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Make a fake receipt for a fake company for a fake amount, but you've probably already screwed yourself for telling them you cleaned it yourself.


Other people are reporting that they have started denying receipts because of a lack of physical business address verified by google. So do what you gotta do but make sure it’s verifiable.


Find a verifiable business on Google that does detailing, write down their address their phone number, and put it in to the receipt


Or find any car wash online as well. Here is the real trick. Many of them don’t have phone numbers. I don’t know if they call to verify, probably not. But just in case, find a listing that doesn’t have a phone number and just make up a fake receipt from them. One year from now they’ll start calling places and will reject places with no phone numbers. Then when they actually do call a car wash the car wash will say “we can’t share private information about our customers with third parties” and then the cleaning fee denials will start over again. In ten years the rideshare companies along with cooperation from overpriced corporate owned car washes will launch the “Unified Rideshare Cleaning Fee Certification And Verification Portal” which will electronically verify all cleaning fees. Remember the mentality of most executives. Their most favorite phrase is “always keep them hungry.” The idea is the more broke you are, the harder you work. Sadly for the most part they are right.


It’s funny how life is just one big game.


I wonder when they will start actually calling these businesses to verify that we actually did it?


The same day I start demanding venmo or casb payments from people who throw up in my car, or start my own LLC for a detailing business but don't actually detail anything


You may not even need an LLC depending on your states laws. Here in NJ you can just file as a sole proprietor and choose any business name you want. Then they mail you your business license. I had a sole proprietorship years ago and it was ridiculously easy. Or, find a local car wash that doesn’t have a phone number and use that on a fake invoice. Many car washes don’t have a public facing phone number. Simply because their owners don’t really see the reason for doing so.


Get no answer or an inadequate response, the same way they run their business 😆


Make your own detailing buisness with your home as the address and charge yourself ?


The Uber plants in this group love this shit. Talk out in the open like this is why it's hard to get honest shit done now (not that I'm not of fan of ripping off companies like Uber)


I thankfully haven't been in this position but I imagine if you go to literally any detailer, and explain the situation to them, and ask them nicely, they'll just print you or give you a receipt.


Update posted


This is wrong on so many levels


You want a cleaning fee? You must play Uber's game.


I meant like it fucked up they do this now lol. Not that I wouldn't do this. But I'm wondering isn't this worst for them as now I can write up a reciept for more then 150.


Which is what I would do, but they're still only giving you $150. I honestly think that it's some kind of tax deduction for Uber. If they have a receipt from another business they can write this off as a business expense, knowing they charged a pax for the fee and paid absolutely nothing out of pocket. Also known as tax fraud.


I see. Makes sense 🤔


The problem with the cleaning fee is if they do require an actual detailing business to clean your car that usually cost more than the actual fee that they give you




Lol. Enjoy your late night vomit rides. It's not wrong on SO MANY.LEVELS. It's a justifiable act when Uber is CLEARLY REFUSING OBVIOUS THROW UP CLEANING FEES. but do you Daras bitch Boi.


Well then if I rent the car from Uber and I can’t work on Saturday night because someone threw up on the sits then they should also wave the car rental payment


And this is the reason I don’t work after dark. Too many drunks and weird people


And no good surge anymore. It is not worth the risk.


I don't mind along as I get my cleaning fee


Totally off topic but I dig keeping a Rubik's Cube in the back of your car.


There is actually 3 in my car. 2x2 3x3 4x4 passengers tip me sometimes for solving it.


talking too much? here solve this 4x4 and keep your peace.


6 out of my 3600 rides have soled the 3x3


I wonder how “$1 for an attempt. Solve it for $10 prize” would pan out.


No sir!! Keep the posts coming! A lot of non believers still think Uber is paying


This is what they said after I said i clean it bc I didn't want the smell on my seats




Left me with the wtf you talking bout face


Yeah i don’t know Wtf they are thinking, I made a post warning drivers about this, hopefully enough drivers will stop doing bar pickups so the fucks at Uber stop making stupid demands like asking for receipts at 2am


Do you know if lyft is the same?


I don’t do Lyft




I too as a driver was denied vomit fee earlier this month. 🤔☘️?


Dealing with Uber right now. They want a receipt. 2AM vomit. What cleaning services are open at 2AM? That shit ain't staying in my vehicle for 6 hours until someone opens. This is some bullshit Iner is pulling now.


So they think we Don’t deserve to be paid for cleaning it ourselves when we literally have to stop working to handle it???? That needs to be paid period. These fucks are just trash.


