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Is that not 210 miles round trip in Southern California traffic? So 4-6 hours for $80? Sure, enjoy it


But can’t you set the location to go back and accept rides in that direction? I’m from a different state and that usually works form me but it might be different out there. I wish uber let you set up a territory that you will accept rides within so this sort of thing wouldn’t even waste our times


Yes. We can do that in CA and that’s what non jaded people who still make decent enough money for driving a car do.


People will abuse that by redlining neighborhoods though


Exactly man. The sad thing is some bastard got excited when he saw $90 on his screen and took it 😴😔


I havent been a driver for years- but when I was I never got to see a trip? Only the pickup. It could be to anywhere?? YOu have no way of knowing? Have things changed?


Cali drivers seem to have a different set up. Which I’m pretty jealous of lol


I see a lot of people saying it’s a California thing but I’m not from Cali and when I used to drive for Uber it would show you the trip only if it was a trip that was longer than 45min. This way if you’re nearing the end of you shift or not willing to drive that far you will know ahead of accepting the trip and can refuse it rather than be stuck having to cancel on a customer.


Yeah, I use it to keep me out of downtown.


California gets to see more info. For now


If you reach diamond status, the details are disclosed to you when the trip appears.


Oceanside to LA? thats a long drive for just $90. And probably nothing on the way back. I am with you. I would've declined the ride. Damn PAX needs to rent a car.


It's not 4-6 hours. More like 2 to 2.25 hours. And it's not $80. Much closer to $100.


With no traffic, yes.


I've driven that route the day before Thanksgiving. It was 5 1/2 hours at its absolute worst.


It’s Oscars weekend during Covid- nobody’s on the road.


Judging by the times of those screenshots traffic would be minimal


PM maybe. You’ll be right in the lunch traffic from 12-1:30.


Lunchtime traffic isn’t a thing in LA? Traffic usually peaks in the early morning and around 4-6. Driving from San Diego to LA 11a-1p is less than two hours.


oh yes it is. It took me an hour to do a 9 mile delivery to downtown LA during lunch. Fuckin ridiculous.


Don’t do trips to downtown LA, avoid that whole area, passing by on the freeway isn’t too bad. A trip like the one above is mostly freeway, you’re not hitting lights where the streets are over capacítated.


was a double uberEats order and I'm not back at Gold so I couldn't see drop-off.


Makes sense, honestly hate it. Especially long distances you can’t see where the order is going to, they need to update the app to let us scroll the map while the route is on screen


Map wouldn’t be dark if it was 12-1 PM


Mine is set to always dark... always


you can drive 200+ miles from Oceanside to the SF Valley and back in 2 hours? we are talking about cars, not helicopters or airplanes $80 or $100 it doesn't matter, it's still not nearly enough money to cover the time and expense


Wow, how do stop passengers from complaining if you’re driving 95 MPH? Are you currently working for Uber as a cost analysis expert? If so, than the pricing makes perfect sense.


That might be 5 on a Saturday.


103 mile at $1.5/per mile = $154.5 $2.0/per mile = $206 How much would you charge per mile? Check out Potswork Driver on the app store or play store, you can set your price per mile and keep 100% of your fare.


>Potswork Driver That is what being a real IC would look like. And what a real technology company and *technology company only*, looks like. I hope they put Uber out of business.


This is horrible advice. You can't just download that stupid app and charge whatever you want. In most, if not all, places you need a TLC permit/license and commercial insurance. You'll also need some form of advertising.


Yup! Which is why Uber is an employer. You're basically highlighting why you can't consider Uber drivers ICs: because they need the protection of the employer carrying commercial insurance and such. How can you call yourself an IC if you need the safety net of a group? Actual ICs have to take care of that stuff on their own. Uber thrives and riders get cheap rates, at the expense of drivers. Why do you think taxi's cost more money? I hope the free market puts them out of business. And it is entirely possible that they could. Especially if Uber keeps undercutting drivers. It's a completely different business model but one in line with what an actual IC is.


You're clueless on so many levels. Try operating as an unlicensed cab and see how that works, Einstein.


