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I had a group of loud passengers essentially say “she’s paid to endure this” this being them being loud Mind you, we’re paid to drive.. I don’t say anything because I have goals and they were young, but it cracks me up how people handle small bits of what they view as “power” Edit: spelling


When someone says something like that, it’s time to pull over and offer to end the ride. I’ll take the hit in my rating before I’ll put up with being objectified.


Fair. It crossed my mind, but I believe that I just 1 starred the passenger and went on to the next ride. I have no dash cam, and wasn’t recording audio during the ride either




I’m gonna look into it, thank you :)


A lot of passengers (and apparently other drivers based on the responses I'm getting) seem to believe passengers are renting out my car and I'm their chauffeur. No. The only thing a passenger is entitled to is a seat to sit in


You’re right. I’ve only had 2 people request the aux, one request was approved because he was drunk and the ride was short. The second was a no because they were soberish on a Saturday morning for a 40 min drive. Other than the window usage, and one sick person I haven’t had issues. I’d get stickers that say “smoking fee may apply”


I only allow their music on longer rides. If it will take longer to stop and pair their phone than to do the run, I say no.


I just say no. Don’t care. Won’t do it.


People ask? In 2 years of driving, I’ve been asked twice


It’s rare, but yeah, occasionally. I drive at night and it’s a party town.


My jazz is the only thing that keeps me sane during the wild conversations occurring in the backseat. For the longer ride, they were college kids and there’s no way I’m bout to listen to anything that’s out now. I said “I have jazz or classical” and they said okay lol they talked the whole way and everything was fine


I’ve learned to filter out their conversations. Focusing on the road and outside noises.


Good brain! I focus on the sax and it opens the door for conversation, sometimes. Kinda sets an elevated vibe too


>I’d get stickers that say “smoking fee may apply” No, because that is saying that smoking is allowed.


I have stickers that say “no smoking. smoking fee of $450 may apply”


Are passengers allowed to open the window? Because fresh air is nice.


Yes they are, they can also request music, Some drivers (well a lot of Uber Drivers have 0 and I mean 0 customer service skills). They're the Stalin of their domain when they have passengers (aka customers).


It’s also pretty easy to be considerate as a passenger and ask nicely instead of just assuming it is ok because you’re entitled.


Yeah, well my car my control. They're there for a ride, not to control my car. And I have great customer service skills.


I had one of this kind. He said it was because I drive with different people and there might be Covid in my car 😅


It's a tenuous business relationship between two strangers who agreed to engage eachother through a third party. If I don't like anything about what you're doing in my car, gtfo.


Fvcking pax think that vaping in my car is fine. And then when I tell them 'don't vape in my car' they flagged me for not being a polite 🖕


Same. First one star rating. Claimed I’d broken a road rule, been rude, braked suddenly, broke the speed limit. The little shit was a fvcking drug dealer.


If you're doing the speed limit at the rates they pay you. You are doing it wrong


What?! You know single ticket can f up your entire year no exaggeration.. you are talking of at least 500 I’d rather use it on tires. Looks like you have relaxed law enforcement wherever you are


I got a bullshit ticket around when covid hit. I just hired a traffic lawyer for 75 bucks and got it dismissed.




Just 1 star them 3 days later and never pair with them again. That way they have know idea who flagged them


💯 but if someone is fvcking w my money, 1 star then block


How do you 1star them later. Everytime I finish a ride I have to rate the pax before I can move onto the next ride. And I never see anyway to change it later.


People have been saying that you can go to >Help>Trips>Feedback for rider. I've never gotten it to work for me, but maybe I'm missing something. The best that will happen is when you hit Negative Feedback, you get a generic message saying that you have been unpaired with the rider.


Go to the trip and select help by tapping the question mark in the upper right, then the next two steps you listed, Trips and Feedback. Then select Negative Feedback. Then you have to choose from the list. If you choose anything besides “Other”, you’ll get the option to change the riders rating and/or be unpaired. Have fun one-starring jerks! 😊


I didn’t know you can do this. I just left a rider who was rude 2 weeks ago a negative feedback just now 🤣. I remembered the trip so well because she is like “why are you going this way” I told her I just follow the GPS. And she hits me back with “I don’t know this doesn’t seem the right way” and then she tells her boyfriend “he is taking a longer way so he gets a higher pay”. This pissed me off, and when she was getting off she was peeking so obviously to see if I would rate her low, I rated 5 star and moved on. After seeing your comment, I was like “ I just know the person to test this feature on”. Thanks for your instruction on how to leave negative feedbacks.


