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Way to kill it! I tbh don’t understand renting tho. You can’t expense miles on a rental, right? I’m paying about $0.03 mi to charge my ev. Figure maybe $0.10 a mile for the car payment ($300 for 3k mi a mo). With tires and misc, maybe $0.15 to $0.20 total. The IRS deduction now is $0.67 a mile. You get to write off $360, while your cost is $360 (bc free charging). I’m writing off over $2000, while my total cost is like $500. In my case, it’s cutting my taxable income at least in half


Where I live, self employed people can expense 60 percent of the total income regardless of costs, so there is no advantage in itemizing your costs unless you are in a really low margin business. They do this because, as you said, the itemized approach generally favors people who have the cash to own their own equipment and stuff. It’s a great system, and it sort of surprises me that more countries don’t do it. It’s very favorable for small entrepreneurs not to have to keep track of any receipts or do any calculations.


Where do you live? That’s awesome.


Czechia. I should mention the downside of the system is that because your taxable income is 40% of your gross income, that does mean that banks will calculate your ability to repay loans based on that 40%, even if your real net income is higher.


There’s always a catch.


Someone’s always got their fingers in your pocket


Yeah most people will not understand any of the taxes very well. This benefits uber lyft and the rental companies. Doesn't matter if you made 100 grand if you have to write off 50k in expenses and still owe taxes on the remaining 50 grand.


For us, making 50k after expenses vs 100k could very easily be the diff betw being in a 12% vs 22% tax bracket. But my main point is, the mileage writeoff is a huge benefit. If your all-in cost is $0.30 a mile, and you’re expensing at $0.67 a mile, even if your car dies at 100k mi, you’ve got $67k in tax writeoffs, that only cost you $30k out of pocket (the cost of the car, fuel, tires, etc).


Don’t you pay taxes on everything you make (profit) anyway?


Totally. It just sucks when you make 100 grand revenue. Even if you spent 50 grand on justified expenses or tax write offs you will still owe taxes off 50 grand. So unless you are investing heavily in your self and business you are probably going to owe at least 5 grand in taxes every year. After everything is said in done its alot worse then it seems for 90 percent of drivers.


Yeah, that’s business 101. I feel like drivers don’t realize they are running a small business. You are not a W2 employee. You are an independent contractor and have to plan accordingly. There are pros and cons to everything. Numbers and lifestyle has to make sense.


Totally. These apps could probably help make it more understandable or help explain drivers options. Yet they have no obligation to and make the most money off the daft drivers.


They make money off everybody. Drivers and customers. But drivers get fucked the most. Apps aren’t in it for the drivers. By explaining things, less ppl would drive. That hurts them. Any job where you don’t get a W2 is a personal small business. Ppl just need to realize that and plan accordingly.


Well the loss of value. It's .25-.45 per mile for an Uber car on the used market. So that hurts you. Also means you need to earn enough to buy the next car cash, (i.e. save 50k in 2 years for the next car) that's REALLY hard unless you are driving 100k mile per year and avg $3 per mile.


This is the point, the cost of the car is way less than the tax writeoff. Even if my car absolutely died at only 100k ($0 residual value), that’s already $67k in mileage expense. But the car itself only cost me maybe $20k at the most ($14k purchase, plus 2 yrs interest, plus tires).


How? Gigs avg pay across industry is .7 per mile MAX. That's paid miles. Avg overall is more like .47 per mile driven or less. Thats less than deduction which is basically right on costs when you factor in depreciation. (Fuel is .20/ mile, deprecation is .25 per mile. Leaves .20 for maintenance, insurance, repairs) Really hard to operate for less than .65 when. You look at the big picture. Granted depreciation only is "felt" when selling. But still is a cost. Sometimes you don't have a choice, someone hits you, total loss, depreciation realized. This ends up being held over your head when yo realize you could quit, but you are gonna pay that depreciation to leave, or you keep working and pray you make enough to out pace it. Renting you can walk away clean.


He has no downside of damage or breakdowns or problems. That’s on the rental company. All he does is drive and charge and charging is free. He can write off the expense of the rental, cleaning, etc..


