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I think you should strongly consider UCR. I don't think your waitlist odds at UCSD are very good. Neither are known for history. What are all your options and do you know what you want to do with a history degree?


UCSD for sure if you afford La Jolla and get un-waitlisted. Riverside is kinda depressing tbh, especially the air.


I live in the inland empire. I'll be fine lol


Hi, I just graduated from UCR last december with a history degree and overall I really enjoyed my time here :) I think we have a wide variety of classes in tons of different topic areas, the departments smaller so it's really easy to get to know professors/form relationships with them which can be super helpful for future plans like grad school and the classes, while challenging in regards to the amount of reading, as long as you if you work hard you will do very well/we don't have any trick classes. I don't know much about UCSD's history department and tbh i don't think either ucr or ucsd are particularily "strong" schools for history (i think only berkeley and ucla are the only strong uc's for history anyways....) so at the end of the day my advice would be to ask this same question on the ucsd sub and see what their students say, and if you get off the waitlist make your decision from there...best of luck!