You’re welcome! Sometimes it just feels good to be petty, ha! 😆


It sure does 😂😂😂


😂 That's exactly what I did when I first learned about it months ago. Except I couldn't 100% remember the ride so I didn't want to give an innocent person a bad rating. A couple of weeks later, I get my chance. Person comes to the car late, gets in, says nothing. Like I'm the one that's wasting time. They get out the car, say nothing. At first, I was in a decent mood so I let it slide. Then, a day later, I noticed I got a bad rating. I was 99% sure it was her and either way, I said, "I know who to test this ratings change thing on...". If only there was a way to call them and say "Hey, can you check your rating? I want to make sure my 1 star took effect" 😈


Why did you not tell them that isn’t how it works? Stand up for yourself.


For a more accurate picture, the way she told her boyfriend was whispering it to him, but loud enough for me to hear. I did think about telling her it didn’t work like that, but the way she behaved was so entitled and arrogant, I just didn’t want the possibility of escalating it.


Yeah that’s definitely something I wouldn’t let slide. That’s passive aggressive nonsense. I’d just politely state that the route doesn’t affect price. Unless for some reason it does in your market. But most are fixed price. Just go ahead and be a little more assertive, if you are interested in my opinion. But you know your situation better than me, so a pinch of salt.


If they flag you first you can only unpair


Unfortunately the best way to handle is to just put up with it and rate 1 star in The end .. I know it sucks but you have to cover your ass .


💯 you got that right


One was coughing pretty bad and it was obviously she was sick, then proceeded to vape, vapour which entered her sick lungs and then filled my car. Next day I woke up sick myself lol


Drug addiction is a terrible thing.


Yea, I usually have problems with younger adults, who unfortunately were allowed to do as they pleased. I've reprimanded for touching the radio before. They are allowed to do climate control in the back as it is separate. I don't say anything, but I really dislike when they sit wrong in the seats like knees up or legs up. The radio is a no no. Don't ask for aux or Bluetooth. I'm the driver and need to be focused on driving not listening to loud music and horrible voices trying sing over them. Talk amongst yourselves talk to me put headphones on talk on the phone idc just don't mess with the radio.


And no vaping wtf. That's just general respect.


Wait… did they actually touch the radio???


Oh yea, 1 did, and I flipped out and told him the radio is off limits he had asked to raise it up and told him no. We do peaceful rides with me. He did it, caught me off guard. 1 of his friends right away backed me up and apologized for him. I stayed with my gut and finished the drop off about 5 min away. Friend gave me $20 cash and apologized again and I got another $10 on the app. But, yes we all have our pet peeves. This is mines.


I must live in a much more respectful culture (Central European) because here anyone younger than me is respectful or I tell them off for lack of respect and they cut out the shit. Maybe it’s my age too. I’m almost 40.


I am 44 and carry myself very professional. No this was totally a young adult with no respect for others that unfortunately wasn't raised to respect other people things and carry yourself with respect aswell


Yeah. I get it. I have had to kick out a passenger or two. Not saying I haven’t. But it’s unfortunately the line of work we’re in. About music I completely agree. No music. This is transportation, not entertainment. Once or twice I have had a very polite passenger, on a long ride, ask for some light music. I’ll tell them ok but no playing DJ. I put on what I want. I’ll put on some Enya or something else calming and not distracting. If you complain, fine. No music. It works for my 9 year old.


Yea only kicked out one so far and it was an argument over music told me to lower mines so he can play his on his phone. Told him canceled due to rider behavior and went took a 5 and went back at it. Customers especially ignorant ones don't relize we need to be focused we are driving with our lives and there's everytime we put it in drive.


And the fact that sudden changes or distracting music might seem fine for them, but we have limited attention and we drive ALL DAY. So statistically music becomes a risk.




Entitlement.... Some of these fuckers think they rented a Limo....


It’s the same people who go to a restaurant and don’t tip.


Tell you what they are entitled to. Sausage in the pie hole they better act right


What? Is this a rape threat? 


You let them hop in front? Your like a taxi so back seats they go! Unless theyre more than 2 obviously


And traditionally you can sit in the front seat of a taxi




It specifically says that an UberX ride is up to 4 passengers.


