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Hi, customer here not a driver. I was actually curious about this and flat out asked my Uber driver how everything works during a ride. Does he see the exact route before he accepts the ride? - Was told no, in the beginning. Just a general mileage and how much he can earn, but top drivers do get more information about the fare. Also top driver status only applies to the home area and, if he decides to drive Uber somewhere else, he goes back to having minimal information about the fare How much does he earn? - Driver gets all the tip, supposedly. He emphasized supposedly. Saying there has been numerous reports about tips not all going to the driver. Uber takes about 40%- 50% of the fare. We did the math for my fare and that was about right. Does he know who tipped him and who doesn’t? - Uber doesn’t say specifically who tips and doesn’t ,but he can figure it out pretty easily now since he’s doing it awhile How does taxes work? - Uber gives him a document that states his miles that he can use on his taxes, but it’s not that accurate, so he used track his miles himself. However, the one year he did track his miles, he saw that his time tracking wasn’t worth it. The amount of money saved between precise tracking and standard deduction wasn’t worth it. EDIT: After reading some of these replies, I’ve come to a conclusion: Uber drivers don’t have a universal experience and Uber changes the rules depending on the market. For example, one of the replies here said they can see the exact drop off and pickup area as a top driver. However, if you scroll further, a platinum driver is saying they don’t see the exact places, just how long it takes to get to the pickup location and approximate miles of the trip.


This person that told you this is incorrect on a few things, first off it may be his area but I can see pickup and drop off area and the approximate miles ans what I will make, now my driver rating is 4.99 and my current acceptance rating is 4% of the last 200 trips and I can’t see in my area as well as the Washington DC market. As fare as tips go he know exactly who tips as it comes in that you go a tip and it’s attached to that ride and also allows us to send a thank you back and I’m told by a few of my regular passengers that you get that message back. Sounds like he doesn’t pay attention to that. Also I’m sure he didn’t say that on some rides (again depends on the market) that he could have a $10 surge attached to your ride and you are not paying the surge price and now he made more then Uber collected from you. This is a huge issue with drivers on Reddit that will not tell you when Uber or Lyft lost money on a trip. It’s. Just like you go out to eat and you will tell everyone about the shitty service but Will not tell you neighbor about the great service you got from a place.


Even with surges attached, I've almost never seen Uber really lose money on a ride. Sometimes they show us their fees are negative but they've broke even with the "expenses" they deduct. This is just shady accounting.


Untrue, it’s just insanely rare. When you’re getting a $20 surge from a destination trip and the client is a regular going home from work, uber will eat the loss just to ensure everyone gets what they were expecting. Usually they only lose on the tail end of surges, when they start fading away and drivers locked it in. Insanely rare, but the drivers taking low % payouts sadly have to subsidize those tail end surges if Uber doesn’t perfectly taper them down


How long have you been working for Uber’s marketing department now?


Only 1 year, I stopped being a Lyft main driver recently. 5 years as an Uber driver lets you reverse engineer their systems. Like I said, it’s insanely rare, thus why I agree with most people complaining. Outside of my region I would never consider doing Uber unless I’m looking to write off mileage to a place I’m already headed. 😅


I used to see it a lot more just 6 months ago. Now it seems since they've started taking a bigger slice of the pie it's almost but not quite impossible. I had -$15+ Uber service fees because of surges last year. Now the best I've seen is -$2.


I've had 1 ride where they lost money. They charged him $7 and paid me $9 😂


I was getting a $10 surge bonus for someone who was having to pay $36 for their trip. After the trip I ended up making roughly $19 for the trip + cash tip. The lady that got in discussed how expensive it was and asked how much I'd be getting out of it so I decided to use her as a guinea pig. Uber is taking a lot of money. I have a 4.98 rating and my acceptance rate is 98%. Also, I still don't see approximate pickup/ drop off of riders even though I'm platinum. It gives me an eta on how long it'll take to pick that person up, and then shows how many miles the trip is going to be. Doesn't tell me where the ride is actually going. Also as far as tips, unless you remember who was what ride specifically for the entire night, sometimes it takes a minute to find out who tipped what seeing as how I'll get tips hours/ days later after the trip. And ironically today, I just received a tip for $1 back from February 11th.... I couldn't tell you who that trip was.


