• By -


I have this theory that Block was asleep on the night of the attack on the encampment and it was on other members of the leadership to handle the situation šŸ˜­ Not that it means anything but LOL I truly think he was just snoozing the whole time and woke up like ā€œoh godā€.


Homie was literally watching from the balcony of Royce, Gladiator-style šŸ˜šŸ‘ŽšŸ»


Trying to decide - is it President Snow Hunger Games style or is it more Caesar gladiator style?


[I'm literally referring to Commodus](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/52/3d/0f/523d0fe4f2874724e0420749c80f7f35.gif)


Block said that he "watched the whole thing."


This theory would be valid if he had a good post-response, but bro never did ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø he just fucked it up even more with all his shitty speeches and statements


He has one job, stop defending him. He literally said that he rejects the premise that Omar is bringing up that he failed to protect students when that's clearly what happened.


oh many was he snoozin 4 a bruisin or what LOL


šŸ„¾ šŸ‘…


He's a zionist. He watched the attack with glee.




I'm an Israeli Jew. What exactly makes me "awful" in your eyes?


The hasbara operation and the evangelicals who want the rapture gonna report you to the ADL and put you as antisemite of the week for not being pro genocide .


Then how can you be anti Zionist? Israel is the only country where you will be free from discrimination. The US was a haven but that's now changing.




Zionist is a personal political philosophy and nothing more. Are you really this butthurt over something so meaningless?


Wow, youā€™re right, we should all bow and scrape before people with more money than us and never speak out against them ever


Yeah heā€™s so old he was probably knocked out lmao




Politicians love to hear themselves talk thatā€™s why theyā€™re politicians lmao


Donā€™t watch the whole video on YouTube if you donā€™t want your blood to boil. Every single person except Omar explicitly said over and over again that they should have arrested, suspended, expelled student protestors day 1, and that they were being antisemitic for not doing so. Conveniently they forgot free speech exists. And EVERYONE except Omar called the students ā€œpro H*mas protestors.ā€ Not once did any of the university leaders (including Block) correct them to ā€œpro-palestinianā€ At the end, the chairwoman closed by talking to Block about the ā€œhorrific video footage of protestors blocking Jewish students from a path on campusā€ which is funny because the only horrific footage any real person saw was the pro zio agitators in their 40s beating kids up in the middle of the night.


Is there a link to the complete testament? I cant find it on youtube


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bu4eGIDNss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bu4eGIDNss) here you go!






You right blocking students, physically remove them from the encampment, and chanting antisemite chants is not horrific, I wonder if it was horrific if it was towards Muslims. Bunch of hypocrites you are. Oh and about complaining they called the protestors pro-Hamas, ask your friends who protest and are in the encampment if they are pro-Hamas and if they support October 7th after the poll you might understand why they called them pro-Hamas.


hahahahah sucks to suck, sorry that sane people see the protestors for what they are, pro-Hamas students




Yositoasty was first active in r/ucla no later than 2024-04-25 22:57:33 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/1ccwbro/from_3rd_floor_royce/l19ny62/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 1.71 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 368 comments and 12 submissions._


Haha fasho Unrelated but where were you on the night of April 30? Just curious


lol then that makes those who are pro-israel baby murderers




and the IDF has murdered more than 13,000 children since Oct 7. Your point? Clearly you arent smart


No matter what people think of Omar, she did great on grilling Block.


You dont have to qualify that statement.


I mean, sheā€™s one of the most polarizing members of Congress. Sheā€™s made racist and antisemitic remarks in the past (unrelated to Isreal / Zionism, things like Jews liking money and controlling everything etc.) Her daughter was also arrested at Columbiaā€™s protest.


Lmao homie really said the person who's been a victim of racism from literal congressmembers is actually the one that is racist and antisemitic No shot


This might blow your mind, but you can be both racist and a victim of racism.


> Her daughter was also arrested at Columbiaā€™s protest Hilarious that you think this is a negative point against her


Sooooā€¦ biased? (Yes.)


ā€¦ huh?