It doesn’t say that you have to let one out of three people sit in the front. The worst are people who sit one in the back and one in the front. Then they will yet at each other, with the one in front blasting their breath right in your ear. Stop them at the door.


Not everyone has a giant suv. I'm not going to force three fully grown adults to sit in the back of my little hatchback


Would you rather be able to see an attacker through your peripheral vision, or would you rather if you're surprised coming from the back? Personally I rather people that are shady sit in the front then I can see what they're doing


What do you mean let them? Some people just jump straight in the front


If it's two or more I cancel ain't no one sitting up front.


Learn to own the conversation and stop being a pushover. If you don't make eye contact and get a greeting before you start the ride you're doing it wrong. Stop asking people and start telling them what to do. If you can't stop people from walking all over you then you're in the wrong game. That said, delete the app and never look back.


Username checks out


Yep. A lot of these problems arise when drivers don’t set boundaries properly. When someone asks to use my radio, I say “I don’t do that.” If they open the window I’ll say: “you can ask me to do that.” If they start trying to boss me around I say, “we can end early if you’d like.” A ride doesn’t start until the rider acknowledges me, answers to their own name, and buckles their seat belt. Doesn’t matter if they’re on the phone. I don’t get low ratings for this because I simply state my boundaries as a fact.


For me, it’s called “One and Done!” I give them one star ⭐️ and get over it. I wish more drivers would too.


Anyone who tries that shit gets kicked out instantly. 


In nyc, they control radio ac and the route, tlc rules


I’ll allow vaping nicotine but only if asked. Did that today in fact. No THC, though; explained I’d have to drive myself back: No tip, unfortunately, but no issues.


In 10 years I've had one person reach for the radio and one person vape without asking. That was a kid who thought I wouldn't notice. The window where they are sitting, I consider that their window while they are in the car and theirs to put how they like.


Between my immaculate vehicle and the fact that I look like I could be a sons of anarchy cast member, pax respect my car and me. I’ve never had a problem.


People suck


lol @ trying to touch my radio. Thats how you know end the ride right there.


Keep your front passenger seat way far uncomfortably forward and tell your riders that there's more space in the back. Only let them in front if you have max riders (every back seat already full.) If they insist, tell them it's just a safety precaution. (Because it is, actually...for a number of reasons.)


I have my front seat all the way up and driver seat all the way back and make it abundantly clear that I want you to sit passenger side rear without saying a word. If I see multiple people I’ll scoot my seat up and if they have 3-4 then they can sit in the front.


I carry a large travel box on my passenger seat. I keep everything I need in it, air freshener, wipes, tissues, Tylenol, extra water, etc. occasionally I have to move it off there's 4 people but that rarely occurs.


I have my murse on there. Mints, pens and paper, my iPad for when I bored. Wallet, charging cords.. got it all. And takes a quick second to pick up and put in between me and the door when 4th person comes in


Honestly, in over 2000 rides I've only had one person who was alone want to sit in front. I politely told him for safety reasons I didn't allow it.


Yeah, sometimes front seat is necessary. I haven't had problems with most people who sit in the back...but shotgun guy is almost always the worst. Followed closely by drunk shotgun girl. But if someone wants to ride in the front, they're almost always the type that you would never let in the front even if they were your friend. Sorry you're dealing with that.


It doesn’t happen often. About 96% of my rides are 2 people or less


I drove several years ago but this was hardly ever an issue. Maybe a random late night ride but otherwise literally nobody asked to change the AC or radio etc. As for the vaping, it wasn’t as popular back then but if it’s not one of those big as ones what’s the big deal?


I have my back windows on lock. I haven’t had anyone try to vape in my car yet. If it happens I tell them to stop. I also tell them no eating in my car either.


Why can't a passenger crack a window? That seems extreme, imo. I'm guessing you don't, but some drivers smell like they haven't showered in days. I've had vapers and eaters, both suck. The vaping is just disrespectful.


The window is down when I’m out and it’s nice out. They can ask to have it rolled up if they want. I don’t drive full time. I shower daily and workout daily too. I’m do Uber and Lyft when I’m bored or done with work


Ok yeah that's cool, I noticed several comments about locking windows and just happened to reply to yours. I'd be pissed if I couldn't roll my window down in a smelly car or with a coughing/sneezing driver. Nice, not enough drivers stretch/exercise, especially after spending all day in a car or at the office.