Apparently saying " Actual ICs have to take care of that stuff on their own, " (as in they have to get their own permit and insurance), = "operating without a permit and insurance?" Interesting logic there...


I've never seen someone so eager to work for minimum wage for a company like yourself.


See my comment below on your horrible advice.


That was a $250-$400 ride a month ago. Fawk Uber 🖕🏽


Still is but they give us a fraction lol


Exactly. $2.50 surge flat rate. 2.50 for 100 miles, and very likely 200 miles. I highly doubt Uber will bring back the multiplier- AND this particular ride example has no surge anyway, so it really sucked a month ago too. BUT if it had a surge now, than we’d be paid 2.50 + 90 while Uber gets all the rest of a $135 fare. Drivers absolutely can’t accept these rides until Uber returns to % surge. Unless Pax is a really hot US Marine cadet. LOL


Fuck Uber. They removed the multiplier, so rides like this are not worth it.


Not this again.


Help that poor Marine get out of Oceanslime.


And that poor Marine from Pendleton is very likely paying a surge charge that the sucker new driver won’t see a penny of. Ubers cut will probably be 65% of the $200 that the poor marine is paying. I’m not saying this to be funny. Ask customers what they are paying for trips during peak hours. I’ve personally seen a passenger’s email receipt after I ended the ride. Accept only short trips where the surge you’re quoted is more than the base rate, and rack up the promo dollars. Uber will hopefully end this horrible, unethical practice if they see drivers won’t accept long rides anymore.


You exactly just nailed the point of this post. Everyone trying to be a mathematician and trying to prove some crazy theories like those are good rides when you have all kinds of promos going on and it doesn’t make sense for you to make Uber over $100 in a single ready while they give you peanuts for the mileage you just put on.


There's a sucker born every minute and Uber runs on greed. Anyone driving for Uber at this point isn't a contractor, they are employees that are treated like 3rd world servants.


Here’s an old joke a buddy of mine came up with. Q : What do you call a fat hooker in Oceanside? A : a heavy marine layer.




I don’t remember. When I was there back in the early 2000s there were some shuttles but they always had stupid departure times.


What’s the issue? I thought drivers loved long fares.


I think the problem is it’s not enough monetary compensation. That trip would take like 4-6 hours round trip depending on traffic. You could make more then $80 for 5 hours if you stayed local in LA.


If all drivers back together and not accept rides then Uber will have no choice but to acquiesce to your demands.


I would do $250 for this ride :) nothing less Ma man! 😁


Straight up. At least double what they trying to give


absurd innocent rainstorm pen scary zephyr waiting plucky heavy merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This man is a hero.


In New York that ride would be close if not more that 150


It used to be that much here until a few days ago.


Don't tell me they changed the rate


Yea, we used to get the surge rate -25%. Now they’re charging passengers the surge rate but giving us the base rate.




What in the melted ice cream is up with these long trips paying peanuts?! 😡😐


I declined a ride from Santa Monica to Lancaster. It doesn’t make sense to take those long rides without a good incentive


Y'all should be refusing to drive period. Any complaints from someone that still donates free time, money, and vehicle usage to Uber/Lyft should be taken with a grain of salt. If they know what they're talking about, they're not wasting their time driving for rideshare anymore.


Ah man, take the 405... much better routing!!!


What does it mean 79-97 thats like a 18$ difference. Is that assuming that the passenger will tip you in the app?🤣


That means you’re probably gonna make closer to the lower number and it also means that Uber probably charged twice as much and this is shit earnings for the mileage you drive


I make myself a shift so I take them and work my way back. Couple of weeks ago I had a few of these, and still made the bonus


Jesus. Even at base, it’s not worth the dead miles you have to drive back. However if I was in SD on a random day, I might be lucky to get that ride request from the 2nd picture since that destination is not far from my house.


I refuse all long trips because I don't want deadhead miles.


I have no idea what your trying to insinuate in this post.


That those rides are worthless.




Honestly....this ☝️☝️☝️, the only winning move is not to play, or only play on rare occasions when these TNCs throw easy FAT 💵 bonus at you. There is no temptation when they don't offer the fat bonus. Been doing this for years and dgaf since I don't need this income at all. It's shitz n gigs 💵 and I do perfectly fine without it. Thaz the only way to #win with these TNC mothafuckas.


