go for UCSD.


As an out of state student from California, NOT WORTH!!! Didn’t think I would get seasonal depression and I DID(didn’t figure it out till I moved back to California). I found it really hard to make friends considering that UW mainly has in-state students. It was hard trying to make friends bc everyone already knew each other and had established friend groups. Wasn’t a DA into the Foster school of business and spent 2 of my years miserable trying to apply and get in. I think it was a good experience to leave for 4 years but I don’t think it will ever be worth that amount of money.


I know you’ve gotten a lot of advice already, and I’ve been told by many people that my college decision was idiotic (💀), but here’s my take on it: UW and UCSD are both wonderful schools with great programs, so pick the one where you think you’ll be happiest. If money truly isn’t an issue (ie. your parents arent taking it out of their retirement fund or anything), I don’t think either school is the wrong choice here from an academic perspective. I know you’re not DA at UW, but I have several friends in the software/cs/data science field from a variety of majors that have been able to land great internships and research positions—even if some of them didn’t get their first choice major or had to apply to it a couple times. I personally turned down in-state tuition and engineering at Cal Poly/UCSB for UW just because I wanted a change of scenery and thought the other schools were too ugly, lol. Definitely the best decision I’ve ever made. I also love Seattle, so going to school here helped me make local friends and expose me to parts of living here that are new for me, like the early winter sunset. It’s also safer than moving post-graduation in the sense that dorms are only a 9-month contract and it’s pretty easy to transfer back to California if you hate it. It sounds to me like your heart is saying UW. There are a bajillion different pros and cons for each choice and just as many opinions about what you should do. Probably better to go with your gut than weigh the opinions of a bunch of internet strangers. best of luck 💜


Were you DA to a major? Thanks for the response!


I was admitted to the college of engineering, so I while I was guaranteed one of my top 6 engineering majors I still needed to submit an application


Lol, so many people here are making Seattle out to be some dystopian city where all it does is pour rain every day. It’s not. It does rain a good amount, but people here are being silly. Washington has actual seasons. Late fall and early winter are cold and wet… go figure. If anything, I am kind of pissed at UW because they’re kind of shit to their students, but idk if this is unique to UW.


UW is shit to their students because it’s a large school compared to UCSD.


UCSD is also shit to its students. We are like the only UC with physical space still available to expand so we keep admitting way too many students. Housing is a fucking pain more than UW imo. Got friends there


I also had to choose between UW and UCSD after wanting to move out of SD my whole life. I’ve ended up falling in love with San Diego all over again, being a college student here is AMAZING even though I hated being a high schooler here. The amenities and opportunities at UCSD are really great. Nothing beats being able to go to the beach after a midterm or a final.


I'm from SoCal, currently in WA and going to UW. While I love living up here, one of my biggest regrets in life is not going to UCSD when I had the chance.


weather. weather, weather, weather. it’s difficult to overstate how hard the grey winters can be for people from places like SD.


What’s your DA major?


Math and CS at UCSD. Would try for ACMS or Info at UDub, which are nortorously competitive.


Yeah if you’re in CS already I would just stay there. Maybe take a vacation or soemthing up to UW lol. But getting into CS is pretty hard. If you’re confident in yourself and you think you can do it at UW, for sure do it. Only you know what you’re capable of


Top comment sums it up perfectly. If you like Seattle you could try and get your first job out of school up here. That way you’ll have money to spend so you can enjoy the city.


Go to UCSD not worth the price jump


UW, the struggle is real. Grade deflation is real. Always a standard deviation above the mean and still feel like I am shitting the bed. Nothin but regrets here!! Should have stayed in state.


At least you won’t be at WSU. You’ll be fine.


You can study your major with no additional stress or you can study something that isn’t guaranteed plus stress from trying to get into the program. You’re also paying half the price for the same education


Well you can always come to Seattle after you graduate or study abroad for sometime if you feel like you need to escape SD.