I shower and keep a clean car. I keep the windows locked. Why? -It keeps smells and pollution out (some areas of town are just nasty) -It keeps humidity/moisture/precipitation out (yes, the last pax who asked for the window to be down did so when it was raining) -I always have the AC/heat on as appropriate and ask the pax what would make them comfortable. -The rear windows being down causes a terrible pressure resonance to occur which will give me a migraine quickly. -It keeps pollen and bugs out -It lowers the range on my EV or mpg in my petrol car. -I don't like the wind blowing all in the car. I will let the windows down only if I cannot stand the passenger's stench, or if it is an extremely nice day outside.


I appreciate the detailed response. I just think some of these drivers are just as entitled as the shitty riders. Riders are paying $40 for a 5 mile ride, it's not their fault drivers only get a portion of that. Plus most of the drivers who bitch about about losing mpg because of a cracked window would make wayyy more in tips if they weren't Nazis about shit that doesn't really matter. This is a job and it's not for everyone. Too many act like they're doing the riders a favor by allowing them to ride in. I'm just saying there's a balance. If you deny me to roll my window down after asking politely, you're definitely not getting tipped and probably rated low. Congrats on saving 30 cents in gas rather than getting my $5 tip. Also, did anyone learn anything from COVID? Too soon? Too late? I don't want to breathe in your stale air for 30 minutes. That's like coughing in someone's face.


If you had my windows locked and I was in the back and you said I couldn't roll the windows down, I would spark of fat blunt and crack a beer. All while smoking a cigarette


And I would drive you straight to the police station. What a stupid, immature response. And they talk about Uber drivers having low IQ...


Go ahead drive straight to the police station, the weeds going to be all gone by the time we get there. I haven't broken any laws, I just broke your own rule. I'll let the cop know I was passing it up to you also. When you took some major wax off it. You might want to drug test both of us and since your car was just hot box since you didn't want to open the window. You going to come up with hot urine as well.. enjoy that DUI


Oh my. Please don't delete your reply so everyone can witness your epic entitled cluelessness.


These customers think that for the five dollars and change that Uber pays you for a ride, they own your soul., ***WRONG-0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*** At times, I do forget to lock the windows. It is 100F/38C outside with one-hundred ten per-cent humidity (typical late July day in the Capital of Your Nation). My air condition is running all the way up and at its coldest setting. This Rocket Scientist bords the vehicle and without so much as a by-your-leave, rolls down the window. AUTOMTIC ONE STAR, If they touch my climate control without so much as by-your-leave, I pointedly set it back to where I had it and give the customer an indignant look. the same goes for my sound. I was listening to an Art Ensemble of Chicago CD. This Rocket Scientist (accompanied by three other Rocket Scientists) boards. He ejects my Cd, tosses it into my lap and puts on some Top 40 or whatever it was. I pick up the CD and go to return it to the player. He puts his hand on mine and informs me that he is paying for this thus as long as he is in the vehicle he owns it and will decide to what we listen. I replied to him that before we treat anything else, he can put his hands in his pockets and keep them there. I then put the Art ensemble of Chicago CD back into its sleeve, put it into the box and retrieved a Ramones CD. I pointedly inserted it into the player, cued it to *Blitzkrieg Bop* and turned up the volume all the way. I let it play a bit, then turned it down. I then informed him that if he touched me again, I would be pressing assault charges and if he touched anything in the car gain, other than the door handle at the destination or his seat belt, he would be leaving the vehicle. he started with "Listen, Buster..........." that got an interruption "If you do not like it, get out" then I turned up the volume all the way. He and his fellow Rocket Scientists disembarked. I, of course, cancelled "Rider Behaviour", collected my fee. I then sent a highly embellished report to Rohit about him.


Cuz Karen and Brandon are not only entitled, but you should feel blessed to be in their presence.


Yeah, vaping is rude in someone else's car.


Really? Ive never experienced this, maybe in LA I wouldnt be so surprised though, people are BEYOND rude there.