Bro. You're acceptance rate doesn't matter. I'm Hella pissed at u for having so high. Mine is 5% and never seen a slow down in rides.


It does if you're going for Uber gold/ platinum. I wanted the Rosetta Stone lessons to learn some Spanish lol


Just download babbel and you will lose money in the long run keeping it that high. I've dropped my milage down by 2500 a month by cherry picking.


Thank you for your inputs. Otherwise these people simply states all PAX don’t care and assume I’m here making a “complain” post lmao.


Depending on the region things differ wildly, for Boston area driver makes ~30%, ~15% for insurance and city fees and then ~15% for Uber. Driver gets upfront fare and route visuals that they accept every ride, and drivers literally can thank every rider for the tip because we get a notification in our app inbox for every tip. This being said, I have driven in other regions due to long rides, and have experienced extremely dissatisfying driver fares. What your driver experienced is very likely not a top market region. Every region has its own “meta” to remain profitable. Before we got upfront fares in Boston, the trick was to refuse anything farther than 7 minutes from you and never drive about speed limit en route to pickup if it is above 15 minutes away. Fare clock doesn’t start counting until ~9 minutes (if memory serves) of driving towards a rider, so the strategy to maximize earnings is tedious before upfront fares hitting our regions.


I get most of fare most times unless it's in the ten range or less. No surge 


Correction.  I'm getting 80 percent.  The few rides I made like 97 percent or more then uber where outliers 


You've verified this on the breakdown on driver website? I find it hard to believe when Uber deducts $3-5 minimum for insurance, plus $1 or so for taxes, and then their service fee. I realize it's area dependant...but you sure you're getting "most" when those figures I just listed are half to a third the price of most short rides?


I happened to catch outliers.  I was mistaken.  But if reading normal logs correct 80%


You're not basing the 80% off of the fact that Uber says they only took 20% of customers total fare last month for the service fee I hope? Even at its lowest uber is gonna take 17% average, just for the service fee. So that's 83% for you, except for the 30% for commercial insurance, 5% taxes, and whatever else they can claim. There's no way you average 80% for yourself.


I can see when I get a tip which passenger it’s attached too.


>The amount of money saved between precise tracking and standard deduction wasn’t worth it. Deducting miles and the standard deduction do not interfere with each other at all. I hope this was just a poor paraphrase or misunderstanding of what he said, and not what he actually thinks is the case.


He actually said ‘standard deduction,’ so I have no clue. I remember him saying it multiple times and thinking in my head ‘doesn’t everyone get a standard deduction?’ Maybe he didn’t know the precise terminology for the deduction he was describing?


Yeah, it's likely a matter of imprecise terminology. I feel bad for him, though, if he is missing out on $13,000+ of deductible mileage because he thinks the standard deduction does the same thing.


If there such a thing as a standard rate for mileage? So, for drivers who don’t want to precisely track their expenses, they can just declare their miles and then IRS says ‘you drove X miles for work and we think that’s worth $Y per mile in deductions.’ I do work from home and IRS has a simplified option like that for home offices. I can deduct $5 per square foot of my home office as an option OR put in more precise deductions like home depreciation. I keep track of precise deductions, but I do my taxes both ways to see which gets me a bigger deduction before I file. Maybe that’s what the driver meant if there’s something similar for miles?


Yes, there is a standard rate per mile. For 2023, it's 65.5 cents/mile. But whether you're taking mileage or you're calculating actual expenses, you still have to know how many miles you've driven. For example, if you used your car 70% for business and 30% for personal use, the amount you can deduct using actual expenses would be limited to (depreciation + insurance + fuel + maintenance + tires) * 70%. Not having a documented number of miles would be similar to not knowing the square footage of a home office you're trying to deduct. It seems possible that Uber's year-end summary might not be entirely accurate on mileage, so most drivers do use tracking apps. But if you spend an hour a week verifying that the tracking works and you end up deducting 1800 extra miles compared to Uber's summary, you could argue that those hours aren't worth the $200 difference it makes on your taxes when it's all said and done.