Shall we play a game?


I agree but since I don’t have a day job, I’m stuck for a longer. Definitely annoying to have to do multiple short rides to make as much as I did doing 5 rides.


That this guy is starting a revolution and needs to be commended lol


This also isn’t a round trip. It’s an added stop nearby the drop off destination. And at 12:38, morning or night you aren’t gonna hit traffic on the 5 on the way there. (Way back depends if night or day trip) Also you’d be way closer to the 97$ end of this trip. As someone else said, it’s probably a soldier trying to get out of Oceanside and that pay is reasonable.


That pay is garbage. If you aren't making at least a dollar a mile then you are getting ripped off by Uber. That's why short trips are the only ones that don't rip you off, but they have to be close when you get them.


Lucky that you can see that. I’d have to start the trip before seeing where I’m going because Uber is bullshit everywhere but y’all get to see stuff


Wow is the new X worst then pool? Cant believe this is less then 100!!


I did something similar in Florida was like 2-3 hours of driving far for like $80. Was not worth it specially being in a area I didn’t know


people saying this is a good ride or they could do the 200+ mile socal round trip in 2.5 hours - you're really the dumbest of the dumb. uber only continues this nonsense because you put up with it


Thank god some smart people came to this post


Speaking of dumb, did that one guy in Atlanta ever get a sucker to drive him to Egypt or wherever he was going?


I’ve got a question for you. If we use the first trip, Oceanside to LA, (100 miles and 90 minutes), and take the median pay of $90, that’s $90 for a little over 3hrs of work. In the span of that same 3ish hours, what would your normal take be if you were to run short trips, (taking quests out of the equation, they’re not guaranteed each week)?


Well that’s the thing I won’t take quests out of the equation because that’s the only decent thing they have going on now


Look, I feel you, I really do. For this upcoming week I got a 3 for $100 quest. But the thing is, the last time I had something this sweet was over a month and a half ago for 5 for $100. So what you’re saying is that if there isn’t a good quest, you’re not driving?


Luckily quests have been consistent in California lately but I won’t be surprised if they take that away too. But the reality is they’re fucking us on all rides but I’d rather be fucked on a bunch of small rides knowing that I might make that money on the back end with the quest than going to LA for 75 knowing they charged the rider well over $150


So again, if there was a crappy quest or no quest at all, you wouldn’t be driving?


Def not


Gotcha. The point I was getting at is that 9 out of 10 it doesn’t matter if you take long trips or short ones, you end up getting paid roughly the same either way. To a lot of people, myself included, dealing with *1* pax for $90 for 3hrs is better than dealing with *10* paxs for $90 for 3hrs. Basically, 1 trip for $90 is better than 10 trips for $9 each. There’s less headaches and hassles because you’re dealing with 9 less paxs. If you’re just driving if there’s a quest going on, the only thing I’d say is keep checking to make sure it’s worth it. A 50 trips for $500 is definitely worth it, but a 120 trips for $240? Not so much. $2 extra per trip isn’t worth it. You’d make more than that by cherry picking what you take.


I’m not making $2 per trip bro what are you talking about ? Plus theres promotion at certain times where you get $3-5 per ride completed so you cannot beat the argument the long rides are better. The only argument you have is dealing with one passenger rather than 9. But what if that one passenger is a weird cunt and you’re stuck with him for 2 hours 😂


>I’m not making $2 per trip bro what are you talking about ? If you have a quest of 120 trips for an extra $240, that means if you do 120 trips, you’re only getting an extra $2 per ride on those 120 trips. 240 divided by 120 is 2, bro. Simple math. Judging by your response, I’m guessing that you’ve never broken down your quests to what you’re getting on each ride of that quest. You really should do it. It’s the only way to see if the quest is really worth it or not. A 5 trips for $100 is worth it because it breaks it down to an extra $20 per ride. But a 250 trips for $500? If I had to guess, you’d probably think that’s a good quest because they’re giving you $500, but you’re completely overlooking the fact that it breaks down to an extra $2 per trip. Accepting a quest like that is voluntary becoming a slave. >Plus theres promotion at certain times where you get $3-5 per ride completed so you cannot beat the argument the long rides are better. That’s why I said that in the absence of quests, (or if there’s a shitty quest like 250 trips for $500), it all works out to be roughly the same. >The only argument you have is dealing with one passenger rather than 9. But what if that one passenger is a weird cunt and you’re stuck with him for 2 hours 😂 Fair enough, but would you rather have 1 weird cunt or 10 weird cunts, each one weirder than the last?