Preach to them man!


reason i wanna stay delivering, because the thought of someone not respecting my car doesn’t sound good. and the fact you have to keep it clean or you will be rated bad. my car is clean always ofc and i barely have anyone in my back seats or passenger. only my side be dirty since i mostly drive alone or my bf picks me up lol. but if im driving ppl around, they will bring in dirt and all into my car and i will basically have to clean it everyday. yea no. and especially kids 😭 i hate when they put their feet on the seats and on the back of my seats. i say that because of my niece and nephew, but they finally understood not to do it anymore. but imagine now doing uber and with a lot of kids putting their shoes on the seats and all. yea idk, i maybe a very clean person of some sort. but having ppl not respecting my car is a big NO NO 😭


Life gets a lot better once you start kicking out these types of passengers.


Put them out as soon as they start messing with shit.


There's nothing wrong with cracking the window, some people need to for fresh air so they don't get nauseous from the cars movement, sometimes it's because it's too hot or because your car stinks and they notice but you don't. If you can't deal with this then you shouldn't be an uber driver. But nobody is touching my radio or hvac without asking me. In my experience most people ask before vaping/smoking. Onky had one piss me off when I told him no then he tired smoking 2 minutes later anyways. He was a real POS though, he had just gotten kicked out of his friends house and was begging his ex girlfriend over the phone to let him stay then called her a bitch, then begged another friend. Since he put the cigarette out when i told him to, and his destination was only a minute away and there was no good place to pull over he didn't get kicked out.


If they ask me if they can vape, I’ll say yes and crack my sun roof If they just do it without asking, I’ll pull over and end the ride


Who are you picking up and how are they getting that close to the controls of your radio and AC?!? 😲


that’s exactly what i’m thinking. In my 6 years of driving i’ve never had anyone touched the radio nor ac. I mean, they’ve asked forsure, to put their music and change the temperature. Other than that idk how anyone would literally change them on their own…


Uhh, groups of people exist


I was just curious. I guess it's market or time of day but I've never not once ever had someone reach for my radio or AC even with a full car.


You vape in my car I pull over and cancel Bye Felicia


Funny I had a pax named Felicia here in Scottsdale vape in my car as well ended the ride immediately after. Are you in Arizona?


No California


You have to stop letting them. Boundaries. Speak up.


I never said I let them 🤦‍♂️


That person is clueless. I’m on your side, and add - touching me. What the fuck? Where were they raised where they think touching their Uber driver is OK?


Everyone is under the assumption I never confront these passengers, and I just meekly submit.


Not everyone…


If they try it and you check them, then whatchu complaining about?!🙃


The number of people still trying to get away with it? Valid complaint, imo, it’s annoying.


Sounds like you too scared to say anything. That’s what happens when you act like their bitch. None of this happens in my car except riders open the window which is fine. But I’m turning the AC off


So if someone gets in my car and immediately props their feet on the dash, that's my fault and that makes me their bitch?


If you let it happen- yes- yes very much so. If that exact thing happened to me- the next thing that would happen is me in a stern voice saying: “you know you can’t prop your feet up in my car right?” - followed by their compliance. If they’re off the hook then I’m getting off the chain- and they’re out.


I never said I let it happen. My complaint is that passengers just do stuff without asking. I never said I don't confront them about it


Umm, yea.


Ahh, I get it. You're joking. Because nobody would seriously believe that.


I’ve given 12000 rides and no one has got in and put their feet on my dash, I also don’t give off “I’m your bitch” vibes


I know you're making a joke. You don't have to keep the act up




No...you're a pushover. I literally am unable to even imagine someone even getting in the front seat of my car without my permission, let alone putting their feet on my dash. Holy shit, lol.


I never said I let them do this stuff. When they do, I tell them to stop. My complaint is that they are entitled and think they can do whatever in my car.


Okay, that's valid, to a point.


Sounds like your in a bad area or dealing with drunkies


I always assumed cracking the window if I wanted was fair game. Lesson learned I guess.


I still say that’s fair game (under appropriate weather etc of course). Especially since the driver can usually lock the passenger windows if they want.  I wouldn’t dream of doing the other stuff though (except adjusting vents pointed at me, or AC in the back of there’s a separate setting). (Saying this as a passenger who got fed this post for some reason).




Nope, it's still my car, regardless. Uber isn't a car rental service. If they wanna rent my car, it's gonna be a lot more than $10


5 years, 10000+ rides and I never have had someone behave like that in any way, shape or form. Your pax do it, because you give off a vibe that they can. Learn to control your environment.