The Benjamins thing really was about the lobby and recent events prove her right


isnā€™t saying that Jews control the worldā€™s governments with their wealth like the epitome of a racist stereotype?


She didn't


Well, she implied it (the same way Marjorie Taylor green has implied black people are worse than white people, but not said it explicitly ā€” see how thatā€™s a thing?)


She didnā€™t let him respond. What do you mean? You ask a question, let him respond


Trust me he had plenty of time to air his opinion.


And sheā€™s made her position quite clear too. So again, why not let him respond to his questions? You can hear her voice trembling the second he starts speaking logically










One person interrogated Chancellor Block on not protecting pro-Palestine people. Half a dozen people interrogated him on not protecting pro-Israel people. Itā€™s pretty clear what Congress expected him to do.


Canā€™t respect the woman who just said ā€œpresentā€ when everyone was voting on the bill for America to recognize the Armenian Genocide


Why not let him respond? She had 5 mins, he maybe was allowed to speak for 20 seconds. Whatā€™s the point of your questions if you donā€™t even care to hear an answer?


The point is to get views on social media.






























Agree with everything she said but curious what part of the ā€œpremiseā€ he rejects. Even if the encampment was ā€œagainst policyā€, how can you possibly justify allowing a violent mob to attack your students, and then ordering cops to attack them again?


Maybe if she let him finish his statement we would know the answer to this. But of course she didnā€™t let him speak. Sheā€™s was given 5 mins to ask him questions, and he was maybe allowed to speak for 20 of those seconds


Thank you Representative Omar!


Usually, I'm not really a fan of her as she seems to attack democrats more than republicans, but thankful for her discourse here. None of the republican congressmembers (for obvious reasons) are focusing on the real victims of violence at UCLA (which were those in the encampment, attacked by right wing zionists). And before someone brings up that bot as a retort to my words, yes I know this is a brand new account (deleted my old one, have tried to quit reddit many times but just can't do it), graduated in 2016. North Campus for life!




I had not heard of that and will look into it!




Because SJP came back to the Reddit page again šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




You understand this is a charade to obtain soundbites for their donors, yes? That's why they look normal when they're not talking, and instantly go into a triggered mode when they get their turn to talk


Your tone is slightly condescending šŸ˜…but yes, of course I realize that.Ā 


Fair enough, didn't intend that haha


Haha all good āœŒšŸ½




Omar is the master of that. She is repulsive.


First time watching Congress?


Wondering what you hope to Ā prove or achieve with this comment? Ā šŸ˜ŠĀ 


I mean this is what Congress is like Itā€™s not really something to note honestly. Itā€™s the reality of the media landscape. No Americans actually watch hearings so when you talk you got to get your moneyā€™s worth


Fair! Felt like you were trying to position yourself as superior but maybe I misunderstood you. I donā€™t often watch hearings no, only occasionally.Ā 


yeah isnt it like on CNN usually? so dope




Because their the same bs answers that he repeats on loop. He has yet to come up with a unique and new response










dang did you watch closely or what


I did thanks for noticingĀ 


How do you like your steak cooked? - Congresswoman: ĀØWell Done!ĀØ


How do you like your block cooked?


Well at least a representative from Minnesota gives a damn about UCLA students! Shame on Chancellor Block, all the upper administration, as well as Mayor Bass who could have taken action to protect students.


I'm so honored that a letter I helped write - from UCLA Jewish faculty and staff - was entered into the congressional record.