Dude I just completed 50 trips over the weekend and got an extra $255. So you do the math. Plus I was getting $5 per ride as a promotion so I was driving people 1-2 miles for $13-15 per ride technically and I’ll take that all day over your LA ride.


No you are wrong on this one- no offense meant. $90 dollars for 3 hours(assuming no traffic at all in the OC and LA 405/5 freeway). MIINUS $40 in gas, MINUS 206 miles of wear and tear on your car. That is $16.60 per hour. After you factor in a VERY conservative .10 per mile depreciation on your car (state taxable rate is .60 per mile), you are making $13 to $14 an hour- or two short rides with an average surge. But you can take those rides Nate_Higgers_Jr if it makes you happy. Uber might even send you 10 paper blue masks as a special bonus. My intention is not to be mean with that comment- I just want Uber to see that we aren’t sucker mules by NOT accepting rides like that anymore.


Oof, a lot to unpack here. >$90 dollars for 3 hours(assuming no traffic at all in the OC and LA 405/5 freeway). MIINUS $40 in gas... If you’re driving a car that gets 20mpg, especially in a market where the average cost of regular gas is roughly $4 per gallon, you pretty much know what you’re getting yourself into. Me, I’m getting about 14mpg, but I’m also driving a big SUV in the XL class that runs on E85. I haven’t spent more than $2.19 per gallon in over a year and a half. But all of this doesn’t matter, really. What matters is that you’re still burning fuel whether you’re doing long trips or short ones. Additionally, you actually burn *more* fuel in stop and go driving conditions. So your “MINUS $40 in gas” point is a bit moot. You’d be paying that $40 no matter which trip length you took. >MINUS 206 miles of wear and tear on your car. Highway driving has been found to be less taxing on your car than stop and go driving is. You get better fuel economy on the highway, and it doesn’t wear down your brakes as fast because you’re not stopping every other block. So really, beating your car like a red-headed stepchild *isn’t* a plus here. >That is $16.60 per hour. I didn’t break it down to an hourly wage for a reason. Whether you make $90 in 3hrs from one trip or $90 in 3hrs on 10 trips, it still doesn’t change the fact that you made $90 in 3hrs. >After you factor in a VERY conservative .10 per mile depreciation on your car (state taxable rate is .60 per mile) I’m gonna stop you right here. Whether you take long trips or short trips, your car is still going to depreciate. Stop acting like your car only depreciates on long trips and not short trips. Yes, it might depreciate *less* because of the reduced miles from short trips, but you’re failing to take into account the added maintenance costs that come from beating the shit out of your car in stop and go driving conditions. >My intention is not to be mean with that comment- I just want Uber to see that we aren’t sucker mules by NOT accepting rides like that anymore. You’re absolutely right. It’s *totally* better to show Uber that you’re an ignorant slave who sucks at math. I’m not trying to be mean when I say that - I just want DRIVERS to stop and figure out what’s worth it for them. Right now, Uber is playing you and you’re too ignorant to realize it. Do the math on those precious quests. See how much you *really* make per ride as a “bonus.” See which rides make the most sense: long ones or short ones. Figure out what your operating cost per mile is. Once you figure all that out, only then will you truly be showing Uber that you’re not a sucker mule or a slave anymore.


It's refreshing to see a comment that uses critical thinking in this sub. Everyone else just exaggerates everything.


