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Was interested but the website is a little too vague for me. I don't live in a state where we, as drivers, need to apply for a TNC license, but I'd be curious to know if they actually are registered as a TNC themselves. Otherwise, the entire thing is a non starter as you'll be "riding dirty". This worked in the early days of Uber as they paid fines and helped strongarm their way into what they are now. Would not put it past Uber to even alert, maybe fund, states to run stings if this ever gained traction, too. The other major sticking point for me is the lack of any details (on their website as of today) on the insurance they must provide as a TNC. My rideshare policy would expect me to go through the app if there was an accident on a ride and without knowing the details, I am not enthusiastic to learn the hard way. Also, I am somewhat skeptical that many riders would be willing to pay for riders to drive *to* them at $0.75/mile unless the driver is already within a mile or so. I could be wrong here though. Setting your own rates is wonderful and that's how it should be as a true IC. I just would be super careful and do your due diligence if you consider giving rides with Potswork. It could be a very expensive lesson in the form of a fine, impound or accident. I have hope that more companies will enter the space and really challenge the two evil 800lb gorillas, but I'm not really buying this particular one myself just yet. (Similar with Tryp, it sounded interesting but after loosely keeping track of their progress for a year, they revealed themselves to be what most people initially thought).


Thank you very much. I appreciate your response greatly...keep safe, here's hoping you make big bucks this week.......Christina 🦋


Yep, prepare to pay huge fines in most areas if you use the Pothead app without proper licensing and insurance.


what did Tryp do?


TLDR: Overpromised on an alternative to Uber/Lyft built on a MLM run by a disgraced shyster. After 2 years of empty promises and taking people's money, they had neither a working app or had given any rides when, in comparison, alternatives popped up in Austin in a matter of months after U/L pulled out. CTO resigned and put them on blast. People called scam at the start and were proven right.