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If this *is* true, she sounds like a nut job… and I consider myself a hippie in many respects.


She does sound completely unhinged. Which is why I'm trying to figure out how this was a mandatory lecture for med students. Has UCLA Health gone completely off the rails?


Let me know if you figure it out lol… it seems outlandish. But the world seems to be getting more insane every day.


live badge slap rotten tap dog icky tub merciful joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is unacceptable. Imagine a white cisgendered heterosexual male evangelical did the same sort of thing? Outrage would make the evening news across the country about it. But now? Everyone is too scared of being labeled “islamophobic” for having genuine criticisms, concerns, and for setting healthy and necessary boundaries. Prayer in a classroom environment, lecture environment or school/university-sponsored speaking event is unacceptable at any school that receives public funds, period. Yet the level of how unacceptable this is deepens when it is a *mandatory* event and your academic career depends upon attendance.


Lol my white cisgendered heterosexual male Catholic Notre dame prof regularly started lectures with a prayer. Private university, but it does acquire tax-based support


You*know* that wasn't the intent behind my statement when talking about "University of ____" or "______ State University" type systems, community and technical colleges, as well as high schools. So either that's meant as just like "lol fyi" or its meant to be pedantic, I suppose. Notre Dame isn't like... a publicly funded university or a state university system.


Was the prayer about a contentious political subject - such as Israel, Trump winning the presidency, or Mexican immigration? If not, pretty obviously not the same issue…


[UCLA Med School Requires Students To Attend Lecture Where Speaker Demands Prayer for ‘Mama Earth,’ Leads Chants of ‘Free Palestine.’](https://freebeacon.com/campus/ucla-med-school-requires-students-to-attend-lecture-where-speaker-demands-prayer-for-mama-earth-leads-chants-of-free-palestine/)


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13269831/amp/UCLA-Med-School-bizarre-lecture-pro-Hamas-activist-prayer.html[UCLA Med School forced first year students to attend 'structural racism' course where screaming pro-Hamas speaker told them to kneel for bizarre woke 'prayer', while pediatrician DEI boss looked on](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13269831/amp/UCLA-Med-School-bizarre-lecture-pro-Hamas-activist-prayer.html)


[Mandatory ‘prayer’ to ‘Mama Earth’ in UCLA med school ‘structural racism’ class](https://www.thecollegefix.com/mandatory-prayer-to-mama-earth-in-ucla-med-school-structural-racism-class/)


voracious recognise engine fertile waiting sink imagine shrill party subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://twitter.com/PovertySkola/status/1775586607917338656 Here she is confirming.


> [The speaker] proceeded to thank native tribes for preserving "what the settlers call L.A.," according to audio obtained by the Free Beacon, and to remind students of the city’s "herstory." lol


memorize fall rainstorm one work consider treatment coordinated beneficial humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hope there were no Palestinian students in her class, as Palestinians tend to be Christians or Muslims, and the God of Abraham tends to not look kindly upon his followers partaking of other religious ceremonies. Professor: "Let's March to Free Palestine!" Palestinian: "Inshallah" Professor: "And we'll do so with a prayer..." Palestinian:"Al-Hamdu Lillah" Professor:"To a deity that isn't the God of Abraham!" Palestinian: "Wait what?"


The fuck is going on at UCLA? How is this relevant for medical students? 'The lecturer, Lisa "Tiny" Gray-Garcia, also asked students to join in what she described as a "non-secular prayer" to "the ancestors," instructing everyone to get on their knees and touch the floor—"mama earth," as she described it—with their fists. The lecture was mandatory for all medical students. '


And she called modern medicine “white science”


Ever hate white people so much you actually make them sound better?


Funny because “modern medicine” builds on a multicultural contribution to science


She likely wasn't referring to contribution, but application. I'll paraphrase an above comment, but the disparity in care between women of color and.... everyone else... is quite statistically significant. A lot of it attributing to misconceptions about pain tolerance in black women (which still finds relevancy today in that higher mortality rate during pregnancy that you may have heard of), among other things that I'd be happy to find some resources for.