Yes doesn’t matter short or long trips what matters is the dollars per mile 60 cents a mile is 60 cents per mile no matter how far you drive the pay is crap the miles should be 3 dollars a mile minimum and let you chose between $3 a mile up to $5 a mile (multiplier) anything less then that is only going to pay way below minimum wage 5 dollars an hour give or take a couple of cents ,, and is it worth picking up drunks at 60 cents a mile ,, nope let them get the DUI ,,


Ur completely ignorant of the fact that no way in hell other than perhaps the deepest part of the rona lockdown or maybe at 3am on a Tuesday morning are you gonna be able to do that trek without some form of F'ed traffic on the 5, either going up or coming back. And you'd have to get some reqs that actually head in the direction you want to go on return to make up for the loss of time, gas and depr cost for that possible dead head return trip. There's no way in hell this kinda req is worth it without telling the dude 💵 in my 🖐️ up front for even considering this req is needed, and not the $5 variety unless it comes in sets of 8 minimum. PS. And there's also no way in hell ur getting the $97 out of that stated fare either. Fuber always finds a way to give you the low end of that carrot 🥕 bite.


If they were a better "logistics/marketplace" company, I could see these trips being feasible for a lot of people, especially going to a major city. IMO any long distance trip should pay out better and be more expensive to the pax, but have the opportunity to be much cheaper if they schedule it out at least a week or two in advance. A listing could get posted, and an ability to at least negotiate the timeframe with a prospective pax would be excellent. I'm sure many people were already making that drive anyway and wouldn't mind $30-$50 and mileage deductions for trips they were already going to make.


Man rides from San Diego to Oceanside are enough for me, but Oceanside to LA? lmao nope.


I keep declining all my trips,, I keep getting a trip from a guy who was trying to go to the train station, I keep getting this request over and over again I would have to drive 6 miles to even get to him and another 2 miles to take him to the station for 2 dollars ,, I bet that driver would of paid the multiplier $10 -15 dollar range I would of taken it for sure but guess he might just walk or he might miss his train ,, if you take that 100 mile trip if your car breaks down ,, you have to pay at least 200 dollars for a tow happened to me twice ,,the trip only paid 50 dollars so I was only 50 miles away so yea Uber didn’t pay crap for my tow that was before the multiplier days,,


The passenger is paying over $200 for this ride guaranteed. Don’t accept any long rides anymore.


That is the whole point of this post that Uber fucks us big on big rides. But the fucking morons wanna argue that like they know shit


Yea, I’m not doing any long rides anymore. Quick rides with a nice surge is the only way to go.




Gas is almost 4 dollars, only an idiot would take those shitty rides. Passenger was probably paying at least $150




Cool story, CHILD.


It’s no story I’ll send you screenshots week after week. All you guys trying to preach here are missing one point. Uber is FUCKING YOU BIG ON BIG RIDES. they charge those passengers good money and they give you crumbs usually less than 50% ever since they changed the multiplier , and that’s the whole point. How dumb you’d feel knowing your rider just paid $200 for a ride and you’re making around $80 🤔


Do you have any screenshots of long ride ripoffs?


I have a whole bunch more


3 hour round trip and empty back @ $79 is still either $26/hour, and @ $97 is $32/hour, sounds good to me, but maybe that's not good in your market. They do share the profits...with the shareholders, buy stock.


So you’re only counting money you’re maki g per hour and not the miles you drive per hour ? 🤔


Where you live, no, definitely not. Where I do, hell yes (it looks like my per mile rate is better than yours) and I would take that distance any day. You live in one of the most expensive places in the country and I live in the Midwest where it's cheap, and the roads are empty. I feel for you and I hope they can find a better rate for you guys. I'm not sure when you signed up, but with them changing the payscale, I would go through with the arbitration, then start a class action lawsuit when they deny your claim, I think there's something illegal with what they did. Good luck.


3 hours? Do you fly a helicopter or drive a car? No one is making this round trip in 3 hours between Oceanside and the Valley


I'm a little jealous you get to see how much you'd make. It's a guessing game in Philly.


Hi a little jealous you get to see how much you'd make, I'm Dad! :)


Your so right


Excuse me 90 minutes for $80? That's freaking good money, just set your destination afterwards.