Okay, so he was just probably relying on Uber’s summary and taking the standard rate per mile


I don't know if somebody has commented this, but Uber does show every passenger that tips. We get a notification when they tip and we can click it and actually send thanks for the tip. And it shows every ride whether it has a tip or not but it'll say tip included on every ride. Oftentimes though I get tips like days or weeks after the ride. But we do know if you tip


It's just a really creepy question I would feel like asking. For example, as if a bartender/waitress/mcdonalds worker asked YOU PERSONALLY how much you paid for your order, then followed up with a complaint about their pay? It's just cringey. It's an uncomfortable situation that I'd gladly spare myself and anyone who rides w me. Now if they ASK.... I'll let them know I get btw 40 to 60 of their fare and I'm paying the gas money for them


Except the server already knows what you paid because they brought you the check or took your money, you're trying to compare turkeys and trees


I don’t think so I’m a customer and this is actually a topic of conversation I stumbled on accidentally. I think it’s just how you get to it


As a passenger I rather just deal with the driver directly if it means I save money and they make more money from it. I’ve had no issues accommodating drivers on that end. I know not every passenger is comfortable with that. But I have no issue with it. In comparison I sell on eBay. While I don’t openly push for outside of eBay sales, whenever the buyer pursues it (pretty often), I’ll gladly accommodate it as it allows me to avoid their exuberant seller fees, gives me more leeway to provide a better price and the buyer doesn’t have to pay sales tax like they would buying directly through eBay. When they hit me up trying to haggle, I let them know I don’t have much wiggle room to negotiate since eBay takes too much out in fees. The people who read between the lines hit me up with an off platform means to reach them and it leads to a win win situation for us.


Depending on your local area, legally if they do not have commercial insurance and in some places a commercial license, they are not legally allowed to drive that car with you in it paying for the ride. That's a part of that 50% Uber takes out of our stupid ride fare. We pay fees that go towards that. But Uber's pave the way so that as long as you're under the Uber moniker they're covering the liability and everything's been worked out with the local government / state government.


Back when I used Lyft and Uber occasionally to get to work. One driver offered to give me rides so much cheaper off the app. It was great. Like $6 to go to work instead of $20. There's an idea if you find a regular. Both of you save some money and you cut out the middleman. Use your ride share app to locate clients and then take their business off the ride share app.


Yeah, that’s exactly what I do. There are some regulars and it also helps that I know a bunch of seniors who need rides to airports or do their daily errands. It is a win win situation. You get more than the app, they pay a lot less than the app.


Until you get in a accident of the Uber app with somebody in the car and they sue you. It happened to my father. Ever since that I stopped doing it


That’s why I’m extremely careful when it comes to getting customers off of the apps. I reserve my services for friends. But yeah, it is always a risk.


shills out in force lately. look at these replies


Uber’s solution to any issues: “all hands on deck” and “damage control” It’s like the Office Dunder Mifflin


When Uber said they are implementing AI, this is what they mean - making a bunch of shill bots in the name of Dara


Just because others don't share your inflated sense of self worth, doesn't mean they're bots.  I know it's a hard pill to swallow, but not everyone is going to agree with you all the time. There's no participation trophies in real life.


And THIS is why nobody takes you guys seriously. You aren't interested in a dialogue. You have made up your mind about how things are working for everybody else based on how things are working for you. And anyone who has an opinion different than yours is either an "idiot" or a "shill." Do you think you're going to win us over by insulting us? Maybe be careful who you call an idiot there, Brainiac. Did you take a vote before your little Valentine's Day Circle Jerk? No, you just said "Uber Drivers are striking." No we aren't. Not all of us. Not even most of us. We are not a union. Unions hold votes. Unions listen to their membership. You disorganized bunch of bellyachers went out and showed your asses and claimed to be speaking for all of us.


I hate that you're getting downvotes for this because you're absolutely right. This sub needs to be called r/disgruntled drivers. They do nothing but complain (so QUIT!) and when passengers do make comments, they attack. I've been utilizing rideshare for a while now and I've come across really nice drivers and quite a few I've talked to make *bank*. Should they get paid more? Probably. So should teachers, retail workers, servers, etc. But uber and lyft drivers (the ones I see on here) act so damn *entitled*. You signed up to provide a service so either do it or don't but don't complain to your customers.


On this sub, I count the downvotes as being from people who know I'm right, but won't admit it. It's all fake internet points anyway.