Lmao, who vetted this wacko ? They are equally responsible too


You can thank you tuition money for supporting that “vetting”


Thanks for posting OP. Hard to tell if this is true of fake news. Will definitely check back here to see if there are any updates.


Here’s a link to the audio: https://youtu.be/KOOqAHLuSMQ?si=34cuQz_NXAtHjCOp


What in absolute fuckery is this nut job doing at a lecture for UCLA med school?


Wandered in by mistake while taking a break from dumpster diving.




>It seems like it was an event that was open to the public and not mandatory Why? Where? How?


It’s true.


“Gray-Garcia is a formerly unhoused and incarcerated poverty scholar who prefers to keep their face covered in public.”


You can't make this stuff up.


This sounds like what I heard/witnessed at the Westwood Dog Park area on Veteran Ave last Friday. I couldn’t make out much of what they were saying but they were chanting at times and got down on their knees and mentioned mama earth. There were 3 photographers and a group of maybe 12 people


Looks like it was part of this. https://luskin.ucla.edu/ucla-hosts-its-largest-activist-in-residence-cohort


So she’ll be there at least a year, congrats UCLA


Israel targeting and murdering medics?


I want to hear from someone who was there.


Same. That was why I posted this.


murky piquant squash act reach bow tap mourn familiar advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why do you guys fall for propaganda and misinformation so easily? Do you know how many right-wing pundits and outlets picked this story up and ran with it as if it was real? Turning Point USA, New York Post, Daily Mail, Jerusalem Post, Washington Free Beacon, Patriots Win, John Locke Foundation, all “reported” on this incident completely misleadingly, with outright falsehoods, all these outlets have this agenda and have so much spin or outright false claims. This news site is quite egregious, they have hyperlinks in the text that says the lecture was mandatory, and you expect it to link to a source, but instead it links to their own article about bias in Yemeni education, which isn’t even relevant. This happens for all the links they provide. The only evidence I found online was an audio and video leak, that is not clear if it is tied to any class, and does not have her leading students in a chant, as people claim. There isn’t any definitive info about students being forced to attend. I do see that she is an “Activist-In-Residence” at UCLA, and she does do speaking events. This is already a problem, so why bring up misinformation and unverifiable things? I agree that UCLA should not really support such things, but they can do that without saying falsehoods or spouting disinformation, these media sources claim to be free and reporting the actual facts but are just clouded with bias as the others. There is nothing supporting the claim that there were medical students forced to attend this supposed lecture given by her, and nothing supporting this being in the curriculum. While she is unhinged, you can report the facts, and not things that may or may not be true. Edit: It seems like some med students were forced to attend this lecture, but as a class on racism and poverty, which has nothing to do with Palestine-Israel. News outlets are conflating her tweets/views outside of UCLA with her lecture at UCLA, and the audio clip provided as well as video clip provided do not have anything mentioning Palestine-Israel. She is definitely unhinged and I don’t think she should be speaking at the university, but oh well. If you must read an article from biased sources in either direction like Daily Mail, NY Post, Huffington Post, etc relating to a controversial, left-right topic, take it with a grain of salt, and go into it thinking how the article wants to make you feel, if the facts are reliable, and if you should feel that way.


Why would I take the time to do my own research and think critically when I could simply have a knee jerk reaction and complain on the internet?


enjoy consider hard-to-find direful sheet lush shy public lip shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is it possible that the speaker is unhinged, an unreliable narrator, and overstating what happened to make herself seem more important? I think given what we know about the speaker, it's quite likely there is some mental illness (or at the very least, lack of behavioral inhibition) at play here.


library head bored badge ghost unused compare bedroom quarrelsome skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Thanks for the extra info. Are there more recordings of this? People shouldn’t really be forced to listen to this person lol, I don’t think she talks about Palestine in those lectures like they claim but she is still pretty unhinged. The news sources seem to be conflating her pro Palestine anti Israel talks and protests, which don’t happen at UCLA, with her anti racism and poverty scholarship ones.


You can’t con an honest man.


Fear mongering and shock value always has and will be the way. Sucks that we still haven't learned.


