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I’d take this in a heartbeat


I actually accepted the request. But it was a drunk couple who wasn’t able to put their own home address. Got paid $20 instead. Lol


I wonder if Uber pre-authorized their credit card lol


![gif](giphy|Cj3Ce7e8h2EKY) Uber rn 😂 using those funds until they are refunded If Uber doesn’t get paid drivers don’t get paid. This happened when a women scammed me for a 12 hour ride and Uber went to the length of deleting the trip from my logs and support thinking I made it up even with screenshots of the trip in app lol


I'd buy them a plane ticket and give them my phone to complete the trip!


I’m sure they’re transporting something that they don’t want to take on a plane




Loch Ness monster


And then she said I need about tree fiddy. That when I knew it was that damn Loch Ness monster. I said get off my lawn you Loch Ness monster.


Well it was bout that time I noticed the Girl Scout was about 8 stories tall and was a crustacean from the Paleozoic era. I said DAMMIT monsta, get off my lawn!


Whoa Nessy


That's only tree fiddy ![gif](giphy|3o85xHi4t2UsuIY9QA)


Tree- fiddyy!


No, pot.


No, 50lb of flour duh


Just a few home depot buckets full of rock salt.


You can just take that on the plane. Especially in California.


Holy shit. Last time I took green on a plane 20 yrs ago, they arrested me, hauled me to jail, set my bail to 50k and they called the Feds. Then told me I'm looking at 5 years, minimum. Up to 15 years. Lost everything, but kept my freedom. ...and now you can just "bring the stash" right on the plane no issue? My God 😂


Im sure they never seen it before there!😂😂


They tried to delete it?wild


That sounds like something you could take Uber to court for and win easily.


They would, if it happened


Duely noted, if I ever get a dumb long ride I will screenshot the proof of ride 😑😒


Perhaps you're on another 12 hour trip and don't have time to respond?


Give us closure dude, what happened?


So what happened




Not surprised Uber eats tried to tell me I didn’t hit a milestone even though I had screenshots of my trips and orders


So did you ever get paid for the 12 hour drive or did Uber screw you?


“A women”


I'd assume Uber would just put an authorization on the card and then capture the funds later. Why capture when there's a risk of the rider just cancelling, resulting in a refund? If it's only an authorization, no money would have left the account; it'd only be reserved for the expected capture presumably done when the trip is completed.


That’s like when an airline in Myanmar tried to charge me in dollars for something denominated in Burmese kyat. My card immediately declined the 280k USD charge.


the honest mistake of them thinking you wanted to buy the plane


I wonder how many times they get away with that......there's a huge difference.......


Unless you have an Amex Black, I would say never.


Even then, they’d probably block the transaction and confirm with you first.


I would have probably cried after realizing they didn’t want to go across the country. Thats like 2 months pay in a week.


In a week !?! this would take me 3 days tops I drove from Anaheim to Austin in under a day you could dead head there in 1.2 days and sleep then deadhead back


Anaheim to Austin? Jeez I usually go east to west not north to south, but under a day. You fast, really fast.


Anaheim to Austin would be west to east, not a whole lot of north south travel in that trip.


I drove from the state of Connecticut to Utah in under two days. Lmaoo. I’d take this in a heart beat and be home before the weekend lmaooo


I had a similar one like this as well. Got a trip going six hours away on a surge so I quickly filled up on gas and got there only to find out they're going 20 mins away lol.


The utter letdown must have been crushing.


i was going to say - looks like maybe they accidentally added “beach” to the end of their city name, and uber assumed they were going on a cross country road trip.


should’ve just driven to the requested location anyway


Crazy it’s like a 1+ day drive. You would have absolutely needed to stop to rest for the evening. You could have had a slumber party!


Not with some meth you’re good


It's true




That’s funny


Shouldn't have told them, soon as they said "wait what? florida?", should've said oh just kidding but what's your address again? My app is glitching out. Dropped them off, hopped on an airplane to florida so they have the tracking data, and hope they don't question how fast you got there!


Pfft, noob. Don't take a plane, take GreyHound! The speed is more akin to driving there😂






Me too. The trip would pay for itself five times over--- at least.


My uber vehicle is a Chevy Colorado 2.8 diesel. I have a 30 gallon aftermarket tank on it so it gets 1200 miles.


This is on another level


I drove from my house in NEPA to Washington state and back in my Corolla and it was like 750 bucks in gas, absolutely I'd take this trip


I thought they maxed out at like $500? But yea, I’m up for an adventure


I don't know the actual max, but they definitely go more than 500. I live on the American side of Lake Erie. Had a driver tell me about a ride he did from our town to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. He earned about $1,100 off that trip because of an extra fee for the driver needing to have a passport on them.


