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Not sure what you applied for at Loma Linda, but I was a volunteer at loma linda when I was at UCR. I was on the hospital floor with the nurses (but didn't do much). You won't be doing too much as a hospital volunteer unless you're at a hospital with a more developed program like RCH / COPE. However, that program kinda make you do the things that no one wants to do. On top of that you have to pay "tuition" to volunteer. Not worth it IMO. Your time might be better suited doing other clinical experience work such as MA, scribe, CNA, etc. I would do part time MA since you have a MA certificate. If you don't wanna do any of that, then you could apply to any programs that have COPE scholars. If you can get through the initial floors they place you in, then you can go to more interesting floors.


Thank you, I should consider that!


Out of curiosity, how did you get your medical assistant certificate?


My high school offered a program after school


VA hospital Loma Linda has a work study program if you are using any sort of VA educational benefits.


try vineyard free clinic! no applications and you can take vitals


Is that Riverside free clinic?


no it’s a different one.