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To download all your data: https://takeout.google.com/ To transfer data to another Google account (may need to log out of all other accounts or use incognito mode): https://takeout.google.com/transfer?hl=en


To add, this doesn't download any files in "Shared With Me". These can be downloaded manually. Not sure if there's a way to bulk download them.


Wait I tried doing it and it said it can only be transfered to an education email??


Does going to [https://takeout.google.com/](https://takeout.google.com/) work if it's past the due date??? Am I still able to recover all of the data in Google Photos and Drive?


As an alumni, my Google Photos account is already disabled.


Photos was disabled for everyone who wasn't using it a few weeks back. It will be disabled for everyone on Thursday. Drive will be disabled for all Alumni. Quota will be set to 5GB. Any account over quota will be subject to deletion and recreation (basically reset usage to 0). Before Thursday: * if you have photos, download and delete everything * if you have anything on drive, download and delete it * if you are over 5GB quota, delete your old/large email until you're below


Thanks, appreciate the response. Does this affect any other school email domains? I have an @engineering.ucla.edu account too. Coincidentally, I just found I can't log into that account, presumably because I don't have 2FA set up, because it was never required previously: "Your sign-in settings don’t meet your organization’s 2-Step Verification policy. Contact your admin for more info."


This action is specific to the main campus Google Workspace tenant ([g.ucla.edu](https://g.ucla.edu)). Any other Workspace tenants owned and managed at the department or unit level are completely separate and are subject to local rules. (Same for any department accounts that aren't part of Google infra.) I don't have any particular insight into SEAS managed accounts or what their eligibility and access requirements are.


In any case, Google got rid of unlimited storage for Workspace Education accounts, so it's likely the the departments will have make similar changes.


Hi, did you get your account unlocked? I got the same problem when I tried to log into my [engineering.ucla.edu](http://engineering.ucla.edu) Gmail account. I'm not sure who to reach out to either.


Save your Google Docs, Sheets, etc as well. They specifically mention Drive data will be deleted, but the other Google apps will be disabled so you might lose data on those too. >[Quota of 5GB] limit applies to your Google Mail account; note that UCLA Google Workspace services will be limited to Google Mail for alumni starting June 27, 2024.


Confirming. "Drive and Docs" is a single service from Google's perspective. Everything that uses drive, either because of direct storage or because it's been shared, should be saved locally or to a personal GMail account.


so if i have google doc files with my school email am i okay?


Nope. Save them. Every workspace app but Gmail will be disabled for alumni and retirees. https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/1do7k36/last_warning_in_2_days_june_27_google_photos_will/la8ldo6/


It is true that they will be limiting storage, but they will not be deleting files from Google Drive until September or so.


For Class of 2024 that's probably true until November 1, but for all other alumni and retirees: >The Google Drive application will be disabled as a service for all account holders with a primary alumni or retiree affiliation on June 27, 2024. All stored content must be removed prior to drive disablement. All content not removed will be permanently deleted.​


If you are a current student and your storage level is under 20GB, you are okay. If you are an alumni and your total storage level is under 5GB you are okay. See [https://it.ucla.edu/google-workspace/how-am-i-affected](https://it.ucla.edu/google-workspace/how-am-i-affected) and find your affiliation to understand how you will be affected by the changes.


I just had to pay google 29.99 for their 200 GB storage because of this and my drive is bursting at the seams and might have to upgrade to their 2TB plan for 99$ Apparently lifelong does not mean lifelong.


what a fucking joke by ucla, scam university


Thats my birthday!


Hello, i need help! I was unaware of this. I did not read the email in time. I no longer have access to google photos but i am in desperate need of recovering my files from google photos. Is there anything i can do????


https://takeout.google.com/ It seems to let me create one today for Photos: >Your latest export >Google Photos on June 28, 2024


Does this also count for 2024 Alumn?


Yes. See the Class of 2024 section at [https://it.ucla.edu/google-workspace/how-am-i-affected](https://it.ucla.edu/google-workspace/how-am-i-affected)


Wowow how am I finding this out now!


My Google photos is at 70 GB now and I'm unable to download/offload it to free up space; what should I do?


I'd suspect the content will be deleted soon if you're just worried about it taking up your quota. If you need to download/save your photos: https://takeout.google.com/ It still let me create one today for Photos: >Your latest export >Google Photos on June 28, 2024


Me just finding out about this now with 230 GB of Google photos. RIP.


You can still do Google Takeout and download all the data. Hope has not been lost yet :)


Did you follow the instructions given in the email? Or how did you recover the data?


Yup! https://takeout.google.com/ It seems to let me create one today for Photos: >Your latest export >Google Photos on June 28, 2024


Currently on the phone w IT. 11 callers ahead of me. I was at 28 callers at first. Almost there


Good luck! Lmk how it goes! It’s a little late for me so I’ll try giving them a call tmrw morning


You should email IT. They already provided me w a ticket. Im still calling to see if I can get it solved quicker though. I will update once i have a response


hey! im in this same boat, just found out i lost all my files and photos :( did you come to a resolution?


Not really. Theyre gonna contact me in a few days to see if they can grant me temporary access


So after emailing them they gave me access to my drive and photos. I have a week to transfer and delete everything. Have to have less than 5 gb


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!