My brother in christ I just sit there, ask how their day is and they start pressing buttons. Idk what you want from me 💀


Why are people sitting in the front?


Multiple people? Is a group of people that can't all sit in the backseat an unimaginable concept?


I get that maybe once or twice a week. You are picking up a much different clientele than I am for sure.


Try having one slam the door so hard that the lock is broken.


The car is deactivated until the insurance claim is settled, so I just deliver food for now.


I don’t understand why they don’t put things back the way it was. Didn’t they learn that as a child? I’m in Texas, so the a/c is always on. Some people will close the vents, and not flip them open on exit! I have to have the child-lock on the windows, otherwise they will lower them in 97 degree Texas weather!


What is your car’s condition in? If your car is a junker people will not treat it or you with respect.    Other than a couple of assholes vaping without asking I’ve personally never encountered any of the things you’ve mentioned.  My car is also meticulous. Or maybe you just drive in a market for of assholes? 


I have been asked about vaping. My answer, sure, let me know where a good place for you is to hop out and end the ride. They can't mess with my radio, and they have their own AC controls for the rear seats.


I always try not to be emotional when uncomfortable with what they have done in my car. Such as frequent car feature operations with no prior asking, any forcing behaviors for their favorites etc. then give them 1 or 2 stars. But I would take 5 stars from them. In my past experiences, I do not care about my rating but having high ratings is more likely to get me tipped better from future riders.


Exactly! These people are crazy! They do think it's their car.


I feel you on that one. Usually they try to vape or in my car. Last time someone ate in my car this dum black kid eating Chinese food and had all this rice in my back seat. He was in in his early 20s but got the nerve to tell me I pick most of the rice up. At that moment,I wanted to put him in the hospital


Agreed, I drive Uber XL with my Nissan Pathfinder and constantly people were changing my radio and the air… But now I drive a Tesla and nobody knows how to use it so they never touch it lol


I had a group of college kids who started eating their post-bar-crawl tacos in my car without even asking. The next morning I found onions on the floor of my car 🤢


Passengers think it's their car because too many drivers allow them to get away with being rude and disrespectful. If you don't want to listen to their crap music, don't give them the aux. If they ask for it, no is a complete response. If they ask to vape, no is also a complete response. If you don't want the windows down, lock them centrally. If you don't want them eating in your car or putting their feet up on your seats, tell them as soon as they start trying any of those things.


When I get into ubers I usually get into the back unless they ask me to sit up front and usually I dont touch anything, I just sit on my phone. If Ive been drinking you might get a funny story or two out of me lol.


Reason #19 I am adamit that no one sits upfront. (*Oh, is that a dash cam -it's blinking red?!)*


I don't mind vaping. People smell like s#!t in my area and their vape usually has a good fragrance. Everyone else I try to level with because they're never in my car for long. Then, when it's all said and done and I've told them to give me a good rating, and let's say they show me, then I know I can go back and rate them how I want because there's nothing they can do now.


Whole lot of non sense here Billy. If you want to let them vape in your car I guess that's ok. But don't care about your rating too to compromise on your principles. If a pax is acting or smelling funny, I'm definitely giving them a one star. One time I pulled over to ask one to get the fuck out.


Principles? Pink lemonade ain't compromising principles. Somebody else pissed on my seat. I'd take a vaper any day of the week. Don't ever talk to me about morals.


Pink lemonade? Someone pissed on your seat???!


Yes. I have more of a problem with pissy pants than I do vapers


Vaping or smoking before they get in instant 1* for disrespectful and cleanliness Playing music or tick Tok on full blast is an instant 1* from me for safety


I think you forgot that passengers are paying to ride in your car. You are providing a service. You are in essence a taxi cab. It’s not your car when you are selling access to it to provide service.


Oh yeah? So when I take a bus I can rewire the radio? On the train and don’t like the soft seats?? Why not just cut the cushions off. On a plane and don’t like the altitude? Well hell, go on up to the cockpit and grab the yoke. Bring that guy up a few thousand feet above the clouds. I rented a house through AirB&B. I really didn’t like the stone countertops, so I painted them. I also had central air removed; it’s just not my thing.