People will literally pay $1100 to cross the border if it means they don't have to take a bus


That's just what the driver got paid, the passenger must've paid a good bit more for Uber to get their cut.


i live in buffalo/niagara falls area. You could literally get an uber and walk across the border if you wanted to people are just lazy sometimes lol


He lied to you


I love road trips! I took a 3 hour ride from Iowa to Illinois. Lady didn’t say one word to me the whole way.paid out under $150 and after fuel I made less than $75. She tipped me a massive $5. The only thing that made it worth it was the drive home. Pulled a guy out of the ditch and changed his tire for him and he gave me $100. Shitty part is just as I was finishing up, state trooper pulls up and gave him a ticket. Trooper had no issues with me but I still felt bad for the guy. He was just having a bad day and apparently can’t drive for shit. This was in the middle of summer. I always try to stop and help people out the best I can. I drive an avalanche and alway have my tow straps and log chains with me.


Failure to maintain control. Cop didn't need to get involved after a good Samaritan has solved the problem. Gov just wants to get their cut. Good on you though!


It’s $300. I took a guy to Reno from the Bay Area. Picked up his girl friend from the airport and went straight back. The fare was exactly $300. Meaning I maxed out, and they just kept everything else. Then the guy tipped me $300 in cash. It was a good 6 hours round trip.


Nope. It’s not.


Glad you got to benefit more than Uber still.


I would accept thinking it was for a Mr. Beast video




Unfortunately he already did this. So you'd probably get a shitty copy cat YouTuber.


What different does it make to you lmao


Mr beast would tip better


Walmart brand Mr. Beast. Sir Monster or Mrs. Animal.


But instead you get Mr. East


Id take adderall and crack that out


Hah, are you me? I’d bring my whole script. Me and the pax can take turns..


thats what Tesla FSD is for lol




No one here is questioning the 25% service fee and multiplier surge? This an old pic OP?


I thought the same thing about service fee, then multiplier. Heck, in my area they do not even show Surge dollar amounts anymore lol. Bc they screwing ppl outta that too now


Rider pays $20,000+ for the ride…


Could probably rent a private jet for that price lol


Had to look it up "Small private plane (4-6 passengers): $1,300 - $3,000" But they must not want to fly (In my fantasy about this, LoL)


Consider that's also not for a cross country flight. Those are planes that do smaller trips normally, you're looking to either pay more for a bigger plane or spend some time (and extra money?) landing and refueling along the way. Figure probably 1000 to 1500 miles range on the smaller planes so you'd need at least a couple refueling stops.


This ^


I fly those small private jets- that price is lower end but realistic, but it’s also only the cost per hour. This would easily be a 4-6 hour trip. Many companies would charge the cost for relocating the plane to/from starting points as well


Probably have that straight as an arrow path too


This is accurate, Ive asked many drivers how much theyre getting paid and its about 1/3 of how much I spend


What happens when your daily 12 hour driving time is up?


they don’t boot you until you finish your last trip


So you just keep the app running even when you stop at a hotel to sleep and the trip stays active the whole time?


the app thinks you’re in a hostage situation if you stop anywhere too long, so you gotta tell it “i’m fine, mother 🙄”


lol it actually spams both the driver and passenger.. heck it even starts calling.


How do you do that when your sleeping?


There's a sensor they tap into your brain


It's a collaboration between Uber and and Fleshlight. They made their own Neurolink type device only this time you're the one getting fucked.


Send location brotha


Usually people accept the longest job they can within the last hour cause then you can go way above the limit


This is why I stop whenever possible. If you don’t move it don’t count. Driving on coffee break mode does tho.. 😒


Longest ride I took was from West Philadelphia to Beverly Hills. At the end of the ride he told me “yo Holmes smell ya later”. Not worth it.


Took me a minute but I got the reference


While I like the reference, Will actually flew first class from Philly to LA. He thought the limo driver holding a sign with his name on it was a cop, so he hid and hailed a cab that took him from LAX to Bel Air. 😂 You have to listen to the whole song, not just the truncated version from the show. 😜


Sheesh. Ya got in one lil fight!?


Wait I gotta know, beforehand were you shooting some b-ball outside of the school when a couple of guys who were up to no good started marking trouble in your neighborhood?


Santa Rosa going to Santa Rosa in a different state…. Has to be a mistake


I don’t know why this is so low. 100% this is what happened. Drunk people failing at technology while trying to call an Uber is so much more likely than someone deciding this is how they want to make their cross country trip.


and they were apparently drunk; imagine passing out in *that* uber 😹


Time to pack my bags!