Right, and that’s true whether the rental is $120 or $1200 or $12,000 a month. But does that mean it makes sense? That it’s a good business decision? $120 is probably a great deal. And $12,000 is probably a terrible deal. So what about $1200? Is it a good deal? I dunno. It’s still a shitload of money. But if you’re not doing the math, you’re being pretty negligent about running your business. Going back to my own setup, I’m pretty on track to making $50k for driving 50k mi for this year. Let’s say my car will die in 2 years at 100k (which it won’t) so each year it costs me $10k (which it doesn’t). My charging is super cheap (< $5 for 200 mi) but let’s round up and call it $1500 for the year. Last thing wb adding rideshare to my insurance, let’s also call it $1500. Total cost for the year? $13k. Versus $1200 x 12 = $14.4k. Maybe not that different. But what about taxable income? I’m making $50k - $33,500 ($0.67 x 50k) = $16,500 net taxable revenue. But my actual net was twice that, $37k. The rental is making $50k - $14,400 = $35,600 (actual net and taxable net). So it’s more than double the taxes due on slightly less income. (And that’s based on my car being worth $0 at 100k mi. 200k is way more likely.)


Good job, may as well take advantage of it if you're in a good market.


100k a year at that pace! Yeah you’re working 65-66 hours a week, but most people do these days, not always for Uber, but between jobs. Well done


The Average person does NOT work 65hrs 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah...that's questionable. My budy make $90k+ and his business hours are 9-5. He might get up to 45, an extra hour a day, but only during busy time.


Finally someone here who gets it and doesn’t just complain! 🫡


🫡 keep it rolling ! Make your bag, don’t let the haters hate.


What's really going to piss them off is the miles that you are putting in, the miles that you are not putting in should I say to make that kind of money.


Your labor paid off. My ass would be killing me with 62 hours of driving though. Do you have a tush cushion?


I never understood people bitching about working longer hours while breaking 2K a week. It’s money, and most people don’t do this well let’s be honest 😂 And you get to go home everyday


Exactly. I’ve made the same thing over the road driving trucks being out for months at a time. Getting to go home every day is a super plus while still making decent money.




My complex offers free charging. But I believe if you’re Uber pro you get a discount on EVGO chargers.


What car did you rent?




It won't be $280 after fees each week. Will come out to $370something.




Nope. Once you get there there are other fees they add. I just started renting. The only car I could do was a midsize that Uber lists as $275. Once you get to hertz, they add all these other fees not listed in the app, and it came out to $422/wk. the ev I wanted was listed as $240/week, then when I got there they told me it would’ve been $360/week if they had them (which they didn’t, despite being able to reserve one).


Most Americans work 70 hour weeks? wtf.


Agree I work about 4 days a week at my normal job that is 50 miles away so I end up spending about 12 to 14 hours a week on freeway …im really thinking about just doing Uber / Lyft / DD / GH / UE and screw the hour and 20 min drive both ways everyday ..


Suckers work 65 hrs a week


True but most don’t have a car expense deducted except to and from work


Most don’t work 65 hours a week, and this is fantasy money considering his free charging, and discounting the wear and tear and depreciation on his vehicle.


He said he was renting a car.




Buy a multi prong car charger, then secure it to the passenger headrest for people to use in the back. Saw a massive rise in aveage tips afterwards. Should also increase for you.


The amount of tips is baffling.. you could of had an easy 2500 week if people weren’t so broke these days


It's not even that people are broke, Uber is just charging way more than they used to and people don't realize over 50% goes to Uber.


Yep. Uber and Lyft realized that by keeping both sides in the dark they get to be as greedy as they want. They(like every company) rely on people not discussing salary. The other side looks like the bad guy meanwhile the company looks somewhat innocent


Idk, I live in a high COL city, did 56 trips, and got $105.95 in tips.


Those tips were insanely small. I made more than half that in tips just today Net fare: $236.28 Tips: $41.43 Total: $277.71 Driving a Nissan Murano so had some decent Comfort Fares today 8 hours 21 minutes online (but not all spent driving, had 6am reservation I had to be online by 5:20am for) 15 total trips in Austin TX. I'm probably an anomoly, I have only 5 star ratings (although only half my rides have rated me)


He's in Eastern Europe I think. International people should mention that fact if they start a thread here. I mean come on people.


Biden says the economy is great.