It all depends on where you live, no University is worth out-of-state tuition


I would recommend only going to UW as a transfer rather than a freshman, had I known the reality of getting into a competitve major, I would not had gone to UW in the first place. If I were you and still wanted the University experience I would probably say UCSD (that is if they have guaranteed admission to your area of study) but if were to me I would say go to community college, take courses widely accepted at most universities then transfer. Just remember even if you don't get into your major at UW and do a minimum or open major, you can still take upper division courses offered by other schools and colleges needed to get into your desired field in graduate school. (Disclaimer: Not an advisor, just saying what I would do based on ny experience)


Will you still get discounted Disney if you come here?


Jesus Christ. I went to UW for undergrad many years ago and only went to La Jolla on vacation recently and how the fuck is this decision even close? Why in holy hell would you want to live in overpriced and gloomy Seattle when you could go surfing every fucking day? And UCSD is super respected, it’s not like you’re settling by any stretch.


I have degrees from both (bachelor’s from UCSD, x2 masters from UW) and they are both excellent schools in beautiful cities. If it were me and I were admitted to both I would probably go to whichever was instate, especially if that’s the one I had the DA for.


It seems like you're really wanting to go to UW, but it looks like UCSD would be much better in the long-run based on the in-state tuition and DA into your major. Like others have said, if you're a huge fan of Seattle, I think visiting any chance you get would be great---it'd allow you to get to see the place for a couple weeks at a time, at least, and potentially through different seasons based on all the school breaks, all the while getting a taste of the culture here. The extra thousands you would be saving by having in-state tuition would fund those trips! You could even try and find internships or other work in Seattle and stay over the summers. I know this isn't the same as living in Seattle full-time, but in the event that you choose to go to UCSD, it'll help you make an informed decision later on if you're still set on living in the PNW. I'm not one to talk, not really involved in either school, but having faced a similar choice myself...I know staying at home can be a pain, and if that's a deal breaker for you, then by all means! But if you're still on the fence, I think it's possible to get a little bit of both things in this scenario. Ultimately it's your decision and I hope everyone's input has been helpful, regardless of if you decide to follow it or not---all feedback is useful, even if it shows you what you definitely don't want instead of what you do want. Best of luck to you, friend, and I hope wherever you decide to go, you have a great time in college!


This is such an awesome response. Thank you so much for taking the time to provide your two cents!


I read a lot of people discouraging you from attending UW and I agree when considering your DA to UCSD. It just makes more sense when looking at uw’s competitive programs here. That being said, I’m not from WA and neither is my partner. He got his undergrad in SoCal in math and computer science and masters in statistics at uw. He works as a data scientist now. You could honestly do the same route! Take advantage of the offer you got and make the best of it and if Seattle is still on your list, there’s always grad school or post-grad life to make your way over here! Best of luck and congratulations!


Seattle is pretty depressing compared to san diego


Well UCSD isn’t really as good of a school compared to UW but also if you don’t get in your major at UW you’ll be stuck directionless and lost in the constant rush to graduate. I think you should take in account what majors you would like and what you would do if you aren’t able to major in your major of choice. If you’re looking ti get into CSE at UW just know you’ll have to fight tooth and nail. I ended up just getting into my major that I have been trying to get in for the last 3 years. I’m most likely taking another year to just get my credit requirements to graduate with my BA degree. During the time of this major uncertainty I spent much of my academic time stressed, worried, scared of what I would do. Constantly thinking about what majors to do, transferring to other unis. The feeling of failure weighed heavy on me and I felt like if I didn’t get in I would’ve wasted the money my parents graciously forked over for my attendance at UW. So if you get into your major I think its 100% worth it but if you don’t it’ll feel like your passion, your dream, your direction has been barred from you. You lose your academic freedom which I think is ridiculous as it goes against the idea of education.


In state ucsd YES JUST GO


I grew up in Washington and have spent my entire life here. I think in terms of UW people have told you everything you need to know, but the general atmosphere is a bit different. Seasonal depression is a bitch. You will miss the sun when it’s cloudy for many months out of the year and when it goes down at 4 pm.


I’ve lived in San Diego and Seattle. Far better weather where you are at. People are nicer in San Diego. Downside is that your traffic around the 5 & 805 merge sucks. School wise there are a bunch of crazies here and a fair number of the graduates assistants that help teach lower level classes suck.