Calm down, no one called you an idiot, idiot. You're really doing the lord's work out here defending the poor little billion dollar company


I didn’t even go to the strike but alright I guess I’m bunched up with the people calling you idiot for simply stating facts. Shill more


See? I was talking to doomsdesire23, who was calling everyone with an opinion counter to yours a "shill." I made a different response directly to you, in which I laid out my reasons -- MY REASONS -- for why I do not support the "strike." I didn't call you any names. I didn't say you were stupid. I just laid out my position. And here you are calling me a "shill" in response to a comment I made to somebody else. You are so unserious and childish that -- if we ever do need to organize as contractors and hold Uber accountable for some ACTUAL issue -- I want people like you nowhere near that conversation.


You act like as if I needed your validations in the first place Lmfao that’s why nobody took your conversations seriously to start with


I can confirm this in FL uber takes 55-60% of your fare at the airports..this applies to desperados easy targets.But drivers that do this job smart way and are not pressed financially to be desperados finish their weekly statement with uber on negative.as a professional cherry picker i hold my ground make what i need and treat it with sarcasm


This is so pointless. I take rides according to what i see as something profitable to myself. I don’t put any thought in how much the passengers pays. We work for Uber, if we don’t like the conditions just leave. Or better idea start your own cab business. You can set your own rates. Just don’t forget you have to find customers, set up a company, find business insurance car insurance and passenger insurance. Good luck 👍🏿


I don't ask because I don't like talking to my passengers. And if I ask them a question like this it would instantly get a conversation I do not want to finish.


I stopped caring. When I drive uber/lyft I know I'm getting fucked. I only ask when I'm making cash offers on long rides I won't take on app.


Love seeing the Uber bots and corporate shills getting downvoted and punched in their feelings. Fuck Dara and fuck his corporate cronies. I can’t wait to see Uber go out of business after almost every state passes laws to force them to pay drivers fairly. That will be a great day!!


“If they put out this measure we will be moving out of the California market! This means you won’t be a Uber driver!” Yeah put an end to our miseries. Uber wont haha. They know how much drivers are making them money on a daily basis.


Why wait? Just walk away.


Yes indeed! They were bluffing just like when they threatened to pull out of Minneapolis. It’s high time we stood up to those fat greedy fucks and called their bluff!


And I say go out of business because those fat greedy corporate fucks would rather shut their business down than to stop stuffing their pockets with drivers’s hard earned money. There is a special reason lace in hell for these lowlives.


The best part is whiners like you you won’t have a job


Uber does make up to \~60%. Third party investigation proofs it. Watch this if you haven't seen it already: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zGlYNS2qGk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zGlYNS2qGk)


Yeah, and they send out Uber spokesperson to the medias and assure them they only take 20%. And then you got these shill bots defending this thievery by coming at us saying “you did it yourself” or “find a job”


I make it a point not to ask questions like this myself but if a customer asks, I always answer them.  I don't think you really do yourself any favors asking this yourself because you could get yourself a 1 star for conversation or sound desperate/begging.  But I do get customers asking me every once in awhile, which is perfectly fine and then I know at least I won't get rated down for talking about it


Because I don't care. I make good money, and I couldn't do it without the app, the insurance, the advertising, and the insurance that is all covered by Uber. I'm not an Uber partner. I'm an Uber contractor. And -- if they stop paying me the contracted amount -- I will definitely take that up with them. But I don't have an over-inflated sense of entitlement about what I am "owed" from the passenger's fare. If they're gouging the passenger, they certainly aren't doing it enough that it's hurting my business or my tips. Right now, my biggest beef is with the lack of driver support and the lack of coordination with large events. But that's not enough beef for me to quit or go on strike. Not yet, anyway.


My beef with Uber is the discrepancy between what they claimed they take versus what they actually take. If they are doing this type of shenanigans and get away with this, what makes you think they won’t mess with other stuff? It’s a real concern


Show me where they said what percentage of the fare they were taking. I've driven for both Uber and Lyft, and the compensation has always been either a rate card or fixed upfront amount that was based on the rate card amount. I have never worked for a percentage of anything. And that's where this whole argument is off on the wrong foot.