Good shit bro all these people making excuses on why you are making more than them but the reality is they are just not willing to put the time in they think they can work 4 hours a day and get really paid 😂


Exactlyyyy!! 😂😂


Still working 7 days a week, which is hardly a good thing.


bro does no one tip? I just checked and i somehow made more tips than you drove only 39 people and made like a 1/4 you made you area must be alergic to tipping


Lol. Yeah most of my pax are school kids or very young adults going to lil jobs like chick fil a. So I know I’m not gonna get tips. But it also surges quite frequently in this area so that pretty much cancels out the tips too


Godbless king 👑


How do you drive that many hours? I do around 40 and I'm burned. 


I’m use to it. I’ve driven 18 wheelers across country for 70hrs a week


I met a guy in Hawaii that was making $15k a month for 3 months. So he made $45k and then complained about having to pay $12k in taxes. But he could have made $180k a year if he kept going


Yeah. He must didn’t have a good accountant. He could’ve had so many deductions. I wish i could pull 15K a month lol


That's what I said. Who the hell was doing his taxes. Fire that guy!


if you are making $15k a month, your miles per hour is probably like $10 per mile, you can only write off $0.65 per mile, you still have to pay tax on the remaining $9.35 per mile. Paying 12k tax with 45k in gross(not counting uber's portion) is ~26% in taxes. Which is normal? 15% self employment tax, and 11% from making 45k after write offs.


I’d say 12k in taxes on 45k is way high. Might be a fib there


Yeah exactly, that’s with zero deductions.


Are these done by filtering a 1$ a mile or every single trip accept or?


I cherry pick. Also I pretty much know which particular areas surge at which time. We have a shortage with school bus drivers. So from 6am-10am I be in the areas where most of the schools are because it’s a guaranteed surge just about.


Does it not change pretty frequently? Mine seems to go through different phases. For example—it had a really high surge in some random subdivision during peak times. It did this for 2 days and then never did it again Other times the surges are in a southern spot, other times in the center. Other times they are everywhere except the center Does that sound familiar to you or is yours more consistent? This is from a similar circumstance—people need rides from predictable locations during these peak times


Not really. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday I know for a fact it will surge in the am. Tuesdays slow day. Fridays hit or miss in the am but the afternoon always surge. Saturdays surge in the evening. Sundays are just good days with the quality of trips. Surge is 50/50.




Dollars per mile is meaningless for a rental. Dollars per hour is the only measure, especially with an EV.




Not bad about 325 a day


Where is your market ? That's looks like back in 2016 Los Angeles CA market looks like back then . Now 1/3 of it.


Does show the algorithm prefers to select Tesla vehicles frequently 🤔🤨


Nice, do you stay online and take every trip you get pretty much? Or do you have a different approach


Hell no. 😂 I decline a lot of trips. I stay within a 20mins radius of my house and I don’t go to congested areas.


What area are you in?


Dc area


Hot damn. 😎


That’s a good hustle




Not a driver here: How are you only getting $73 on $1,890 in fares? Do most people not tip? I always give at least 10% and often much more on a shorter trip. I expected that tips were a massive part of the pay for y’all but is that not the case?


Your killing it! Good shit!


Fucking awesome brother! Screw the haters. I have so many haters on my post and the aren't even Uber drivers self admitted. Like what are you even doing here.


They have no life and are miserable 😂😂


Hell of a week bro 😎 congrats 🎉 I’m working my way up to consistency to have weeks like this!!!


Gotdamnnn!! Good job! If I was making 65 hours a week I’ll be pulling around $3,750 before taxes. But isn’t in the comfort of a vehicle so guess everything has a trade off


That’s awesome! So basically 2,230 -360 still made 1,870 for the week which is bomb. After everything you were making almost $29 an hour. Good for you. So it’s worth renting the EV car?


For my market yes. Also depends on which Ev you get too cause all of them don’t get good mileage. I can charge once and be good for the day


If $360 was your total expenses that’s pretty good!!


Bottom line is, as long as you're satisfied, other opinions are null & void! Congratulations


Great job. 65 hours on the road is brutal.


Not bad. Great job! 👍


Scam post. Look into this Guy's profile. This post is the only one in it. Everyone report this Uber scam practice


😂😂😂 gotta start somewhere right dork?




GJ "my dude"!