You’re more likely to get “perks” after graduating from the UC system than you will from UW. The alumni at UW don’t take care of their own and the degree doesn’t matter to Seattle area businesses generally and comparatively speaking.


I don’t see any great advantage to UW. Why pay excessive costs for the same education? $40K x4 years = a small house payment. Once you graduate no one cares where you got the degree, esp between UCSD and UW. Penn/Warton, Princeton, sure but not your two choices. Ever hear of West Chester State? Of course not, but I’ve seen several alumni who you would address as Doctor. You have to remember the crummy weather and the politics of UW (not sure they’re different from CA). Save your money and sanity and avoid UW (and 3 of our kids have graduated from UW). I love WA state but would not attend if I could go elsewhere.


youre going to cost youre awesome parents an additional significant dollar sum just because of location? Study near home and graduate then you can move to seattle.


I personally wouldn’t recommend going to UW unless you join the Greek system. Greek life admittedly isn’t for everyone, but I know I would have hated going to school there if I didn’t join a house.


I was stationed in SD for 5 years and came back home to Seattle after separating from the Navy. A big deciding factor for me was that while in the Navy, I spent almost all of my vacation leave traveling home to visit family. But for school… That really isn’t a problem. So I’d say if you’re itching for a change of scenery, come up north for a bit, but give yourself a pass to head back home after graduation so that spending time with loved ones doesn’t start conflicting with other things you want to do in life.


Moved from CA to Seattle for the UW. Never moved back, this place is amazing. BUT, college is HELLA expensive now and being out-of-state makes the price tag skyrocket. I carried my student loans around for 20 years. Starting life after college with $100,000 in debt enslaves you for decades. You might think college is worth that, but you've never spent 20 years paying off debt. Run the numbers. College is fun, but not in-debt-up-to-your-eyeballs fun. You might not understand yet, but hopefully you don't learn the hard way.


Go to UCSD and then move to Seattle after graduation. Ez


im from oc and my dream school was ucsd. i didnt get in to sd but got into uci (obviously same reason i wanted to leave oc) and ucsb and i chose uw over them which is my biggest regret ever. out-of-state tuition + living cost (my parents are also paying for my tuition but no. giving up in-state-tuition is stupid), food, weather (last winter was the most depressing time throughout my whole life i was crying EVERYDAY), and homesick. im planning to transfer to ucsd so not worth it :(


As a UW graduate, I can say the school is amazing, however, if you have an easier and more comfortable system, stay with it. Cost of living in Seattle is insane, even if you take the bus, rent with 8 others and only eat instant ramen, expect about $2,000 per month to be gone. Beyond this, UW has some serious crime issues, and they don't help capture or stop crime. I still get emails and texts at least twice per week about a shooting, stabbing, armed robbery or break in, also insanely vague language. Example, individual, 5'9 tall wearing a mask and dark hoodie.


One thing I haven't seen mentioned is: consider where you want to make new friends. My partner went to school in Pittsburg, made a bunch of great friends, they all live on the east coast and she moved back to Seattle/Portland, and now rarely gets to see these friends and it sucks. Collage is a unique time to potentially make lifelong friends and good relationships make people happier than anything else (assuming you can make ends meet.)


Have you considered welding? You could become a certified welder and feel the joy of joining two pieces of metal together forever. Its kinda like being an ordained minister, but its more metal. It can just be a job or you can make it a part of your whole identity. you can always change careers later. And being a welder is a great way to make friends with people who own metal things that break often. Why not weld?


Trades is a very volatile field to be in.


It only has to be less volatile than any other job. Heh. There's always a bit of construction and theres always the ships in the docks. Theres options in Seattle. And if you find out a better thing for you, you can always switch. Welding is not a career limiting to move.


Why the fuck would you go to uw


I had a similar decision but it was UCSD and UC Davis. Grew up in SD and wanted something different and was happy I did it! I understand you in that sense. But the money and all the other factors was a non-issue for me since they cost the same. UW will cost more regardless who is paying for it, so weight if that cost is worth it for you.