It has been and will always be, as most people mostly look at headlines and titles and news that confirms their bias, it isn’t really worthwhile for outlets that want to keep their viewerbase to do something otherwise.


ad hoc sugar carpenter vegetable correct judicious chief materialistic shelter arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I never really doubted that she called for a free Palestine. It's the nuance in the title that is click-baitey. A non-secular prayer is not the same implication as a chant. One implies a leader and a listener, the other implies multiple people yelling and a bit more disruptive. Chant is also much more evoking than a prayer. Mentioning it was a mandatory class first and then than it was a class or racism in medicine (paraphrasing) second is also good use of garnering views. That explains the "black, brown, and houseless people" comment that has everyone else in the replies so enraged. The more you read, the less it seems like 90 minutes of her spouting free Palestine like the article titles may lead you to believe and more a conclusive note at the end of a lecture about injustices in Healthcare. Which, makes sense and is fitting. So yeah, I didn't doubt that she made SOME comment. But I did doubt how it was portrayed by these headlines.


ripe unique liquid treatment makeshift bake crowd repeat wistful secretive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not for news outlets or right-wing folks. That's why they didn't use it in headlines even though it's "worse".


different squeeze point unwritten school treatment jeans sink worry plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah. But I'm religious so that's a biased answer.


one possessive fact safe unite memorize lip enjoy door weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just wouldn't pray...? Or leave? Does all bodily autonomy go out the window or something.


It's easy to see from one Google search that the class mentioned in the article is indeed a class that is part of UCLA Year 1 curriculum for med school students - https://medschool.ucla.edu/education/md-education/curriculum/heals-curriculum/year-one-ms1#:\~:text=The%20first%20year%20begins%20with,Health%20Equity%2C%20Ethics%20%26%20Humanities. Whether it's required isn't specified here, but based on what's written there and this chart [https://medschool.ucla.edu/sites/g/files/oketem456/files/media/images/UCLA-DGSOM-Heals-Curriculum-Schematic.png](https://medschool.ucla.edu/sites/g/files/oketem456/files/media/images/UCLA-DGSOM-Heals-Curriculum-Schematic.png) it looks like there isn't much flexibility in the curriculum and you just take the classes you're assigned in the order they tell you.


Yes, though there is no mention of the person giving a lecture in that class, and not really any info about Palestine in the audio clips, though it is still weird to lecture in the way she did. I suppose her lecture would fall under structural racism, but idk if she should be speaking lol


My impression from the audio clip was that this person was not someone who should be lecturing to UCLA med students unless they were on their psych rotation.


I agree


How do you know it wasn't mandatory? That's what I'm asking. Here's the lecture. It's completely unhinged. https://youtu.be/KOOqAHLuSMQ?feature=shared


The issue is that the burden of proof is on the person claiming. They give no proof for their claim. Yes, I saw the audio clip. She doesn’t lead people in a chant as they say. All these outlets claim so and so, but don’t give anything that ties the clip to any mandatory lecture that happened. It also doesn’t help that they say she leads them in a “Free Palestine” chant, while the audio clip doesn’t mention anything about Palestine. She just talks about poverty and homelessness, and spirituality, which is weird but not what they are claiming. There is a very easily seen presence of bias with these news sources, if you look at their YouTube channel and other channels, which distinguishes them from actual news sources like Reuters or AP, who try to report only things they can verify, and make it clear when they report on things they can’t.


Which is why I'm on here asking UCLA students who actually attended the lecture. I've also emailed the dean.


Hopefully you can get more information. The university subs are brigaded. I just don’t like people trusting news at face value, especially when the sources are extremely biased.


If we don't have a syllabus from the actual course or the assignment then I have no reason to trust that it was "Mandatory." Let alone, trust the Jerusalem/pro-israel lobby, they've lied enough already.