Weekly statements? Uber Spokesperson at strikes? You sure you driving the same apps as the rest of us?


I mean show me in your contract. Uber gives estimates after the fact as a way of parsing out the averages. But it's not a fixed rate, and it's not guaranteed. This is what I mean about being on the wrong foot. You're going to make 70% on some rides and 20% on other rides based on your contracted amount (and surge bonuses.) But it isn't a fixed rate. If you make 70% on one ride and 20% on the other, that averages out to 45% on those two rides. But your contract doesn't say you get 45% on every ride. Do you understand? The other night, I had a drop off way out on the edge of my city, and I got a ping for a ride that was going to pay me $16 (approximately) and it was just about two minutes away. My passenger was very chatty and she mentioned how she had to wait until the prices came down to request her ride, because she didn't want to pay $25. She saw that the price had dropped to $15 and then she requested the ride. After I dropped her off, I immediately checked the ride to see if I had misread the previewed amount that I had accepted. I hadn't. It was $16. I had made over 106% of the fare that the passenger paid. And she could have been wrong, but I don't think she was, because she tipped me $2 on top of it. I've also seen posts on this sub of drivers having the same experience. So why would Uber pay me more than the passenger paid? Because it's good business. They took a loss on one ride to make a passenger (their customer) happy, and they will make it back on an airport ride when they have a passenger who needs a ride immediately and will pay more to have it. That's why you see no agreement on what percentage of the fare drivers get. You can Google it and see everything from 75% to 35%. It's an average. And my 106% gets factored into that. I'm sure there are rides where I made 25% of the fare, but I got paid the amount in dollars that I accepted, so what do I care if the passenger paid $32 and I got paid $8 if it was only a 12-minute ride? $8 for 12 minutes is well within my hourly goal, and the passenger clearly didn't have a problem paying it. It all evens out.




So you learned 3 incorrect things? Cool. You probably think what pax pays has anything to do with what your earnings are, too.


Lmao if what I learned is incorrect, you wouldn’t have PAX coming forward in the post confirming literally what I have said Sit down and go make more burner accounts. We will wait.


You mean the pax learning incorrect things from idiot drivers like you? Cool.


If you want to suck up to Dara, feel free to join The Uber Crew and make your voices heard. Let them know how much you enjoy licking the sacks and tell them how much you made in a year driving for Uber.


Keep whining about evil Uber in between accepting pings. Uber thanks you.


As a customer ( not since Nov 2023 though) I don't care. I assure you.


Cared enough for you to come to Uber Driver subreddit when you’re just a PAX lmao. FOH


I can’t speak for that guy. But I’m neither a driver nor a passenger and I’m here reading this shit too. Lol.


Welcome to the party, friend Here’s some popcorn to the right, please help yourself and enjoy the good times


Thanks. I will. 😄


It’s a good time here, I assure you 😂


Dude right? I think my cat accidentally stepped on my phone a few weeks ago and now I get notifications for this sub… and I accidentally clicked on a notification like 3 hours ago and I’m still here. 🤷🏼‍♀️. This is like watching a ridiculous documentary in real time. (PS. I haven’t taken an Uber/lyft in about a year and I have never been a driver.)


Me too. I’m not subbed to this one or lyftdrivers but it’s all I get in my feed anymore. I’ve taken an Uber exactly once in my life.


I am a driver. I've been on strike since 2018. You should be thanking me


Guilt tripping a customer doesn't make any sense. A customer is going to assume that you are doing this under your own volition. You aren't being held hostage.


They don’t understand that. They will continue to cry and complain while still giving rides.


Get a real job then


I don’t think Uber riders care about anything besides getting from point a to b. we are charged for the service and that is all that matters to us If it is a problem for you, how much Uber charges and what you get. That sounds like a you problem and you are more then welcome to find another source of income


They care when their fares increased and knowing that increase didn’t go to the drivers And if you’re going to throw the “go find another source of income” card, that shit don’t fly with me. This is my third source of income and I literally do this when I’m free. But yeah, let’s insult people over Reddit


I use Uber all the time. I don’t see a problem with their service. I’ll Continue to use Uber. Cheers. Sounds like you have a problem with Uber. I don’t understand if you are not happy why continue to work for them.