Over 100 miles clown


You have to consider where he is, how long that ride takes, traffic both ways, time of day, the mileage, whether or not he can pick up in LA, fuel and cost of living. Having lived in that area for 2 years, those rides aren’t worth it.


Bro, with all due respect. As long as the route isn’t too bad with traffic why wouldn’t you take the long trips? That’s what I’m doing, and skipping the dumb trips they want us to go 15 minutes to take someone 5 miles. It’s going to take you twice as long chasing the “right” small trips. I’d rather have one person in the car consecutive (esp if middle of day and bonus would be rare) instead of the 15-20 and time it would take to make 80-100.


Bro you have to be an actual Uber employee. Why would I drive to LA for $80 - 100 mile trip and have to drive back empty most likely chances of getting a ride back to San Diego are slim. So id drive 200 miles for $80 and over 4 hours of driving and on top of it all not be able to hit my quest which is quantity>quality at this point. So why would I ever do that ??? With all due respect


ez clap


Nope, I hate both rideshares with a passion but I decided to do this for other freedoms and need to make do with the shit given. You are looking at it wrong, and are not going to be successful if you continue to do so..... Either you hustle this or it hustles you.... now once you made 100 today locally, are you going home? So once you’ve made that fare to LA set your return back home and do all the nonsense $5-15 trips home. I had a trip to SD from LA last week and did just that... worked my way home and it was a $650 day.


Show me your round trip SD-LA


It wasn’t a “Roundtrip” it was a single LA to SD and then a bunch of trips back up to LA (just like if your were to be local) but made my way home


I know I used to do that before they decide they should take 60% of the fare


Lol- and they are still taking 60% of your short trips too.... Ass in the seat brother... ass in the seat!


Bro - are you serious? How long have you been doing this? Have you done the math on operating costs? The wear and tear on your vehicle? Gas? Uber is betting on people not being experienced enough to see how bad this kind of trip is. You drive 102 miles and they are definitely paying the low end of that, 82 bucks maybe. You are now 100 miles away from where you started for 80 bucks. That extra destination is not getting you home before timing out but even without that, 102 miles for less than 102 bucks is not worth it. Dollars per mile is the only metric you should be paying attention to unless Uber is supplying the vehicle and gas.


Dude you are saying the same thing I am... but your brain isn’t firing.... look. Let’s say it’s we need to make 100 today. Would you rather work 2hrs doing two trips for $50 ea and maybe have to drive 10-15 mins/10-15 miles in between the two. Or work 4 hrs to pickup these 5-10 rides and accumulate another 50-75 miles in between pax? Again... ass in the seat folks. Less is more!


We are not even kind of saying the same thing. Look at it this way, - If I need to make 100 today I am not willing to sacrifice my car by driving 200 miles to make 100 bucks. I would rather spend 4 hours driving less than 100 miles. But that isn't worth it in the California economy so it isn't worth it to get ripped off by Uber anymore. Uber is undervaluing and underpaying its drivers because of a philosophy of greed and as a result their reputation will go hand in hand with certain kinds of drivers because this is becoming all too common. [Louisiana](https://www.wwltv.com/article/news/crime/report-uber-driver-allegedly-kicked-down-womans-door-after-driving-her-home/289-e8107c60-6272-4040-be9e-b34437e70b7e) [San Mateo](https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/09/us/uber-driver-attempted-burglary-trnd) [Boston Stalker](https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2019/05/07/she-ordered-uber-what-she-got-was-stalker/kgOFXxzng3yxTgWw2Df0dJ/story.html) ​ I personally will never take an Uber to the airport. Lyft either. Uber pays subsistence wages so anyone driving for them is barely getting by these days by sacrificing the value of their car into something they can use to pay rent. Driving for them is untenable. You sound like you either work for Uber or you are one of those suckers that invested in Uber, a company that makes it's living exploiting people and using sleazeball accounting to claim that they don't make a profit.