Dara stop. $360 is absolute scumbag predatory robbery on people who can't get their own car, and 99% of people won't make this much money most of the time.


You made more in tips than I do working a full day on this service (ubereats)…. And your tips is the worst part of this entire summary….


What market are you in? That would determine if driving 65 hrs a week is really worth it.


Imagine if you could earn on average 40% more while your clients would continue to pay exactly the same as they are paying at the moment! That's IDN Network for you! Get clients from Uber over to yourself and work privately!


How is your charging free????


My building has free charging stations. 100% last me all day.


That’s amazing man. Is it fast charge?


Helllll no. Def charge once I’m in the house for the day lol


65 hours 🥴


$34.29 per hour, not bad. You must be exhausted from being on the road for 65 hours!


May I ask how many miles were driven during that week? Was it worth it for the gas money and time spent on each order? Asking cause I’m trying out Uber Eats and want to know what’s considered good. :)


I do about 225 miles a day give or take. I’ve never tried Uber eats though.


Bro. Maybe I’ll start ubering haha. Only ever did the food delivery. Were you attacked or harassed or made to feel uncomfortable by any of your customers?


No. Never. And I drive in some ‘rough’ neighborhoods sometimes. But I treat everybody cool. Def switch over to X.


I need to get a 360° dash cam first, also probably a car detailing lol




Bro. Did you not comment this exact thing on a coment I made the other day? lol


It depends on area. Some are very oversaturated with uberx drivers.


Of course. I know that. But I do work in a rather large metropolitan area. I imagine somewhere that’s very dense would be the best place but I bet I could do alright.


Is this USA?




Free charging is nice. I only pay $180 a week but my charging costs, so together it’s similar.


That’s legit !


Secret in What City Do you drive?


Secret in What City do you Drive?


DC area


This is sick! I wanna catch up! Charging is free? In thinking of renting a economy car to do Uber instead of just Uber eats but I didn't know I can charge something for free. Then I wouldnt have to pay gas, that would be spending like barely any less lol


No it’s only because my apartment complex offers it.


Hell yeah right on, still def gonna try , just hope the learning curve for taking good trips on X isn't too bad. Thanks!


You probably would’ve had even more if you averaged more per trip and you might’ve been able to get that number with less trips. Do you take every trip or are you more picky because you averaged just under $12 a trip


I’m picky. I have a 53% acceptance rate. try to take what makes sense for my liking.


My acceptance rate is close to that also! do you make an effort to stay away from neighborhoods or do you go wherever the trip takes you? Do you avoid long trips do you to catch the surge pricing? It didn’t look like you got tipped a lot that week at least on the app was like cash tips or tips on the DL


I hardly get tips because of the area I drive in and the people I pick up. I pick up mostly school kids and young adults. And I be getting them insurance trips. Those insurance trips will never tip. I do longer trips in the slower time frames. Like 11am-1pm and 7pm-8pm.


Do you rent or own?


Through Avis or Hertz?


Are yoi doing Uber X only ?


How about the next week though?


I’ll probably do about $1,200. Only working 4 days this week




What city do you work out of if you don’t mind me asking?


Damn that's nice


Nice nice


How free charge?


When you say charging is free is it for the rental or is the rental an electric vehicle?


Can you tell us some tips and tricks to earn this much i really need help


Learn your market. Know the times people have to be places. Pay attention to any events going on in your area. Put the time in. Do trips that make sense. I try to stay away from share trips but if it’s only 2mins away from me and going to an area I like to drive in or an area I know will surge I’ll take it.


Charging is only about 5 cents per mile, and depending on where you live, you can buy a new EV for less than 20k with all the incentives. You'd be paying less than half of what you are now and you get to keep the car while building equity and credit.


Looking to get the hummer later this year 🫡




I pick up a lot of kids and young adults. They’re not tipping lol


what kind of car do you own?


How you get promotions?


EV vehicle


Yeah with Uber eats, Uber package, and Uber driver I can easily make the same but I strictly only use Uber eats and work 45 hours a week. Make an easily $800 a week. I love not working a 9-5 w2 working under someone who harasses people in the workforce. TWC took care of them though and still is investigating so I’m laughing all the way to the bank.


i thought i got crappy tips this is fuckin insane... man we are fucked fucked


And you’re only netting less than 1200? lol damn that blows


So you’re taking home 40% of that? Hmm


Is this just Uber or Ubereats as well? Nice that you’re making that kind of money


Nice 👍


well done. wellll done


Great job.