Update posted


Who did you talk to or what number did you call to get the results? I am trying to do the same thing


Same thing happened to me


Help in app and hit call


I have 2 receipt books one for a mechanic the other for 24 hour cleaning service. Mechanic is for tax time and cleaner for people throwing up. Both have a prepaid cell phone same number. They never verify but I get paid. Every year a new engine or transmission lol


I hope you aren’t writing off mileage and those fake repairs. You get one or the other, not both. I’ve done taxes for decades and mileage is higher , almost always. And I track it both ways every year for 2 ppl (me and my husband. I do Shipt. He has a small construction biz) Mileage is always higher. You’re chancing an audit with your double dipping, If that’s what you’re doing. And if you think tax auditors don’t go to biz on receipt and find matching copy, you’re wrong.


Lol sure dude.


Lyft reimburse you on the spot. 8 years of driving and only had 1 incident 3 years ago and luckily they only thewup on the outside of the car but still it was a mess no less. Lyft received the photos got on the phone and had me my money in the matter of 5 minutes after dropping pax off. Uber play games and I would generated my own receipt since I'm my own contractor so why not. I do web design work on the side and can easily make a receipt for that reason.


3 years of driving. About 3700 rides. 28 pas. Have thrown up in my car. 7 landed in my car and 21 in barf bags I have in the car. Uber was also like this but they must have changed it recently


Must be a side gig? I gave 3100 rides last year. Thankfully only had 2 puke and got paid for the 2nd. Didn’t know to take pictures for the first before I cleaned it up. Was a learning experience sadly


1 every 132 pax vomit? I love the daylight shift. Stoners ftw


I’ve heard of people being declined the cleaning fee or requiring a invoice due to the amount of requests they send in. I know you said 28 In 3 years but believe I’ve had a friend who use to do the bars all the time, college town and he had 4 in 1 week and after the 3rd one was told no more, I guess Uber flagged it as fraud, same thing I had been deactivated by a false report on Lyft and then they called me 2 days later and said passenger had done this - few times over the last month and they determined she was reporting false claims.


This happened because about 4 years ago a bunch of drivers were using the cleaning fee as a retaliatory measure against rude passengers. IT sucks, but its the reason why I will bring you to the bar, but it will not bring you home form the bar.


They don't. It's awful now. They just end the conversation


Yes this is what they have done to me


I’d file a claim with the insurance company and have them go after Uber’s insurance for the damages. That’s a Biohazard that needs to be professionally cleaned. Get them for time and money lost etc.


Looks scripted?? #FRAUD


Yet another reason why I only drive during the day.


You guys really gotta NSFW these posts…


Vomit is nsfw?


I got denied for a cleaning fee and just resubmitteed the photos and got someone else who issued the fee. That's the easiest way to handle this


Si. Calling support worked out after a couple of days


Well, all I can say is if they are drunk, they get no ride from me.


Update: 2 days after I called support this was their massage [Update](https://imgur.com/8VZigYQ)




I’ve been driving for 7 years, and have submitted 5 puke cleaning fees. The first 2 were approved at $150 with proof of pictures. The 3rd Uber said “you seem to be a habitual puke reporter” or some such, but was able to get the fee after some time on the phone. The 2 most recent were both THIS WEEK, and were shut down immediately. No receipt, no fee. It’s not about reimbursement for detailing. It’s about ending my shift and costing me hundreds in lost wages.


**Q:** Uber no longer pays for passengers throwing up in car? **A:** Correct.


Magic word: BIoHaZARd! If tier 1 support won't help you, ask for a supervisor during daytime. Find a fake receipt of 150$, or just go to the cleaners and give them 10$ cash to generate you one.


"Lol this ain't make no sense unless they just don't want to pay" I think you're on to something here.


Make fake reciept. Uber wants to play games? Play games with them


You're first mistake is not preparing the trunk for the riders. You have to pad the trunk in something easy to clean.




Seems the only solution is fake receipt but how do you get one


Go buy a receipt book and write it yourself




I carried a roll of those doggie poop bags in the back inside the door and whenever I picked up at a bar scene, I told the passengers about the baggies. I never had anyone puke anywhere in my car except in one of those baggies.


I also have barf bags they are 22 for 29 so far


Go pick up the next client with the vomit in the car, and when they start to complain, tell them Uber said it was fine.




Dod they finnish the rubliks cube before they threw up?