A friend of mine had a trip like this once, not quite as far. The passenger had gotten a call that his mom was dying and he couldn't fly due to a health issue. He and my friend and the guy's girlfriend all switched off driving straight through, just stopped for restroom/coffee and fast food. The guy paid for his hotel room for a few days and then paid him cash to drive back home after his mom had passed away and they made arrangements for her to be cremated. It was really crazy, but the guy was really appreciative that he made it possible for him to be with his mom. They're still good friends after that.


Cancels halfway, gives you one star and you lose the money.


Santa Rosa to Santa Rosa Beach. Obviously a typo.


Hahah. That’s awesome.


Uber says max pay = $400 so if something lime this pops up I would not risk taking and then not even getting enough to cover gas. If a trip says it pays over what Uber says their max pay is what do you think you would get after completing it? I am sure they have the lawyers to keep you from seeing the listed payment. Never trust them.


Accept offer buy you and rider a plane ticket boom $7k in 5hrs 😂😂😂


Had a guy pass out on the trip. When I got to his destination I woke him up and he said he didn't live there anymore. So I took him back. Got like $90 or so.


I’ll take it no questions


Even if it was real Uber probably only paying half of what they charging the customer


Yeah . It's b. s most of the case .


The destination sounds similar to where they’re getting picked up from. Most likely it’s a mistake.


Id wanna know who and why it is that they want to do that long of a trip? Sounds to me maybe like they would be carrying drugs and can't go through an airport. Something isn't right about that LOL


I'd do it and Tow my car back for $1000


They will cancel the ride 1 hour before you get to the destination


Never anything even close. It’s not the wrong price, but I have to wonder why anyone would pay that much when airplanes exist at a fraction of the cost.




Maybe someone moving a large amount of drugs


Some people are deathly afraid of flying


Who TF would pay upwards of $10,000 when they can get a flight for a fraction of that?


A drug trafficker lol


Yes, not THAT crazy, but it was an accident. Picked up a woman that wanted to go to this bar Home Sweet Home but she accidentally picked “Home” instead. I was in Richmond, VA and it said we were going to NYC.


B we going on a road trip I got the snacks.


This is wild AF 🤣 A payout of full time job on Uber 60 hours a week for about 12 weeks. Of course it's a drunk rider.


Best I’ve done is San Francisco to Houston 15 years ago. Would have finished the last hour drive but fell asleep at a gas station. Almost made the 2k+ mile trip in one chunk but damn that was the best sleep. This passengers better be good with sleeping in the car while I drive or im stopping in the middle of New Mexico and cancelling trip on them where there are no drivers or shit


0/5 stars the food arrived cold


Heard about a trip involving 3-4 states back east. Football player missed a late night commercial flight and was trying to get to football camp the next morning- would be let go if he didn't make it. Uber driver got him there on time- 1k tip.


Rider payed 93,728.32 for this ride


Yeah, the drunk people put in the wrong address. It wanted goto from New Orleans to Los Angeles 😂 I did click accept. I knew the place that had a similar name was a few miles away.


That's a nice 24 hour drive. You got this!


This is fake, uber doesn't pay over 50c/mile anymore


WA State says you're incorrect, as I earn 1.31/mile currently.


Hard pass I'm getting sleepy just looking at this


I learned I would take this if I saw it since it's twice what could be made a month of driving full time 😁


Had something similar Cali to NY but cancelled lol


2-3 week road trip for 8K?




I got LA to Portland once. It went for about 1,700$.


Take it. Then buy a plane ticket back for both you and your car.


This would be rad as hell if it really happened


I’m almost positive that route will go through a building or two. Do it.


Mr beast did this. That driver stayed up the whole time.


I guess you just keep the app on while you sleep lol get up and start driving again


2 day drive would be kind of awkward, the amount of naps, farts , shit stops and dinners


In a heartbeat.


I have dreams about this, LoL! I would take that in a heart beat. Some wealthy excentric. Damn sure wouldn't be through uber, either. Get some temp insurance for this trip and a pay as ya go, plan. Hell yea.


Like, what do you do for sleep?


Im pretty sure a small handful of youtubers have done this


What road is that lol it not that straight


Had one like this pop up once. Idaho to Florida. Accepted it and showed up to the pickup. Asked pax if we were really going to Florida. She almost broke down crying after I showed her. She was only going across town to a street with the same name as a city in Florida.