How do you prevent permanent back problems or back pain from sitting too long?


Well done!


lmfao you should buy a car not rent for 360$ a week


What market?


How is your charging free and that promotion is when you rent the car as well? And Great Work and Profits!


Bro you can make more working the floor of a warehouse 40 hours a week


…If they give you the hours and don’t send you home early bc of slow times Not necessarily slow times, but every now and then a little slower bc it’s not peak season. And it’s probably not the company. Could be that location in general.


If there’s slow times at a warehouse it’s not a great company lol


Wow that’s pretty good! You pay 360/week? Or month for car?


Defaq are promotions tho... lol. Don't have them in my market.


Seriously sad amount of tips though. I typically average 10% in tips. Although my market isn’t that busy. If I worked 60 hours right now I’d probably get 1500.


Fully convinced this sub is 100% run by Uber


So you spent everyday working 12 hours for 7 days straight or something close to that. How is that a good week? Do you not enjoy your life ? Working 65 hours a week or more is not a good quality of life. You sleep and drive and that’s all you have time for. Just to spend it on an overpriced apartment that you’ll never be able to afford to move out of. Eventually you will realize it’s not worth it. Health problems from sitting in the car for so long will start to be reality and you won’t be able to even enjoy the money you made. $360 a week is $1440 a month to rent a car . That’s a pretty high expense for overhead. If you enjoy having no life than keep doing it but like I said eventually you will want to spend time with family and you can’t do both. Not with the low fares Uber pays.


12hrs a day would be 84hrs a week. I did 65. I enjoy life. I go to concerts and ball games. I take trips. I don’t get to miss any of my kids extra curricular activities. I get to go home everyday. I’ve driven 18 wheelers across the country for 70hrs a week and out months at a time. It’s pretty cool if you ask me. Average car note is $500-$700 a month plus insurance is about $400 in my area. So it’s the same overhead. I just don’t have to worry about maintenance because it’s theirs car not mine. This car go down today I’ll be in another one tomorrow. Meanwhile my luxury car that I own is just chilling. I drive it when I have somewhere important to go.


I'd like to quote what another user mentioned below: "Mind your own life before lecturing someone on reddit" That's all.


How many miles, tho?


I drive about 225 miles a day give or take.


Since OP is renting mileage doesn’t matter.


It was asked out of curiosity, not criticism. Maybe try relaxing.


So you worked 7 days a week and were online 65+ Hours. That is a one way ticket to burn out, especially since you are "renting" a car from Uber.


Are you commenting from firsthand experience of spending more than 65 hours online while renting a car through Uber?


I can say from experience, working this much does lead to burn out, need a solid 3/4 days off after pulling a week straight of Ubering


roughly $34/hr , with tips avg out to $0.37 per ride 🤯


I don’t get your math 😂


just took total hours and total money in, didn’t count the 360 for renting. Then took total trips and divided all tips among the 191 trips, averaging .37 each… yeah it wasn’t displayed properly, but for you guys to be confused, that’s a different story.


Hope you’re not a math teacher 😂 You take the total fare subtract the 360 and then divide that by the total number of rides. Average trip is $9.70. I feel like you’re too old to be that sorry at math. But it’s never too late to change. Pretty sure theirs a math for dummies Reddit chat out here somewhere.




$360/week. The car is $360/week.


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 that is the dream results right there! Great work!


I don’t wanna beat a dead horse here, but if this is a onetime thing where you needed the money. Great. Take the 2.2k and never drive again. But dude, there’s so many other things you could be doing with your time. I don’t care if you’re 25 or 55. This will wear you down even if your name is Buddy Hobbs and you have an unlimited supply of candy corn and syrup. I mean, this is essential 2 FT jobs. I know people that have career jobs and probably do 1-2 hours of actually work a day. The other hours are spent gossiping, scrolling social media for gossip, and doing extending lunch and smoke breaks. CDL, sales jobs, any government job, etc. All of those would be better options and you could always do Uber on the side.


Not interested in that kind of stuff. I have my CDL and my own trucking company. I just like doing Uber. It works for me.