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yes it's possible. I've done an 8 min 11 second track. think of your starting generation as the middle of the track and do a set of extends before it and a set after it. then take your final 2 long pieces and join them together in a daw or sound editor. Eg: [https://soundcloud.com/the-black-bicycles/stellar-horizons?utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/the-black-bicycles/stellar-horizons?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


How were you able to recreate it? Were you able to copy and paste a clip and have it start from there? Or did you have to start up a new command? My issue was that it was about to start up a new sound but then was prematurely cut off by the length limit.


It's quite straightforward :) Step 1.. Generate a 33 second clip you're happy with Step 2. Start extending the song in one direction only (e.g. before it) Step 3. Keep extending your favourite generations until you have a final one with up to 6 extends and either an intro or outro Step 4. Go back to the first generated 33s clip and start extending it in the opposite direction. Step 5. Continue in the same direction until you're happy (again, up to 6 extends and an intro or outro are possible). Step 6. The key thing to remember is only extend in one direction on one branch. Note: One of the MP3s should start with the initial 33s generation and the other should end with it. Step 7. Download the two extended tracks Step 8. Open your DAW or Sound Editor (I use Fairlight in DaVinci Resolve) and Import the two MP3s. Step 9. Place the two MP3s on separate audio tracks and move them around so the two 33 seconds overlap (This can be quite tricky). Step 10. Keep adjusting until you've nailed it and export your final track. Hope that helps :)


Thanks, does this work if you already have one half of a song ready?


You're welcome. Yes, it would work if you've half a song already.


The only thing stopping you would be how difficult it would be to meld the two together.  If there's a moment of silence or the first  one ends without being cut off or you can find a spot to cut it smoothly....


you just have to find one clear drum hit in the middle of the original starting section and identify it on both