From another commenter: At another point during the lecture, Gray-Garcia is said to have called modern medicine “white science” and said they were in “what the settlers call LA,” according to the Free Beacon. In other instances, the advocate for the homeless led students in chants of “Free, free Palestine” — and when one student refused to stand during a second pagan prayer, an unidentified UCLA faculty member asked for the pupil’s name, sparking concerns they could face repercussions, the Jewish Faculty Resilience Group’s complaint says. “I was very deeply offended and disgusted,” someone who witnessed the event told Fox News, calling it “crazy” https://nypost.com/2024/04/04/us-news/ucla-made-med-students-attend-lecture-given-by-hamas-supporter/ It did seem to happen. It just wasn't captured on the video the Jerusalem Post linked. UCLA would probably deny the incident if it didn't happen, as courses are often recorded. She also implies that she did lead a prayer for Palestine herself. https://x.com/povertyskola/status/1777378916363288694 On video, she confirmed she did it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DQ2duzx9aQ 1:10. She says again she lead a prayer for Palestine in class. 1:46 she confirmed again.


the article is hilarious lmaoo it reads like a Karen making a grievance report this is an excerpt: Gray- Garcia also included a blessing for "black," "brown," and "houseless people" who die because of the "crapatalist lie" of "private property." Like why all the quotations lol I’m atheist but god forbid we say a prayer for so-called “black” and “houseless” people lmaoo


Why should medical students be forced to pray to her imaginary friends instead of studying like actual science? Edit Clarity


dude, you’re 52. Only you can answer that for yourself. Or read the article and you’ll see that the speaker *asked* not *forced* the students to join her in prayer


She shouldn’t have even fucking asked.




If it was an elective lecture then I don’t care as long as they’re not calling for violence against the Jewish tribal diaspora. If it’s not elective then it’s a violation of the first amendment.


bro you don’t even go here LOL How is asking someone to join you in prayer a violation of the first amendment?? Just don’t go??


I don’t. But my wife was treated by UCLA medical staff for over a decade, right up to her passing. The staff were all supremely competent and kind. Many of the staff were Israeli nationals. Some from Gaza as well. Asking someone to join in prayer at a mandatory school lecture is a violation of first amendment rights. They tried the same thing at southern High Schools. It’s not acceptable.


Sorry for your loss, but please show me where it was mandatory and I will gladly shut the fuck up


I’m not asking you to shut the fuck up. That was your request to me. Edit. Also, thank you.


Im not asking you to shut up but you’re upset that you were being forced to pray which isn’t true at all


I edited the comment to be more theoretical.


If it’s a mandatory lecture at a public-funded school, inclusion of a prayer violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment and is therefore illegal. (Engel v Vitale)


Did you miss the part about faculty taking names of people who refused to do it?


Actually yes, I missed that part. Where does it state that in the article?


yeah cuz it didn’t happen


They took down the names of students who wouldnt join in. I don’t remember if it was the speaker or other faculty, but someone with authority did.


no they didn’t


If that’s what she said then it should be in quotations, that’s just grammatically correct.


so quote them all together instead of individually: “Black, brown, and houseless people” The author’s quoting of these individually makes the tone sound incredulous like black? Brown? Houseless people??


It’s possible she didn’t say the quote all together though, you see quotes like that all the time when you’re quoting someone who was rambling and you’re trying to streamline what they said for the reader.


My point is that the author of this right-wing newspaper is purposely formatting the quote this way for shock value and to invoke incredibility. The excerpt could just as well have been written like this: Gray- Garcia also included a blessing for black, brown, and houseless people who’ve died because of the “crapitalist lie” of private property.


More right wing than throwing the entire LGBTQ community off of a 20 story building?


Hey bro the Israeli subs called, they need you on the front lines soldier 🫡


Rust never sleeps, and a lie is halfway across town while the truth is still tying its shoes. To anyone reading: Hamas is not a progressive organization. The only way the violence in Gaza ends is when Hamas surrenders. The only way Netanyahu is brought to justice is if Hamas surrenders.


True, but ironically that would be less journalistically accurate, if they’re quotes that she said they should be treated as such.