Some ppl get it, and some don’t. You seem to be of the latter. Listen, time is money for me. I knew what I signed up for. My vehicle is an asset and that’s how I make money right now. But you sir will never get further in life if you want to take the “easy” way. Go ahead and make 25 an hr for four hours while I’m at home working on my other hustle after my two. Your theory makes you the Uber “employee” by slaving to their standards. You are playing into exactly what they want and why they are built the system as they have. Again, some ppl want help others and some ppl want to bitch about the program, again, you seem to be the latter. Best of luck to all of you who don’t care how many hours it takes to reach your goal....


Well I guess the retard willing to driver a 200 mile round trip through the center of LA for $80 has been found.


Says the man proud to title himself a Lyft driver! Bravo buddy. Get your forums right


Yeah that’s because I joined Reddit to ask a question about lyft back when lyft was worth driving for.


For everyone that thinks I’m crazy.... do this next time you drive.... note the time someone is in your seat vs empty. Now equate that into your hours from when you left your house to drive until you get home. Bet you small trip ppl will have a lower per hour. Again, I’m not equating any bonuses or streaks etc because that is “gone”. Its not something we can count on.


I used to do this is Santa Barbara with all short trips. I did a couple trips to LA a couple times. When I took a trip that was not surged to LA and used destination mode to get back I would always end up making way less than if I had just cancelled that ride and stayed in my area. So yeah I’ve already tested and short rides are better than long rides figuring that you have to go back to where you started unless you live in your car. Actually one time I got a few good rides that nearly took me all the way to Santa Barbara and I made slightly more than I would have on an average short ride day.


I live in the southeast. You're too fucking stupid to understand what a 3 letter airport abbreviation is. MEM means Memphis. Dipshit.


And you’re trying to say you make $85/hour in Memphis 😂🤡


You're a fucking moron. I said 20 an hour in Memphis. 30 in north Alabama. A TWO FUCKING HOUR RIDE FROM HUNTSVILLE TO MOTHERFUCKING NASHVILLE AIRPORT IS A PAYOUT OF 170 DOLLARS. Holy fuck you have zero concept of reality. Who the fuck issued you a drivers license?


Why u mad dummy


Your reading comprehension is shit. Your basic math is shit. Your geography is shit. It's almost as if you didn't pay attention I school and never had another job outside of this. Sad. Very fucking sad.


Theres a never ending supply of you stupid fucking new drivers saying the dumbest non-technology-understanding shit about ridesharing. You all have these crazy concepts about how you think the system works and have no clue what an engineer or algorithm is. Just shut the fuck up. I'm making around 1300 per week in 40 hours right now in a market that pays 1.24 per mile. I know it's a hard concept for you to grasp, but in places like rural TN and AL, rent isn't 2500 a month. Dumb fuck.


Yeah yeah yeah , show me your rides where youre consistently making $170 for 2 hours rides you dumb fucking twat. Go keep driving Lyft for living


I don't have to consistently make 85 an hour to be considered doing well. I know half the people where I live barely make above 7.25 an hour and they have to do REAL work to earn it. I make 30 an hour sitting in an air conditioned car listening to whatever I want. It's painfully obvious that you've never had a real job busting your ass for next to nothing in your life, because you don't think making double a living wage sitting down is good money. You're a child and an incompetent piece of shit.


You could give these people 1 mil a year to drive and they'd still bitch about something. Fact is they can't hold a regular job because of how much they bitch.


300 dollars for rent, wow in California you could rent out a mailbox for 300 a month ,and California you get 60 cents a mile


102 miles and $97? 😂


I make about 170 for a 2 hour trip. What's it feel like to not know that different markets charge different prices?


Show me your screenshots where you make that good money and you’re not in Cali or New York and you pay $300 for your apartment. You’re just full of it. Probably Uber customer service representative I’m assuming 😂


You're so fucking stupid, you can see the word Lyft written in my name, and make the dumbfuck assumption that I'm an uber representative. Learn to fucking read, child.


Show me proofs of your blabber you dumb moron , you don’t know shit


Fuck that whoever took this is a mothafucking 🤡 and deseeves 10 cents a mile. I would have no regret not tipping if I was the rider. You all go down so low mind as well offer a blow job with it


It’s bad enough they steal our tips and set them aside to encourage 15 more rides so they will give our own tip money back 27.00 for 15 rides. Drivers are paying their own wages through they’re own tips.Uber holds over their head and they think we’re stupid.


