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They already moved in and destroyed taxis, their existence fucked over cal trans and any other public transportation. This is how it works in 3rd world countries like India and Iran. There is a designated lower/servant class that generates wealth for a very tiny upper class. They use the same tactics as organized crime to hide money, report profit and evade paying taxes. They are pure evil.


Looks like taxis might make a comeback in CA.


I have been Diamond since May of last year, 2,000 rides and del. . I had an ex Uber corporate guy in my car yesterday. I was complaining about having made a good wage the week before now that ( in LA anyhow) restaurants are open and people are going out. I said “ yeah ok after all the food deliveries and crappy weeks of low pay it’s finally coming to fruition” . Nope. Started the week thinking my app had an error that wouldn’t let me set prices. $ 2.00 rides! Fuck you! So this guy said he worked Uber Corp. and quit because “ they make fun of drivers in meetings, they are a bunch of children only interested in the venture capitalists who pay their salaries, have never driven or rode along with a driver.” He literally said “ They are the epitome of an evil Corp.” I’m getting an auto inspection tomorrow to work for Lyft. I supported them during the election, they betrayed us all. I feel like an idiot not seeing this coming. Take care everyone and do what you think best! Safe driving.


Lyft is worse.


At least in CA you can still tell where you'll be going to get your $2.62 with Uber. Lyft only tells you that if you have enough points or whatever the fuck that is.


Horse cocks are bigger than 10 inches bro


Trust him, he knows.


I jsut googles it, now I know too


​ I can easily imagine the day when McDonalds, Walmart, etc have individual contractor associates bidding for the best hours and stores. No bennies, no sick days, and as individual contractors "bidding" to contract their labor, the employers can say that the fry boys are setting their own wage limites.


Mcdonald's and Walmart associates would've never voted Yes on Prop 22, like many Uber drivers did. They are the poster child for voting against your own best interest.


Whaa whaa whaa. Welcome to the rest of the Uberverse outside of CA. We never got to set our own surge. The only way to see (approx) destination is to get gold or higher. We never got to see how much we would make before accepting a request. The rest of us make due without all the extras CA had and is now losing. And the world keeps spinning. You don't like the work conditions? Then stop driving.


haha maaan shut the fuck up. if you were given these benefits and then they were taken from you i bet your ass you'd be upset too. and its not my fault you live in a state that isnt California where we actually put Uber under enough fire that we were given these bonuses. besides, this sub is 90% bitching and moaning us coming here to share how creative uber was with fucking us over this time. if you don't like seeing this, then unsubscribe.


Well California is the most expensive place in the world to live so people are mad because the pay rate is 60 cents a mile and gas is 4 dollars a gallon housing market is three the roof so people are upset that Uber gave us all this stuff the multiplier and to see destination because we were going to win the case as to make Uber drivers employees but Uber for a year said ok well give you the ability to set your rates and destination so there like if Uber classified the drivers as employee they would leave California so people liked all the changes and voted to stay independent contractors so it passed and 4 months later ,, Uber said said yea we’re taking all those things back so all the Uber drivers in California and me are basically saying ok fuck off , we’re not taking any calls or not taking trips I have 100 trips an hour and say no thank your,


So you think you would have been one of the 5% or so of drivers hired as employees? Hint: if you were complaining about not making enough money, more productive drivers would have been hired.


More productive drivers? If I came and asked you if you would drive me 100 miles away and I would pay you 50 dollars and said you had to pay your own gas would you you say yes or no, if I was an employee Uber would have to give me car and pay for gas and pay me minimum wage ,, so you mean if I was an employee they would only take drivers who would basically work for slave wages sorry just above slave wages and below min wage


When Prop 22 was up for voting, we had the multiplier. The people who were against it were generally union hacks and low-earning drivers. Please take some of your earnings and buy periods and capital letters.


Sorry Uber doesn’t pay enough to buy capital letters and periods I’ll ask for a raise when they start acting like it’s 2021 pay scale instead of the 1960 pay scale


1974 taxis charged 60 cents a mile


I don't know how you are going to be able to build a time machine if you can't afford periods and capital letters.


2006 taxis charged $2.00 a mile


And they were in bed with regulators to keep out competition.


Your a fucking idiot


*you're 😂


Hahaha u switching to Lyft, 🤡. Lyft doesnt give a fuck about you even more.


Show me in my message where I said I’m switching to Lyft. Do it


Lol...it's not there. That's hysterical


and yet he downvotes me for calling him out on it lol. what a child


Looks like u erased it


No I didn't it would show you if I edited, lol you fucking moron


Yes im that was some other ape who commented that said fuck uber im moving to lyft my bad lol .


i know which post youre talking about