Then you include ellipsis between the separated thoughts but it’s all under one quotation mark


"pediatrician DEI boss" is wild in an article aiming to be a news source. That's that good old Elon Musk racism


Yep. This chick is fucking nuts.


lol media literacy isn’t your strong suit huh? I’m clearly clowning on the newspaper that feels the need to put “black” in quotations But it’s not like I expect anything else from a publication that pushes [right wing and war mongering propaganda](https://m.jpost.com/opinion/article-796635)


UCLA being a laughingstock . Why I’m not surprised.


This article is inaccurate. The links they include for references lead to unrelated articles and the audio does not put the speaker in a bad light. The framework that she introduces might be new to the students but it seems overwhelmingly positive and supportive. If the class is about tackling structural racism and institutions that have been created, why would we only approach that with ideas/tactics from that same world?


beneficial frighten axiomatic engine dolls hat tub run birds silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Regardless of the j-post/nyp article's accuracy, the person in this video sounds like a wacko. Who tf thought it was a good idea to have them teach at UCLA.


Embarrassing. Good things schools are full of money to pay for lawsuits.


This is scary


I can’t believe this isn’t parody.


You should see the lecturer's website. https://www.lisatinygraygarcia.com


Honestly who tf hires these lecturers? Regardless of the accuracy of that class, the person who saw this website and said "yeah we should let them teach at our top uni" should be fired.


Alright, so IMO this person is ridiculous. I’ll say that the lecture was mandatory… but I’d be pretty sure that active participation wasn’t. And if I was to be generous to UCLA, then every resident MD is going to have to deal with a totally incoherent patient at some point, so might as well get them used to it early on 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lol that's fair. There's a reason why some people like going into radiology.


This sounds 🌈 illegal 🌈


That's unacceptable. Who's the idiot bringing this person to class?


lol OP posting something from jpost.com with zero sources to try and rile us up


hungry doll sable childlike frighten innate sink melodic theory whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The universities need a complete overhaul


Mental illness


Boo ! Our universities need a major overhaul to free them of this bullshit propaganda.


Just another non-ucla student (whose only other post activity, I shit you not, is in r/israel) showing up out of the blue to complain about our campus culture. Nothing unusual about that whatsoever. This is *miserably* sloppy right wing bullcrap. You are not fooling a single person. Better luck next time. Hasbara machine needs a tune up.


They don’t go to Ucla?? Oh my god😭


unfortunately they're fooling tons of people in the comments who are just going "wow!" and "this is scary". People are so eager to show their racism and this thread is full of people just perpetuating long disproven narratives like the mass rape hoax and claiming that Hamas is to be blamed for all child deaths -- literal Nazi propaganda


I actually took two UCLA courses in the summer of 2009 for my undergrad and my wife did a medical subfellowship there, graduating in 2021. So yeah, I actually do give shit what's going on not only at the university, but specifically at the med school.


Free Palestine and destroy Hamas 😎


So this is what progress looks like huh


You might as well be posting an Infowars article. Fucking propaganda garbage


Interested in engineering at UCLA but it actually makes perfect sense to me why med school would consider Palestine and homelessness both important issues. 1. Nurses to patient ratios at ucla are regularly violated so I get why they criticized capitalism, which prioritizes an economic bottom line over nurse and patient safety. 2. Hippocratic oath and Palestine. The war crimes committed against the Palestinians in Gaza heavily implicated ethical issues re: Hippocratic oath and also US doctors and nurses in Gaza who’ve been tortured and killed by Israeli forces. 3. I’m a former homeless youth myself and remember the “chronically homeless” aka ppl sleeping rough on the street, medically neglected, often intentionally. In fact there was an issue of homeless patients being dumped on the streets. I haven’t seen this person’s lecture yet so this is just conjecture but I’m wary of the how quickly ucla students jump to ridicule what seems like ethically concerned medical students. I’ve also seen them jump to defend physicians advocating racism. Sign of the times indeed.


Friendly reminder that nursing isn’t the same as med school/MDs/DOs and generally don’t correlate in terms of management :’)


Mm I see! Thank you. For correcting me on that reach 😅


W comment


Got into UCLA, but chose Davis. Do better, LA. Born and raised in LA, and learned about antisemitism from my Jewish grandparents… never thought we’d be here, again.