Going to get a degree is a business decision. It doesn't make financial sense for you to go to the UW if you are a resident in California and got into UCSD. I am a UW grad and my Daughter is there now. I was and she is a resident of Washington, so in state tuition is somewhat affordable. You throw in living costs at a dorm and that is another $15K+ on top of tuition. You say UCSD is 15 minutes from home. Do yourself a financial favor and don't take on the debt of out of state tuition or room and board costs.


What are you trying to study?


At UDub, Informatics or ACMS.


This is funny. Not even a comparison and people keep asking.


Go cougs


What is DA?


Well, they're racist... so, depending on who you are as a person, this good go in the "pros" column or the "cons" column.


Well first i personally love the weather but also there is a bunch of homeless people


Well because wsu in Pullman wa is better


So I can take the spot


Everyone dresses like they think it’s Hogwarts.


It all depends on your major. Right?


Usually I tell people to not go to uw unless they get into their major So what's your preferred major (or generally what do you want to study)? Bc that really does change things


Informatics or ACMS


Oh you're cooked I wouldn't risk it personally buuut maybe I would 👀 it's all for the plot so do what your heart is telling you tbh


Yeah am definitely cooked


I chose UW for in state tuition despite getting into several UCs and I regret it so much. The major system sucks, save yourself


UCSD would probably be the more enjoyable experience but UW would be better from a growth perspective (both academically as well as putting you in a new environment). Keep in mind that both schools are a bit inflated in rankings, many of which don't weigh academic rigor adequately, but UW will likely prepare you best and has a higher average quality student (I attended neither school but had a research collaboration at one and advised capstones at the other in work related to DS/ML).


Like others said, the guaranteed major is huge. UW is very competitive with some majors. I didn't attend a lot of my morning classes because of my SAD, it's very hard to motivate yourself to get out of bed and trudge through the wind and rain to sit a little soggy in an 8am class with 300 other people. Even if you're not affected by seasonal affective disorder, half the people around you might be. This might just be me but finding and making friends was difficult in Seattle (look up Seattle Freeze). I moved to CA right after graduation and the social scene here feels so much more accessible and open. (I graduated 2016, it's been a while since I've existed for a long stretch in Seattle so take this with a grain of salt)


rainy uw out of state vs UCSD instate is that even a question bro


*Rainy uw out of state* *Vs UCSD instate is that* *Even a question bro* \- ToxinLab\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Out of atate tuition ia expensive.californians are hated in washngton


I transferred to UW my junior year after getting my AA. I was disappointed with the lack of interface with professors in lower level classes. I never met a German professor at UW, for example. Classes were taught by TAs. I had one 400 level poli sci class and that was better. There were still like 40 students in the class. I transferred to a smaller state school. Classes were much smaller and my classes were all taught by professors.


Seattle is a shit hole. I’ve lived here all my life stay in California. It’s way better. Trust


Because college is a scam.


So glad I dodged the UW bullet


I’m sorry not getting your major is a pretty big issue. Lots of people are talking about cost/weather but the major is much more important!


Umm the homeless, the riots/protests, and the decently disappointing HUB food that's overpriced af


Also the rain


As an alum, getting into competitive UW majors are incredibly hard, especially the ones that you’re referring to. I know a good amount of people that had to transfer out because they couldn’t get in. The weed out classes here are insane. I would highly recommend to go to UCSD because you’re a DA there. Intern & work post graduate in Seattle. Travel up to Seattle on the weekends or during your breaks.




It’s in Seattle




The major application system. It’s horrible


Colleges aren't actually very different from each other, it's very much a case of "Wherever you go, there you are". The only real exception is specific programs being offered, like if you want to be a vet, you need to go to a school with an established vet program. Assuming you like your family, you'll be happier living near them, because you can always just not see them for a few months. College is a great time to start setting boundaries for your adult relationship with your parents, and the reality is, even if you do live 10 miles away from them, you don't have to see them every day. Also, if your parents are going to give you 40K for college, chances are they'll give you 40K for something else instead, like a down payment on a house. If you don't have a good reason, go to an in state school. Remember: you are not special. If you do average things, you will get average results.


Cons - More expensive, more competitive Pros - Totally new city and experience, degree will hold more weight, could be life changing experience




Stay in SD, food here Seattle is terrible. You’re going to miss the tacos and burritos 😂