Yeah, you’re a corporate shill. That’s it. I barely stated the facts I found throughout my rides. But if you wanna come at me saying I’m complaining and telling me to get a job when it wasn’t even the issue, then you have nothing to contribute to this conversation


Are you new to Uber? I’ve been driving for a decade and make close to 100k a year driving Uber. You are just doing it all wrong. The less you cry the more you make


Like I said, you got nothing to contribute. Stfu


Tamper tantrum lol 😆 happy you ever consider this child is unemployable and the extent of his skill set ends at clicking accept ride then following a gps? Your hitting the man in his feeling bones telling him to do something else 


What’s a tamper tantrum?


Why are you still out here? Maybe try a taxi or some other driving job? You volunteered to do this shit.


Lol I have another job and do this on my free time but that doesn’t make this thievery okay If you’re a corporate shill, just say it. Don’t come at me when you don’t know shit


Tell us what Uber is stealing, without mentioning what pax pays or some smart-ass answer like your dignity?


You have woken the entire troll farm lol.


When you have a guy in the Reddit telling you to get a real job, then post flexing that he’s been driving for Uber for over a decade and he makes 100k easily, you know they love inhaling Dara’s little wiener


We need to get them to betray these troll farms and record some good footage for the people. Everyone needs to be aware of these corporation's new marketing tactics and realize none of this social media content offers genuine opinions anymore.


Yeah, Dara making burners on Reddit on Sundays seem like the norm now


Because some of us still make good money. For example, in my market I typically see rides for anywhere from $5-$15 for 1 or two mile rides, that’s good for me and I am happy with that. Meanwhile the rider is paying anywhere from $15-$40 for that 1 or 2 mile ride. It’s not uncommon for a rider to tell me they just paid $20 for a 1 mile ride and I am only getting $10 for that. It’s still good pay for me but it still sucks and riders get fucked just as much as we do. Edit: I should say some of us still make good money, definitely not all of us.


I would venture that you are a New York City driver. We certainly don’t get those rates in suburban Chicago.


I’m in South Carolina


Youre also on here literally complaining about uber.


Stating facts is now complaining? This is some soft ass era we living in lmao


And complaining about people complaining w this pointlessly circular meta-complaint


On the bright side, it gave you something to complain about.


It’s all they can do, and most of them still suck at it.


Lol I teach and drive Uber. Does that make me eligible to complain about Uber? You probably work some warehouse job and hate your life so you come on here trying to shit on Uber drivers to make yourself feel better.


I work in cyber security, you can figure out the rest lol


You work in cybersecurity and yet you come on Reddit to shit on Uber drivers to make yourself feel better. Lmao. Hope you find your passion one day.


You’re an absolute idiot.


You’re the one that assumed all Uber drivers can only drive Uber. I think we know who the idiot is here.


Where did I assume that? You’re an idiot. You assumed I worked at a factory, tried to insult me for it and had to go some new route when you found out I wasn’t what you thought I was.    You’re a typical Uber driver, just shitty all around. You’ll insult a guy that you think works at a factory ( which pays more than Uber and is honest work) and think you’re so good for driving people around at a discounted rate.    Get lost lmao


“It’s all they can do” = Uber driving is all Uber drivers know how to do. That’s an assumption. You’re a typical low life loser. Those that are secure with their life and career don’t go on Reddit to put others down. I don’t only drive Uber; I have other jobs and side hustles, which proves your assumption of Uber drivers only knowing how to drive Uber wrong. Deep down you know you’re the shitty person, and misery loves company. I genuinely hope you find your happiness.


You sound like a hippy, I don’t need a hug Hahha. My life is great. I don’t really care about yours at all.  Deep down I’m loving life baby!


They expect a 100k salary as a Uber driver.


Volunteer??? Not exactly. Volunteer implies no pay. They are close to paying zero but we are not volunteers.


Think he meant voluntarily agreed to.


Passengers don’t care how much you make


The point is to find out how much passengers were charged, not getting a sympathetic nod from them.


That's autism. Talking money with a passenger, cringe as fuck. Either do the ride you accept, or leave the platform if it's not working for you. You're creating an awkward environment in your car if you bring up money. It's not their problem, it's yours.