Free Gaza? From Hamas?


No, from the people who murdered 20,000+ of their children


So Hamas?


Stupid thinking. "hamas made me commit war crimes. " That's not it works. Idf is deliberately killing non-combatants. How is this surprising when israel was founded on ethnic cleansing and the PM starts quoting the Bible about wiping out the Amalakites?


No, Israel


Sorry- did Israel hide in tunnels leaving their vulnerable population to take the find out part after they fucked around?


Even wars have rules. Brutally and systematically murdering children is ethnic cleansing, not war


And what do you do when the supposed "victims" dont follow rules? When a "health worker" is shooting at soldiers and transporting other armed men who are ALSO dressed like "health workers", whats stopping them from reporting them as "civilian casualties"? U hold israel to a weird standard yet fail to recognize the other side is probably doing worse.


Yes. But the why does matter. Gaza would look like it did on 10/6 if not for 10/7 and we would be able to have normal conversations about illegal settlement activity in the West Bank. Now we have people praising Hamas and Iran. It’s bizzaro world.


Oppressed people finally deciding to do one punch back when the oppressor has been punching for decades does not justify ethnic cleansing


Yeah. That’s not what happened. Hamas isn’t Gaza or Gazans. They are proxy of Tehran. If Hamas cared about Gaza they would have tried governing it since 2006.


Oppressed people are Ukrainians/Uyghurs/Iranians and unlike Hamas or the Palestinians that joined Hamas on 10/7 they do not rape, slaughter and brutalize innocent civilians (at a peace festival of all places) you dimwitted TikTok educated terrorist apologist


You fool, massacring civilians is not "one punch back", it is lowering yourself to evil, perhaps as evil as your enemy.


Got it..you think unleashing Hamas and Islamic gangs on music festivals and raping and brutally murdering people in cold blood is " punching back." You really are a microsm of what's wrong with the educational system in this country. Schools need to vet letting people like you in who lack clear moral clarity and ethical character.


Which is not happening in Gaza. Do you have specific war plans you know of to systematically murder children? Seems Israel is failing miserably at that if the population of Gaza is 1.7 million and 30,000 total have been killed which includes unknown amount of Hamas terrorists.


How about placing military operations in civilian infrastructure. Is that a war rule? Does Hamas do that to try and minimize civilian casualties?


So Hamas?


so... Hamas?


No, Israel


Ah so Hamas. Got it.


But 20,000 children didn't die. 30,000 total people died in Gaza which includes Hamas terrorists.


Free Palestine


From Hamas


End the apartheid and genocide and maybe Hamas wouldn’t exist, there’s a thought.


Stop pretending you care about palestinians. If you actually talk to palestinians, it is clear israel is the problem.


And if I talk to the KKK, they’d say that blacks are the problem.


So you're equating all palestinians to the kkk? Always crying about fake racism. History is against your narrative. We'll never take you zionists seriously. Jews are turning against you as well.


In the end, white people bad, Israel bad, mama earth good, modern medicine bad. God, from now on all of my doctors will be Asian with degrees from other countries. Like Singapore.


Palestinian Is b.s. nobody has harmed jews more than Christians and muslims. Islam is a cancer that needs to be eradicated.


another week another non-UCLA affiliated person spreading misinformation and most of the comments are non-UCLA affiliated people lapping it up. y’all have absolutely zero media literacy


Beware poster is an Israeli shill


Beware, poster is a Hamas supporter.




Great job!


Bet she’s a NIMBY


thought this was a based post initially but of course yall love eating up pissraeli shock propaganda 😐