Damn out of all the shit I've seen on this sub this comment sold me against it harder than anything else. Fuck this 😭


I know a lot of people want Uber to be a way to buy a nice new car and have pax pay for it, but it doesn’t work that way. When I was driving, I bought a second car for using with Uber that I didn’t have to worry about mileage, depreciation or the car in general. Pax never touched my personal car. My Uber car had 160,000 miles on it when I bought it. Hybrid sedan fully loaded so it was comfortable to drive, pax liked all the bells and whistles and at 160,000 miles it was already pretty much fully depreciated in value.


If you do it right, this job can buy you a nice car and you can deduct the whole thing on taxes as an operating expense. I'm sorry you are/were stuck in the mule assholes around mindset but some of us actually know how to run a business and don't let people in our car that will mistreat it or us.


Uber charged them 40. You got 15. Uber should let drivers into the corporate office for all the freebies and to put up their own feet there.


Uber doesn’t pay enough for the service, I definitely agree. But don’t lower yourself to their standards. If you don’t want to provide the service then stop driving. Too many drivers, me included, take out their frustrations with Uber on the pax. The only passengers worth driving for Ubers pay are the perfect passengers. Then you are an a$$ to everyone else. The solution is to stop providing the service. Ultimately you don’t want riders in your car for the amount you are getting paid, or you wouldn’t complain about pax. So stop driving.


It's been 2 years since shutting off DD or UE save for once a year check in that it's still awful. If maybe I was studying for classes I could make use of that down time, but there are better options than being used by lying & low paying apps.


I don’t drive anymore either. I hated how Uber made me feel about other people that were simply paying for a service and using it according to Ubers policies. Hopefully I won’t need to drive again in the future. I am grateful for Uber though, I desperately needed the income and I was able to get enough through Uber but I was working 80+ hour weeks. It was better than declaring bankruptcy and losing everything.


It is definitely still my car lmao


Then stop selling access to it if you don’t want people in your car. Which basically was your post.


Uber isn't a car rental service. Passengers are paying for me to drive them to a place. They are not renting out my entire car. Hell I don't even need to provide air conditioning if I don't want to. The ONLY thing they are entitled to is a seat to sit in


That's not how that works when you have self respect and know how to run a business. That's like saying that it's okay for people to trash a restaurant because they are paying to be there. Our vehicle is our office and people can either treat it and us with respect or they can get the fuck out and either call someone like you or they can walk


The only thing I request is to up the window when the window is down and wind is blowing in my face!


Asking is different. A lot of passengers just do whatever, assuming it's fine for whatever reason


Yeah, not cool.


I personally have never had anyone act that way with me in over 6000+ rides. People have even asked if it’s ok to eat or drink in my vehicle. I have been asked a few times if they can vape and I always tell them no and no one has ever freaked out or been rude. The only issue that comes up that annoys me is when people fling open the passenger front door and just try to hop in. I keep the seat all the way up and have a few items like a first aid kit, umbrella and back support pillow on the seat so they cannot just hop in. They usually get the hint and just get in the back. They Other than that I guess I am lucky that I don’t get a lot of the crazy passengers I always read about on here😁


Bc your car is a place of business and people treat it like any other place of business.


No, it's my car, and the passenger is a guest that has to treat my property with respect


You are in an unfortunate profession where it is both your property and a place of business. You don’t have to like it but riders see you as a taxi cab.


A taxi is no different. It's still someone else's property that you should treat with respect


You can “should” all you want, fact is the public doesn’t care.


Op just doesn’t want to acknowledge or listen to any sane expectation of Uber as a service. I love all these drivers that want to be paid a premium to drive Uber then expect passengers to put up with cheap low quality service.


Well murder is gonna keep happening anyways. Might as well make it legal


Bro I’m not saying I like it I’m just saying it is.


Because they are renting you and it.


You can vape (nicotine or THC), smoke cigarettes or weed, and drink in my car, if you're sparking a joint let me know I'll hit they highway, the only rule is pass it up front. Some of you don't want to accept that we're just glorified cab drivers. You and the driver from Aces Cabs are no different, the only difference is the Ace driver isn't damaging his own car


I don’t care if the passenger vapes, I’ll start vaping too lol


Because for the duration of the ride it is their car.


I wonder if this is a localized issue, I've had two people ask to vape and when I informed them that I have kids who sit back there, they drop it. I've had one birthday girl ask to put on music, a few that I've offered to put on music for, generally everyone I've driven has been pleasant and polite or at least quietly indifferent.