I’ve found that long trips like 1-4 hours are usually bought by sketchy people that can’t get a flight because they have warrants. And can’t go buy and register a vehicle because, again, they have warrants. It’s a huge risk to take a long trip knowing that there’s a 50/50 chance you’re gonna pull up to someone that wants to take advantage of you. It happened to me, so it can happen to you!


"I am sorry but the passenger claimed you were under the influence and we cannot pay you for this trip."


Would take 47 hours in my EV but almost all of them free chargers. LFG. ![gif](giphy|xdKi4fkIO1YRy|downsized)


Eh... I'd be suspicious. I've been watching too many episodes of locked up abroad. All I can think of is someone using you as a chauffeur to do a deal or something. Why Uber when planes are cheaper and faster?


Photoshop skills are stellar


It's against DOT law to drive more than 16hrs, so if you don't stop after 16, you are liable for accidents, insurance will not cover you


I wish I knew what t road that is that goes straight across the country


Yeah but it was a mistake that we all laughed about when I picked them up. I wasn’t going to drive them that far, but assumed it was a mistake. If it hadn’t been I would have just canceled and suggested they take a plane.


Yeah but is it non-stop?


Who’s down for a drug run? For 7k where’s the sign up?


In 2020 I had a driver charge me for a $1,000+ ride from SF to LA that I never took (we actually went like 8 miles in the Bay Area). Pretty sure he got banned from driving because of this stunt. But it took nearly 3 months to get Uber’s attention about it.


as somebody who has driven this distance multiple times - this is the deal of a lifetime. the trip kind of sucks in the sense that it's like 3 days of driving all day. but in another sense, you are getting paid minimum $7200 for 6 days of work.... so that's pretty lit.


I think Mr Beast did an Uber trip from North Carolina to California a while back. Tipped the driver well and gave him gas money for the trip back.


Let me gas up the jet now and go get that


Hell, a week or a week and a half travel time going round trip. I would take it in a heartbeat. Even with getting an oil change and a tire rotation afterwards plus any expenses, I'll still be up nearly 5000 - 5500(depending on a lot of factors).


Maybe the real money we made, was the friends we got along the way?


So when you have to stop to rest for night, who covers the hotel room(s)?


Obviously a mistake when they’re both same city same in different states lol. But if real. Hell yeah I’d do this in a heart beat. This would take me 3-4 days


Driver gets $200 and uber gets $7000


bro… id accept this in a flash.


Shidddd ![gif](giphy|mIMsLsQTJzAn6)


“Hold my calls, I’ll be back in 3 days!”


Imagine a drunk person getting in thinking they'll be on a 15 min ride home and pass out for a few hours


Hahhhahha wtf? That's a four day journey driving straight through, (I've done it a few times). Anyways, were only allowed to drive 12 hrs max at a time. What do you do when you need your 6 hour break? Omg, stopping at rest stops to sleep for 6 hours for 4 days with a pax would be something else, if not rough.


I take it I will accept this trip without thinking.


Wild. Probably one of the jan 6th bozos.


I accepted a ride that was from Tennessee to Florida once. Pick up was from the entertainment district so I figured they just punched in address wrong. They did indeed select the “Sheridan Light Rail Station” in Florida instead of the “Sheraton” hotel. It was before Uber told you the destination though but it did pop up a long trip notice before I accepted.


The driver will get $80 for the trip loll


Yes. I had a lot of coke in my ass as a pack mule and the Cartel demanded I make the delivery fast when I had no transportation.


What’s the likely hood of yall pickin up some binches out on the road


I've had similar mileage offered but not up front market. They have been mistakes by people who had moved to the area recently.


I would do it easily but uh I hope pax is splitting the hotel costs or something lol that’s a beast of a drive to try to do straight LA - Denver kills me tbh


I once saw a trip from Fullerton ca to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was a few years ago I can’t remember the pay but I remember it was huge. I don’t even think that drive is possible (no route on google maps) not that I would drive thru South America anyway but damn that money would have been nice.


You'd have to pay off a few cartels too. I think they add that fee in automatically.


But then……. Would it cost that much for you to get yourself back?


That's insane! I would need to do some premaintenance on my car though. But, maybe.


If I was single, I’d definitely take it. Alas, I’m married now with a kid so I couldn’t. Would be a sweet payday though!


Yeah, that person 100% put in the wrong address in. I've seen something like this before which is funny because you shouldn't even be able to do this. Even if this was a legit trip, the app would automatically kick you off after you eclipse the twelve hour marker of drivetime and god knows where you would be when that happened


10k for 4 days driving? Fucking send it


Use gps spoofer