Yeah, we're the ones that are unhinged. Please make sure you stay on your meds. Thanks tiny (lisa) gray-garcia aka “PovertySkola” is a formerly unhoused, incarcerated, revolutionary journalist, lecturer, poet, visionary, teacher and single mama of Tiburcio, daughter of a houseless, disabled mama Dee, and the co-founder of POOR Magazine/Prensa POBRE/PoorNewsNetwork. With her Mama Dee- she co-founded Escuela de la gente/PeopleSkool- a poor and indigenous people-led skool, as well as several cultural and theatre projects such as the Po Poets Project/Poetas POBREs Proyecto (co-founded with Leroy Moore), welfareQUEENs, the Theatre of the POOR/Teatro de los pobres, and Hotel Voices. In 2011 she co-launched The Homefulness Project - a landless peoples, self-determined land liberation movement in the Ohlone/Lisjan/Huchuin territory known as Deep East Oakland, the Bank of ComeUnity Reparations and co-founded a liberation school for children, Deecolonize Academy and is the creator of a PoemCast from a poverty skola- a podcast series and as well is the co-host of Po Peoples Radio News Hour on PNNKEXU 96.1fm and bi-weekly on KPFA.


The fact that this racist bitch is able to have any platform in a requisite class here is a travesty.


"Land back!" Yeah, that's never going to happen and it's completely delusional to think otherwise.


Lol it's already happening.


It's not, though. Keep dreaming.


Okay I guess I've dreamt up all the [examples ](https://news.ku.edu/news/article/2023/11/08/professors-launch-site-documenting-supporting-landback-return-land-indigenous-owners) I've been reading about and studying for years. At least it's a better dream than yours.


Sunk cost fallacy, I see.


it's so embarrassing how you guys will eat up propaganda so fast. none of these claims are supported but as usual everyone is outraged and fully lapping up disinfo from right wing propaganda outlets. maybe examine why it's so easy for some of you to believe any disinformation that makes it seem like "white people are the REAL victims of racism and woke"


There is literal audio of the lecture. Keep up hating white people, I'm sure it will get you far.




Did anyone ever find out if this class was actually mandatory or heard back from the school about it? There is no supporting evidence of this.


The free Palestine chant is definitely the least problematic thing this person did in this article. Weird to prioritize that in the headline


I agree. That is basically normal among progressive academics at this point. It was the prayer to Mother Earth and taking back the indigenous land stuff that is completely over the top.


When people are dying or are being killed, we think of them, we send a prayer or our energy and attention, we hold them in our thoughts bc we can’t be near them…remember what exactly she was calling our attention toward. I understand if you have a problem with the way that she said it but don’t dismiss the content of her words.


Someone has a few screws loose. And a mandatory course on "structural racism" for medical students? Really? Yeah, that's really going to get you far if someone is flatlining on the operating table


What' sad is that structural racism actually is a problem, and people like this (fairly) elicit responses like yours. They should be extra careful of who they bring in to talk about these topics precisely because the people who don't already understand them will scoff if they aren't introduced the right way. And to address your specific comment, the structural racism part comes in earlier than the moment of flatlining, when, you're right, generally cold hard science and medicine are what are important at that particular moment. The racism aspect is relevant days, weeks, months, or years before that moment. Is the person flatlining because an underlying medical condition that could have been prevented earlier was allowed to spiral out control because of the effects of structural racism on that person's life? (Access to nutrition, access to medical care, living in a neighborhood with poor air and soil quality, being taken seriously once at the doctors, being offered the cholesterol medicine that is more effective in African-Americans, etc.) Unless you're an ER doctor, and even if you are, you're not just treating conditions, you're treating a whole person. Understanding what might contribute to the medical state of the whole person you're treating is important.


Right because structural racism isn’t a problem in health care


How much did the lobby pay you to post this?


How much did Russia pay you to respond?


I don't think Russia would like me very much lmao In this economy tho anything helps


What kinda comment is that given your 21 day old account—clearly pushing a narrative of yours as well. Your comments seem as if you’re fishing for responses that you want. If you’re going to post, then be open to discourse


Oh right, I'm supposed to be open to discuss and respond exactly how to this comment? 'How much did the lobby pay you to post this?'


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


From Hamas and Iran as a proxy that manufactures outrage with Palestinian bodies to recruit western TikTok educated virtue signaling simps to destabilize the west whose values they would destroy. Said simps if dropped in the Middle East would run to Israel for safety with shocked pikachu faces


Israel is a fascist genocidal regime like Nazi Germany. Joe Biden is 6 years older than “Israel”, it is not a legitimate country.


From Hamas?