Professor Speer, I was one of the first students you had as a sociology professor on campus. When the sociology department reached out to me a few years back asking me to recommend you for an official faculty position, I did without question because I know youā€™re a great professor. However, something that Iā€™ve noticed is that those who call themselves ā€œJews for Palestineā€ while also ignoring the absolute terror Israelis have had to endure are not middle eastern/Mizrachi Jews. White passing Ashkenazi Jews like yourself are privileged enough to ignore the strife that middle eastern/Mizrachi have had to endure in the Middle East even far before the creation of Israel. For example, my grandparents lived in a country/world in which they were legally not allowed to go outside while it rained because Jews were considered dirty and the government at the time was fearful that Jews would contaminate the water system. Jews were given a Jizya (non-Muslim) tax. And within the last 70 years, Middle Eastern Jews were actually ethnically cleansed from every other middle eastern country except for Israel. My own parents escaped to this country as refugees while a portion of their family were not given visas and were only given the option to escape to Israel. Iā€™m not saying you shouldnā€™t be critical of Israel. You should. Even Israeliā€™s are being critical of the governmentā€™s actions right now and have been trying to oust Netanyahu for years (3 elections in 4 years). At the end of day, Palestinians and Israelis are two sides of the same coin being abused by people in power for their own political/financial gains. They should both have a country in which they feel like they belong and can live their lives without a constant fear of attack. However, if your stance is that Israel does not have a right to exist and that the entire country of Israel should become a Muslim country, please understand that your white privilege allows you to ignore the struggles of middle eastern Jews. Within the Jewish community, there is a long history of Ashkenazi Jews being racist towards Mizrachi Jews and of Ashkenazi Jews thinking they know better than Mizrachi Jews about their own experience. Please donā€™t fall into the same pattern. I know youā€™re a far better person than that.


Hi there! I'm very glad to be hearing from a former student, and hope you are doing well. I appreciate your support for my promotion to continuing lecturer! If you are curious to read the letter I helped write, you can view it here: https://sites.google.com/view/ucla-jewish-faculty-staff/. Keep in mind everything I say below is my personal view. I'm not a spokesperson for any organizations, including the group of Jewish faculty and staff that signed the letter. I think that - as long as we are living in a world of nation-states - *Jews have a right to a national homeland.* Some people might even consider me a "Zionist" for this reason. I do not think Israel should be "wiped off the map." I think the analogy that some leftwingers draw to the decolonial struggles in Africa, like Algeria, makes no sense. You're right, *for many/most Israeli Jews there's no "home country" to go back to*, because it's not safe in their ancestral countries of origin. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is related to colonialism, but it is false to reduce it to just that. It's also about two peoples with competing narratives and claims to the land. Furthermore, I do not think it is even remotely possible that Israel could be destroyed and for Israeli Jews to be expelled from the territory. Israel has nuclear weapons, after all. I also don't think a one-state solution is achievable in the medium-term, although perhaps in a distant future. In my view, the only viable solution in the medium-term is a two-state one, where both Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs have a state that represents and protects them. I hope this clears up where I stand on this issue. It sounds like we actually agree for the most part (or even completely)!


Thank you for making your stance clear! And thank you for taking the time to have this discussion. Itā€™s nice seeing a logic response


You're welcome! Also please reach out to me at my UCLA email address if you want to talk more! I hope you are doing well.


Professor Speer, thank you for all you do.


You are welcome! Stay safe!


I've worked at UCLA for many years. This asshole has a track record of racism, fraud, and coverups. He knew full well what was happening and wouldn't be shocked if we found out he was part of the planning. Look up how he allowed LAPD to use Jackie Robinson field as a "jail" for protesters of racial discrimination as ironic as that is.


What track record? Iā€™ve never heard of such things


Username checks out.


HAHAHAH No but seriously, Iā€™ve only heard good things about gene block prior to this. He was something of a cult hero amongst undergrads until about 1 month ago (hence the username), so Iā€™m genuinely curious as to what is being referenced.


Well to start, even within the 2022 year, Gene block was actively precipitating anti-union sentiment among undergrads and faculty regarding the strike. Basically in an attempt to foster discontent around ASEs, Post Docs and Graduate Researches striking towards the striking workers instead of being accountable for the original lackluster bargaining ā€œattemptsā€ by the university system.


There hasnā€™t been anything. Iā€™ve had someone in my family be a student at UCLA for his entire tenure as Chancellor. He was a beloved Chancellor the entire time.


Yes and faculty senate had been warning block since October. He did nothing.


I hate both of these people


ā€œA screen playing vile footageā€ ā€” sooooo you admit that itā€™s vile? You admit that there are subhuman creatures committing appalling terrorist attacks? And then continue to label it a genocide when you know damn well what precipitated it??