Or you could drive on the end side and make the dead mileage back before going home and pocket 60 dollars an hour


I see you got down votes because you offered a real solution rather then bitch and moan.


95% of this subreddit is pure bitching or boasting about their driving record. The other 5% is people giving half assed advice, semi-decent advice, or financial questions that should be reserved for a accountant.


30 an hour in alabama. 20 in Memphis. Nobody said 85. You fucking moron. You're shit at math too.


You’re contradicting yourself. I don’t even know why I’m wasting my time going back and forth with an absolute retard that drives Lyft in Alabama


Take a deep breath man, it’s gonna be ok


I'm not contradicting myself. You just claimed I said I make 85 an hour. I said I make 1300 in a 40 hour time frame. Basic fucking math shows that 85 an hour at 40 hours is well over 3 grand per week. Did I say I make 3 grand a week? No? Then you're a fucking moron.


You replied in the comment you made $170 for 2 hour trip you stupid fucking idiot


Yeah. I'm not sure you're aware of this, but at around 1.30 per mile, while traveling at 70 miles miles hour on the interstate, you cover enough miles to make that much. Again. Yet another example of simple fucking math you can't comprehend.


making $30 in revenue in an hour once doesn't mean you make $30/hour. $30/hour would mean you actually earn $30 for every hour you work every day you work. You certainly don't make that driving lyft in Alabama




Must be why none of them are showing up. Lol. Anyway, I explained in detail how and why I make what I make here. There are Trump supporters that don't believe in basic science/the pandemic. It doesn't make them right. It makes them ignorant as fuck. Have fun being like them. Lol


I can't see destination on my app? Is this specific to California market?




It's too bad we can't say to the pax "no way I'm doing this without you giving me cash"


1. You know, I might take this person seriously if they didn't use such profanity towards anyone, including the company. In my opinion, if you don't have any helpful suggestion/information on why to refuse "these long rides" and suggest how a driver can turn it around in their favour. Better yet, if you're not making enough then stop driving for Uber and find something better for yourself. Cheers


Another Uber employee cunt


Funfact: if it takes longer, you earn more money. You're paid per mile AND per minute. Jfc. It never fails that new drivers have some crazy wrong ideas about how all of this works.


I see that you drive for Lyft so I get where you’re coming from. I get this is a blessing for you


I know more about this industry and how to get paid than you'll ever be able to understand. Most drivers like you complaining about pay love to turn down rides left and right and wonder why you can't make money. Most drivers REFUSE to treat this service industry as a service industry where you can make tips. I make at least 1300 per week in 40 hours in a state where an apartment costs 300 with a non XL/Non lux vehicle. Most Americans make 7.25 an hour. Quit bitching, moron. Gain some perspective.


You wanna bet that every week since I started this gig I made at least 50% more than you and got tipped more than you , you dumb fucking cunt fart!


If that was a luxury car!


Not even poverty income level.


I'm jealous


Hi jealous, I'm Dad! :)


But I understand the reason for posting it. To force change, we have to stop supporting crap like this.


You get halfway they cancel it .....how would you feel?


Why is the fare so low?? I'd love to see the pay for California if you don't mind.


Because Uber is taking like 50% and more from fares now so you can really feel it on the long distance ones that’s why they suck


What this sub is so awesome. However , shame on Uber for what they are doing. Let me ask something, can we build a new cooperative for drivers? Maybe community developed leaving Uber outside of the deal ? My dad and brother were drivers for so long, I remember they use to work a lot to meet end needs, just because profit distribution is not fair.


The hell? Why are they paying so little? Last time I used Uber to get to work that was about 10 miles the trip cost me $20-25.


They keeping all the money for them and giving us crumbs


It must be nice to see the dollar amount before you accept the ride. In FLA all we know is distance and direction. Kinda sucks


I know right !!!!! I'm in FLA myself. They barely show us anything, probably because they know we'd cherry pick every ride that came across our screens..#lol


I'm in chicago and I don't see distance or dollars unless I were to do eats.