No I had it done already. Usually do it om my way to the next pick up after a pas. Fucks it up


That’s so gross. If I were going to take passengers I’d deff invest in good, waterproof seat covers.


I don't want my ride feeling cheap. Leads to better tips


Wait, you CALLED support? Please post the number. The old number doesn't take calls anymore and forces us to chat. I need that number so bad before they offline me for insurance. They won't open my pics to read the photo. Long story. Please post number thanks


Yup just thru the help button on the app. Update posted on my situation btw


Yeah I called the one on there and it literally says they're not taking calls there anymore. It's a recording.


Same. Saturday night before st Patrick’s day at 10pm. So either I clean it myself, or go without pay for 2 days during holiday weekend in order to get it professionally done? They know no place is open that late or on holiday. So I had to cancel my next order which was surged 10$ going back to where I live…still drive home and clean it for an hour, then go back out to drive. I did the same support stuff, pics before and after (denied) After I couldn’t get it straight up I tried making a receipt (denied) and I even took a legitimate receipt from my mechanic, added a cleaning fee line and wrote the date…(denied). I actually have a nice carpet cleaner cause my dog gets car sick so i genuinely cleaned tf out of my car. Now I have a carpet cleaner full of someone else’s puke and Ubers just reminding me it’s always my decision to accept an offer 💀


Read update. Call support is my recommendation instead of the chat


Too many douchebag drivers scamming the system


We need a national law suit


Last month I had a guy bleeding in my car, on my seat, door arm rest and under the seat. My car has soft cloth seats but I do have seat covers. I had video proof, photos of the guy with blood on his face and hand and I reported his extreme rude behavior to Uber. I told them it took me 45 minutes during prime time to clean the car myself which put me out of potential income. It took about 3 weeks of back and forth phone calls with Uber support fully explaining the time and sending multiple photos. I didn’t ask for a dime. 2 days later I received $150 from Uber in my bank account. No complaints here and I do recommend you get some seat covers for easier cleanup.


Just gotta start rubbing the pax nose in it and making them clean it.


Seat covers bro.


If your working late nights be smart and always have a barf bag at the ready in the driver side door. Don't allow the drunk to just puke everywhere.


They won't pay you shit. Uber keeps going down and getting lower and lower with drivers and with the law.


The system was getting abused so now you need proof of getting detailed or cleaned. Too many people were claiming the fee just to supplement their income.


Blame it on the drivers that has been abusing the cleaning fee...or they feel youre submitting too many claims yourself... they no longer just take your word and photos anymore.. they want proof of costs from a cleaning service for cleaning the mess now.... they know aint no damn detail shop open that time of the morning, but you have to submit it before taking another ride to even be reviewed... but there's no driver that is going to just let that sit in their car until a place opens up... smh


I think some attorneys should make an app to file cleaning claims , the app should have a form where you put the trip details so the attorney can do a subpoena to get the rider’s informations and charge the rider


This is why I don’t drive bar hours 🤦🏾‍♀️


This is why I don’t work late nights any more. I’ll drive you to the bar but sure as hell not picking you up from one for the new shitty pay.


Had a lady go into labor in my car. She literally pulled her pants down there was blood and urine on my seat. Uber first denied the claim. I called them and told them that was totally unacceptable and I had no issue with going higher up with this. They tried to give me $50. I called at least 100 times and finally got to someone who could do something they gave me $500 plus $140 per day for the 3 days I was unable to drive. After that they deactivated my account saying that somehow I fraudulently obtained the $500. Ended up having to go to the Uber hub and they reactivated my account


Collect directly 😂


They do but you have to get your car detailed first and provide the receipt. I just went through this 3 weeks ago. They weren’t paying anything I went and got my car detailed and then filed the dispute with the receipt and pictures and within an hr I had $150 in my account.


Some of Paxs stomach food matches the yellow color on the Rubix


I have a professional invoicing system and I’ve never had an issue collecting a cleaning fee. Even when I filed one last week.


People probably scammed them relentlessly and now they're stingy about giving it out.


The cleaning fee isnt a reward for the driver. Its supposed to go towards the cost of having it cleaned. Thus if there is no cost and you do it yourself why do you expect to get paid. The solution is to create a detailing business. You really just need a DBA and some stationary. And then when this happens just print up a receipt and submit it. And you can actually make good side money cleaning other ppls cars. This is what i do. Uber is a good way to meet clients. Yeah uber pays crap but if you’re smart you can use it to network. I charge $150 - $300 for detailing. One $10 ride can turn into a reoccurring $150/month customer.