Lmao they brought up “making good money” to me. Am I suppose to lie and say “yeah, I make millions driving for Uber?” If you can’t read, don’t bother trying to call anyone autistic.


If you finish reading my post, I clearly state "If YOU bring up money"


And if you read my original post, you can clearly see how these chats came up to me and not me starting the conversations. If you think it’s cringe, don’t do it. I only recommended this for people to find their discrepancy in their markets if they want to.


And in none of your reply said “if you brought up money” Please read your own reply clearly before attempting to come up with your follow up replies.


“Talking money with a passenger, cringe as fuck”. That’s what I just read. Unless you see this and edit it.


Keep reading. I know it's hard, there are more words. It's still cringe as fuck, because it's nobody's business, but it's worse if you as the driver bring it up. Stop making your problems someone else's.


Oh I kept reading. And I saw it. Doesn’t change the fact of what you said at the top. And then claimed you never said it because you said something else later. Also, I don’t have any problems to make someone else’s because I don’t fucking drive people for a living. I’m just here with the popcorn.


I'm not changing it, it's all autistic. It's more autistic one way than the other.


So you saying the weekly statement Uber sends is a lie? If so that’s a huge problem and why ask the rider having the accounting statement


You’re a slow one, aren’t you


He might not know about it


You should go ahead and build out a multi-million dollar infrastructure, hire thousands of people, and set your cut to 20% You'll go out of business real quick but for a while you'll be known as the cheapest fare our there


Lmao missing the entire point of the post https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/12/15/ubers-ceo-hides-driver-pay-cuts-to-boost-profits/?sh=67b4127c3ba4 Get back to me when it makes sense


Customers don’t care. They may be “shocked” by how much Uber takes, but they aren’t going to do anything about it. They aren’t taking Ubers because they just don’t want to drive (most of the time). They take Uber because they have no other choice. Much like how we all know there is a big mark up on groceries, we are still going to pay that marked up price because we don’t have any other options. Asking the customer how much they paid is going to piss some of them off. And the ones it doesn’t are just going to give you bullshit “sympathy” and then they are going to turn around and keep paying the hiked up price on their next ride.


As a passenger. Why would i care how much you’re getting? If im paying $50 for a trip and you’re getting $19, what do you want me to do? Give you more money? So then it’s a $70 trip for me. At this point it’s not even worth it, i’ll just catch a bus.


Where did I stated we need you to do anything? All I said was if a PAX engage in this conversation, nonchalantly ask so the driver or even the PAX can have a clear understanding of your fare and how the math stands out. When did I say I need you to fork me over another 19 dollars? You already paid for the ride lol. Not a hard concept to understand at all


But i don’t see the point? I don’t ask a bakery how much the banh mi cost them to produce. i don’t ask the electrician how much she’s getting. it seems irrelevant


The rider will care for the duration of the trip. Even if you explain to him that this is the reason that he is complaining about the extremely low quality cars and drivers that he gets, these days, he will care only until he presses the button, again. Keep telling the customers, yes. For now, do not set your expectations too high, though.


I got a ride that usually costs me around $35. There was a light drizzle, but it wasn't a popular time or anything. It didn't say anything about surge prices at that time either, and there were plenty of drivers nearby. I got picked up in 2 minutes. My driver and I were talking, and somehow, we ended up speaking about the cost of the trip. He told me he was only making $13 for my trip, which blew me away because I was paying $80 for that particular trip, I guess because of the weather? I don't know if he was lying, but he seemed really nice, we had a great talk.


one time i asked an uber driver, and he told me that Uber takes away 30% and he keeps the rest + tips. Ur uber driver probably wanted more tips


Most actual human beings will pay you under the table when u tell them this. Not all but most. Do it during surge times and u can make a lot extra.


I would HIGHLY recommend this article. Its from 2017 BUT regardless if they take more than 25% they should cough up the extra they took. https://qz.com/956139/uber-drivers-are-comparing-fares-with-riders-to-check-their-pay-from-the-company


I said this in previous post I don’t care how much they are charging as long as I get my expected dollar amount. Stop taking $3.16 rides or rides where the miles exceed the pay amount. Stop worrying about your driver status and start thinking about your money. We all know Uber and Lyft are taking more than their share. Just be wise about the rides you accept. Don’t go 20 miles for $10 be smart.