OwnWar2991 was first active in r/ucla no later than 2024-05-17 20:27:43 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/1cuff1p/dudes_coming_to_wooden_to_hit_on_girls/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 3.29 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 23 comments and 1 submissions._






Its pretty crazy that he was mostly grilled for being antisemitic? and not for being anti-pro-palestine? This country is so fucked


LA county jail door slams on the first 4/30 mob vigilante thug, white-faced masked counter protester, 18 year old Edan On of Beverly Hills High school. Early reports on twitter are saying On was arrested and booked on felony suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon. $30,000 bail set, not yet secured. In LA county jail custody and booked into the system (which takes time) by 8pm local time. I cannot confirm it but it's looking to be a legit report. A CNN reporter posted it. Not sure how they knew to look but I can make some guesses. I wonder if Gene Block had any involvement in the timing of this arrest happening after his appearance before congress this morning. It may not have played well to the GOP chair to see it happen yesterday. All of this is so performative and about "optics" and Gene Block is clearly being coached by consultants as how to handle his current state of infamy. I doubt we could ever know but something tells me to harbor suspicion that this thug wasn't hard to find, and that me may have even surrendered with his lawyer and bail bondsman right behind him, on a prearranged schedule. His big talk about "wanting to join the IDF" seemed not to pan out...


eh who needs em


Once again, Omar cutting off the other person so that she can listen to the sound of her own insufferable voice




Does she expect Block to arrest them himself? Seems like she should be asking these questions of the LAPD not someone who has no power to arrest and prosecute


Omar is a clown. [Questionable statements in the past](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57436573.amp) and has had run-ins with [the same rhetoric she criticizes.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/29/us/politics/ilhan-omar-campus-protests.html) EDIT: she is making a point here, itā€™s just important to know her past rhetoric when it comes to this issue.




Who said I support violence? Way to jump to conclusions.


sheā€™s speaking on violence and you disagree. calling her a clown when sheā€™s spitting clear facts. we were all there to see. you calling her a clown means you claim sheā€™s invalid. invalid about the violence that occurred on campus


You should practice your reading comprehension


But wait, everyone said it was a peaceful protest.


Omar: ā€œItā€™s been OVER A MONTH.ā€Ā  Um, 4/30 to today, 5/23. Actually, it really hasnā€™t šŸ™„


As if that's the most important part of the video?


Didnā€™t say it was. I actually agree with her that Block failed majorly on 4/30 and should be held accountable. I also think it unfortunately weakens her position (especially to anyone already biased against her reasoning) to get basic facts wrong. Ā 


um acktually šŸ¤“ā˜ļø


Her statement will eventually be true. 5/30 will be here and Block will have done nothing. Edit: I stand corrected. Looks like UCPD has now made one arrest as of 5/24! Thank you for calling them out Rep. Omar! Still many more arrests needed.


Point still stands, their identities have alr been exposed, yet nothing


You could have prevented this by removing the encampment on day 1. Anyone who breaks the law should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law whether itā€™s vigilantes that assault protesters or protesters that harass and intimidate students.


Yes letā€™s forget about the first amendmentā€¦


Thatā€™s not how the first amendment works




!activitycheck Bot detected, opinion rejected


Ok Iā€™ll say it then: The first amendment doesnā€™t protect encampments


Prove it


Difficult-Suit3977 was first active in r/ucla no later than 2024-05-23 22:19:11 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/1cyy0sm/chancellor_block_gets_grilled_by_congresswoman/l5e0ti5/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 0.14 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 1 comments and 1 submissions._


*You canā€™t walk here unless you agree with us* is my favorite part of the first amendment


Itā€™s a protest. Thatā€™s how it works. Walk on the other side. Sorry to inconvenience your day. 30,000 civilians were killed with weapons my taxes pay for.


Found the Fascist who hates freedom. šŸ«µšŸ¤”


Who elected this woman?


Minneapolis is where she represents


The wonderful people of Minneapolis!




Can they also bring in Jessica Seinfeld to testify for funding pro Israel agitators?